Lifeboat Foundation Space Habitats
By James Doehring and members of the Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. This is an ongoing program so you may submit suggestions to
Establishing self-sufficient space habitats will serve as a backup plan for human civilization. A number of key milestones need to be reached before the long-term development of space is feasible, however. Improved access to space will catalyze the establishment of such habitats by allowing more frequent and less expensive flights beyond the atmosphere. Innovative, non-rocket methods of reaching orbit will enable more substantial progress in space. Artificial ecosystems will need to be made as independent as possible to minimize the need for new resources. Better management of and access to resources from non-terrestrial bodies will allow astronauts to get the most out of what they do have. Finally, further countermeasures against the effects of space on health will be required to sustain human life in space.The Lifeboat Foundation has begun design on Ark I, a self-sustaining space habitat. We support the efforts by SpaceX and others to make access to space more affordable. Likewise, we support the efforts of Bigelow Aerospace and others to develop habitable environments in space.
Improved Access to Space

Many such ideas have been proposed, but it’s difficult to meaningfully compare them and get a sense of what’s actually on the technology horizon. The best way to quantitatively assess these technologies is by using Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). TRLs are used by NASA, the United States military, and many other agencies and companies worldwide. Typically there are nine levels, ranging from speculations on basic principles to full flight-tested status.
The system NASA uses can be summed up as follows:
- TRL 1 Basic principles observed and reported
- TRL 2 Technology concept and/or application formulated
- TRL 3 Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of concept
- TRL 4 Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment
- TRL 5 Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment
- TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment (ground or space)
- TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in a space environment
- TRL 8 Actual system completed and “flight qualified” through test and demonstration (ground or space)
- TRL 9 Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations.
Space Gun TRL 6
Space guns are not intended to transport humans, but they may one day hurl cargo or robotic equipment into space. In a gun, all of the positive acceleration of a projectile takes place inside the barrel. The same is true of a space gun. Like with a bullet, this requires that a projectile undergo a tremendous amount of acceleration. It must accordingly be very rugged; a weak projectile would not survive intact. Nonetheless, the US Navy’s HARP Project launched a projectile to 180 kilometers-around the boundary of low Earth orbit. A robust projectile could be brought into a stable orbit by attaching a small rocket to it.
Space Plane TRL 6

Mass Driver TRL 4

Space Elevator TRL 3

Major technological challenges for the space elevator persist, specifically finding a material strong and light enough to use as a cable. The cable would need to be more than 22,000 miles (35,000 kilometers) long, which is considerably longer than the diameter of Earth itself. Supporting its own weight would be the primary difficulty. Advances in nanotechnology, particularly in carbon nanotubes, may prove promising for space elevators. Other challenges include terrestrial weather hazards, impacts with meteoroids and orbiting objects, and repair options.
Tether Systems TRL 2

Tether systems, which require tethers kilometers in length, generally must face the same risks of impact with orbiting objects as the space elevator does. There is the additional challenge of getting the space plane in position at the right time, latching on, and unlatching at the right time. Though no tether propulsion system has yet been tested, these concepts are gaining more attention in recent times. Prospects for tether systems will benefit from advances in materials science and aeronautics research.
Flow of Resources

The process of obtaining resources from an extraterrestrial environment-such as the Moon, Mars, or an asteroid-is called in-situ resources utilization (ISRU). ISRU techniques may allow astronauts to produce breathing oxygen, drinking water, and rocket fuel from extraterrestrial matter. Water ice exists in permanently shadowed craters on the surface of the Moon. On Mars, methane and oxygen can be created from atmospheric carbon dioxide as long as astronauts bring a supply of hydrogen. Methane can be used as a rocket fuel or to power internal combustion engines. It may be possible to construct functional solar panels from lunar soil. Finally, bricks could be worked from local materials to provide structural support and protect habitats from radiation. ISRU will allow easier access to needed resources.
Generating a flow of resources that does not depend on Earth is an essential step in creating self-sufficient space colonies. In the initial phase of space settlement, however, many hi-tech assets will have to be imported from Earth. Nuclear reactors in particular are extremely complicated machines, especially those intended for space applications. Nevertheless, space habitats will depend critically on such technology. When the most complicated of components can be manufactured outside the Earth’s atmosphere, space habitats will become truly self-sufficient.
Health Challenges

Radiation coming from both the Sun and our galaxy can be dangerous to astronaut health. Many of these particles are deflected away from humans on the surface by Earth’s magnetic field; the radiation environment in space, however, is very different. Solar radiation is especially dangerous only during peak events. To alert astronauts of these dangerous episodes of space weather, robotic spacecraft could be used as part of an interplanetary warning system. During such events, astronauts could retreat to solar “storm shelters.” Galactic cosmic rays, on the other hand, cannot generally be forecast as well as solar radiation. Countermeasures to mitigate this threat will have to be more passive and continuous.

One of the key weaknesses of the three-person Apollo spacecraft was its waste management system. Urination was possible through attachable “relief tubes”, which dumped urine into space. Bags were used to store fecal matter. Besides being extremely frustrating to use, this system would not be sanitary for longer periods of time. Waste management is one area that has significantly improved on space stations since the Apollo era. Space toilets have been used on the Space Shuttle and ISS. However, there is still much room for improvement in the design, redundancy, and placement/integration of space toilets in space habitats. Likewise, procedures to maintain sanitation in food storage and trash disposal will need to be continually improved. Finally, self-sufficient space habitats will require methods of preventing the spread of contagious illnesses.
Ark I

Ark I is significant to the establishment of space habitats because it is one of the first attempts to create a self-sufficient environment and ecosystem away from the Earth. The project will serve as an impetus to improve methods of accessing space. It will help to develop new ways of managing and obtaining resources. It will also serve as a test bed for advances in astronautical hygiene and space medicine.