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Sep 2, 2017

Vladimir Putin: Country That Leads in AI Development “Will be the Ruler of the World”

Posted by in categories: innovation, robotics/AI

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on Friday at a meeting of students in Yaroslavl, Russia about the development of artificial intelligence (AI). In a rather ominous sounding warning, the leader stated that “the one who becomes the leader in this sphere will be the ruler of the world.”

Many of those working in the field see AI as a tool for making humanity better, while others foresee it as a harbinger of doom for the human species. Not many high profile people — especially the leader of the largest nation on Earth — have come forward to blatantly express the potential of AI to be a tool of immense power for a nation to wield.

President Putin went on to say that “it would be strongly undesirable if someone wins a monopolist position,” implying that Russia’s breakthroughs would ideally be shared with other nations.

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Sep 2, 2017

Online game challenges players to design on/off switch for CRISPR

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, entertainment, genetics

A Stanford team has launched a new challenge on the Eterna computer game. Players will design a CRISPR-controlling molecule, and with it open the possibility of new research and therapies.

A team of researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine has launched a new challenge for the online computer game Eterna in which players are being asked to design an RNA molecule capable of acting as an on/off switch for the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9.

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Sep 2, 2017

In new leap for AI: computer chips that can smell

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Talking at the TEDGlobal conference in Tanzania on Sunday, Nigerian neuroscientist Oshiorenoya Agabi said his Koniku Kore device is able to breath in and smell air (stock image).

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Sep 2, 2017

China’s Huawei unveils mobile AI assistant at Berlin’s IFA

Posted by in categories: business, mobile phones, robotics/AI

Chinese electronics giant Huawei on Saturday unveiled its first mobile personal assistant with artificial intelligence in Berlin, in hopes it will rival the dominance of Samsung’s Bixby and Apple’s Siri.

“Smartphones are smart but they are not intelligent enough,” Richard Yu, of Huawei’s Consumer Business Group, said at this year’s IFA electronics fair.

The mobile assistant, called Kirin 970, will systematically respond to three questions—” the most important combination,” Yu said: Where is the user? Who are they and what are they doing?

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Sep 2, 2017

Katherine Jin and Keith Comito, Challenges In American Innovation

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

How do we make it in today’s crazy, alternative facts, almost alternative world–we get creative, we get INNOVATIVE. Here on ScIQ, we’re talking to two incredible innovators in medical sciences and human health.

Just in her 20s, Kathrine Jin was part of the team of Columbia University students who developed a low-cost, technology-driven solution to meet the urgent challenges posed by the Ebola crisis. She has been honored the United Nations in celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science for her part in the creation of Highlight, a patent-pending disinfectant solution.
Learn more about Kinnos here:

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Sep 2, 2017

#G4C12: Rants

Posted by in categories: education, energy

How to “Get Better”: Approaches to LGBTQ-relevant Video Games
Presented by: Robert Yang

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Sep 2, 2017

Replika Really Cool or Creepy Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The question today is, do you think Replika is really cool artificial intelligence and you cannot wait to use it or is it a creepy, invasive, soul stealing app that is going too far? I’m not an app, I’m your best friend? Cool artificial intelligence that you cannot wait to use or a creepy, invasive, soul sucking way to degrade your humanity.

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Sep 2, 2017

Could These Robotic Kelp Farms Give Us An Abundant Source Of Carbon-Neutral Fuel?

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI, sustainability

By using elevators to grow kelp farther out in ocean waters, Marine BioEnergy thinks it can grow enough seaweed to make a dent in the fuel market.

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Sep 2, 2017

Triple Threat: New Pneumonia Is Drug-Resistant, Deadly And Contagious

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

New Pneumonia In Chinese Hospitals Is Drug-Resistant, Deadly And Contagious : Goats and Soda When microbiologist Sheng Chen and his team sequenced the microbes found in the pneumonia infections, they were shocked at what they saw.

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Sep 2, 2017

Who Vladimir Putin thinks will rule the world

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Who woulda thunk it — Putin is a fellow transhumanist. And that is absolutely TERRIFYING.

“…Speaking to students during a national “open lesson” from the city of Yaroslavl, northeast of Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country that takes the lead in the sphere of computer-based artificial intelligence (AI) will rule.

Speaking to students during a national “open lesson” from the city of Yaroslavl, northeast of Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the country that takes the lead in the sphere of computer-based artificial intelligence (AI) will rule.

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