
What’s New

Jean Fallacara joins our Biotech/Medical Board. He is the Founder of Lifespanning and CEO of Biohackers Magazine.
Read issue #266 of Lifeboat News!
Laurence Ion, Director of the Vitality Healthspan Foundation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, winner of the Nebula Award, joins our Futurists Board.
Healthy Masters will be held November 2–3 in Braga, Portugal and in cyberspace.
Healthy Masters provides people around the world with the opportunity to learn from the most remarkable leaders in the fields of health and longevity.
Our Maria Entraigues Abramson, Bill Andrews, Ben Best, Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, David Brin, José Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Brian Delaney, Valerio Di Nicola, Paul Epping, Collin Ewald, Gregory M. Fahy, William Faloon, Steven Garan, Anastasiya Giarletta, Vera Gorbunova, Brigitte Hanly, Rudi Hoffman, Andrea B. Maier, Jeffery A. Martin, Nuno Martins, Josh Mitteldorf, Ines O’Donovan, Liz Parrish, Alexander Paziotopoulos, Steve Perry, Denisa Rensen, Paul Spiegel, Ilia Stambler, Natasha Vita-More, Pete Worden, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
RAADfest 2024 will be held September 5–8 in Anaheim, California.
RAADfest is designed to be the most immersive and interactive longevity event in the world. With content presented for a general audience, it attracts numerous practitioners, researchers, writers and members of the media, as well as individuals seeking to know the best ways to take charge of their longevity. They also feature live entertainment, which informs and expresses the inspirational spirit of RAADfest.
Our Bill H. Andrews, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Brian M. Delaney, Greg M. Fahy, William Faloon, Sandra Kaufmann, Elizabeth Parrish, Joe Purita, Michael R. Rose, Stephen Sideroff, Ryan Smith, James Strole, Hannah Went, Jason R. Williams, and Sajad Zalzala will be speaking.
Rachel Aileen StClair, CEO of Simuli, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Her passion and goal is to help build beneficial AGI.
Raghav “RV” Seghal, Director of Bioinformatics at the Healthy Longevity Clinic, joins our Life Extension Board.
Greg Baiden, CEO of Penguin Automated Systems, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Read Variations in climate habitability parameters and their effect on Earth’s biosphere during the Phanerozoic Eon, coauthored by our Dirk Schulze-Makuch.
Read World Futures Day 2022: A mixed method approach to identify topics of a global futures agenda, coauthored by our Mara Di Berardo and Simone Di Zio.
Read Estimates of economic and environmental damages from tipping points cannot be reconciled with the scientific literature, coauthored by our Brian P. Hanley.
Ryan Smith, Founder of TruDiagnostic, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
David I. Spivak, Senior Scientist at the Topos Institute, joins our Complex Systems Board.
Read An existential discussion: What is the probability of nuclear war?, coauthored by our Martin E. Hellman.
Read Religion and Outer Space, which includes a chapter by our Jason Batt.
Read Conceptual Breakthroughs in The Evolutionary Biology of Aging, coauthored by our Michael R. Rose.
Read Algorithmic Information Dynamics: A Computational Approach to Causality with Applications to Living Systems, coauthored by our Hector Zenil.
Read Tripping Points on the Road to Outwit Terror by our Yair Sharan, Ted J. Gordon, and Elizabeth Florescu.
Read issue #265 of Lifeboat News!
Adam Williams, Senior Lead Engineer and Lead Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton, joins our Engineering Board.
Alexander G. Ororbia II, Director of the Neural Adaptive Computing (NAC) Laboratory, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Read Disrupt With Impact: Achieve Business Success in an Unpredictable World by our Roger Spitz.
Read 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy: System-wide Transformation Methods to Close the Compliance Gap and Advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals by our Marvin Cheung.
Alvin Wang Graylin, coauthor of Our Next Reality: How the AI-powered Metaverse Will Reshape the World, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Randall Severy, recently CTO of Livanta, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Madison C. Feehan, CEO of Space Copy, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Ulf E. Andersson joins our Space Settlement Board.
Ulf is Vice President of the Swedish Space Society.
Colin A. Lennox joins our Sustainability Board. Colin is CEO at EcoIslands.
He stewards a business whose entire purpose is to relieve global pressures related to water, waste, minerals, and energy disparity.
Read A Home Test to Predict Alzheimer’s Disease Risk: Lights and Shadows by our Domenico Praticó.
Read Space Healthtech: Innovation Base for Longevity by our Thi Hien Nguyen.
Watch Models of human preference for learning in sequential tasks by our W. Bradley Knox.
Read Briefing for the National Research Council Study on Risk Analysis Methods for Nuclear War and Nuclear Terrorism (PDF) by our Martin E. Hellman.
Read Radiation — Exposure and its treatment: A modern handbook, Third Edition by our Brian P. Hanley.
This book covers what radiation is, where it comes from, biological effects, history of radiation fears, and nuclear accidents. It was heavily edited to be accessible to intelligent lay readers, and contains over 400 scientific papers and other citations. The book has been praised by physicians and laypeople alike.
Did you know, for instance, that in every 1.12 cubic miles of seawater, there is enough U-235 to make a Hiroshima size atom bomb? And yet, we hyperconcentrate seawater by evaporation, collect the salt, and prefer it over mined salt on our food. This is a good touchstone for lay people to understand radiation at a practical level. These amounts have been confirmed practically by mining yellowcake uranium from the ocean at roughly double the cost to mine it on land.
Read Mobius: Out of Time by our Richard Thieme.
Read Future Studies and Counterfactual Analysis, coauthored by our Theodore J. Gordon and Mariana Todorova.
Read The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st Century Research and Perspectives by our David B. Yaden.
Watch Saving Civilization by our Jay Friedenberg.
Read Defusing the Cancer Bomb: How Cancer Saved My Life by our Anna Gutkina.
Read The War That Must Not Occur by our Jean-Pierre Dupuy.
The possibility of a nuclear war that could destroy civilization has influenced the course of international affairs since 1945, suspended like a sword of Damocles above the heads of the world's leaders. The fact that we have escaped a third world war involving strategic nuclear weapons seems nothing short of a miracle.
Read issue #264 of Lifeboat News!
AGI 2024 will be held in Cyberspace and in Seattle, Washington, USA on August 13–16.
Our Joscha Bach, Ben Goertzel, Patrick Hammer, David Hanson, Christof Koch, Ray Kurzweil, Gary F. Marcus, and Alexey S. Potapov will be speaking.
Mahdi Moqri joins our Life Extension Board.
Mahdi has developed and patented machine-learning methods for DNA methylation sequencing data, established the first lipidomics of aging using more than 1000 lipid species in human blood, and developed whole-genome methylome methods to guide epigenetic reprogramming.
Lunar Development Conference 2024 will be held July 20–21 in Cyberspace.
Our Gary Barnhard, Niklas Järvstråt, James S. Logan, David Schrunk, Ben Smith, and Madhu Thangavelu are speaking.
Read Down-Regulation of ABCA7 in Human Microglia, Astrocyte and THP-1 Cell Lines by Cholesterol Depletion, IL-1β and TNFα, or PMA, coauthored by our Domenico Praticó.
Read A Roadmap to Rejuvenation: Targeting the Hallmarks of Aging by our Adam Alonzi.
Read Vector Semantics by our András Kornai.
Read Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media, coauthored by our Kate McCallum.
Some universities are using this as a textbook. Use discount code IGI40 to save 40%!
Read Our Next Reality: How the AI-powered Metaverse Will Reshape the World, coauthored by our Louis Rosenberg.
Read Glory Season by our David Brin.
On Planet Stratos, clans of genetically identical females dominate society. Natural conceptions are permitted, but only in summertime. Girls born this way — known for their despised uniqueness as ‘vars’ — must leave their clan homes to pursue their own distinct and hazardous fortunes in this world owned by clones.
That time has come for Maia and her sister, Leie, but as variants, they have limited prospects. Worse, when the sisters do find work on trading vessels, Leie is lost at sea.
And hence, Maia’s arduous journey commences, accompanied by rumors that something … someone … has arrived from across the stars, perhaps ending the isolation of Stratos from the rest of humanity. Who would predict that a lonely var might stumble into a powerful secret? One that will challenge everything Maia knows about her society — and threatens the scientifically-engineered balance that holds it all together.
Read Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PDF) by our Martin E. Hellman.
Read Generative AI as a Dangerous New Form of Media by our Louis Rosenberg.
Read Implication of Mathematics in Human Experience from an AI Perspective by our Anthony Judge.
Read Futures Research Methodology — Version 3.0, coauthored by our Jerome C. Glenn and Theodore J. Gordon.
Gil Blander joins our Life Extension Board.
Gil is internationally recognized for his research in the basic biology of aging and for translating his discoveries into new ways of detecting and preventing age-related conditions.
Benjamin Yaden joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Ben is the VP for Global External Innovation and Partnering Initiatives for Diabetes, Obesity, and Complications therapeutic areas at Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical company.
Read issue #263 of Lifeboat News!
Read Distant Wanderers: The Search for Planets Beyond the Solar System by our Bruce Dorminey.
Joshua Johnson joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
His overall goal is to improve the health and well-being of women. In one central project, he is investigating the mechanisms that lead to accelerated female reproductive aging, which can manifest when ovarian function ceases early in life relative to the expected time of menopause.
Luigi Ferrucci joins our Life Extension Board. He is the Scientific Director and Senior Investigator at the National Institute on Aging at the National Institute of Health.
Read Taming the Machine: Ethically Harness the Power of AI by our Nell Watson.
Read I Refuse to Kill: My Path to Nonviolent Action in the 1960s by our Francesco Da Vinci.
Read Pulmonary Nanomedicine: Diagnostics, Imaging, and Therapeutics by our Neeraj Vij.
Read the finalist for the Hugo Award, Earth, by our David Brin.
Scientist Alex Lustig has created a tiny, yet very destructive, problem — a microscopic black hole that he accidentally dropped into Earth’s core. Now, racing to keep it from consuming the planet, he begins to suspect something even stranger is going on. Something linked to civilization’s expanding information web.
Read Rethinking National Security (PDF) by our Martin E. Hellman.
Read Second-order Dialogue and Higher Order Discourse for the Future: Potential implications of second-order cybernetics and higher-order communication possibilities by our Anthony Judge.
Filipe Cabreiro joins our Life Extension Board.
His research interests are in gut microbiota in metabolic disease and bacterial regulation of the effect of drugs and diet on host health and lifespan.
Francesca Martina joins our New Money Systems Board. She is a Blockchain Advocate and Head of Events and Community at zkPass.
Melissa King, COO and Cofounder at Healthspan Action Coalition, joins our Life Extension Board.
Alexandru-Ioan Voda, CEO of The Cat Health Company, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Emma Teeling joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Emma is an international leader in the cross-cutting fields of mammalian phylogenetics and comparative genomics.
The 11th Aging Research & Drug Discovery Meeting (ARDD 2024) will be held August 26–30 in Cyberspace and at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Our Rozalyn Anderson, Daniela Bakula, Nir Barzilai, Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Marco Demaria, Collin Ewald, Kristen Fortney, Vadim N. Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Steve Horvath, Jamie Justice, Ph.D., Brian K. Kennedy, Andrea B. Maier, Alexey Moskalev, Anders Sandberg, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Björn Schumacher, Vittorio Sebastiano, Petr Sramek, Yousin Suh, Joseph Takahashi, Mourad (Toporsian) Topors, Jan Vijg, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
Watch Coni Koepfinger’s “Life in the Multiverse” a short story.
Learn about our Coni Koepfinger!
Waclaw Jan Kroczek, Founder of the World Supercentenarian Forum, joins our Life Extension Board.
Georges Janssens joins our Life Extension Board.
Georges is Assistant Professor in the Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases at the Amsterdam University Medical Center working on Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Healthy Aging. He is also Research Associate at Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism and in the Laboratory for General Clinical Chemistry.
David Barzilai, CEO of Healthspan Coaching, joins our Life Extension Board.
Ben Meyers, CEO of LongeviQuest, joins our Life Extension Board.
Alberto Aparicio joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Alberto has held various policy and management roles, in academic, consultancy, and government institutions. His research interests include the governance of emerging biotechnology, societal responses to shifting meanings and attitudes about life in contemporary bioscience, and the framing and social relevance of technoscience.
Reader’s Digest recognized our Younghoon Bryan Kim as the smartest person in the world with an IQ of 276.
Walter Harvey Crompton, Program Manager at DataBETA, joins our Life Extension Board.
Georg Fuellen joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Georg is Full Professor of Medical Bioinformatics and Director of the Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research at Universität Rostock and Adjunct Full Professor in the School of Medicine at the University College Dublin.
Caitlin Lewis, Board Chair at the Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Jennifer Pearlman joins our Life Extension Board. Jennifer is Chief Business Officer at Healthspan Digital, Director of Women’s Healthspan, and Medical Director at PearlMD Rejuvenation.
Joris Deelen, Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #262 of Lifeboat News!
Sam Sharifi, Chief Scientific Officer of Matter Bio, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
The Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 will be held June 13–16 in Dublin, Ireland.
Our Rozalyn Anderson, María Blasco, Holly M. Brown-Borg, Sebastian A. Brunemeier, Didier Coeurnelle, José Luis Cordeiro, Patrizia d’Alessio, Aubrey de Grey, Ben Goertzel, Jan Gruber, Steve Horvath, Brian K. Kennedy, Andy D. Lee, Andrea B. Maier, Matthew “Oki” O’Connor, Martin O’Dea, Kennedy (Matsagas) Schaal, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Björn Schumacher, Evan Y. Snyder, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
M. Carolina Florian joins our Life Extension Board.
Since 2016, Carolina has investigated the role of epigenetics and the stem cell microenvironment in driving the aging of somatic stem cells.
The 7th NoRCEL Conference will be held October 30–November 1 at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
The theme of this conference is “Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)” pertaining to the emergence of life on Earth.
Our Sohan Jheeta is Founder of NoRCEL.
Jiaqian Wu joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
The Wu Lab has performed unprecedented transcriptome profiling for eight highly purified neural cell types from the brain by RNA-Seq. They identified a large number of novel lncRNAs, and functional and genetic experiments substantiated the role of lncRNAs in oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) formation for the first time and its role in astrogliosis.
Shahaf Peleg, Cofounder of Luminova Biotech, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Tumelo Mojapelo, Foresight Facilitator at Flux Trend, joins our Futurists Board.
Peter J. Mullen, coauthor of The Metabolic Relationship Between Viral Infection and Cancer, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Khyobeni (Beni) Mozhui joins our Life Extension Board.
Beni is Assistant Professor in the Departments of Preventive Medicine and Genetics, Genomics, and Informatics in the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC).
Danesto B. Anacio joins our Sustainability Board. His research interest focuses on the futures of socio-ecological systems and change, particularly on production and consumption patterns, indigenous peoples’ adaptation processes, and environmental behaviors.
Vlad Senatorov, CSO at Reservoir Neuroscience, joins our Neuroscience Board.
The COSPAR 2024 Scientific Assembly will be held July 13–21 in Busan, Korea.
The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) was established on October 3, 1958 by the International Council for Scientific Unions (ICSU). Among COSPAR’s objectives are the promotion of scientific research in space on an international level, with emphasis on the free exchange of results, information, and opinions, and providing a forum, open to all scientists, for the discussion of problems that may affect space research.
The 16th International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging will be held July 12–17 in Bregenz, Austria.
This event is being organized by our Holly M. Brown-Borg.
Our Julie K. Andersen will be speaking.
The 9th International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise (UPoN 2024) will be held June 3–7 in Budapest, Hungary.
Random fluctuations, and its effect on systems, have always been an interdisciplinary subject that has attracted some of the best scientists. The aim of the UPoN conference is to provide a forum for researchers working on different fields of noise, fluctuations and variability, where they can present their scientific problems which do resist solutions and discuss together in a fruitful atmosphere.
Our Laszlo B. Kish is General Chair of this conference.
The 2024 Systems Aging Conference will be held June 2–7 in Barcelona, Spain.
Our Tamir Chandra, João Pedro de Magalhães, Vadim N. Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Myriam (Elfersi) Grunewald, Steve Horvath, Gordan Lauc, Andrea B. Maier, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, and Björn Schumacher will be speaking.
The Space Tourism Conference will be held May 22 in Los Angeles, California.
Space Tourism Conference (STC) presents the cross-section of industries comprising space tourism: aerospace, media, entertainment, architecture, design, advertising, marketing, finance, high tech, science, manufacturing, futurism, and the arts.
Our John Spencer will be speaking.
Read Exploring Cities Bedtime Rhymes (Hindi Edition): From the Cities of the Past to the Smart Cities of Tomorrow (STEAM-Powered Kids), coauthored by our Brett Hoffstadt.
Read Characteristics and prevalence of fake social media profiles with AI-generated faces, coauthored by our Fil Menczer.
Read The Ancient Ones, a space comedy by our David Brin.
“This book is worth reading if you are taking yourself too seriously. If you don’t take yourself too seriously it is an even better read.”
Read Safety without alignment, coauthored by our András Kornai and Michael Bukatin.
Read Just War Theory as an inspiration for “Just AI Theory”? by our Anthony Judge.
Listen to MacroVoices #406 Matt Barrie: AI-pocalypse Now by our Matt Barrie.
Aidyl Gonzalez-Serricchio joins our Space Settlement board. She is a Scientist-Astronaut candidate with Project Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere (PoSSUM).
Read issue #261 of Lifeboat News!
Mourad (Toporsian) Topors, Chief Scientific Officer at Repair Biotechnologies, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Samia Hassan, President of SESCOB, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
The International Space Development Conference 2024 will be held May 23–26 in Los Angeles, California. Our Gary Barnhard, Sherry E. Bell, Michelle Hanlon, Janet Ivey, Rod Pyle, Alan Stern, and Peter A. Swan will be speaking.
Internationally acclaimed English Writer Imran Khan joins our Futurists Board.
Ivana Lazarovski joins our Futurists Board.
Ivana is the Senior Advisor for Serbia and Western Balkans at Aretera.
Volney Faustini, Senior Fellow at the FOW Global Network, joins our Futurists Board.
Read The Future of the Self: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Personhood and Identity in the Digital Age 1st Edition by our Jay Friedenberg.
Watch the YouTube channel Conquer Aging Or Die Trying! by our Michael Lustgarten.
Read Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss: My Life with Terence McKenna by our Dennis McKenna.
Read our David Brin’s Out of Time series.
Would you want to be Yanked out of time… if it meant you could help save the future?
This series of Young Adult books features wholly original science fiction adventure novels, each one sending young adventurers hurtling out of today’s vexing world into a future where they face real troubles, before returning home with fresh perspective.
Listen to MacroVoices #390 Matt Barrie: The awesome power and risk of Artificial Intelligence by our Matt Barrie.
Read Ilya Sutskever’s thoughts on AI safety (July 2023): a transcript with my comments, authored by our Michael Bukatin.
Read Generative AI and science communication in the physical sciences, coauthored by our Fil Menczer.
Read Contrastive Preference Learning: Learning from Human Feedback without RL, coauthored by our W. Bradley Knox.
Read Higher Dimensional Reframing of Unity and Memorable Identity by our Anthony Judge.
Read issue #260 of Lifeboat News!
Rx Sobolewski joins our blog team with the post Google’s AI prophet fast tracks singularity prediction.
Epaminondas (大龙) Christophilopoulos, Chair of UNESCO on Futures Research, joins our Futurists Board.
Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024 will be held May 10–11 in Berlin.
Our Bobby Brooke, Stephanie Dainow, Greg M. Fahy, Peter Fedichev, Michael Greve, Lorna Harries, Jean M. Hébert, Brian K. Kennedy, Dobri Kiprov, Mike Kope, Robin Mansukhani, Phil Newman, Matthew O’Connor, Marco Quarta, Frank Schueler, and Petr Sramek will be speaking.
Liza Loop, Executive Director of LO*OP Center, joins our Education Board.
Liza is notable for her early use of computers in education, her creation of a public-access computer center, consulting work with Atari, Apple, Radio Shack, and others as well as philosophical musings on the future of learning environments from the 1970s on. Read Musings from Liza Loop.
Read Who are the Machines? by our Michael Mantzke.
Puruesh Chaudhary, an award-winning futures researcher and development and strategic narrative professional, joins our Futurists Board.
Read BuzzCraft: Evolution of A Sturdy Cislunar Cycler Architecture for Permanent Lunar Settlement Logistics, coauthored by our Madhu Thangavelu.
Read Many AGIs: The Sociology of Synthetic Beings by our Adam Alonzi.
Odion Patrick Okougbo joins our Futurists Board. He will be speaking at World Futures Day 2024.
Brazilian Aging Research & Technology Symposium (BARTS) 2024 will be held May 25–26, 2024 at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora-Mg, Brazil.
Our Holly M. Brown-Borg, José Luis Cordeiro, Steven A. Garan, Nuno R. B. Martins, and Paul A. Spiegel will be speaking.
Space Symposium 2024 will be held April 8–11 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
Our Dylan Taylor will be speaking.
Read Science opportunities with solar sailing smallsats, coauthored by our David Brin, Carolyn C. Porco, Viktor T. Toth, Slava G. Turyshev, and S. Pete Worden.
Read The neurobiology and therapeutic potential of multi-targeting β-secretase, glycogen synthase kinase 3β and acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer’s disease coauthored by our Domenico Praticó.
Read Sixty Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis: Time to Stop Playing Russian Roulette (PDF) by our Martin E. Hellman.
Read AI know what you did last summer by our Matt Barrie.
Read A single short reprogramming early in life initiates and propagates an epigenetically related mechanism improving fitness and promoting an increased healthy lifespan coauthored by our Jean-Marc Lemaitre.
Read Towards AI-driven longevity research: An overview, coauthored by our Evelyne Bischof, Guido Putignano, Antonella Santuccione, Quentin Vanhaelen, and Alex Zhavoronkov.
Read issue #259 of Lifeboat News!
Read Exploring non-anthropocentric aspects of AI existential safety, authored by our Michael Bukatin.
Read Concepts is All You Need: A More Direct Path to AGI, coauthored by our Peter Voss.
Read Artificial Intelligence and Public Service: Key New Challenges by our David Bray.
Read Social Bots: Detection and Challenges coauthored by our Fil Menczer.
Read Neglect of Higher Dimensional Solutions to Territorial Conflicts: Conventional dependence on “flat earth” thinking ignoring insights of mathematics and physics by our Anthony Judge.
Read Reward (Mis)design for Autonomous Driving, coauthored by our W. Bradley Knox and Peter Stone.
Listen to Cities in Space Podcast Episode 1: Rocket Science with Dr. Leon Vanstone: How do we get there? with our Holly Melear.
March 1st will be the 11th anniversary of World Futures Day: a 24-hour open conversation around the world about the future sponsored by The Millennium Project in cooperation with Lifeboat Foundation and others.
Already, our Adriano V. Autino, Mara Di Berardo, Shermon Cruz, Scot Bryson, Shermon Cruz, Tom E. Diffenbach, Dan C. Elton, Paul Epping, Elizabeth Florescu, Nadezhda Gaponenko, Jerome C. Glenn, Syamsuriatina “Tina” Ishak, Andjelka B. Kovačević, Pavel O. Luksha, Nino (Typhoon) Marcantonio, Yee Peng Kong, Paul Saffo, Adam Sarwar, Chris Smedley, Rohit Talwar, Mariana Todorova, Victoria Ustimenko, and Bronwyn Herold Williams are speaking/participating in this event.
World Futures Day begins at 12 noon in New Zealand and moves each hour around the planet for 24 hours. If you would like to be a Facilitator at 12 noon in your time zone or in others, learn more!
This is a Zoom-based event. See you on March 1!
Alfred B. Anzaldua joins our Diplomacy Board. Al is the Executive Vice President and Chair of the NSS Policy Committee and the NSS International Committee at the National Space Society. He is a retired U.S. diplomat and long-time space development advocate.
Geoffrey Hinton and Ilya Sutskever, teacher and student, named Joint 2023 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award Winners.
The Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award is annually bestowed upon a respected scientist or public figure who has warned of a future fraught with dangers and encouraged measures to prevent them.
As we near the Singularity, more and more people are preparing for the upcoming existential risks, and therefore this year we again have two joint recipients of the Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award, for the third time in our history. This year’s recipients are Geoffrey Hinton and his student Ilya Sutskever, who are both so worried about AI safety that they both have taken personal financial hits to increase humanity’s chances of surviving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Learn more!
Erik Persson joins our Space Settlement Board. Erik is coauthor of A New Model Inspired by the Pompeii Worm to Reverse Overheating in Nanosatellites.
Eleni Chatzichristou joins our Cosmology Board.
Eleni’s research involves understanding the nature and evolution of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) using deep panchromatic surveys, investigating the impact of interactions and mergers on galaxy formation and evolution, how non-stellar activity is related to host galaxies and the broader environment, and is specialized in the use of Integral Field Units for spectroscopic mapping of AGN and their hosts.
Sohan Jheeta, Founder of NoRCEL, joins our Astrobiology/SETI Board.
NoRCEL aims to kick-start a debate among practitioners who are directly involved in the theoretical aspects and experimental studies pertaining to the origin of life and those scientists who traditionally work in other fields (e.g., medical virology, phylogenetics, cancer research).
March 1st will be the 11th anniversary of World Futures Day: a 24-hour open conversation around the world about the future sponsored by The Millennium Project in cooperation with Lifeboat Foundation and others.
Already, our Shermon Cruz, Mara Di Berardo, Nadezhda Gaponenko, Jerome Glenn, Syamsuriatina Ishak, Chris Smedley, and Rohit Talwar are speaking/participating in this event.
World Futures Day begins at 12 noon in New Zealand and moves each hour around the planet for 24 hours. If you would like to be a Facilitator at 12 noon in your time zone or in others, learn more!
This is a Zoom-based event. See you on March 1!
Read The Professions of the Future by our Henrique Jorge.
Leslie Tennen joins our Space Settlement Board. He is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Board of Trustees for 2023–2025.
Nova Spivack joins our blog team with the post Inside secret Bond-style Alpine vault ‘backing up Earth’ in case of WW3.
Perig Pitrou joins our Sustainability Board. Perig is PSL lead on the Off Earth Atlas Project funded by the IAS, UCL’s Cities Partnerships Programme, and Université PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres).
David Whitehouse, author of Apollo 11: The Inside Story, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Olli-Pekka Vainio, author of Cosmology in Theological Perspective Understanding Our Place in the Universe, joins our Astrobiology/SETI Board.
The Startup Societies & Crypto Cities Summit will be held February 2–3 in Pristine Bay, Honduras.
Our Joseph McKinney is cohost of this event and our Vitalik Buterin and Robin Hanson will be speaking.
NoRCEL’s next BLUE EARTH PROJECT EVENT: BEP2024 will be held January 27th for free at Leeds City College, UK and in cyberspace. This panel discussion and forum questions the wisdom of Homo sapiens given the state of our planet today.
Our Robert Zubrin will be speaking.
Read issue #258 of Lifeboat News!
Andjelka B. Kovačević, President of the National Committee for Astronomy in Serbia, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Andjelka’s primary research interest is currently in the Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Program, particularly in active galactic nuclei or AGNs and in the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and the use of Deep Learning and Machine Learning approaches for AGN selection and characterization in large surveys like LSST.
Stephen Webb, author of If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens … WHERE IS EVERYBODY?: Seventy-Five Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life, joins our Astrobiology/SETI Board.
George Profitiliotis, Research Scientist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, joins our Space Settlement Board.
The Kavli-IAU Symposium 2024 “(Toward) Discovery of Life Beyond Earth and its Impact” will be held April 15–19, 2024 in Durham, UK and in Cyberspace.
Our Kathryn Denning, Daniela de Paulis, John Elliott, Jacob Haqq-Misra, and Dirk Schulze-Makuch will be speaking.
Satellite 2024 Conference & Exhibition will be held March 18–21, 2024 in Washington, DC.
Our Christina Korp, Charles Miller, Peter Platzer, and Alvaro Alonso Ruiz will be speaking.
The INCOSE International Workshop 2024 will be held January 27–30 in Torrance, California and in Cyberspace. The purpose of this conference is to demonstrate the progress and potential of systems engineering in the solution of global societal problems.
Our David Schrunk will be speaking!
Our Tina Ishak has launched a Call for Papers for an academic conference and journal publication on “Narratives, Frontier Technologies, and the Law” which has an element of futures and scenario planning. Learn more!
Read Artificial Slaves in the Renaissance and the Dangers of Independent Innovation, authored by our Kevin LaGrandeur.
Read Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models, coauthored by our Alon Halevy and Fil Menczer.
Read Learning Optimal Advantage from Preferences and Mistaking it for Reward, coauthored by our W. Bradley Knox and Peter Stone.
Read AI-pocalypse Now by our Matt Barrie.
Read Artificial Intelligence as an Aid to Thinking Otherwise — but to what End? by our Anthony Judge.
Marco Dotto, Cofounder of Personal Genomics, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Arian Mirzarafie Ahi, Founder of the The A Level Biologist, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Myriam Grunewald joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Myriam is the Head of the Hadassah Medical Organization’s newly established Organoid Center within Hadassah’s Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine. Watch Honey, I Shrunk the Organs. Read Organoid Tech Brings Hadassah Medicine to a New Level.
Tina Ishak joins our Futurists Board.
Tina is the founder of the Malaysian Writers Society, which is dedicated to the professional development of writers hailing from Malaysia (citizens, PRs, and expats), spanning across genres, languages, mediums, functions, and experience levels, and seeks to foster and raise critical interest in creative writing by Malaysian writers.
Chris Smedley joins our blog team with the post Unlock Adult Learning Potential: Neuroscientist Reveals Best Methods.
Michael LaTorra joins our blog team with the post What space does to the body.
Haim Cohen joins our Life Extension Board.
Haim heads the Israeli-German Minerva Center for Biological Mechanisms of Healthy Aging and the Sami and Tova Sagol Center for Human Healthy Longevity Signature (HEALS), both hosted at his lab.
Chris Mcaulay joins our blog team with the post WATCH XPRIZE Launch Its Biggest Prize Ever, A Game-changer For Human Aging.
Lydia Garrido Luzardo joins our Futurists Board. She is the Chair of Sociocultural Anticipation and Resilience at UNESCO and Chair of the Uruguay Node of the Millennium Project.
Watch the TEDx Talk How to Make Common Sense Common Knowledge by our Corrinne Graham.
Nicole Anne K. Parreno, Secretary to the Chair and Board Liaison at the Association of Professional Futurists, joins our Futurists Board.
Dalton Daniel joins our blog team with the post GPT-4 falls short of Turing threshold.
Transvision Utrecht 2024 will be held January 20–21, 2024 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Our Didier Coeurnelle, José Cordeiro, Randal Koene, David Pearce, Brenda Ramokopelwa, Anders Sandberg, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking.
Brent Ellman, Secretary for The U.S. Transhumanist Party, joins our Futurists Board.
Albert Higgins-Chen joins our Life Extension Board.
The Higgins-Chen lab develops and applies novel aging biomarkers to test the modifiability of aging to prevent or delay diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Read issue #257 of Lifeboat News!
Frontier, Patsnap’s Annual Innovation Conference will be held on the 16th of November for free in cyberspace.
Our Marvin Cheung is delivering the keynote “Conducting Impactful Research for the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals”.
Tahir Dawood joins our blog team with the post How precious metals were brought to Earth and preserved in a magma ocean.
Initiative for Interstellar Studies joins our blog team with the post What They didn’t know when they created this. Watch til the end.
Cecile G. Tamura joins our blog team with the post NOIR: Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots for Everyday Activities.
Stan Daymond joins our blog team with the post Ilya: the AI scientist shaping the world.
Natalie Chan joins our blog team with the post Researchers solve protein mystery.
Laurence Tognetti joins our blog team with the post Seven Sweltering Exoplanets Found in Kepler Data.
Zola Balazs Bekasi joins our blog team with the post Researchers Create Chicken Embryos With Dinosaur-Like Faces.
Mara Di Berardo, Communication Director at The Millenium Project, joins our Futurists Board.
Daniel Belsky joins our Life Extension Board.
Dan originated the Pace of Aging method to quantify the aging process from a longitudinal analysis of human physiology and recently translated this method into a DNA-methylation blood test that can be implemented from a single time point blood test in collaboration with the Moffitt-Caspi Lab at Duke University.
Vittorio Sebastiano, coauthor of Rejuvenation on the Road to Pluripotency, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Vittorio is the Director of the Transgenic Knockout and Tumor Model Service (TKTC) at Stanford Cancer Institute, Stanford School of Medicine.
Alexander “Zan” Fleming, CEO of Kinexium, joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Zan is a well-recognized authority in the metabolic and endocrine fields with extensive U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) experience.
The World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) XXV World Conference is being held October 25–27 in Paris, France and in cyberspace.
This conference is being organized by our Rosa Alegria, Alethia Baena, and Dana Klisanin.
Our Rosa Alegria, José Cordeiro, Christopher H. Cordey, Shermon Cruz, Seren Dalkiran, Tracey Follows, Fabienne Goux-Baudiment, Linda Groff, Andy Hines, Dana Klisanin, and Thomas Lombardo will be speaking.
Read Seren Dalkiran in the October Issue of Compass magazine for professional futurists worldwide. Read the latest issue of Compass, the global voice of professional futurists now!
Christopher B. Jones, author of Fire and Ice, joins our Astrobiology/SETI board.
Our David Evans won the 2022 Sir Arthur Clarke Award for Education and Outreach Individual.
The CDO/CDAO Summit will be held December 12–14 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Topics covered include digital transformation, data and analytics, and artificial intelligence.
Our David Mathison will be speaking.
Read Cosmic Garage by our James Churchill.
When Ellie and Zac come to stay with their grandfather at his run-down 1950’s gas station in the middle of the Nevada Desert they soon discover there’s more than just spare parts in the garage. A group of wayward space travellers have built themselves a new home, where they plan to broadcast their TV variety show to the Universe. Read the reviews!
Read Colony High by our David Brin.
In this captivating YA science fiction novel, the skeptical high school junior, Mark Bamford, finds himself caught up in a web of mystery and extraterrestrial intrigue. Living in the seemingly ordinary town of Twenty-Nine Palms, California, Mark dismisses the absurd rumor circulating among his classmates — an alien stranded in their midst. Such a clichéd movie rip-off, right? Can’t the math geeks come up with a more convincing hoax?
Read The Breakthrough Effect by our Douglas E. Richards whose books have sold over three million copies.
Oliver Scott is the reclusive genius behind countless world-changing breakthroughs. But how does he innovate at such a furious pace? And while most hail him as a savior, what if he’s actually the most dangerous tyrant humanity has ever seen? A man who will stop at nothing to gain absolute power.
Liam Dunne is an elite American operative enhanced with next-level technology, including a prototype supercomputer implanted in his brain. When an encrypted data file is transmitted into this implant, Liam is thrust into a battle for the very soul of humanity. Because the file holds the key to unlocking the mystery of Oliver Scott — and stopping a nightmarish future.
As Liam and the woman he loves race to unravel the truth, they become the targets of a lethal manhunt initiated by the ruthless genius. If they can survive long enough to access the enigmatic file, they can lift humanity to unimaginable heights.
Read The Death of Death: The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense, coauthored by our José Cordeiro.
LongevityFest 2023 will be held December 14–16 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Our Hans Keirstead, Dobri Kiprov, and Joe Purita will be speaking.
The Chief AI Officer Summit will be held December 14 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Our David Mathison will be speaking.
Robert Bosnjak joins our blog team with the post A NY startup aims to build hundreds of chip factories with prefab parts and AI.
The Longevity Summit 2023 will be held December 5–6 in Novato, California.
Our Omri Amirav-Drory, Peter Fedichev, Kristen Fortney, Steve Horvath, Daniel Ives, and Robin Mansukhani will be speaking.
The 2023 Biomarkers of Aging Symposium will be held in Novato, California on December 4.
Our Nir Barzilai, Allison Duettmann, Peter Fedichev, Kristen Fortney, Vadim Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Steve Horvath, Jamie Justice, Andrea Maier, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking/participating.
Ana Jerković, with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in Croatia, joins our Policy Board.
Autism Tree Global Neurodiversity Conference 2023 will be held November 3rd in La Jolla, California and in Cyberspace.
This FREE event is chaired by our Alysson Muotri.
Read issue #256 of Lifeboat News!
Scot Bryson, CEO of Orbital Farm, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Susan Murabana, CEO of The Travelling Telescope Africa, joins our Cosmology Board.
The 2023 Space Settlement Summit will be held October 27–28 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Our Pete Garretson and James Hanusa will be speaking.
Joseph John joins our blog team with the post Quantum repeaters use defects in diamond to interconnect quantum systems.
Cosmic Brains will be held November 21–25 in Madrid, Spain.
This conference brings cutting edge minds working in scifi, philosophy, AI, neuroscience, the arts, and design together in a sustained interdisciplinary conversation.
Our Ed Keller and Peter Watts will be speaking.
DSC Europe 23 is being held November 20–24 in Sava Centar, Belgrade, Serbia. This is the biggest AI event worldwide.
Our Kevin LaGrandeur will be speaking.
New Worlds 2023 will be held November 17–18 in Austin, Texas.
Our Barbara Belvisi, Michelle Hanlon, Aaron Hermes, Sagi Kfir, Philip Metzger, Inara Tabir, Rick Tumlinson, Frank White, and Bart Womack will be speaking/performing.
The Inaugural Annual Symposium of The Sol Foundation will be held November 17–18 at Stanford University in California.
Our Eric Davis will be speaking.
DeSci & Longevity Biotech 2023 will be held November 17–19 in Prospera, Roatan, Honduras.
Our Alexander Bard, Sebastian A. Brunemeier, Aubrey de Grey, Liz Parrish, and Ian Robertson will be speaking.
Symposium on Electronic Crime Research 2023 will be held November 15–17 in Barcelona, Spain.
Our Peter Cassidy and Stephen Cobb are speaking/participating.
The discount code for Lifeboat members is: friend-2023.
Elias Arjan, CEO of Healthspan Productions, joins our Life Extension Board.
Healthy Masters will be held November 11–12 in Braga, Portugal and in Cyberspace.
Our Maria Entraigues Abramson, Bill Andrews, Ben Best, Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, David Brin, Nichola Conlon, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Brian Delaney, Valerio Di Nicola, Paul Epping, Collin Ewald, Gregory Fahy, William Faloon, Robin Farmanfarmaian, Peter Fedichev, Steven Garan, Giorgio Gaviraghi, Anastasiya Giarletta, Vera Gorbunova, Brigitte Hanly, Rudi Hoffman, Naveen Jain, Maxim Kholin, Gordan Lauc, Dan Levitt, Andrea Maier, Jeffery Martin, Nuno Martins, Stuart Maudsley, Josh Mitteldorf, Ines O’Donovan, Miguel Pais-Vieira, Liz Parrish, Alexander Paziotopoulos, Steve Perry, Denisa Rensen, Paul Spiegel, Ilia Stambler, Rohit Talwar, Natasha Vita-More, Sabinije von Gaffke, Chip Walter, Pete Worden, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
The Future of Global Governance Series: Sustainable Development, Risk, and Strategic Foresight in a Transdisciplinary Systemic World will be held November 11 in cyberspace and in a hybrid venue.
Our Marvin Cheung is co-organizer of this conference.
The 10th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC) will be held in Kingston, Jamaica on November 9–10.
Our Corrinne Graham will be speaking.
20Books Vegas 2023 will be held November 6–10 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This is the biggest show in the world focused on self-publishing. There is something for every author, traditional or indie.
Our Kevin J. Anderson will be speaking.
KMWorld 2023: The Knowledge Management & Enterprise Solutions Conference will be held November 6–9 in Washington, DC.
Our John Lewis will be delivering a keynote speech.
Future in Review (FiRe) Conference 2023 will be held November 6–9 in Palos Verdes, California. The Economist calls it the “the best tech-futures conference in the world”.
Our David Brin, Dennis Bushnell, Brenda Cooper, David Ewing Duncan, Andra Keay, John Mattison, and Jody Westby will be speaking.
Autism Tree Global Neurodiversity Conference 2023 will be held November 3rd in La Jolla, California and in Cyberspace.
This event is chaired by our Alysson Muotri.
Salah Mahmoudi, Cofounder of NoraChem, joins our Chemistry Board.
The Nostr Asia Freedom Conference will be held November 1–3 in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and in Cyberspace.
Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award winner Edward Snowden will be speaking. Registration is free!
The Nordic Conference on Law and Information Technology 2023 will be held October 30–November 1 in Rovaniemi, Finland and in cyberspace.
This conference aims to engage in critical discussions on legal and ethical considerations concerning the role of sensitive human-related technologies, including but not limited to AI and biotech applications, in promoting a transition towards a sustainable, resilient and inclusive society.
Our Rob van den Hoven van Genderen will be speaking.
Ron Gowans-Savage joins our blog team with the post Scientists Unveil Unprecedented “Live” View Into the Brain’s Complexity.
The Neuro-Network joins our blog team with the post Alzheimer’s research breakthrough.
The 74th International Astronautical Congress will be held October 2–6 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Our Ayşe Ören and Dylan Taylor are speaking.
Since 2012, September has been celebrated as World Alzheimer’s Month. Back then, only eleven years ago, an average of 2 out of 3 people had little understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and associated dementias.
Originally conceived as an international campaign with two main goals: to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and challenge the stigma often associated with it. This month-long series of events is designed to shed light on and inform more people about the disease and its profound impact on patients and their families. The campaign culminates on September 21st, designated as World Alzheimer’s Day.
Read more!
Longevity Investors Conference 2023 will be held September 27–29 in Gstaad, Switzerland.
Our Nir Barzilai, Alexandra Sharon Bause, Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, José Luis Cordeiro, Stephanie Dainow, Aubrey de Grey, Collin Ewald, Lisa Fabiny-Kiser, Michael Greve, Dmitry Kaminskiy, Emil Kendziorra, Brian Kennedy, Phil Newman, Elizabeth Parrish, Elisabeth Roider, Evan Snyder, Sabinije von Gaffke, and Alexander Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
Alexander Paziotopoulos, CEO at The Pazio Institute, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read issue #255 of Lifeboat News!
Our Corrinne Graham is speaking at TEDxDeerPark in Brentwood, New York on October 28.
Her talk is “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: A Solution to the Problem of Misinformation and Disinformation in Our Society”.
The 25th World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) World Conference is being held October 25–27 in Paris, France and in cyberspace.
This conference is being organized by our Rosa Alegria, Alethia Baena, and Dana Klisanin.
Our Rosa Alegria, José Luis Cordeiro, and Seren Dalkiran will be speaking.
Russ Glenn joins our Space Settlement Board. He is NASA’s Solar System Exploration Ambassador.
The 11th Annual Thought Leaders Consortium: Next Generation Clinical Management of Chronic Neuroimmune Disorders will be held October 20–21 in Seattle, Washington.
Biocene 2023 “Biomimicry: Transforming Materials” will be held October 18–20 in Cleveland, Ohio and in cyberspace.
Our Ali Dhinojwala will be speaking.
Liberty in Our Lifetime will be held October 14–15 in Prague, Czech Republic and in cyberspace.
Our Sebastian Brunemeier, José Luis Cordeiro, and Mark Edge will be speaking.
The 20th Reinventing Space Conference 2023 will be held October 11–13 in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Our Stuart Eves and David S. Germroth will be speaking.
The 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be held October 9–15 in Marrakech, Morocco.
The International 2023 Mars Society Convention is being held on October 5–8 in Tempe, Arizona.
Our Rick Tumlinson, Sara Walker, and Robert Zubrin will be speaking.
The 20th Anniversary AREDAY Summit: Climate, Democracy, and Human Security is being held on October 6–9 in Boulder, Colorado.
Our Sylvia Earle and Varushka Franceschi will be speaking.
The Department of History at Berhampur University has organized an International Conference on History on October 3–4 in Odisha, India.
Our Rekha Pande is giving the keynote address.
Ebénézer Njoh-Mouellé joins our Policy Board.
Ebénézer is a philosopher, a politician, a member of the Executive Council of UNESCO, a Former Deputy, and a Former Minister. He is known for his work on the development of Africa, and for his advocacy for a more just and equitable world.
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) 96th Annual Conference will be held September 30–October 4 in Chicago, Illinois.
Disasters Expo USA: Prepare | Respond | Recover will be held September 27–28 in Anaheim, California.
Advances in DNA Methylation Analysis: The New Frontier for Clinical Diagnostics will be held for free on September 26 in cyberspace.
The 12th Constructal Law Conference: Freedom, Design, and Evolution will be held September 21–22 in Torino, Italy.
The Constructal Law governs all phenomena of design evolution in Nature, bio and non-bio, human made and not human made.
Our Adrian Bejan will be speaking.
Ben Smith, Founder of Lunar Homestead, joins our Space Settlement Board.
The workshop Education for Spaceship Earth is being held September 21–23 in Brussels and in cyberspace.
The workshop’s context centers around one notion: the noosphere! This term was first introduced in 1923 in Paris. The term is derived from the Greek word νοῦς (nous), meaning ‘mind’. It points to a sphere — a dimension, phase, or dynamic attractor — where our collective consciousness is coalesced.
Our Marta Lenartowicz will be speaking.
The Ending Aging Forum 2023 will be held for free September 21–22 in cyberspace.
Our Jean M. Hébert and Evan Snyder will be speaking.
The Future Black America Conference will be held September 18–20 in cyberspace. Our Reynaldo Anderson, Yul Anderson, and Jerome C. Glenn will be speaking.
Climate Week NYC 2023 will be held September 17–24 in New York City. This event brings together sustainability leaders from government, busines, academia, and civil society from around the world.
Rozalyn Anderson, Director of the Metabolism of Aging Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, joins our Life Extension Board.
Anton Kulaga, Cofounder and Researcher at CellFabrik, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
John Oseni, Cofounder and CTO of Gofree, joins our New Money Systems Board.
John was recognized as one of the top 100 child prodigies in the world by the Dubai government and was presented the Global Child Prodigy Award in Dubai following his accomplishments under the technology category.
The Science Summit at UNGA78 will be held September 12–29 in New York City and in cyberspace.
Our Joe Pelton and Michael Potter will be speaking about Cosmic Hazards and New Approaches to Planetary Defense from 1 pm to 3 pm on September 21.
Our Joe Pelton will be speaking about Space and Sustainability: Space Compacts to Achieve the UN 2030 Space Agenda from 9 am to 11 am on September 21.
Our Scott Madry and Joe Pelton will be speaking about Space Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Computing: Achieving the SDGs from 9 am to 12 pm on September 25.
These are all online sessions and are free.
Watch the TED Talk Machines That Think: The Future of AI by our James Canton.
Watch the live stream of The Space 18th SDG at United Nations General Assembly 78 2023 on September 15th starting at 9:15 AM EDT.
Sign their petition. Learn more!
Read Sustainability through Global Patterns of 60-fold Organization: Psycho-social implications of fullerenes for coherence, integrity and identity of a higher order by our Anthony Judge.
Read Artificial intelligence is ineffective and potentially harmful for fact checking coauthored by our Fil Menczer.
Rekha Pande, Director of the Society for Empowerment through Environment Development (SEED), joins our Sustainability Board.
Zann Gill, Cofounder of the Generative AI Lab & Library (GAIL), joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Read Why We Don’t Have AGI Yet coauthored by our Peter Voss.
Read issue #254 of Lifeboat News!
Marta Lenartowicz, coeditor of The Practice of Thinking: Cultivating the Extraordinary, joins our Complex Systems Board.
The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness will be held November 17–19 in Berkeley, California.
Our Terrence Deacon, Ilia Delio, Ben Goertzel, Francis Heylighen, and Gregory Stock will be speaking.
Ojochogwu Saba Abdul, Founder of Transhumanist Africa, joins our Futurists Board.
William CS Cho, Editor of MicroRNAs in Cancer Translational Research, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Aftab Ahmad Chattha, President of the National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS), joins our Education Board.
Read Addressing the harms of AI-generated inauthentic content, coauthored by our Fil Menczer.
Read How safe is our reliance on AI, and should we regulate it?, authored by our Kevin LaGrandeur.
Read Generalizing the Isothermal Efficiency by Using Gaussian Distributions authored by our Thomas D. Schneider.
Read The Third Wave of AI authored by our Peter Voss.
Read Near-zero cohesion and loose packing of Bennu’s near subsurface revealed by spacecraft contact coauthored by our Dante S. Lauretta.
Read issue #253 of Lifeboat News!
Read Why Trust in AI = Improving Trust in Societies Simultaneously by our David A. Bray.
The 4th International Conference on Aging and Disease (2023 ICAD) of the International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD) will be held at Zhangjiang Science Hall, Shanghai, China, from October 27 to 30, 2023.
Our Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, Holly M. Brown-Borg, Patrizia Anna d’Alessio, Brian Kennedy, Marios Kyriazis, Andrea B. Maier, Kyung-Jin Min, Alexey Moskalev, Björn Schumacher, Ilia Stambler, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
Read Are We Ready for Direct Brain Links to Machines and Each Other? (PDF), authored by our Kevin LaGrandeur.
Read Anatomy of an AI-powered malicious social botnet (PDF), coauthored by our Fil Menczer.
Watch On Information Technology in Ukraine & Emerging Tech in Agriculture with our David A. Bray.
Tim Peterson, CEO of Healthspan Technologies, joins our Life Extension Board.
Nicholas Play joins our blog team with the post How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms.
Sajad Zalzala, Medical Director of AgelessRx, joins our Life Extension Board.
Elisabeth Roider, Chief Medical Officer at Maximon, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Joe Purita, Chief Medical Officer at PUR-FORM, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Joe is a pioneer in using Regenerative Stem Cell and Platelet Rich Plasma therapy for orthopedic conditions. He has treated some of the most prominent professional athletes from all major sports in both the U.S. and abroad.
Kennedy (Matsagas) Schaal, CEO of Rejuve Biotech, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
RAADfest will be held September 7–10 in Anaheim, California. This is the world’s largest event focused on anti-aging and age reversal science for a general audience.
Our Maria Entraigues Abramson, José Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, William Faloon, Liz Parrish, Stephen Sideroff, James Strole, and Jason R. Williams will be speaking.
Get 20% off with the discount code LIFEBOAT.
Roman Kam joins our blog team with the post The Seven Evolving Phases of Artificial Intelligence.
Matthew Harris joins our blog team with the post An AI robot gave a side-eye and dodged the question when asked whether it would rebel against its human creator.
Alessandro Carvalho joins our blog team with the post Study combines quantum computing and generative AI for drug discovery.
Danila Medvedev, Cofounder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the cryonics company KrioRus, joins our Life Extension Board.
Benjamin Anderson, Managing Partner and Business Development Advisor at Articulate Ventures, joins our Business Board.
Read Supraconscious: The Genius within You by our Maria Olon Tsaroucha.
Read issue #252 of Lifeboat News!
Omar ElNaggar, CEO at Weavechain, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Weavechain believes that the path to the future involves Weaving existing technology into the patterns that are commonly known as Web3.
Read The Curious Case of Skynet 1A — and Why It Matters by our Stuart Eves.
Read Proof-of-Reputation: An Alternative Consensus Mechanism for Blockchain Systems (PDF) coauthored by our Anton Kolonin.
Read The Rise of Artificial Intelligence — from Ancient Imagination to an Interconnected Future by our Henrique Jorge.
Michael A. Osborne joins our Robotics/AI Board. He is Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Oxford and Cofounder of the Mind Foundry.
Read Can you stop feeling pain? Probably yes! by our Guido Putignano.
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 will be held August 10–11 in New York City and in cyberspace.
Our Ryan Bethencourt, Judith Campisi, Keith Comito, Stephanie Dainow, Aubrey de Grey, Yuri Deigin, Brian M. Delaney, Peter Fedichev, Steven A. Garan, Michael Geer, Vadim Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Steve Hill, Steve Horvath, Matt Kaeberlein, Hans Keirstead, Brian Kennedy, Michael Kope, Dylan Livingston, Tim Maupin, Michael Rose, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Robert Shmookler Reis, Paul Spiegel, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking/participating.
The Lifeboat Foundation is sponsoring the Space Renaissance USA Networking Mixer in Brooklyn, New York on July 27th. This event is being organized by our Dr. Corrinne Graham.
Learn more!
Keith Wiley joins our blog team with the post How uploading our minds to a computer might become possible.
Slava G. Turyshev, Project Manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Read his From Quantum to Cosmos: Fundamental Physics Research in Space.
Kristi Morgansen, Director of the Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium, joins our Space Settlement Board.
AGI researcher Patrick Hammer joins our Robotics/AI Board. His main research interests include the Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS), specific implementation designs thereof, and improving its real-time reasoning & learning capabilities to enhance the autonomy of intelligent agents.
Laura M. Cox joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Laurie is Assistant Professor and Instructor of Neurology at the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Arthur Brown joins our blog team with the post A new tool to study complex genome interactions.
Zack Miles joins our blog team with the post Will Artificial Intelligence Help Us Talk to Animals?
Read Pharmacological and non-pharmacological countermeasures to Space Motion Sickness: a systematic review coauthored by our Barry L. Bentley along with researchers at NASA and ISRO.
Seren Dalkiran joins our Futurists Board and our Sustainability Board. She is Founder of the Millennial Leadership Lab and Cofounder of the Synergized Earth Network (SEN).
Anil Bajnath, author of The Longevity Equation: The Step-By-Step Blueprint to Hack Your Genes, Optimize Your Health, And Master the Art of Existence, joins our Life Extension Board.
Peter Isaev joins our Robotics/AI Board. Peter is part of the Temple AGI Team, which does research and experiments in the field of Artificial General Intelligence.
Robert Johansson joins our Robotics/AI Board. Robert is developing digital humans for psychotherapy training.
Read issue #251 of Lifeboat News!
The Moon Society’s Lunar Development Conference 2023 will be held July 15–16 in cyberspace.
Our Niklas Järvstråt and Madhu Thangavelu will be speaking.
Lifeboat Foundation supports the Space Renaissance International goal of having the UN add the Sustainable Development Goal for “Space for All, on Earth and Beyond”, to the UN’s 2030 Agenda.
We are joining other organizations including the National Space Society and The Mars Society in this effort.
Sign the petition today!
Jyothi Devakumar joins our Life Extension Board. Jyothi is Group Chief Science Officer and Partner at the Longevity Tech Fund and Chief Science Officer (CSO) at Healthy Longevity Clinic.
The Nucleate Italy Longevity Conference will be held May 24th in cyberspace and in Italy. Tickets are free!
Our Guido Putignano and Marco Quarta will be speaking.
Read Eponymous Plot Device: A Collection of Short Science Fiction Stories by our Jeremy Lichtman. The Kindle version will be free from May 21 to May 25!
Mitra Lavasani, Director of the Translational Cell Therapy Lab, joins our Life Extension Board.
Daniel Stickler joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Daniel is the Cofounder and Chief Medical Officer of The Apeiron Center for Human Potential and the Chief Science Officer for Apeiron Academy. His work focuses on longevity, epigenetics, and lifestyle optimization.
Andrew Kuess, author of Space Age Arcology: The Cosmic City States Of Tomorrow, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Andrew Smith joins our blog team with the post The Idea Revolution: How AI and Large Language Models Are Transforming the Way We Think.
Roger Spitz joins our Futurists Board. Roger is an international bestselling author, President of Techistential (Climate & Foresight Strategy), and Chair of the Disruptive Futures Institute.
Read Brain Principles Programming (PDF) coauthored by our Anton Kolonin.
Read From Quantum Biology to Quantum Computing by our Guido Putignano.
Santo Fortunato joins our Complex Systems Board. At Indiana University Bloomington, Santo leads his CoNeX Lab at the Center For Complex Networks and Systems Research.
Marvin Cheung, Global Diplomacy Fellow at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), joins our Diplomacy board.
Read Calamities causing loss of museum collections: a historical and global perspective on museum disasters by Michael J. Tyler, Dale Roberts, and our Lydia A. Fucsko.
Read the free paper You Have a Duty to Migrate Off-Planet… (From Blue Origin to Green Destiny: Gerard K. O'Neill and Planetary Crises) by our Charles Tandy.
Watch Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Reality [4K] | The Secrets of Quantum Physics | Spark by our Jim Al-Khalili.
Read issue #250 of Lifeboat News!
Read Intelligence Explosion – Part 1/3 by our Henrique Jorge.
Listen to the Everything Epigenetics podcast with our Hannah Went on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. Connect with the show on Facebook and Instagram.
Nadine Hoosen, Chief Science Officer at TAFFD’s, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Nonthapat “Brave” Pulsiri joins our blog team with the post How can we make the space sector more sustainable?
Ray Nayler, author of The Mountain in the Sea, joins our Futurists Board.
The International Longevity Summit will be held August 23–24 in South Africa.
Our Maria Entraigues Abramson, Alexandra Bause, Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, José Luis Cordeiro, Stephanie Dainow, Goffredo Giordano, Aubrey de Grey, Ósìnàkáchì Ákùmà Kálù, Andrea B. Maier, Martin O’Dea, Elizabeth Parrish, Brenda Ramokopelwa, Paul Spiegel, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking.
Peter A. Swan, President of the International Space Elevator Consortium, joins our Space Settlement Board.
The ISDC 2023 (International Space Development Conference) will be held May 25–28 in Dallas-Frisco, Texas.
Our Gary Barnhard, Sherry Bell, Michelle L.D. Hanlon, Janet Ivey, David Livingston, Holly Melear, Rod Pyle, Martine Rothblatt, and Dylan Taylor will be speaking/participating.
Seren Dalkiran joins our Futurists Board and our Sustainability Board. She is Founder of the Millennial Leadership Lab and Cofounder of the Synergized Earth Network.
Read Building Commercial Space Infrastructure (PDF) by our Alex Thatcher and Keith Taggart.
Read Shingles, Zostavax vaccination and risk of developing dementia: a nested case-control study — results from the UK Biobank cohort (PDF) coauthored by our Ruth Itzhaki.
Read Drug Screening Implicates Chondroitin Sulfate as a Potential Longevity Pill by our Collin Ewald.
Read Osteopontin: Building Skeletons in Aging’s Closet by our Clinton “Cosmo” Mielke.
Read The Ethics of Human Enhancement and Ferrando’s Philosophical Posthumanism by our Kevin LaGrandeur.
Joseph Takahashi joins our Neuroscience Board.
Joe holds the Loyd B. Sands Distinguished Chair in Neuroscience and is Professor and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He is also Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Read A First Course in Network Science, coauthored by our Filippo Menczer.
Networks are everywhere: networks of friends, transportation networks and the Web. Neurons in our brains and proteins within our bodies form networks that determine our intelligence and survival. This modern, accessible textbook introduces the basics of network science for a wide range of job sectors from management to marketing, from biology to engineering, and from neuroscience to the social sciences.
Watch Using Data Science for Crisis Management and Response with our David A. Bray.
Robin Mansukhani, CEO of Deciduous Therapeutics, a venture-backed startup developing novel immunotherapies to treat age-related diseases, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read On the Controllability of Artificial Intelligence: An Analysis of Limitations by our Roman V. Yampolskiy.
Read A Reputation System for Artificial Societies (PDF) coauthored by our Ben Goertzel, Matt Iklé, and Anton Kolonin.
Watch Brain, Meet Computer by our Nuno Martins.
Read What is Grover’s Search Algorithm and why will you use it? by our Guido Putignano.
Shermon Cruz, Executive Director of the Center for Engaged Foresight, joins our Futurists Board.
Read the free QRI Guidebook to Super Happiness, coauthored by our Andrés Gómez Emilsson.
Read How does Quantum Teleportation work? by our Guido Putignano.
Sergio Ruiz, COO of Turn Biotechnologies, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #249 of Lifeboat News!
Harish Srigiriraju joins our Robotics/AI Board. Watch Monitoring data, ML models, and performance.
Read Space Settlement: An Easier Way (PDF), coauthored by our Al Globus.
Read Protein Folding with Quantum Annealing for Drug Discovery by our Guido Putignano.
Read A celebrated AI has learned a new trick: How to do chemistry by our Marc Zimmer.
Read Restriction enzymes use a 24 dimensional coding space to recognize 6 base long DNA sequences coauthored by our Thomas D. Schneider.
It says “In other words, we believe that EcoRI probably uses a Leech lattice to find its binding sites precisely. This implies that we might be able to build the noise decoder in cellphones using a single molecule.”
Read Biomimicry for Aerospace: Technologies and Applications, Biomimicry for Materials, Design and Habitats: Innovations and Applications, and Nanomaterials via Single-Source Precursors: Synthesis, Processing and Applications, all coedited and coauthored by our Al Hepp.
Read EDNA - Enhanced DNA: Giving us full external control of our inner biology by our Ian D. Pearson and Tracey Follows.
An EDNA system would put advanced biotechnology and IT into every cell of our bodies and enable interfacing to almost every aspect of our current biology, and also provide a means to edit, replace, enhance, mediate and control almost every aspect of it.
Much of the EDNA System is feasible in the next few decades, but as well as enormous potential benefits, it would also bring enormous dangers. We explore both.
Tracey Follows, Founder of Futuremade, joins our Futurists Board.
Longevity Nation: Enhancing Research, Development, and Education for Healthy Longevity will be held for free March 26–27 at Bar Ilan University, Israel and in cyberspace.
Our Nir Barzilai, Yael Benvenisti, Evelyne Bischof, José Luis Cordeiro, Stephanie Dainow, Aubrey de Grey, Dmitry Kaminskiy, Marios Kyriazis, Alexey Moskalev, Björn Schumacher, and Ilia Stambler will be speaking.
Victoria Ustimenko-Laskina, CEO of Preto PR Service, joins our Futurists Board.
Will Fox joins our blog team with the post Breakthrough in recycling of wind turbine blades.
Marketing management professional and web developer Ryan Setliff joins our Media & Arts Board.
Daniel Sunday joins our blog team with the post World-first ‘super’ magnet sparks nuclear fusion breakthrough.
Petr Sramek, Managing Partner at the Longevity Tech Fund, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #248 of Lifeboat News!
The World Futures Day by The Millennium Project, in cooperation with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, Lifeboat Foundation, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), will take place on March 1st for the 10th year!
Our Yul Anderson, Adriano Autino, Marsia Bealby, Nadja Bester, José Cordeiro, Franco Cortese, Francesco Da Vinci, Daniela de Paulis, Tom Diffenbach, Martin Dudziak, Jerry Edling, Paul Epping, Giorgio Gaviraghi, Jerome Glenn, Al Globus, Trevor Haldenby, Robin Hanson, Rudi Hoffman, Maxim Kholin, Kevin LaGrandeur, Pavel Luksha, Andrea Maier, David Orban, Nonthapat “Brave” Pulsiri, Paul Saffo, Rohit Talwar, James Tankersley Jr., Jaba Tkemaladze, Hannah Went, and Bronwyn Williams will be speaking/participating.
You are invited to join the discussion on Zoom on March 1st, ideally at noon in your time zone. (You can pick a different time if noon doesn’t work for you.)
Learn more!
Read Silicon Anode Systems for Lithium-Ion Batteries and Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Advances in High-Energy Density Batteries, both coedited and coauthored by our Al Hepp.
Frank Schueler, Managing Director of Kizoo Technology Capital, joins our Finance Board.
Vermont House of Representative Bobby Farlice-Rubio joins our Policy Board.
The World Futures Day by The Millennium Project, in cooperation with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, Lifeboat Foundation, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), will take place on March 1st for the 10th year!
The call for facilitators is now open: support World Futures Day by picking a one hour time slot where you will help to facilitate the discussion — such as the slot at 12 noon in your local area. If you want to be part of the team, please use this form.
The format is always the same: a 24-hour around-the-world conversation using Zoom for futurists and the public to freely discuss challenges and opportunities for building a better future for all.
Learn more!
Read the open access paper Restriction enzymes use a 24 dimensional coding space to recognize 6 base long DNA sequences by our Thomas D. Schneider.
Read Photovoltaics for Space: Key Issues, Missions and Alternative Technologies, coedited and coauthored by our Al Hepp.
Read Eponymous Plot Device: A Collection of Short Science Fiction Stories by our Jeremy Lichtman.
Nikhil Jain, Principal Investigator at Syngene International, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read The Future of Humanity: From Global Civilization to Great Civilization, Second Edition by our Zhouying Jin.
Read Facebook Nation: Total Information Awareness: Third Edition by our Newton Lee.
Read Beyond Knowledge: How Technology Is Driving an Age of Consciousness by our William E. Halal.
Read issue #247 of Lifeboat News!
The 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) will take place on March 23–25, 2023 in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference NSRC-2023, the premier conference for researchers and educators interested in commercial suborbital reusable vehicles, will be held February 27 to March 1 in Denver, Colorado USA.
Nexus Nairobi is a singularly powerful, immersive four-day gathering, taking place January 31 to February 4, 2023 in Kenya, presented by 100 Year Starship. Designed & hosted by Dr. Mae Jemison and the 100YSS team, Nexus Nairobi brings together a global community of doers, thinkers, advocates, leaders, organizers, dreamers — committed to advancing a beneficial future here on Earth and beyond to learn, contribute, and grow in an immersive, engaged experience. Nexus is a hybrid event — in-person (limited) and virtual (live-streamed with rewind).
Our Jason Batt, David Brin, Jaym Gates, David Orban, and Rhonda Stevenson will be speaking.
Enter the code LifeboatFoundation2023code at registration for a special offer for virtual participation. Limited to the first 30 registrants. Applies to standard and student registrations.
Björn Schumacher, Director of the Institute for Genome Stability in Aging and Disease, joins our Life Extension Board.
Daniela Bakula, Researcher at the Center for Healthy Aging, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen, joins our Life Extension Board.
Nino Marcantonio, Deputy Director of the Defense Technology Innovation Association (DTIA), joins our Counterterrorism Board.
International news organization Longevity joins our blog team with the post Micronutrient Supplementation to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk.
For the first time since 2006, we have two joint recipients of the Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award. This year’s recipients are Jerome C. Glenn and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who are defending against world existential risks and country existential risks, respectively.
Learn more!
Garri Zmudze joins our Life Extension board.
Garri is the founding partner of LongeVC, a venture capital company supporting early-stage biotech and longevity-focused founders. He is the Executive Coordinator at the Longevity Science Foundation and has been the Founder of Longenesis since 2017.
Read Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires by our Douglas Rushkoff.
Read Mobius: A Memoir by our Richard Thieme. This book is a stunning exploration of the impact of a life of deception and professional intelligence work which illuminates the world in which we all now live.
Read Technology vs. Humanity: The coming clash between man and machine by our Gerd Leonhard.
Read Days V, a collection of poems and Myriad Voices, a collection of short stories, by our Sarita Sharma.
Read Modified: Living as a Cyborg, coedited by Chris Hables Gray.
Building off the highly successful The Cyborg Handbook, this new collection of essays, interviews, and creative pieces brings together a set of compelling personal accounts about what it means to live as a cyborg in the twenty-first century.
Lifeboat members can use discount code FLR40, or if they want to review it or check it out to teach they can get it for free.
Spring Behrouz, CEO at Vincere Biosciences and CEO at NeuroInitiative, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Andy Lee, CFO at Vincere Biosciences and CFO at NeuroInitiative, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read Journey to Everywhere by our Mike Kawitzky.
This gonzo auto-biography documents the evolution of cyber-consciousness via social networking from a uniquely South African viewpoint.
Nonthapat “Brave” Pulsiri, CEO of the Ava Health Group, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read Our Fruiting Bodies by our Nisi Shawl.
This book collects stories of old growth and fresh decay, of stubborn rebirth, and the faint but nonimaginary paths connecting life and nonlife.
Read Ad Infinitum: The Continuing Adventures of the Infinity Club by our Alex Thatcher.
Read issue #246 of Lifeboat News!
Chuck Brooks joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board. Chuck is a globally recognized thought leader and subject matter expert in cybersecurity and emerging technologies.
Our Greg Bear unfortunately passed away. Greg was previously President of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) and was husband of our Astrid Bear.
Greg was Consulting Judge for our Lifeboat to the Stars award and he contributed to Lifeboat Foundation’s Visions of the Future which reached #1 under “Hot New Releases in Science Fiction Anthologies” on Amazon. As an accomplished science fiction author of over 50 novels, Greg received five Nebula Awards and two Hugo Awards. He even helped the government prepare for attacks of the future, working with our Arlan Andrews and Jerry Pournelle.
Learn more!
Tovah Wolf, owner of TDWOLD Nutrition, joins our Life Extension Board.
Dylan V. Livingston, President of the Alliance for Longevity Initiatives, joins our Life Extension Board.
Jeff Kendall joins our blog team with the post Age of the Androids.
Al Karaki joins our blog team with the post NoWhere to EMIT, NoWhere to HIDE.
Frank Schueler joins our blog team with the post Mike Kope at Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2022.
Read ES 1 - Fall: EggShell by our Alex Thatcher.
Kamron Armour, an A.I. created from the mind graft of a human from the 21st century, is brought back online 50,000 years later by a human with no name except Man O’ War. This “Man O’ War” appears, impossibly, to be a friend from the 21st century, somehow, still alive.
Read Sovereign Mars: Transforming Our Values through Space Settlement by our Jacob Haqq-Misra.
Read Meat Market: 13th Anniversary Odd Edition by our Alex Thatcher.
In one generation, our society’s technology, morals, beliefs and fundamental place in the universe changed drastically. With lifespans becoming longer and technological gains coming quicker, terms and definitions being redefined weekly, if not daily, what might occur in the next generation?
Cities in Space® 2023 will be held March 24, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM CST in Austin, Texas.
Our Janet Ivey, Holly Melear, Haroon Oqab, Jeff Smith, and Rick Tumlinson will be speaking.
The Longevity Summit 2022 will be held December 6–7 in Novato, California.
Our Stephanie Dainow, Matt Kaeberlein, Morgan Levine, Matthew “Oki” O’Connor, and Marco Quarta will be speaking.
Read The Random and Fluctuating World: Celebrating Two Decades of Fluctuation and Noise Letters coedited by our Laszlo Kish.
Read Cryostasis Revival: The Recovery of Cryonics Patients through Nanomedicine by our Robert A. Freitas Jr.
You can also read this 700+ page book as a free PDF.
Read Becoming Off-Worldly: Learning from Astronauts to Prepare for Your Spaceflight Journey by our Laura Forczyk.
This book includes a forward by our Frank White.
Read Cryostasis Revival: The Recovery of Cryonics Patients through Nanomedicine by our Robert A. Freitas Jr.
Read the first contact science fiction book The Angrelline by our Pete Bonasso. This is a sequel to Portals.
Dudley Lamming joins our Life Extension Board.
Dudley is Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine’s Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health.
Read the first contact science fiction book Portals by our Pete Bonasso.
Read Fender the Fall: A Sci-Fi Novella by our Roy Christopher.
Sara Negar joins our blog team with the post World’s first cloned arctic wolf is now 100 days old.
Jean-Marc Lemaitre, Deputy Research Director at the Institute of Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy in Montpellier (IRMB), joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #245 of Lifeboat News!
Read Follow for Now, Volume 2: More Interviews with Friends and Heroes by our Roy Christopher.
Featuring conversations with thinkers like Carla Nappi, Rita Raley, Dominic Pettman, Ian Bogost, Mark Dery, Douglas Rushkoff, and Dave Allen, and musicians like Tyler, The Creator, Matthew Shipp, Sean Price, Rammellzee, and Sadat X, as well as writers like Ytasha L. Womack, Chris Kraus, Pat Cadigan, Bob Stephenson, Simon Critchley, Simon Reynolds, Malcolm Gladwell, and William Gibson, this book is another critical cross-section of the now.
Read The Jigsaw Assassin (Major Bhaajan series Book 4) by our Catherine Asaro.
Catherine plants herself firmly into that grand SF tradition of future history franchises favored by luminaries like Heinlein, Asimov, Herbert, Anderson, Dickson, Niven, Cherryh, and Baxter. She also contributed to our Visions of the Future.
The AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting will be held December 12–16 in Chicago, Illinois and in cyberspace. This is the most influential event in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences.
Every year, the AGU Fall Meeting convenes over 25,000 attendees from 100+ countries to share research and network. Researchers, scientists, educators, students, policymakers, enthusiasts, journalists and communicators attend to better understand our planet and environment, and our role in preserving its future. It is a results-oriented gathering rooted in celebrating and advancing positive individual and collective outcomes.
Alan Carsey joins our blog team with the post New simulations show how supermassive black holes form.
Our Kattesh V. Katti has achieved a major milestone in sustainable green approaches in immunotherapeutic drug design and was awarded patent Mangiferin encapsulated gold nanoparticles, fabrication methods and cancer therapeutic methods.
Ayşe Ören, Founder of DesignArt, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Taya Maki, President of the Societe Cryonics de France, joins our Life Extension Board.
Our Dennis Chamberland has authored Departing Earth Forever: Book One — Warning and Promise: The Manual for Today’s Colonists Preparing to Launch to Mars and our Moon and Departing Earth Forever: Book Two — Alien Worlds: The Manual for Today’s Colonists Preparing to Launch to Mars and Our Moon.
Aaron Ray Hermes, founder of music collective and record label Audio Telepathy, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Sagi Kfir, Senior Managing Counsel at Blue Origin, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Our Guido Putignano was named the most influential person in Healthcare & Bio Sciences under 25 in Italy by Università Bocconi and Nova.
Irina Litchfield joins our New Money Systems Board. Irina is Founder and CEO of BlockchainCubed, CEO of Rizon Labs, and President of Lumeria.
The Covid-19 Pandemic: Understanding and Addressing the Challenges is a four-week online course developed and taught by our Paula D. Gordon, PhD.
It is offered by the Office of Professional and Continuing Education of Auburn University Outreach and is scheduled for October 10–November 6.
The registration fee is $400 (All materials for the course are digitally accessible for free.) Participants will be eligible for 3 CEU credits.
You can call (334) 844-5100 for further information.
Tim Chrisman, Executive Director of the Foundation For The Future, joins our Futurists Board.
New Worlds will be held October 28–29 in Austin, Texas. This is the best, most interesting, most informative, irreverent, challenging, inclusive, and unconventional space event on this world.
Our Pete Garretson, Michelle Hanlon, Holly Melear, Mike Mantzke, Phil Metzger, Inara Tabir, Rick Tumlinson, Bart Womack, and Robert Zubrin will be speaking.
Tzipi Strauss, Director of Neonatology at Sheba Hospital, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read How AI Can Democratize Healthcare: The Rise in Digital Care by our Robin Farmanfarmaian and Michael Ferro.
Marco Demaria, President of the International Cell Senescence Association (ICSA), joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #244 of Lifeboat News!
Read Sky Dreams by our Tery Spataro.
Sky Dreams is a poem by Tery and combines a decade of her cloud photographs. The artwork is designed using Playform AI, with final digital flourishes created by Tery.
The GNOSIS (Global Network on Sustainability in Space) Annual Conference 2022 will be held November 30–December 1 at the Radcliff House, University of Warwick, United Kingdom and in cyberspace.
This conference offers opportunities for sharing knowledge, raising awareness and making new connections to encourage collaboration in tackling the challenges of space sustainability.
Our Stuart Eves will be participating.
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention will be held November 17–20 in Anaheim, California.
For more than 100 years, NCTE has worked with its members to offer journals, publications, and resources; to further the voice and expertise of educators as advocates for their students at the local and federal levels; and to share lesson ideas, research, and teaching strategies through its Annual Convention and other professional learning events.
TransVision 2022 will be held November 10–13 in Madrid, Spain. This summit will focus on biostasis and other future technologies. It will include the first Biostasis First Response (BFR) training provided in Spain.
Our Ben Best, José Cordeiro, Felipe Debasa, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Ben Goertzel, Rodolfo Goya, Andrés Grases, Emil Kendziorra, Dany Kitishian, David Pearce, Ramón Risco, Carlos Rodríguez Sau, Anders Sandberg, Paul Spiegel, Sergio Tarrero, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking/participating.
The American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle this November 9–13.
The 2022 AAA Annual Meeting theme “Unsettling Landscapes” encourages anthropological discussion of past, present, and future unsettlings of the world — be it through environment, power, political economy or through the collective efforts of unsettling and disrupting oppressive structures while building worlds otherwise.
While our worlds are defined by nothing if not change, the current unsettling of landscapes brings with it an urgency that demands conversations which may elicit feelings of discomfort and disturbance, but may also stoke hope and determination.
This orientation towards unsettling pushes us beyond easy narratives and facile binaries into moments of transformation. In essence, this theme asks two questions: In what ways are we, and those we work with, unsettled? How are we also unsettling landscapes and to what end?
Emilio Hirsch, Founder of Kither Biotech, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Pekka Katajisto, Director of the MetaStem Centre of Excellence at the University of Helsinki, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Marco Quarta, CEO at Rubedo Life Sciences, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
21st Century Tech Blog joins our blog team with the post The Search for Life Off Earth Points to Mars.
Felix Schlang joins our Space Settlement Board. Felix is the host of the YouTube channel What about it!? where he covers SpaceX, space, and technology.
Ben Best joins our Life Extension Board. Ben is the Director of Research Oversight at Life Extension Foundation and former President of the Cryonics Institute.
Eliana Sheriff, creator of Ellie in Space, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Robin Indeededo joins our blog team with the post China’s new “sky train” floats under an elevated track, using magnets and AI.
Healthy Masters will be held November 5–6 in Portugal and cyberspace.
Our Maria Entraigues Abramson, Bill Andrews, Evelyne Bischof, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Brian Delaney, Valerio Di Nicola, Collin Ewald, Gregory Fahy, William Faloon, Robin Farmanfarmaian, Peter Fedichev, Anastasiya Giarletta, Steven A. Garan, Giorgio Gaviraghi, Andrés Grases, Brigitte Hanly, Rudi Hoffman, Naveen Jain, Maxim Kholin, Gordan Lauc, Dan Levitt, Andrea B. Maier, Nuno Martins, Stuart Maudsley, Ines O’Donovan, Liz Parrish, Steve Perry, Denisa Rensen, Yael Sorek-Benvenisti, Paul A. Spiegel, Natasha Vita-More, Sabinije von Gaffke, Chip Walter, Pete Worden, and Alexander Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
Dobri Kiprov, Chief Medical Officer of Global Apheresis, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Olympian Stephen McCain joins our Life Extension Board.
RAADfest will be held October 6–9 in San Diego, California. This is the world’s largest event focused on anti-aging and age reversal science for a general audience.
Updated list! Our Bill Andrews, José Cordeiro, Greg Fahy, William Faloon, Ben Goertzel, Jean Hébert, Naveen Jain, Sandra Kaufmann, Robert Lufkin, Phil Newman, Liz Parrish, Steve Perry, Michael R. Rose, Stephen Sideroff, and James Strole will be speaking.
Get 20% off with the discount code LIFEBOAT.
Robert Lufkin, author of Lies I Taught in Medical School: And Truths That Can Save Your Life, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read issue #243 of Lifeboat News!
Famous YouTube personality Scott Manley joins our Space Settlement Board. Scott makes videos discussing space-related topics and news, mainly concerning up-to-date rocket science developments. In recognition of his work as a popular science communicator, asteroid 33434 Scottmanley was named after him.
Author Anne McCaffrey consulted with Scott on the effects of asteroid impacts while writing The Skies of Pern, determining the orbit of the comet and providing advice on how the event should be portrayed.
Watch Scott’s YouTube channel!
RAADfest will be held October 6–9 in San Diego, California. This is the world’s largest event focused on anti-aging and age reversal science for a general audience.
Updated list! Our Bill Andrews, José Cordeiro, Greg Fahy, William Faloon, Ben Goertzel, Jean Hébert, Naveen Jain, Sandra Kaufmann, Phil Newman, Liz Parrish, Steve Perry, Michael R. Rose, Stephen Sideroff, and James Strole will be speaking.
Get 20% off with the discount code LIFEBOAT.
James Strole joins our Life Extension Board. Jim is Cofounder and Codirector of People Unlimited, and the Executive Director of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension, the producers of RAADfest.
AGI-22 will be held August 19–22 in Seattle, Washington, USA and online.
Updated list! Our Antonio Chella, Ben Goertzel, Marcus Hutter, Matthew Iklé, Anton Kolonin, Xiang Li, John Licato, Alexey Potapov, Chris Poulin, Rafal Rzepka, Ricardo Sanz, Bas Steunebrink, Linas Vepstas, Pei Wang, and Roman Yampolskiy will be speaking/participating.
The AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) conference series plays a significant role in the resurgence of research on artificial intelligence in the deeper, original sense of the term of “artificial intelligence”. The conference encourages interdisciplinary research based on different understandings of intelligence, and exploring different approaches. As the AI field becomes increasingly commercialized and well accepted, maintaining and emphasizing a coherent focus on the AGI goals at the heart of the field remains more critical than ever.
Stephen Sideroff, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics, joins our Ethics Board.
Join the free WE Connect Mentor Session with Dr. Corrinne Graham on Perseverance on August 4th at 1:00 PM EDT. This is an online event.
In this expert-led group mentoring session series, you will have the chance to work in a facilitated setting with industry experts to understand the tools through which you can develop positioning, tech tools, marketing, and finance strategies.
Read Patent Depending: A Collection; 2nd edition and Patent Depending: Vehicles; 2nd Edition by our Steven M. Johnson.
Read What’s a Parent to Do?: How to Give Your Child the Best Education by our Lawrence Baines.
Michael Mantzke, CEO of Global Data Sciences, joins our Business Board.
Read Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions, coauthored by our Jerome C. Glenn.
Read State of the Future version 19.1, coauthored by our Jerome C. Glenn and Elizabeth Florescu.
Read Futurist Spaceflight Meditations and Tales of the Turing Church: Hacking religion, enlightening science, awakening technology, both by our Giulio Prisco.
The Cosmic Zoo: Complex Life on Many Worlds was coauthored by our Dirk Schulze-Makuch.
Are humans a galactic oddity, or will complex life with human abilities develop on planets with environments that remain habitable for long enough? In a clear, jargon-free style, two leading researchers in the burgeoning field of astrobiology critically examine the major evolutionary steps that led us from the distant origins of life to the technologically advanced species we are today.
The Dubai Future Forum will be held October 10–12 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Our José Luis Cordeiro and Jerome Glenn will be speaking.
A4M’s Longevity Medicine and Bio-Hacking: Optimizing Lifespan will be held October 27–29 in Charleston, South Carolina.
Our Michael Lustgarten will be speaking.
Biostasis2022 will be held October 21–23 in Rafz, Switzerland. Biostasis2022 will include workshops, presentations from experts, and an open house of the new facility for Biostasis research and the long-term storage of patients.
Our Roman Bauer, Michael Benjamin, Emil Kendziorra, and Max Marty spoke at last year’s conference.
The 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention “Searching for Life with Heavy Lift” will be held October 20–23 in Tempe, Arizona.
Our Robert Zubrin will be speaking.
The Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2022 will be held October 14–15 in Berlin, Germany.
Our Alexandra Bause, Yuri Deigin, Peter Fedichev, Michael Greve, Brian Kennedy, Michael Kope, Phil Newman, and Matthew O’Connor will be speaking.
The Dubai Future Forum will be held October 10–12 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Our José Luis Cordeiro will be speaking.
Reading Minds: Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and the Reading Human will be held October 6–9 at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
This is the 35th annual conference of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Our Kevin LaGrandeur will be speaking.
Read issue #242 of Lifeboat News!
The Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference 2022 will be held September 20–23 in Berlin, Germany.
This conference will discuss resource management and material flows, climate neutral buildings, post-fossil infrastructures, critical digitalization, and socio-political frames for transitions.
The eCADDe Conference will be held in Ghent, Belgium on September 13–16.
The subject of this conference will be Co-creating the Future: Including in and through Design.
The Longevity Investors Conference will be held September 28–30 in Gstaad, Switzerland.
Our Nir Barzilai, Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, Stephanie Dainow, Michael Greve, Aubrey de Grey, Phil Newman, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
Wise Technology joins our blog team with the post Possible step toward cheaper hydrogen-based energy: Predicting performance of catalysts in fuel cells.
Biofabrication 2022 will be held September 25–28 in Pistoia, Italy. This conference is focused on biofabrication for personalized and regenerative medicine.
Our Alvaro Mata will be speaking.
Longevity Summit Dublin 2022 will be held September 18–20 at The Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland.
Our Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, María A. Blasco, Didier Coeurnelle, Stephanie Dainow, Aubrey de Grey, Jim Mellon, Phil Newman, Matthew O’Connor, Martin O’Dea, and Hannah Went will be speaking.
Early bird tickets extended until July 31.
The 2022 Online News Association Conference will be held September 21–24 in Los Angeles, California.
As the premier gathering of highly engaged digital journalists who are shaping the future of media, ONA’s annual conference offers interactive panels, workshops, and networking events with some of the most innovative minds in digital news media.
Our Eric Mack will be speaking.
The 2022 NIAC Symposium will be held September 20–22 in Tucson, Arizona.
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) seeks innovative, technically credible advanced concepts that could one day change the possible in aeronautics and space. This portfolio of NIAC studies addresses diverse research areas including: Revolutionary Exploration Systems, Novel Propulsion, Human Systems & Architectures for Extreme Environments, Sensors, and Imaging.
This year’s Symposium will feature exciting keynote addresses to inspire attendees. Past NIAC speakers have included visionary thinkers, distinguished scientists, senior government officials, authors, astronauts, and entrepreneurs.
Longevity Summit Dublin 2022 will be held September 18–20 at The Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland.
Our Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, María A. Blasco, Didier Coeurnelle, Stephanie Dainow, Aubrey de Grey, Jim Mellon, Matthew O’Connor, Martin O’Dea, and Hannah Went will be speaking.
Early bird tickets extended until July 31.
Learn about JournoDAO which is an incubator for projects that transform and rethink the journalism ecosystem using Web3 tools. This incubator was cofounded by our Eric Mack.
The Operational Research Society’s Annual Conference is being held September 13–15 at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
This conference attracts hundreds of operational research professionals, data scientists, professors, analysts, engineers, and academics from across the globe for three days of conferencing, networking, and knowledge transfer.
MetaWeek Dubai will be held September 11–14 at the Grand Hyatt Dubai.
Our Susan Oh will be speaking.
The 2022 Vitamin D Workshop will be held September 6–9 in Austin, Texas.
Our William B. Grant will be speaking.
The Vitamin D Workshop scientific conferences have been supported by an NIH R13 Conference Grant since 2014. All scientists, clinicians, nutritionists, and public health workers with an interest in vitamin D are welcome to participate.
The Longevity Science Singapore Conference will be held September 7, 2022 at the National University Hospital, Singapore.
Our Nir Barzilai, Evelyne Bischof, Matt Kaeberlein, Brian Kennedy, and Andrea Maier will be speaking/participating.
The 2022 Vitamin D Workshop will be held September 6–9 in Austin, Texas.
The Vitamin D Workshop scientific conferences have been supported by an NIH R13 Conference Grant since 2014. All scientists, clinicians, nutritionists, and public health workers with an interest in vitamin D are welcome to participate.
Read issue #241 of Lifeboat News!
Enter to win the Maximon Longevity Prize which is valued at over 50,000 US dollars. Judges include our Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, João Pedro de Magalhães, Collin Ewald, Brian Kennedy, and Ashish Rajput.
The Maximon Longevity Prize for Translational Research awards outstanding breakthrough research in the field of longevity that can be translated for clinical or non-clinical applications and has the potential to substantially increase healthspan or lifespan of humans.
Ashish Rajput joins our Life Extension Board.
Ashish is Chief Science Officer and Partner at Maximon, a longevity company in Switzerland where he empowers entrepreneurs to build science-based scalable companies providing healthy aging and rejuvenation solutions.
Tristan Hambling joins our blog team with the post The true size and power of James Webb Space Telescope’s new guide camera(FGS) deep field image. [8k].
NewSpace Conference 2022 will be held August 24–26 in Seattle, Washington.
Our Rick Tumlinson will be speaking.
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2022 will be held August 11–14 in cyberspace.
Our Sebastian A. Brunemeier, Keith Comito, Greg Fahy, Michael Geer, Vadim Gladyshev, Steve Hill, Steve Horvath, Brian Kennedy, Gordan Lauc, Michael Lustgarten, Tim Maupin, Matthew O’Connor, Kevin Perrott, Mike P. Sinn, and Hannah Went will be speaking/participating.
Aging Research & Drug Discovery 2022 will be held August 29–September 2 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Our Nir Barzilai, Evelyne Bischof, Judith Campisi, João Pedro de Magalhães, Kristen Fortney, Vadim Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Steve Horvath, Matt Kaeberlein, Brian Kennedy, Gordan Lauc, Morgan Levine, Andrea B. Maier, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking/particpating.
Read the sci-fi, sci-fact play Coffeehouse Magik by our Coni Ciongoli-Koepfinger.
The Interpretable Natural Language Processing (INLP) AGI-22 Workshop will be held August 19–22 in Seattle, Washington and in cyberspace.
Our Anton Kolonin and Linas Vepstas will be speaking/participating.
TAFFD’s Gen4IR Summit will be held August 16–17 in Sun City, South Africa.
Our Kevin Allen, Bill Andrews, Ùgò Chúkwú, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Edward Hudgins, Al Karaki, Pius Adewale Owolawi, Kgomotsego Brenda Ramokopelwa, Sarita Sharma, Rohit Talwar, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking/participating.
This summit is devoted to accelerating our Singularity future for development in Africa.
The Liberty International World Conference 2022 will be held August 11–15 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Our José Luis Cordeiro will be speaking/participating.
Read Falling Up: How to get to Proxima Centauri by our Mike McCulloch.
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2022 will be held August 11–14 in cyberspace.
Our Vadim Gladyshev, Steve Hill, Steve Horvath, Brian Kennedy, Michael Lustgarten, and Tim Maupin will be speaking/participating.
DEF CON 30 will be held August 11–14 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Our Richard Thieme will be speaking.
The Future Forum will be held August 4–7 in San Francisco, USA. Our Allison Duettmann and Anders Sandberg will be speaking.
250 bright individuals will gather in a welcoming South San Francisco mansion, mingle with many of the voices thinking and working on improving the future of humanity, and we will co-create one-on-one conversations, fireside chats, workshops, and more.
Read Science and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction by our Marc Zimmer.
Read Future Bright, Future Grimm: Transhumanist Tales for Mother Nature’s Offspring by our D.J. MacLennan.
Read If It’s Smart, It’s Vulnerable by our Mikko Hyppönen.
Read The End of Astronauts coauthored by our Martin Rees.
Read issue #240 of Lifeboat News!
The Women in AI Breakfast will be held on July 19 in San Francisco, California. This is part of Transform 2022’s in-person event.
The Fifteenth International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging will be held in Bregenz, Austria on July 15–19.
Our Holly Brown-Borg and Matt Kaeberlein will be speaking/participating.
FreedomFest 2022 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 13–16.
Our Tom W. Bell, John Chisholm, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Edward Hudgins, and Michael Strong will be speaking.
Enter to win the Maximon Longevity Prize which is valued at over 50,000 US dollars. Judges include our Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, João Pedro de Magalhães, Collin Ewald, and Brian Kennedy.
The Maximon Longevity Prize for Translational Research awards outstanding breakthrough research in the field of longevity that can be translated for clinical or non-clinical applications and has the potential to substantially increase healthspan or lifespan of humans.
Kevin Allen, Chief Community Officer and Ambassador at OpenExO, joins our Business Board.
Ùgò Chúkwú joins our Futurists Board.
Ùgò is the Founder and Chief Learning Coach at Nexeve, trained Philosopher, and Futurist. He is the COO at TAFFD’s, the director of TAFFD’s Future Discussions Podcast, and their Ambassador to Nigeria.
RAADfest will be held October 6–9 in San Diego, California. This is the world’s largest event focused on anti-aging and age reversal science for a general audience.
Our Bill Andrews, José Cordeiro, Greg Fahy, William Faloon, Ben Goertzel, Jean Hébert, Naveen Jain, Sandra Kaufmann, Phil Newman, Liz Parrish, Steve Perry, and Michael R. Rose will be speaking.
Get 20% off with the discount code LIFEBOAT.
Art Toegemann joins our blog team with the post Metasurfaces Open the Door to Telekinesis and Telepathy With Technology.
Al Karaki, CEO of 4iAfrica, joins our Futurists Board.
Read issue #239 of Lifeboat News!
In celebration of Pride Month, Inara Tabir, one of our board members, is fundraising to pay for her transition surgery. We donated.
Learn more!
Read Special Report Building Musk’s path to Mars by our John Strickland.
To the public, the media and even some of the space community, the last year for SpaceX has not seemed to be progressing that fast. However, right before our eyes, what Musk calls “stage zero”, the complex launch tower and associated platform and tank farm, was being designed and built and is now almost ready to support launches. Steady progress has been made in the production of and design improvements to the two main space vehicles, the Starship stage and the Super Heavy booster. The capacity to build more vehicles at Boca Chica is shortly to be four times larger, as a much larger high bay building nears completion.
Read issue #238 of Lifeboat News!
Chip Walter, author of Immortality, Inc.: Renegade Science, Silicon Valley Billions, and the Quest to Live Forever, joins our Life Extension Board.
Jeff Smith, Project Manager at Ball Aerospace, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Sarita Sharma, Editor-in-Chief of TAFFD’s Magazine of the Future, joins our Futurists Board.
Read Special Report The SLS: too expensive for exploration? by our John Strickland.
Many members of the space community have spoken out strongly against NASA’s plans to develop the Space Launch System (SLS), disparagingly called the “Senate Launch System” by some and the “Franken-Rocket” by others. It should be noted for fairness that, to a large degree, this wrong design has been forced on NASA by a Congress bent on keeping current space jobs in their current locations.
Read issue #237 of Lifeboat News!
Pius Adewale Owolawi, Head of the Department of Computer Systems Engineering at Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, joins our Engineering Board.
Pius is an accomplished researcher in the fields of high-frequency communications (Radiofrequency, Free Space Optical Communication, Satellite communication), image processing, embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT), and the application of Machine Learning (ML) techniques to image recognition, predictions, and modeling.
RAADfest will be held October 6–9 in San Diego, California. This is the world’s largest event focused on anti-aging and age reversal science for a general audience.
Our José Cordeiro, Greg Fahy, William Faloon, Ben Goertzel, Jean Hébert, Naveen Jain, Sandra Kaufmann, Phil Newman, and Liz Parrish will be speaking.
Read issue #236 of Lifeboat News!
Kgomotsego Brenda Ramokopelwa, CEO of TAFFD’s, joins our Futurists Board.
TAFFD’s is a transdisciplinary group of innovators. Founded to serve as a global hub for innovation, this nongovernmental organization aims to engage people through education by showing them the advantages and challenges of using technology in high-impact industries and disciplines across the globe.
AGI-22 will be held August 19–22 in Seattle, Washington, USA and online.
Our Antonio Chella, Ben Goertzel, Marcus Hutter, Matthew Iklé, Anton Kolonin, Xiang Li, John Licato, Alexey Potapov, Rafal Rzepka, Ricardo Sanz, Bas Steunebrink, Pei Wang, and Roman Yampolskiy will be speaking/participating.
The AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) conference series plays a significant role in the resurgence of research on artificial intelligence in the deeper, original sense of the term of “artificial intelligence”. The conference encourages interdisciplinary research based on different understandings of intelligence, and exploring different approaches. As the AI field becomes increasingly commercialized and well accepted, maintaining and emphasizing a coherent focus on the AGI goals at the heart of the field remains more critical than ever.
TAFFD’s Gen4IR Summit will be held August 16–17 in Sun City, South Africa.
Our José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Edward Hudgins, Rohit Talwar, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking. This summit is devoted to accelerating our Singularity future for development in Africa.
Ken Otwell joins our blog team with the post Meta AI is sharing OPT-175B, the first 175-billion-parameter language model to be made available to the broader AI research community.
Read issue #235 of Lifeboat News!
Barbara Amelia King joins our Media & Arts Board. She is an artist, media producer, writer, and space studies researcher.
Melvin Louis joins our blog team with the post The Large Hadron Collider Is Back and Ready to Hunt for Dark Matter.
Riz Virk, author of The Simulation Hypothesis, joins our Futurists Board.
Leigh Outten, coauthor of Pulsed Nuclear Space Propulsion and International Law: Some Preliminary Observations, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Angelique Ahlström, CSO and Cofounder at Flash Forest, joins our Sustainability Board.
Flash Forest uses flying drones to plant hundreds of thousands of seed pods across Canada and internationally, aiming to be the most scalable and cost-effective method of reforestation.
Evelyne Yehudit Bischof joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Evelyne is a specialist and expert in Internal Medicine with a research focus on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health, especially in the fields of Oncology, Preventative and Precision Medicine, Biogerontology, and Geronto-Oncology.
Ovie Desire joins our blog team with the post What Code Of Ethics Must Robots Follow.
Robert Grüning joins our blog team with the post Is the US military testing an anti-aging pill?
Nicole Cagar joins our blog team with the post Kizoo Portfolio Company Revel Pharmaceuticals Announces $8.4M Seed to Develop Repairing-Based Approaches to Reversing Aging.
Sabinije von Gaffke, Head of Sustainability at Nibiru Software, joins our Sustainability Board.
Colt Lafreniere, Founder of Global Acquisition Partners, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Lifeboat’s GETA level has been raised from Guarded to Elevated because NATO members Turkey and Estonia are said to be blocking Russian military movements due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This could lead to conflict between NATO and Russia, leading to billions of deaths in a World War.
Len Rosen joins our blog team with the post Making Scientific Discoveries Open to All.
Jonathan Warrell, who coauthored Quantum Computing at the Frontiers of Biological Sciences, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Doug Plata, Founder of The Space Development Network (SDN), joins our Space Settlement Board.
Michael Benjamin, Founder of The Science Mic, joins our Futurists Board.
Xiang Li, a member of the Temple AGI Team, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Andrea B. Maier joins our Life Extension Board. Andrea is Professor of Gerontology at VU Amsterdam and Professor of Medicine and Healthy Aging and Codirector of the Centre for Healthy Longevity at the National University of Singapore.
Phil Newman joins our Life Extension Board. Phil is the Editor-in-Chief at Longevity Technology and CEO at First Longevity,
Sebastian A. Brunemeier, CEO at ImmuneAGE Pharma, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #234 of Lifeboat News!
Read Special Report Interstellar Travel and Post-Humans by our Martin Rees.
The Earth has existed for forty-five million centuries — and even longer timespans lie ahead before the Sun dies. But even in this vast time-perspective, the present century is special. It is the first when humans may establish communities away from the Earth. And it is the first when they may create electronic intelligences that surpass their own all-round capabilities, and also achieve the ability to bio-engineer their progeny. In this report, some aspects of this transition are discussed, along with some even more speculative comments about “post-human” evolution, and the future of the universe itself.
Shivon Zilis joins our Neuroscience Board and Robotics/AI Board. Shivon is the Director of Operations at Neuralink, Board Member and Advisor at OpenAI, and Founding Fellow of the Creative Destruction Lab Incubator.
Daniel Cebo, author of Big Data: A Twenty-First Century Arms Race, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Liliana Alfair joins our blog team with the post Scientists Used CRISPR Gene Editing to Choose the Sex of Mouse Pups.
Chiara Chiesa joins our Space Settlement Board. Chiara is the founder and organizer of the global hackathon NASA International Space Apps Challenge in Brescia.
Read issue #233 of Lifeboat News!
The 2021 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Martine Rothblatt who has devoted her life to moving humanity towards a positive future.
Martine was the 500th person to join our Advisory Board, has contributed to our blog, and has generously supported the Lifeboat Foundation’s goal of “Safeguarding Humanity”.
Martine is cofounder of the Terasem Movement Foundation. Their mission is to promote the geoethical (world ethical) use of nanotechnology for human life extension. They conduct educational programs and support scientific research and development in the areas of cryonics, biotechnology, and cyber consciousness. This foundation is related to the Lifeboat Foundation programs LifePreserver and PersonalityPreserver (which Martine contributed text to).
The Terasem Movement Foundation publishes The Journal of Personal Cyberconsciousness and The Journal of Geoethical Nanotechnology.
Learn more!
Paul Moscarella joins our blog team with the post UN talks adjourn without deal to regulate “killer robots”.
Gordan Lauc joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Gordan is CEO at Genos and CSO at GlycanAge. He also launched the Human Glycome project.
Read Special Report What is Human Enhancement, and why is it good for our society? by our Guido Putignano.
According to a study made by the European Parliament, the umbrella term “Human Enhancement” refers to a wide range of existing, emerging, and visionary technologies, including pharmaceutical products: neuro implants that provide replacement sight or other artificial senses, drugs that boost brain power, human germline engineering and existing reproductive technologies, nutritional supplements, new brain stimulation technologies to alleviate suffering and control mood, gene doping in sports, cosmetic surgery, growth hormones for children of short stature, anti-aging medication, and highly sophisticated prosthetic applications that may provide specialized sensory input or mechanical output.
All these technologies signal the blurring of boundaries between restorative therapy and interventions that aim to bring about improvements extending beyond such therapy.
Read Young Italy Award to Guido Putignano from Taranto for studies of synthetic biology and regenerative medicine. This article which was translated from the original Italian is about our Guido Putignano.
Denisa Lepădatu joins our blog team with the article Continuity. An evolutionary perspective on art.
Read issue #232 of Lifeboat News!
Hannah Went, Director of Operations at TruDiagnostic, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Collin Ewald, President of the Swiss Society For Aging Research, joins our Life Extension Board.
Daniel Ives joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Daniel is CEO and Founder at Shift Bioscience, a preclinical drug discovery and development company creating the first small molecule drug for safe repair of mitochondria, the energy producing organelle.
Michael Lustgarten joins our Life Extension Board. Mike is Scientist II on the Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, and Sarcopenia (NEPS) Team at the HNRCA at Tufts University.
Kevin Myrick joins our Space Settlement Board. Kevin is CEO of InterPlanetary Ventures, Chief Synergy Officer at Synergy Moon, and Executive Director at the Space Renaissance Initiative.
Dan Levitt joins our Life Extension Board. He is an acclaimed international speaker, elder care leader, writer, and gerontologist, specializing in helping others to create better lives for seniors.
Shubham Ghosh Roy joins our blog team with the post Tesla is moving driver profiles to the cloud for smooth transitions between cars, rentals, and more.
Our John K. Strickland Jr. and Sam Spencer just authored the books Settling Space and Developing Space.
Dan Breeden joins our blog team with the post Real Lab Grown Meat is Here! — Buying Synthetic Meat TODAY.
Brigitte Hanly, Chief Scientist at the Stemaid Institute, joins our Life Extension Board.
Anastasiya Giarletta, CEO and Cofounder at Aikora Health, and Principal at R42 Group, joins our Life Extension Board.
Steve Perry, CEO at GDF11 Rejuvenation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Shahriar Mahmud joins our blog team with the post Developing an AI that ‘thinks’ like humans.
Chris J. Kent joins our blog team with the post What’s The State Of Vertical Farming In 2021?
Read Special Report To Food and Beyond: How Synthetic Biology will Revolutionize the Space Food Sector in the Future by our Guido Putignano.
Access to fresh food is the main obstacle to long-term space exploration and human colonization: limiting the possibilities and impacting the astronaut’s mental and physiological health. It limits how far away from Earth we can travel and how long we can stay in space since there is a limit to how much food we can stock or initially carry to space. If we are to travel to Mars or the Moon, we need food production systems that are bio-regenerative, and that can locally feed the communities with quality nutrition.
Read issue #231 of Lifeboat News!
Ines O’Donovan, Editor-in-Chief of Jeunessima Magazine, joins our Life Extension Board.
Miguel Pais-Vieira joins our Neuroscience Board. Miguel is studying sensory-motor integration and brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) in rodents and humans.
Claudio Soprano joins our blog team with the post Tiny Balls Turn Into Artificial Cells Able to Mimic Life Functions.
Inara Tabir, CEO at Galaxies Aerospace, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Ron Friedman joins our blog team with the post Foundation — Why Asimov’s vision is more relevant than ever.
David Harry Stewart joins our Life Extension Board. David is CEO and Founder of AGEIST and the host of the SuperAge podcast.
Krys Hyff joins our blog team with the post Blood collection by robot a Shanghai first.
AGI-21 will be held October 15–18 in San Francisco, California and will be held in cyberspace as well. As the AI field becomes increasingly commercialized and well accepted, maintaining and emphasizing a coherent focus on the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) goals at the heart of the field remains more critical than ever.
Our Joscha Bach, Antonio Chella, Haris Dindo, Włodzisław Duch, Arthur Franz, Ben Goertzel, David Hanson, Marcus Hutter, Matthew Iklé, Randal Koene, Anton Kolonin, Gary Marcus, Alexey Potapov, Rafal Rzepka, Ricardo Sanz, Leslie Smith, Bas Steunebrink, Pei Wang, Nell Watson, Roman Yampolskiy, and Byoung-Tak Zhang will be speaking/participating.
Learn more!
The Biostasis 2021 Conference will be held October 22–24 in Zurich Switzerland and will be held in cyberspace as well. This conference is focused on biostasis, cryobiology, and cryopreservation.
Our Roman Bauer, João Pedro de Magalhães, Emil Kendziorra, Max Marty, Nikki Olson, and Ramón Risco will be speaking.
Learn more!
Julian Sapp joins our blog team with the post South Korean researchers create chameleon-like artificial “skin”.
Read issue #230 of Lifeboat News!
The Longevity Investors Conference will be held September 27th in cyberspace. This conference provides relevant insights into the subject, expert education, investment opportunities, and excellent networking opportunities.
Our Aubrey de Grey, Michael Greve, Brian Kennedy, Maria Konovalenko, Alexey Moskalev, and Morten Scheibye-Knudsen will be speaking.
Learn more!
Susan Ip-Jewell, President of MMAARS, joins our Space Settlement Board.
MMAARS is offering fully immersive experiences in analog missions monthly where selected crews live, work, and conduct R&D in remote, Isolated and Confined Environments (I.C.E), integrating experiential learning with exponential technologies.
Chima Wisdom Anayo joins our blog team with the post An ‘Uncrashable’ Car? Luminar Says Its Lidar Can Get There Martian Crust Could Sustain Life through Radiation.
Giorgia Pontetti, who developed RobotFarm, joins our Sustainability Board.
Alan Jurisson joins our blog team with the post Martian Crust Could Sustain Life through Radiation.
Corrinne Graham, Treasurer and Board Member at Space Renaissance International (SRI), joins our Space Settlement Board.
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2021 will be held August 19–22 in cyberspace. This conference brings together the greatest minds from all over the world to work on the solutions to aging.
Our Keith Comito, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Allison Duettmann, Greg Fahy, Peter Fedichev, Michael Geer, Vadim Gladyshev, Michael Greve, Terry Grossman, Lorna Harries, Jean Hébert, Steve Horvath, and Tim Maupin will be speaking/participating.
Learn more!
Joaquín Alvira Enríquez joins our blog team with the post Starship is Stacked on the Super Heavy Booster. The Tallest Rocket Ever Built.
Read issue #229 of Lifeboat News!
Henrique Jorge joins our blog team with the post Innovation is a risk!
Lifeboat Foundation provided seed funding and publicity for Goodnight Moon Base which is now fully funded. This book embraces children’s love of human space exploration, transporting them onto a moon base for bedtime each night. By immersing them in this captivating world through vivid illustrations and enchanting rhymes, a future with this moon base will be so compelling and attractive that it will have to manifest itself into physical reality.
Learn more!
Rebecca D. Costa joins our blog team with the post Stimers Issues Warning Regarding China and Russia Advances in Outer Space.
Daniela de Paulis, member of the IAA SETI Permanent Committee, joins our Astrobiology/SETI Board.
Kamil Muzyka, Coeditor of Law and Space, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Peter DeKraker joins our blog team with the post Unfolding the hippocampus.
J. Peter Rosenfeld provided a news item for our December 2020 newsletter only two months before he died of old age in February 2021. We applaud him for working to “Safeguard Humanity” until the very end! Peter was with us for 11 years and is now on our esteemed Advisory Memorial Board.
Shaun Moss, author of The International Mars Research Station, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Lifeboat Foundation Dream Project Winner Teachers in Space, the leading provider of affordable flight experiment opportunities for classrooms, was awarded one million dollars by Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award winner Jeff Bezos.
Last month, Blue Origin auctioned off a seat on the first crewed flight of its New Shepard suborbital vehicle, which is scheduled to lift off from West Texas on July 20. Guardian Award winner Jeff Bezos himself will be on the flight, and the seat sold for an astronomical price — $28 million.
That money went to Blue Origin’s nonprofit organization Club for the Future, which disbursed a large chunk of it, including $1 million for Teachers in Space, led by our Liz Kennick.
Previously, Lifeboat Foundation provided funds to Teachers in Space to fly three new classroom experiments on the Perlan II stratospheric glider in Minden, Nevada. These experiments were a big success.
Learn more!
Michelle L.D. Hanlon, President of the National Space Society, joins our Space Settlement Board. She is also President of For All Moonkind, which has the status of Permanent Observer, United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
Healthy Masters 2021 will be held November 6–7, 2021 at the Palacio Estoril Hotel in Portugal. Low cost online tickets are also available.
Our Maria Entraigues Abramson, Yael Benvenisti, Nichola Conlon, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Brian Delaney, Valerio Di Nicola, William Faloon, Robin Farmanfarmaian, Steven A. Garan, Giorgio Gaviraghi, Andrés Grases, Rudi Hoffman, Naveen Jain, David Kekich, Emil Kendziorra, Stuart Maudsley, Liz Parrish, Denisa Rensen, Paul A. Spiegel, Rohit Talwar, Natasha Vita-More, and Simon Peter “Pete” Worden will be speaking.
Learn more!
Read issue #228 of Lifeboat News!
Read Special Report Let’s Lift the Earth! by our David Brin.
Within one or two hundred million years, as our Sun gets hotter, the inner edge of our sun’s Continuously Habitable Goldilocks Zone (CHZ) will move past where our planet orbits, causing the Earth to overheat. Perhaps we should lift the Earth’s orbit to solve this.
Among the many transformational initiatives that align with the Lifeboat Foundation mission to safeguard humanity, several of them aim to establish a viable civilization of humanity beyond Earth.
Establishing a passionate vision for this future in children is the goal of our Advisory Board member, Brett Hoffstadt. An established children’s book author and former aerospace engineer, he is in the process of publishing a forward-looking sequel to the popular classic Goodnight Moon. His book is called Goodnight Moon Base.
Goodnight Moon Base will embrace children’s love of human space exploration, transporting them onto a moon base for bedtime each night. By immersing them in this captivating world through vivid illustrations and enchanting rhymes, a future with this moon base will be so compelling and attractive that it will have to manifest itself into physical reality.
Learn more!
Shelli Brunswick, Chief Operating Officer at Space Foundation, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Listen to The Costa Report, an in-depth news podcast by our Rebecca D. Costa. The first episode is co-hosted with Washington DC advisor on space flight to the House, Senate, and White House, Paul Stimers, titled The Human Conquest of Space. You can also listen for free to some of the show here.
The Costa Report begins where 3-minute news reporting ends. It’s for listeners who abhor over-simplification, sound-bites, and headline-deep knowledge; who prefer hearing from qualified experts rather than agendized personalities; who long for respectful, informed, rational debate that examines all reasonable perspectives; who want to trust the media again.
Johnathan Doetry joins our blog team with the post Math Has a Fatal Flaw.
John Marlowe joins our blog team with the post Sequencing 101: Whole Genome Sequencing for Rare Diseases.
Cherrie Ho joins our blog team with the post Blood Plasma Dilution w/Saline-Albumin | Drs. Irina & Mike Conboy Interview Series Ep 2.
Jimmy Quaresmini joins our blog team with the post The quantum world of diamonds.
Kit Carson, Founder of Ortum Stellar Eo, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Sourav Karmakar joins our Space Settlement Board. Watch his TEDx talk Space for everyone.
Alyse Sue joins our Futurists Board. Alyse is Cofounder at Transhumanism AU, and Board Member and Advisor at SingularityU AU.
Read issue #227 of Lifeboat News!
The free 2021 Space Renaissance Congress will be held June 26–30 in cyberspace. Our Adriano V. Autino, Gary Barnhard, Howard Bloom, Bernard Foing, Al Globus, Brett Hoffstadt, Sourav Karmakar, Christina Korp, Thomas Matula, Charles Ostman, Joe Pelton, Manuel Perez, Giulio Prisco, Chris Smedley, Mike Snead, Rick Tumlinson, Steven Wolfe, Bart Womack, Arthur Woods, and Bob Zubrin will be speaking.
Learn more!
Logan Collins joins our blog team with the post Gigadalton-scale DNA origami nanostructures explained.
Steve Jordan joins our blog team with the post Ultra-thin lithium offers a solid platform for high-capacity batteries.
Nir Barzilai joins our Biotech/Medical Board. In addition to his “longevity gene” research, Nir studies key mechanisms involved in the biology of aging, including how nutrients and genetics influence lifespan.
Read At the Bridge Table, Clues to a Lucid Old Age.
Alan DeRossett joins our blog team with the post U-Smell-It honored in global $6M XPRIZE Rapid Covid Testing Competition.
Scott Bleackley joins our blog team with the post New quantum material discovered.
Hiel Salming Gagarin joins our blog team with the post Samsung Develops a Very Fast 512GB DDR5 Memory Module.
Atanas Atanasov joins our blog team with the post Virgin Galactic: Extraordinary launch video previews space tourism.
Michael Taylor joins our blog team with the post Antibiofilm and antivirulence potential of silver nanoparticles against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.
Mishari Al Hasawi joins our blog team with the post Spermageddon: are humans going extinct?
Faith Jones joins our blog team with the post Could blocking the sun save the planet?
Randy Campbell joins our blog team with the post Is Mars Heck?
Joe Bennett joins our blog team with the post Faecal transplantation: the cure for forgetfulness?
Lawrene Klaes joins our blog team with the post Why studying Uranus and Neptune could help us find habitable planets in other solar systems.
Rocket Scientist Natally Mendez joins our Space Settlement Board.
Andy Aymeloglu, member of the Board of Directors at Alcor, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #226 of Lifeboat News!
Bronwyn Williams, author of The Future Starts Now, joins our Futurists Board.
Jessica Garretson, CEO of Cognis Group, an international research firm specializing in future-proofing company technology innovation pipelines, joins our Futurists Board.
John Lewis, Digital Learning and Knowledge Strategist at Explanation Age, joins our Education Board.
Lifeboat Foundation is sponsoring the TechCast/Cognis Strategic Forum which is a free virtual conference that brings together prominent thought leaders to collectively provide strategic solutions to the transformative changes of our time.
It will be held virtually June 30 and July 28, 1 pm PDT. Our Jerry Glenn, Ted Gordon, Bill Halal, Steven Hausman, and Paul Saffo will be speaking.
An Executive Workshop held 30 minutes after the conference helps leaders, planners, and other professionals develop a more powerful strategic posture to master these challenges of a changing world.
Learn more!
Jamal Simpson joins our blog team with the post NASA Reportedly Chooses SpaceX to Develop Moon Lander.
Read issue #225 of Lifeboat News!
Steve Wells, Global Futurist, Speaker, Consultant, and Director at Informing Choices, joins our Futurists Board.
Paul Plant, Cofounder and Director at BigFive Digital, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Read Special Report Preparing for our Posthuman Future of Artificial Intelligence by David Brin.
By exploring the recent books on the dilemmas of AI and Human Augmentation, how can we better prepare for (and understand) the posthuman future?
Jay Friedenberg joins our Psychology Board. Jay is Chair and Professor of the Psychology Department at Manhattan College, where he directs the Cognitive Science program.
Carlos Rodríguez Sau, Partner at CSV Consulting, joins our Legal Board. He will be speaking at TransVision 2021.
Rachel Burger joins our blog team with the post Fat and Healthy? What the Science Says About Longevity and Weight.
Jason Blain joins our blog team with the post CRISPR Fixes Rare Mutation for the First Time in a Live Animal.
Read the free paper Longevity pharmacology comes of age by our João Pedro de Magalhães.
Read issue #224 of Lifeboat News!
Read Special Report Rethinking the Mars Terraforming Debate by John K. Strickland, Jr.
It is important to realize that without full terraforming, with at least a half-atmosphere or more of pressure, the fanciful images of skyscrapers and shimmering domed cities on the surface of Mars are not realistic. Once there are enough humans living under Mars surface, the public pressure for terraforming will build and action will be taken. Eventually creating a living world on the surface of Mars — to act as a backup for Earth’s biome, not as a replacement for it — is a great dream, and a valid one.
Adolfo Castilla, Executive Director at Innovation Wars, joins our Futurists Board.
Fernando Botella, CEO at Think&Action, joins our Futurists Board.
The TransVision 2021 Conference has been moved to October 8–10 at Ateneo de Madrid. Our Fernando Botella, Adolfo Castilla, Didier Coeurnelle, José Luis Cordeiro, Felipe Debasa, Aubrey de Grey, Ben Goertzel, Rodolfo Goya, Andrés Grases, Rudi Hoffman, Charlie Kam, Ray Kurzweil, João Pedro Magalhães, Jim Mellon, Elena Milova, Liz Parrish, David Pearce, Valerija Pride, Ramón Risco, Anders Sandberg, Paul Spiegel, Melanie Swan, Sergio Tarrero, Philippe Van Nedervelde, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking at this global futurist summit.
Learn more!
Read issue #223 of Lifeboat News!
Bernard Foing, Senior Scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA), joins our Space Settlement Board.
The Global Alliance for International Space Collaboration (GALIX) will be held online March 18–19. This free event features many key space leaders from around the world including NASA Chief Scientist James Green, Niklas Hedman of the UN OOSA, Michelle Hanlon of For All Moonkind, Juan De Dalmau President of the Internat'l Space Univ., Lucy Stojak of the Canadian Space Council, Alicia Woodly of Axiom, J-J Tortora of the European Space Policy Institute, Su-Yin Tan of the Univ. of Waterloo, Canada, Dr. Kai-Uwe Shrogl of ESA/DLR, and many other notables.
Learn more!
Professional Futurist Amy Lynn Fletcher joins our Futurists Board. Amy has twenty years experience in strategic foresight, disruptive technologies and social change, and community development.
Scott Madry, Professor Emeritus at the International Space University, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Unni Neel joins our blog team with the post Lunar Traffic to Pick Up for Commercial Moon Deliveries.
Jerry Edling joins our Media & Arts Board. Jerry is an award-winning journalist, writer, and former air personality who has been nominated for three Emmy Awards and five Writers Guild Awards, and he received two Golden Mike Awards, three Associated Press Awards, and one Mark Twain Award nomination.
Teresa Lynn joins our blog team with the post ORBIT — A Journey Around Earth in Real Time [4K Remastered].
Read Special Report Our Future is being formed around one simple question, “what’s missing?” by Thomas Frey.
Is there anything left for us to contribute for the betterment of mankind? What problems are still unsolved? What life enhancements have we not thought of and addressed? “What’s missing?”
The short answer: A lot.
Rohit Talwar, CEO at Fast Future, joins our Futurists Board.
Rob Caldera, principal owner of Future|Shift Consulting, joins our Futurists Board.
Undoing Aging 2020 has become Undoing Aging 2022 and has been moved to May 26–28, 2022 in Berlin, Germany. Our Tamir Chandra, Ke Cheng, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Vera Gorbunova, Michael Greve, Adiv A. Johnson, Jamie Justice, Jeanne Loring, and Wenyu Zhou will be speaking/participating.
Undoing Aging 2022 is not only open to the scientific community, but also welcomes startups, investors, the general media, and all interested members of the broader rejuvenation movement. The conference will feature a student poster session showing the work of innovative undergraduate and graduate students in the field of damage repair. Learn more!
Read issue #222 of Lifeboat News!
Read Synthetic biology for Entrepreneurs: Innovations in the Healthcare Sector by Guido Putignano.
Jeffery Pacheco joins our blog team with the post Wormholes may be lurking in the universe — and new studies are proposing ways of finding them.
The 2020 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to David Brin in recognition of his long-term interest in existential risks including his ongoing support of the Lifeboat Foundation.
David Brin is an American scientist and author of science fiction. He has won the Hugo, Locus, Campbell, and Nebula Awards. His novel The Postman was adapted into a 1997 feature film starring Kevin Costner.
As a scientist, tech-consultant, and world-known author, David speaks, advises, and writes widely on topics from national defense and homeland security to astronomy and space exploration, SETI and nanotechnology, future/prediction, creativity, and philanthropy. Urban Developer Magazine named him one of four World’s Best Futurists, and he was appraised as the “#1 influencer” in Onalytica’s Top 100 report of Artificial Intelligence influencers, brands, and publications. His insights have been sought by groups such as Northrup-Grumman, Johns Hopkins, the MIT Media Lab, Google, Microsoft, South by Southwest, IBM, and more.
Learn more!
Robin Hanson, author of The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life When Robots Rule the Earth, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Veronica Chiaravalli, CEO of Emerging Technologies Sweden, joins our Futurists Board.
Read Alien Puzzle Boxes: Twenty short science fiction stories by Jeremy Lichtman. It is available for FREE until Friday.
The TransVision 2021 Conference will be held June 4–6 at Ateneo de Madrid. Our Didier Coeurnelle, José Luis Cordeiro, Felipe Debasa, Aubrey de Grey, Ben Goertzel, Rodolfo Goya, Andrés Grases, Rudi Hoffman, Charlie Kam, Ray Kurzweil, João Pedro Magalhães, Alexandre Maurer, Jim Mellon, Elena Milova, Liz Parrish, David Pearce, Valerija Pride, Ramón Risco, Anders Sandberg, Paul Spiegel, Melanie Swan, Sergio Tarrero, Philippe Van Nedervelde, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking at this global futurist summit.
Learn more!
Dr. David Bray is now the inaugural director for the Atlantic Council's GeoTech Center, which has produced a series of programmes focused on the intersection of technology, advances in data capabilities, and global geopolitics as part of a weekly The GeoTech Hour.
The GeoTech Center also will be publishing the official Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data in early 2021 which includes Commissioners from the U.S. Congress and private industry; the Center and Commission already have released a narrated, animated video of its overall activities.
Read issue #221 of Lifeboat News!
Space Renaissance 2021 is calling for papers/abstracts by May 31, 2021.
Read Voyager: Photographs from Humanity’s Greatest Journey. Our Garry Hunt was a member of the Voyager imaging team. (Garry received 2 NASA Awards for the Voyager Project with two additional NASA Awards in 1986 and 1990.)
Read The Vanished Seas, a science fiction mystery by Catherine Asaro. Read this interview about her book. Visit her Patreon page.
Read Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Artificial Slaves by Kevin LaGrandeur and Surviving the Machine Age: Intelligent Technology and the Transformation of Human Work coedited by Kevin LaGrandeur.
The NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and our Professor Brian Kennedy are proud to be hosting FREE Healthy Longevity webinars on January 7, 14, 21, and February 4 and 18. They will be held 7 PM Singapore time.
Our Steve Horvath will be speaking at the January 7 webinar.
Learn more!
Rogue Space Systems Corporation, a new satellite servicing company is fundraising money. Rogue is developing Orbital Robots (Orbots™) that will transport and service satellites in LEO, MEO, and GEO. In December of 2020, Rogue signed a cooperative agreement (CRADA) with the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).
In addition to traditional fundraising efforts, Rogue is also accepting investment funds from non-traditional investors on Trucrowd, a Federal equity-based crowdfunding portal. Learn more!
Read How To Develop The Solar System and Beyond: A Roadmap to Interstellar Space by Giorgio Gaviraghi, John Lee, Pier Marzocca, Joseph Miller, Armen V. Papazian, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, and Amalie Sinclair.
Read A Greater World is Possible: The expansion of civilization beyond the limits of our home planet is the moral issue of our time by Adriano V. Autino.
Read 18 Miles: The Epic Drama of Our Atmosphere and Its Weather by Christopher Dewdney.
This book is winner of the American Meteorological Society’s Louis J. Battan Authors’ Award for science writing, the 2019 Science Writers & Communicators of Canada Book Award, and the 2018 Lane Anderson Award.
Cities in Space® Virtual 2021: Student Competition and Conference will be held in cyberspace on February 5, 2021 at 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM CST. This event is organized by our Holly Melear and our Janet Ivey is speaking.
Learn more!
The virtual conference Planning for Transformative Change: Strategic Talks on the Pivotal Issues of Our Time will be held each Friday, February 5 – March 19, 2021. Our Jerome Glenn, Theodore Jay Gordon, William E. Halal, Steven Hausman, and Paul Saffo will be speaking.
Learn more!
Read Detecting Concealed Information and Deception: Recent Developments by J. Peter Rosenfeld.
Read The Oppenheimer Alternative. On the 75th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb, Hugo and Nebula-winning author Robert J. Sawyer takes us back in time to revisit history… with a twist.
While J. Robert Oppenheimer and his Manhattan Project team struggle to develop the A-bomb, Edward Teller wants something even more devastating: a bomb based on nuclear fusion — the mechanism that powers the sun.
Teller’s research leads to a terrifying discovery: by the year 2030, the sun will eject its outermost layer, destroying the entire inner solar system — including Earth.
As the war ends with the use of fission bombs against Japan, Oppenheimer’s team, plus Albert Einstein and Wernher von Braun, stay together — the greatest scientific geniuses from the last century racing against time to save our future.
Read How to Be a Rocket Scientist and Cybersecurity for Kids Puzzle Book: Fun Learning Cyber Security Basics Through Word Searches, Crosswords, Cryptograms, Logic Puzzles, Coloring, and More, both by Brett Hoffstadt.
Read Handbook of Small Satellites: Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation, Space 2.0: Revolutionary Advances in the Space Industry, Handbook of Satellite Applications, Preparing for the Next Cyber Revolution: How Our World Will Be Radically Transformed — Again!, The New Gold Rush: Riches of Space Beckon!, and Global Space Governance: An International Study, all authored, edited, or coedited by Joseph N. Pelton.
Read Laundrygate: Strange Stories About the Future by Tery Spataro.
This book is a collection of short stories about the unimagined consequences of technology and the creation of new realities.
Attend The Evolution of Science Fiction Webinar Series: Module 7, Evolution and the Late Nineteenth Century: Utopias, Robots, the Mystical, and the Martians on January 2, 2021 at 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST. Host is Tom Lombardo and is organized by Tery Spataro.
This is an online event. Learn more!
Read Dead Precedents: How Hip-Hop Defines the Future by Roy Christopher.
This book uses the concerns and conceits of cyberpunk literature to thoughtfully remap hip-hop’s spread from around the way to around the world.
Read Arrival Mind and Upgrade, both by Louis B. Rosenberg.
Arrival Mind is a “picture book for grown-ups” about the dangers of artificial intelligence. Upgrade is a dystopian graphic novel about human society willfully designing itself out of existence.
Read Replacing Aging by Jean M. Hébert.
Read Aftershocks and Opportunities: Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic Future coedited by Alexandra Whittington. It includes chapters by Bruce Lloyd, Liselotte Lyngsø, and Nell (Eleanor) Watson.
Read Global Technological Change: From Hard Technology to Soft Technology — Second Edition and The Future of Humanity: Global Civilization and China’s Rejuvenation by Zhouying Jin.
Read Moon: An Illustrated History: From Ancient Myths to the Colonies of Tomorrow by David Warmflash.
Read The Aging Gap Between Species and Eat Less, Live Longer — Your Practical Guide to Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition, both by Anca Ioviță.
Read In Search of Consciousness and the Theory of Everything: Towards the Final Answers to the Mystery of Existence by Abed Peerally.
Read Rise of the Space Age Millennials: The Space Aspirations of a Rising Generation by Laura Forczyk.
Read The Transhumanism Handbook, edited by Newton Lee. Also read his Google It: Total Information Awareness and Facebook Nation: Total Information Awareness.
Rogue Space Systems, a revolutionary satellite servicing company is fundraising money. Rogue is developing Orbital Robots that will service satellites in LEO, MEO, and GEO.
Rogue has received endorsement by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) for their first mission launch scheduled in Q3 2021, followed by additional launches in 2022 and 2023. The cost of each of these launches are being waived and are valued at over $1 million each! These waivers clearly demonstrate the value of Rogue’s technology to the US Air Force/Space Force and NASA.
Learn more!
Read Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence, coauthored by Woody Barfield.
Read The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of Algorithms edited by Woody Barfield.
Read Modified: Living as a Cyborg, coedited by Chris Hables Gray.
Building off the highly successful The Cyborg Handbook, this new collection of essays, interviews, and creative pieces brings together a set of compelling personal accounts about what it means to live as a cyborg in the twenty-first century.
Read Special Report The Future of Digital Surveillance and Healthcare: A Conversation with World Leading Philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner by Dinorah Delfin.
Biotechnologies are giving us the ability to create algorithms that allow us to better understand and monitor what is happening inside of the human body by means of implanted chips that measure bodily processes and generate biometric data.
By means of this data, we can also get warnings before a disease develops. The same chips can also be used to prevent future epidemics by spotting infected people and isolating them.
Lifeboat Foundation congratulates SpaceX on its successful Starship SN8 launch. Starship is the world’s first reusable space vehicle. Starship will transform our world, starting with making Starlink the first non-bankrupt LEO constellation, later bringing us to the Moon and then hopefully Mars.
We recommend that NASA redirect their funds from the dead-end SLS system towards Starship. Even if NASA continues to waste tens of billions of dollars on SLS, it is unlikely that it will ever do more than a handful of launches as the low cost Starship program makes it obsolete.
Learn more!
Mark Parkins joins our blog team with the post Sirtuins Activation — What They Can Offer Longevity & How they May Help Extend Life.
Sebastian Todor joins our Space Settlement Board. Jixuan works with his wife Jixuan Wang on the YouTube Channel 2 The Future, making videos on future technologies, ranging from transportation technologies to biotechnology, with the main focus on human spaceflight.
Jixuan Wang joins our Space Settlement Board. Jixuan works with her husband Sebastian Todor on the YouTube Channel 2 The Future, making videos on future technologies, ranging from transportation technologies to biotechnology, with the main focus on human spaceflight.
David B. Yaden joins our Neuroscience Board. David is interested in understanding how psychedelic experiences can result in long-term changes to well-being and how they temporarily alter fundamental faculties of consciousness such as the sense of time, space, and self.
Read issue #220 of Lifeboat News!
Denisa Lepădatu joins our Life Extension Board. Denisa is a member of the Editorial Board of the Immortalists Magazine.
Michael Howell joins our Space Settlement Board. Michael is coauthor of Moore’s Law, Wright’s Law and the countdown to exponential space.
Poopeh Morakkabati joins our blog team with the post Coronavirus vaccines: Will any countries get left out?
Stefania Schino joins our Life Extension Board. She has more than 10 years of experience in grant writing on A.I., Biotech, Circular Economy, Green Infrastructures, Health, Life Extension, Precision Agriculture, Recycling, and Robotics.
Adam Z. Higgins joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Adam’s Higgins Laboratory research focus is in biomedical process engineering, with an emphasis on biotransport.
Julia Brodsky joins our blog team with the post Why Children Need To Learn About Artificial Intelligence.
Arzu Al Siam joins our blog team with the post Fusion Will Probably Be More Expensive Than Wind and Solar.
Roman Bauer, who helped create BioDynaMo, joins our Biotech/Medical Board. BioDynaMo is a software platform to easily create, run, and visualise 3D agent-based biological simulations.
Read Bitcoin for Beginners by Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board member Clayton Rawlings.
Kiran Manam joins our blog team with the post Gene-edited livestock ‘surrogate sires’ successfully made fertile.
J.P. Medved joins our blog team with the post 3 Essential Benefits of Genetic Testing for Longevity.
Read issue #219 of Lifeboat News!
Francesca Minerva, author of The Ethics of Cryonics, joins our Ethics Board and our Life Extension Board.
Louis Rosenberg, Chief Scientist of the artificial Intelligence company Unanimous AI, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Raphael Ramos joins our blog team with the post NVIDIA Uses AI to Slash Bandwidth on Video Calls.
Read Special Report The Great Matrix of Big History by Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board member William Grassie.
Our European ancestors once understood the universe to be a Great Chain of Being. All the entities of the world — animal, vegetable, mineral — were hierarchically organized. At the bottom were metals, precious metals, and precious stones. Then came plants and trees, followed by wild animals and domesticated animals. Humans were also hierarchically ordered from children to women to men and further into the different ranks of commoners, nobility, princes, and kings.
The Great Chain of Being continued up into the celestial realm — moon, stars, angels, and archangels — to the very top where God presides over the entire creation. This scala naturae provided humans with a natural order, which they also understood to be a natural human order that structured their societies.
Read issue #218 of Lifeboat News!
Kelly Idehen joins our blog team with the post The Road to Human 2.0.
Greg Allison joins our blog team with the post Life On Venus — How Could It Have Gotten There?
Read Special Report Rise of the Machines: How, When and Consequences of Artificial General Intelligence by Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board member Richard J. Terrile.
Technology and society are poised to cross an important threshold with the prediction that artificial general intelligence (AGI) will emerge soon. Assuming that self-awareness is an emergent behavior of sufficiently complex cognitive architectures, we may witness the “awakening” of machines. The timeframe for this kind of breakthrough, however, depends on the path to creating the network and computational architecture required for strong AI.
If understanding and replication of the mammalian brain architecture is required, technology is probably still at least a decade or two removed from the resolution required to learn brain functionality at the synapse level. However, if statistical or evolutionary approaches are the design path taken to “discover” a neural architecture for AGI, timescales for reaching this threshold could be surprisingly short.
Double Academy Award winner Mark Sagar joins our Media & Arts Board. Mark was involved with the creation of technology for the digital characters in blockbusters such as Avatar, King Kong, and Spider-Man 2.
José Rafael Castro Fuentes, author of Galactosylated N-Glycans in the Choroid Plexus: A Possible Aging-Related Molecular Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer Disease, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Eamon Everall joins our blog team with the post NASA gearing up for epic asteroid-sampling maneuver next month.
Enter The SRF Design-a-Mask Competition!
We’re inviting all our supporters to submit designs for an official SRF mask. As well as being worn by SRF staff, these masks will be available in limited supply to anyone who’d like to support ending age-related disease and disability.
Read issue #217 of Lifeboat News!
Read Special Report Loosening the Linkages Between Language and the Land by Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board members Lawrence Baines and Gul Nahar.
Like any living thing, languages evolve over time. This paper examines the connections among sociocultural change, access to the Internet, and the fluctuations of English as a global language. English has begun to transcend geographical borders and sociocultural boundaries as its status as a national language, official language, or unofficial language grows.
Gul Nahar, coauthor of Loosening the Linkages Between Language and the Land with our Lawrence Baines, joins our Human Trajectories Board.
Biostasis 2020: The Annual Biostasis Conference will be held October 24–25, 2020 in cyberspace.
Our João Pedro de Magalhães, Greg Fahy, Emil Kendziorra, and Ramón Risco will be speaking. Learn more!
Jeremy Dylan Batterson joins our blog team with the post How cats see the world compared to humans.
Dirk Bruere joins our blog team with the post Elon Musk’s Neuralink — The Dark Side.
William E. Halal joins our blog team with the post Towards a Global Consciousness.
Satyajitsinh Gohil, who is Chief Technology Officer at Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions (TAFFD’s), joins our Information Sciences Board.
Muhammad Furqan joins our blog team with the post SpaceX broke a record by launching 180 satellites in 1 month — accelerating Elon Musk’s project to blanket Earth in high-speed internet.
Professional Philosopher Stephen Azubuike Oguji joins our Philosophy Board.
Learn about #HalfMyDAF, a matching-grant competition endorsed by Herbie Hancock: DAF holders make a donation to the cause they value most, register their donation with the website, and thereby buy a “ticket” for the competition. Then, over the course of the competition, about 300 registered DAF donors will be randomly selected to have their donation doubled via a #HalfMyDAF matching grant of up to $25,000! Deadline is September 30, 2020.
Jose Ruben Rodriguez Fuentes joins our blog team with the post 10 Facts That Prove Viruses are the Weirdest Life Forms.
Chuck Black joins our blog team with the post CRISPR-edited babies born in China may have enhanced brain functions.
Andrés Grases joins our blog team with the post Top longevity scientists views on radical life extension.
Christopher Field joins our blog team with the post University of Cambridge develops synthetic leaf that turns sunlight into fuel.
Chuck Brooks joins our blog team with the post The Merging Of Human And Machine. Two Frontiers Of Emerging Technologies.
Entrepreneur and Futurist Guido Putignano joins our Futurists Board.
Michael Geer, Cofounder and CSO at Humanity, joins our Life Extension Board.
Dirk Schulze-Makuch joins our blog team with the post The Astrobiology of Alien Worlds.
Jim Brownfield joins our blog team with the post Why Ford Wants Robot Dogs Running Through Its Plants.
Jeff Myers joins our blog team with the post Researchers find method to regrow cartilage in the joints.
Mike Snead joins our blog team with the post (Em)powering world peace and prosperity using astroelectricity.
Learn about Growing Up Corona: The Future History of Generation Z. This book discusses how a younger generation is being influenced by the societal and economic disruption from unique historic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read issue #216 of Lifeboat News!
Paulus Kudyak joins our blog team with the post How we’ll become cyborgs and extend human potential.
Paul M. Vittay joins our blog team with the post Driving immunometabolism to control lung infection.
James Hampton joins our blog team with the post New ‘PEDOT’ Polymer May Allow Human Brain to Merge With AI, Cure and Detect Diseases, Scientists Say.
Mike Lustgarten joins our blog team with the post Low Total Cholesterol: Biological Youth Or Increased Mortality Risk?
Jamie McGuigan joins our blog team with the post One step closer to implanting electronics in the body.
Brett Hoffstadt, author of How to Be a Rocket Scientist, joins our Education Board.
Glenn A. Walsh joins our blog team with the post Female Astrophysicist Helped Build 1st Atomic Bomb.
Adam Sarwar, Founder of Crypto Space Cadet, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Read the 2020 edition of The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution.
Bob Sampson joins our blog team with the post Assembly of the World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor Begins.
Myra Sehar joins our blog team with the post Chromosomes and DNA Packaging.
Justin Penrose joins our blog team with the post Why Silicon Valley Execs Are Investing Billions to Stay Young.
Malak Loeb joins our blog team with the post Space calendar 2020: Never miss another launch, meteor shower or celestial event again.
Sergio Tarrero joins our blog team with the post Omniviolence Is Coming and the World Isn’t Ready.
Malak Loeb joins our Space Settlement Board. She is a Senior Legal Advisor specializing in International Business Law, International Space Law, and Space Policy.
Read Thriving in the Days of COVID-19.
Alexis Lewis, inventor of a Ring Habitat Station, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Paul D. Roberts, Partner at Be Courageous Innovation and Faculty of Exponential Innovation and Change at Singularity University, joins our Futurists Board.
Brent Nally, Cofounder of LEV Sciences, joins our Life Extension Board.
Josh Seeherman joins our blog team with the post Scientists propose plan to determine if Planet Nine is a primordial black hole.
Kevin LaGrandeur, Founding Board Member of the new journal AI and Ethics published by Springer, joins our Ethics Board.
Read our special report A Future of Fewer Words?: Five Trends Shaping the Future of Language by Lawrence Baines.
Read issue #215 of Lifeboat News!
Lewis S. Gruber, Cofounder of SIWA Therapeutics, joins our Biotech/Medical Board. This company pioneers breakthrough therapies that target senescent cells and cancerous cells to increase healthspan and lifespan.
Barry L. Bentley, coauthor of An Evolutionary Approach to Designing Autonomous Planetary Rovers, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Ke Cheng joins our Biotech/Medical Board. He directs the BioTherapeutics Lab at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine which focuses on stem cells, biomaterials, and nanomedicine for heart and lung regeneration. His lab also studies novel mechanisms of cell extravasation, termed angiopellosis.
Jeanne Loring joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Jeanne is Professor Emeritus at Scripps Research, Chief Science Officer of Aspen Neuroscience, Scientific Director of Summit for Stem Cell Foundation, Research Fellow of the San Diego Zoo, Adjunct Professor on Human Genetics at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, and Adjunct Professor at Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University.
Gemechu Taye joins our blog team with the post AI is Being Used to Discover New Antibiotics and Genes Linked to Disease.
Fakhr-e-Alam joins our Futurists Board. Fakhr is a Pakistani national award-winning film actor, TV host, VJ, and singer, popular for introducing the bhangra-rap fusion genre of music in Pakistan. In 2018, he became the first Pakistani to circumnavigate the globe solo.
Jamie Justice, coauthor of Development of Clinical Trials to Extend Healthy Lifespan, joins our Life Extension Board.
Jason R. Williams, Director of Interventional Oncology and Immunotherapy at the Williams Cancer Institute, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Brad Twynham, a member of the Faculty at the Singularity University, joins our Futurists Board.
Attend the webinar Managing Uncertainty: How to Use Futures & Foresight in a COVID-19 World on June 9th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm EDT.
Tamir Chandra, coauthor of Notch Signaling Mediates Secondary Senescence, joins our Life Extension Board.
Denisa Rensen, Medical Director of the Stemaid Institute, joins our Life Extension Board.
Melissa Chen, Managing Director of the nonprofit organization Ideas Beyond Borders and the New York Editor of Spectator USA, joins our Human Trajectories Board.
The Philosophical and Political Implications of Covid19 and the Posthuman will be held Saturday, May 30th 12 pm–1:30 pm EST on Zoom. Our Francesca Ferrando and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner will be speaking/participating.
Learn more!
YoungHoon Kim, President and Executive Director of the United Sigma Intelligence Association, joins our Futurists Board.
David A. Bray joins our Policy Board. He is the Inaugural Director of the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center and was recently Executive Director for the People-Centered Internet due to an invitation from the co-creator of TCP/IP, Vint Cerf.
Read our special report Breaking Out from Earth’s Shell by Sylvia Engdahl.
Read Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence.
Read issue #214 of Lifeboat News!
Read our special report On Tech Unemployment and the Labor vs Capital Balance of Power by Nikola Danaylov.
Read Cracking the Aging Code: The New Science of Growing Old — And What It Means for Staying Young.
Jeremy Mancuso joins our blog team with the post Our weird behavior during the pandemic is messing with AI models.
Steve Harris joins our blog team with the post Functional Role of Dietary Intervention to Improve the Outcome of COVID-19: A Hypothesis of Work.
Jill Tarter joins our Astrobiology/SETI Board. Jill is known for her work on the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI). She holds the Emeritus and Bernard M. Oliver Chair for SETI at the SETI Institute and is the former director of the Center for SETI Research and has been with SETI since 1984.
Jill’s astronomical work is illustrated in Carl Sagan’s novel Contact. In the film version of Contact, the protagonist Ellie Arroway is played by Jodie Foster. Jill conversed with the actress for months before and during filming, and Arroway was largely based on her work.
Alexandra Bause, Investment Director at Apollo Health Ventures, joins our Life Extension Board. Apollo Health Ventures is an early-stage investment fund focused on developing interventions that enhance human health and longevity.
Lon Anderson joins our blog team with the post US invests hundreds of millions to produce Covid-19 vaccines.
Read issue #213 of Lifeboat News!
Wenyu Zhou, coauthor of High-frequency actionable pathogenic exome variants in an average-risk cohort, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2020 will be held August 20–21 in cyberspace. This conference brings together the greatest minds from all over the world to work on the solutions to aging.
Our Ryan Bethencourt, Judith Campisi, Keith Comito, Aubrey de Grey, Brian M. Delaney, Peter Fedichev, Steven A. Garan, Vadim Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Andrei Gudkov, Steve Hill, Steve Horvath, Brian Kennedy, Michael Kope, Tim Maupin, Elena Milova, Joshua Mitteldorf, Alexey Moskalev, Matthew O’Connor, Robert Shmookler Reis, Paul A. Spiegel, Michael Rose, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking/participating.
Learn more!
Steve Horvath, who coauthored Reversal of epigenetic aging and immunosenescent trends in humans, joins our Life Extension Board.
Our José Luis Cordeiro has authored the special report A New Renaissance. This report discusses how our current pandemic may lead to a new Renaissance just as The Black Death led to the original Renaissance.
Jayaprakash Damothran joins our blog team with the post South Korea controlled its coronavirus outbreak in just 20 days. Here are the highlights from its 90-page playbook for flattening the curve.
Adiv A. Johnson, coauthor of The role of DNA methylation in aging, rejuvenation, and age-related disease, joins our Life Extension Board.
Read issue #212 of Lifeboat News!
Theoretical physicist, author, and broadcaster, Jim Al-Khalili, joins our Physics Board.
Jim is Professor of Theoretical Physics, Public Engagement in Science, and a Distinguished Chair at University of Surrey, where he has also held a personal chair in physics since 2005 alongside a university chair in Public Engagement in Science. He is also presenter of the long-running weekly BBC Radio 4 programme, The Life Scientific.
One of our Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board members has a solution to the shortage of face masks, and this solution is a design for others to copy and make themselves, for: (1) materials which work well at filtering 100 nm particles (the approximate size of COVID-19), and (2) sealing the mask against inward leakage. Many commonly used homemade materials do not filter viruses very well, so choosing good DIY homemade materials is important. However, if air bypasses a mask, then it needs to be sealed. Learn more!
Lorna Harries joins our Life Extension Board. She is Professor of Molecular Genetics at the College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter. Read Small molecule modulation of splicing factor expression is associated with rescue from cellular senescence.
Bill D’Zio joins our blog team with the post Final NASA Seats on Soyuz in 2020.
Alex M. Vikoulov, author of The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution, joins our Futurists Board.
Goffredo Giordano, Mentor at Singularity University, joins our Futurists Board.
Eddie Avil joins our Media & Arts Board. Eddie is the CEO of VR Storytellers, the Founder and Director at Immerge Knowledge Labs and Immersion Film Festival, and Founder of XROM Digital News Magazine and Change Transform India.
Award-winning Luís De Garrido joins our Sustainability Board. Luís teaches courses on the use of Advanced Creative Technologies for Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, and Zero Energy Architecture.
Christina Korp joins our Space Settlement Board.
Christina is known as the Astronaut Wrangler. She is the former manager of Buzz Aldrin, but behind the scenes she has also achieved her own “impossible” dreams. She now works with Apollo 16 Moon Walker Charlie Duke and shuttle astronauts Nicole Stott and Greg Johnson on a non-exclusive basis.
M. Wade Holler joins our Space Settlement Board. Wade is the Creative Director at Explore Mars, Technical Director of The Humans to Mars Summit Series, and Art Director of The Humans to Mars Report Series.
Dinorah Delfin, Editor-in-Chief of the Immortalists Magazine, joins our Life Extension Board.
George Sowers joins our Space Settlement Board. Read Testimony to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of US House of Representatives.
Guillermina Benavides Rincón joins our Futurists Board. She is Research Professor and Director of the Master in Strategic Foresight at the School of Government and Public Transformation of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Foresight Researcher Joseph Voros joins our Futurists Board. Read his A Primer on Futures Studies, Foresight, and the Use of Scenarios.
Undoing Aging 2020 has been moved to October 21-23 in Berlin, Germany. Our Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Vera Gorbunova, and Michael Greve will be speaking/participating.
Undoing Aging 2020 is not only open to the scientific community, but also welcomes startups, investors, the general media, and all interested members of the broader rejuvenation movement. The conference will feature a student poster session showing the work of innovative undergraduate and graduate students in the field of damage repair. Learn more!
Support Clinical trials of Fisetin in a person with autoimmune thyroiditis.
These trials are trying to destroy senescent cells to help in the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases.
Teresa Lien joins our blog team with the post Update on COVID-19 outbreak with Professor Neil Ferguson.
TJ Yoo joins our blog team with the post Why There May Be A Virtual Reality Exodus.
Nicolas Chernavsky joins our blog team with the post Life Extension Humor.
Sign up for the free online conference Sustainability and the Future of Capitalism which will be held March 12th 4PM GMT+1 by our Gerd Leonhard.
Future Timeline joins our blog team with the post Amazon opens first large-scale, cashierless grocery store.
Read issue #211 of Lifeboat News!
The 4th Posthuman Global Symposium will be held at New York University, New York, USA from April 30–May 2.
This Symposium is dedicated to exploring the importance of posthuman agency in the interrelated significations of human and non-human realms. They intend to spark a deep and multilayered analysis of posthuman agency both as praxis and as a moral stance on the current global issues, as exemplified by its advocacy of environmentalism, cyborg rights, animal personhood, sustainable advanced technologies and ethical economies.
Our Francesca Ferrando is on the academic committee. Learn more!
Jaysen West joins our blog team with the post AI drug enters human clinical trials.
Florence Pauline Gardose Basubas joins our blog team with the post Tables, footrests, smart speakers: Self-driving cars could become the living rooms of the future.
Wei Cui joins our blog team with the post Russia’s AI Quest is State-Driven — Even More than China’s. Can It Work?
Neurozo Huang joins our blog team with the post Why human brain only needs a small amount of data (or is it?).
James Bickerton joins our blog team with the post Do robots have rights? Professor David J. Gunkel interview.
The research paper Human Brain/Cloud Interface has been published by our Amara D. Angelica, Frank J. Boehm, Krishnan Chakravarthy, Robert A. Freitas Jr., Steven A. Garan, Tad Hogg, Mikhail A. Lebedev, Nuno R. B. Martins, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, Yuriy Svidinenko, and Melanie Swan.
This paper describes how neuralnanorobotics may enable a B/CI with controlled connectivity between neural activity and external data storage and processing, via the direct monitoring of the brain’s ~86 × 109 neurons and ~2 × 1014 synapses.
Learn more!
Yuri Deigin joins our blog team with the post Yuri Deigin on epigenetic rejuvenation, longevity research and transhumanists in politics.
Dean Eaketts joins our blog team with the post Human compost funerals ‘better for environment’.
Maico Rivero joins our blog team with the post Four things you might not know about dark matter.
Kelvin Dafiaghor joins our blog team with the post New study finds the egg may actually ‘choose’ the sperm.
Lola Heavey joins our blog team with the post We cannot predict with any precision where technology will lead us.
Read Hydrogen LiftShips: A tech manual of a future.
Learn about 2030 The Film by our Johnny Boston.
Mario Acosta joins our blog team with the post 10 Steps to Survive a Global Pandemic: Coronavirus.
Oguzhan Kosar joins our blog team with the post Asteroid Mining Could Become a Reality in the Next Coming Years.
Enjoy the free educational program Ice and Stone 2020.
This program covers the so-called “small bodies” of the solar system, which in general means asteroids and comets, although this also includes the small moons of the various planets as well as meteors, meteorites, and interplanetary dust.
Nare Khachatryan joins our blog team with the post A burst of gravitational waves hit our planet. Astronomers have no clue where it’s from.
Read Space Traffic Control by our Stuart Eves.
Prem Vijaywargi joins our blog team with the post A 62-year-old Chinese doctor in Wuhan ‘at the front line’ of the coronavirus outbreak has died after treating patients.
Read issue #210 of Lifeboat News!
William Coburn, CEO at Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions (TAFFD’s), joins our Futurists Board.
Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld joins our Neuroscience Board. He is Senior Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery at The Alfred and Professor of Surgery, Monash University.
Jeff’s research interests are on improving the outcome for patients with traumatic brain injury and restoring sight to blind individuals using bionic vision, a wireless electrode interface with the brain. His interests also includes brain machine interfaces, medical bionics, electrode design, neurotrauma, application of stem cell technologies to brain and spine, and military medicine applications.
Yael Benvenisti, CEO of Mediterranean Towers Ventures, joins our Life Extension Board. Read Meet the Israeli Venture Capitalist Who’s Not Afraid of Aging.
Stuart Maudsley joins our Neuroscience Board. His research focuses on the age-dependent changes in receptor pharmacology associated with neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Frontotemporal dementia.
Stuart is Odysseus Professor and Vice-Chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Antwerp (UA).
Maxim Kholin, Cofounder of Gero and Quantum Pharmaceuticals, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
William H. Edmondson joins our Astrobiology/SETI Board. William is currently working on Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) using data gathered at the Parkes radio telescope, supported by the Breakthrough Listen initiative.
Yuriy Oreshin, Managing Partner and Founder of Angelico Ventures, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Brian Kennedy, Director at the Centre for Healthy Aging at the National University Health System, joins our Life Extension Board. From 2010 to 2016, he was the President and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.
Alan Ladwig, Chief of To Orbit Productions, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Ben Zion, Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate for the 2020 election, joins our Futurists Board.
We were doing some maintenance on our site and noticed that a Flash song had stopped working with most browsers because it was Flash. We had done a YouTube version before but found that we could now create a slightly higher resolution version which makes the text a bit easier to read. (This video has some small text.)
It would be helpful if people liked the new video at
Also, if you haven't seen our best video, it is at
Lifeboat Foundation has contributed 16,732,334 Cobblestones of computation (14.46 quintillion floating-point operations) to Rosetta@home since joining this effort on January 27, 2008.
Donate the unused CPU cycles on your computer(s) to help scientists determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running the Rosetta program on your computer while you don’t need it you will help speed up and extend research in ways scientists couldn’t possibly attempt without your help. You will also be helping efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, malaria, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.
Learn more!
Nick Engerer joins our blog team with the post Avoiding ageing’s 4 deadly killers — Cardiovascular Disease (Part 1).
Lifeboat Foundation mourns the passing of Mike Resnick who fought to “Safeguard Humanity” until the end.
Mike was the all-time leading award winner, living or dead, for short fiction. He won 5 Hugos (from a record 37 nominations), a Nebula, and other major awards in the USA, France, Japan, Spain, Catalonia, Croatia, Poland, and China. He’s the author of 78 novels, 280 stories, and 3 screenplays, and the editor of 42 anthologies. His work has been translated into 27 languages. He was also editor of Galaxy’s Edge magazine until the end of his life.
Eithen Pasta joins our blog team with the post A US $30 million fund to promote bold ideas for aging populations: Dr Victor Dzau.
Kaiser Matin joins our blog team with the post The ‘Goldilocks’ principle for curing brain cancer.
Aaron Vesey joins our blog team with the post The Ecological Challenge of Artificial Superintelligence.
Paul Velho joins our blog team with the post What CRISPR-baby prison sentences mean for research.
Mike Diverde joins our blog team with the post Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience.
Read issue #209 of Lifeboat News!
The 2020 International Conference on Future Africa will be held April 21–23 at the University of Rwanda.
The theme of the conference is “Compliance to Global Sustainability” and will be offering sessions regarding Climate Change, Renewable Energies, Internet of Things, Futurism, Transhumanism, Neuroscience, Biotech, International Politics, Digital Leadership/Business, and much more.
Our Didier Coeurnelle, Alejandro De la Parra Solomon, Ósìnàkáchì Ákùmà Kálù, Anthony Kimery, Doris Ngozi Morah, Ira Pastor, and Ilia Stambler will be participating/speaking. The Lifeboat Foundation is one of the hosts of this event.
The Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award is annually bestowed upon a respected scientist or public figure who has warned of a future fraught with dangers and encouraged measures to prevent them.
The 2019 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Jill Tarter in recognition of her 40 years spent in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Jill’s goal is to learn if there are any alien intelligences outside of our “fragile island of life”.
There are real dangers that could stop civilizations from moving forward and the human race is not guaranteed to survive. As Jill says, “If technologies don’t last and persist, we will not succeed.”
Learn more!
Brent Ellman joins our blog team with the post To Make Robots Perform Better, Make Them Constantly Fear Death.
Jason Stone joins our blog team with the post Scientists Are Contemplating a 1,000-Year Space Mission to Save Humanity.
Read issue #208 of Lifeboat News!
As our contribution to Twitter Philanthropy, Lifeboat Foundation is giving away $1,000 to one person who both retweets our tweet plus is following us. Deadline to retweet is Dec 31, 2019.
Learn more!
If you wish to help out Lifeboat as a system administrator, please let us know. We are based on CentOS. Send an email to with the subject "Lifeboat Foundation CentOS".
We are sad to report that our Vice President Chris Haley suddenly passed away. You can read about him at and read our many praises of him at,,, and
Basically, Chris Haley is the key person behind getting our Bitcoin Endowment Fund off the ground plus he was our System Administrator plus he was always doing things to help move Lifeboat forward. Chris had a heart of gold! We will miss him.
The Envision conference will be held Nov 22–24 at Princeton University with the theme “The Future of Us”.
Our Aubrey de Grey, Daniel Elton, Francesca Ferrando, Liz Parrish, Anders Sandberg, and Susan Schneider will be speaking. Learn more!
Join the Twitter discussion at #TerasemFuturePersonsColloquium14 starting Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 10AM PDT / 1PM EDT / 6PM GMT. The theme will be “Legal status of persons reinstatiated onboard an L5 space settlement from mindfiles and mindclones”.
Learn more!
Bart Womack, CEO of Eden Growth Systems, joins our Sustainability Board.
Haroon Oqab, Director of the Kepler Space Institute, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Barbara Belvisi, CEO of Interstellar Lab, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Daniel C. Elton, coauthor of Deep Learning for Molecular Design — a Review of the State of the Art, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Andrés Grases Briceño, Director of Global Outreach at BioViva Science USA, joins our Life Extension Board.
The M2 Success Summit will be held Nov 20 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Our Ira Munn will be speaking. Learn more!
Lifeboat Foundation mourns the passing of Carlo D. Montemagno who fought to “Safeguard Humanity” until the end.
Carlo was an American engineer and expert in nanotechnology and biomedical engineering, focusing on futuristic technologies to create interdisciplinary solutions for the grand challenges in health, energy, and the environment.
He was one of the pioneers of bionanotechnology and some of his fundamental contributions include the development of biomolecular motors for powering inorganic nanodevices while at Cornell and muscle-driven self-assembled nanodevices while at UCLA.
The Los Angeles Quantum Consciousness & Functional Wellness Conference will be held Nov 16–17 in Los Angeles, California.
Our Michael Borkin will be speaking. Learn more!
Buddy Baker joins our blog team with the post NASA’s Helical Engine Design that Uses Closed-Cycle Propellant; A Proposed Stardrive that May Enable Interstellar Travel.
Read issue #207 of Lifeboat News!
Cities in Space 2020 will be held February 28, 2020 in Austin, Texas.
Our Janet Ivey and Rick Tumlinson will be speaking. Our Holly Melear is organizing this conference. Learn more!
The Sigma Xi 2019 Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference will be held November 14–17 in Madison, Wisconsin.
Sigma Xi honors excellence in scientific investigation and encourages a sense of companionship and cooperation among researchers in all fields of science and engineering. Learn more!
The GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting “Strength in Age: Harnessing the Power of Networks” will be held November 13–17 in Austin, Texas. This meeting is devoted to the advancement of gerontological research, learning, and practice.
Our Holly M. Brown-Borg and Matt Kaeberlein are on the program committee.
Register for the free public lecture Living in Dog Years: The Science of How Dogs Age & Implications for Humans.
Learn more!
Space Settlement Summit 2019 will be held November 13–14 in Pasadena, California.
Our Dallas Bienhoff and Mark Hopkins will be speaking.
Read issue #206 of Lifeboat News!
Read Principles of Space Anthropology: Establishing a Science of Human Space Settlement by our Cameron Smith.
The Healthy Masters International Conference 2019 will be held November 30–December 1 at the Sheraton Porto in Portugal.
Our Bill Andrews, Nichola Conlon, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Greg Fahy, William Faloon, Steven A. Garan, Naveen Jain, David Kekich, Nuno Martins, Liz Parrish, and Paul A. Spiegel will be speaking.
Learn more!
Tanvir Ahmed joins our blog team with the post Mayo Clinic Showcases Anti-Aging Senolytics.
Holly Melear, CEO of STEAMSPACE Education Outreach, joins our Education Board.
Lucio Mauricio Henao Vélez, CEO of ProSeres, joins our Futurists Board.
Orn Adalsteinsson, President of the International Strategic Cancer Alliance (ISCA), joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Valerio Di Nicola, joins our Life Extension Board. He is Clinical Leader of the Day Surgery at Worthing Hospital and Consultant in General, Emergency, and Lower Gastrointestinal Surgery at Southlands Hospital, both of Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Victor V. Motti, Director of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), joins our Futurists Board.
Read Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind by our Susan Schneider.
Read issue #205 of Lifeboat News!
Lifeboat Foundation is sponsoring a breakfast on Saturday, October 5th, during RAAD Fest at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino (3000 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89109), Conference Center Room 8, at 9:30am.
Free food will include: Fresh strawberry yogurt & home-made granola, breakfast tacos with pico de gallo salsa, heart healthy muffins and fruit breads with apple butter, assorted cereals with berries and fruit, grilled garden vegetables and egg white frittata, and a big bowl of berries and fruit.
Drinks will include: Gourmet brewed coffee, herbal tea assortment, and fresh juices. Enjoy stimulating conversations with Lifeboat members!
RSVP by sending an email with the subject “Lifeboat Foundation Breakfast” to
The International Conference of Techno-Scientific Awareness will be held by TAFFDs on October 7–11 at the University of Rwanda.
Our Christopher K. Haley, Ósìnàkáchì Ákùmà Kálù, Doris Ngozi Morah, Ira Pastor, Ilia Stambler, and Zoltan Istvan will be speaking/participating.
Learn more!
Our José Luis Cordeiro gives the President of Lifeboat Foundation an amazing wedding gift: the special report Big Chronology of Life on Earth.
Ósìnàkáchì Ákùmà Kálù, founder and chairman of, joins our Futurists Board.
Francesca Ferrando, author of Philosophical Posthumanism, joins our Futurists Board.
Ramon Gomes Durães de Olivera, Software Developer of Computational Intelligence at SingularityNET, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Fernando Garcilita Núñez, Vice President of PetroM Renewable, joins our Sustainability Board.
Arthur Franz joins our Robotics/AI Board. He is cofounder of the Odessa Competence Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning (OCCAM).
Benjamin Butler joins our Futurists Board. He is the Founder of Quantum Futures, sits on the Global Future Council on Computing at the World Economic Forum, and is a member of the faculty of Futur/io, the European Institute of Exponential Technologies & Desirable Futures.
Linas Vepstas joins our Robotics/AI Board. Linas is Research Engineer and Developer of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) at Hanson Robotics and OpenCog.
Trent McConaghy, Founder and CTO at Ocean Protocol and BigchainDB, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Nejc Žnidar, AI Researcher at SingularityNET, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Denis Odinokov, Director of Biomedical Projects at SingularityNET, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Hilen Amin, Vice President of AI Solutions at SingularityNET, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Steve Hruby, founder of KaiZen Progressive Health, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Pulin Agrawal, coauthor of Multi-layer Cortical Learning Algorithms, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Graham Leach joins our New Money Systems Board. Graham is Venture Consultant, Blockchain Applications Lab Leader, and Lecturer at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design.
Michael Duncan, coauthor of Toward AI-Guided Regenerative Medicine, joins our Robotics/AI board.
Roderick Reilly joins our blog team with the post Nanoparticles could grant humans permanent night vision.
Read issue #204 of Lifeboat News!
Omuterema Akhahenda joins our blog team with the post Artificial throat could someday help mute people “speak”.
New Worlds 2019 will be held November 15–16 in Austin, Texas.
This conference is committed to enabling human beings to live and thrive in space, to identifying and developing the technologies and approaches needed to harvest space resources and using those resources to build new industries, companies, and communities that will open the frontier, be it on the Moon, Mars, or the Free Space between worlds.
Our Jason Dunn, Gabriel Rothblatt, Rick Tumlinson, and Robert Zubrin will be speaking.
Learn more!
The 70th International Astronautical Congress will be held October 21–25, 2019 in Washington, D.C.
Today the broader space community stands at a pivotal juncture in the course of future human space exploration. To succeed we must come together to create a unified vision that can be realized through the effective use of our collective assets and resources. It is in that spirit of collaboration that we would host the global space community in Washington, D.C., to envision what the next “giant leap” will be.
Learn more!
Read the book Nano.
Read issue #203 of Lifeboat News!
The ASHI/BANFF Joint Scientific Meeting will be held September 23–27, 2019 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
This year’s Joint Meeting is intended to promote collaboration between experts in solid organ transplant pathology and histocompatibility/immunogenetic. The objective of this alliance is to advance diagnostic testing for solid organ transplant recipients with a particular emphasis on the immunology and pathology of antibody-mediated rejection. Learn more!
The 23rd World Futures Studies Federation Conference 2019 (WFSF) will be held September 10–13, 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico.
Our Rosa Alegria, Peter Bishop, Tom Lombardo, and Alethia Montero will be speaking/particpating.
Learn more!
The O’Reilly AI Conference will be held in San Jose, California on September 9–12, 2019.
Our Mazin Gilbert and Anand Rao will be speaking. Learn more!
The Global Bioethics Initiative (GBI), in collaboration with the Department of Bioethics & Engagement, Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), University of Oxford, invites students and professionals worldwide to attend the International Bioethics Summer School to be held at the Abloom Hotel. This program will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from August 5 to 9, 2019.
Our Ana Lita is Cofounder and Executive Director of the Global Bioethics Initiative.
Learn more!
Vivek Jaiswal joins our blog team with the post A new set of images that fool AI could help make it more hacker-proof.
Read Apollo 11 50th Anniversary by our Martin Rees, author of On the Future: Prospects for Humanity.
Baron Martin Rees is Astronomer Royal and is a leading astrophysicist. He has conducted influential theoretical work on subjects as diverse as black hole formation and extragalactic radio sources, and provided key evidence to contradict the Steady State theory of the evolution of the Universe.
John Davies joins our blog team with the post The Scientist Who Believes We Can Reverse Aging.
Harri Valpola, CEO of the Curious AI Company, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Doris Ngozi Morah, Editor-in-Chief of the TAFFD’s Journal, joins our Social Factors Board.
Jordi Bieger, coauthor of Why Artificial Intelligence Needs a Task Theory — And What It Might Look Like, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Anton Kolonin, coauthor of A Reputation System for Artificial Societies, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Joe Betts-Lacroix, CTO of Vium, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Tam Hunt, author of Solar: Why Our Energy Future Is So Bright, joins our Sustainability Board.
Riccardo Patriarca joins our Complex Systems Board. He was recently listed in the Forbes 30 under 30 list.
Vladimir Airapetian, Senior Astrophysicist at Heliophysics Science Division (HSD) at American University in DC, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Melissa G. Arredondo, Applied Materials Research Scientist at United Precision Corp, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Read 3 Essays on Virtual Reality: Overlords, Civilization, and Escape by our Eliott Edge.
Sabine Hossenfelder, author of Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray, joins our Physics Board.
Peter Cawdron joins our blog team with the post Is artificial consciousness the solution to AI?
Read issue #202 of Lifeboat News!
Joseph Barney joins our blog team with the post Boston Dynamics: New Robots Now Fight Back.
AGI 2019 will be held August 6–9 in Shenzhen, China. As the AI field becomes increasingly commercialized and well accepted, maintaining and emphasizing a coherent focus on the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) goals at the heart of the field remains more critical than ever.
Our Joscha Bach, Antonio Chella, Suzanne Gildert, Ben Goertzel, Marcus Hutter, Matthew Iklé, Alexey Potapov, Rafal Rzepka, Bas Steunebrink, Julian Togelius, Pei Wang, and Byoung-Tak Zhang will be participating.
Learn more!
Roger Dufur joins our blog team with the post A New Industrial Base Is Taking Shape. Call It the Military-AI Complex.
Lifeboat Foundation is supporting the production of the scifi short film When Fire Flies through Indiegogo at the Associate Producer level. This film is about a quiet, fugitive scientist who takes measures into his own hands to save the world from extinction. Lifeboat Foundation and its directors have granted $7,500 to this movie.
Richard Christophr Saragoza joins our blog team with the post The Quatron Transistor.
Fyodor Rouge joins our blog team with the post Bladeless Wind Generator Is The Future.
Read the free book Cybofree: Posthuman Bioethics for a Sustainable Humanity by our V.R. Manoj.
Paul M. A. Willis, author of Rocks & Fossils, joins our Geology/Geophysics Board.
Stefan Leijnen, Director at The Asimov Institute, joins our Futurists Board.
Swapnil Surdi joins our Space Settlement Board. Swapnil is an Engineer at the Liquid Propulsion Laboratory (LPL) at the University of Southern California.
Terrence W. Deacon, author of The Symbolic Species: The Coevolution of Language and the Brain, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Giulio Di Gravio, Partner at aiComply, joins our Complex Systems Board.
Zhongjun Zhou, Editor-in-Chief of Translational Medicine of Aging, joins our Life Extension Board.
Krishnan V. Chakravarthy is coauthor of Nanotechnology as a Promising New Paradigm for Control of Pain. He joins our Nanotechnology Board.
Maria Olon Tsaroucha joins our Media & Arts Board. Maria is the creator of Perceptual acting and directing (PAD).
Mikhail A. Lebedev, coauthor of Brain–machine interfaces: past, present and future, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Veena Prahlad joins our Life Extension Board. Veena contributed a chapter to The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain.
Susana Gonzalo joins our Life Extension Board. Susana’s work and research interests are focused on how alterations of nuclear architecture, chromatin structure, and genome stability contribute to the processes of aging and cancer.
Kali Carrigan joins our Life Extension Board. Kali is a devoted public advocate for research on aging and longevity.
Gerd Leonhard, author of Technology vs. Humanity, joins our Futurists Board.
Michael Kope, CEO and Cofounder of SENS Research Foundation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Newton Lee, author of Counterterrorism and Cybersecurity, joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board.
RAADfest 2019 will be held October 3–6 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is the largest event in the world where practical and cutting-edge methods to reverse aging are presented for all interest levels, from beginner to expert.
Our Bill Andrews, Nichola Conlon, José Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Brian Delaney, Greg Fahy, Bill Faloon, Rudi Hoffman, Ben Goertzel, Sandra Kaufmann, David Kekich, Ray Kurzweil, Liz Parrish, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking.
Learn more!
The 11th Beyond Humanism Conference will be held July 9–12 in Lille, France. Our Stefan Lorenz Sorgner is on the Organizing Committee.
This conference aims to intensify the debates between transhumanists and posthumanists on the impact of emerging technologies on our lifeworld. Learn more!
The 5th International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM 2019) will be held July 22–24 in Washington, D.C. Our Lijie Grace Zhang is Conference Co-Chair.
This conference is an ideal platform to understand the past, present, and future goals of functional materials research. Learn more!
The International Workshop on Satellite Constellations & Formation Flying will be held July 16–19 in Glasgow, Scotland.
Our Edmondo Minisci and Massimiliano Vasile will be speaking. Learn more!
RoboCup2019 will be held July 2–8 in Sydney, Australia.
The goal of RoboCup is that by the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup.
Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019 will be held July 11–12 in New York City. This conference will focus on aging research and biotech investment.
Our María A. Blasco, Judith Campisi, Keith Comito, Aubrey de Grey, Greg Fahy, Peter Fedichev, Kristen Fortney, Vadim Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Michael Greve, Morgan Levine, João Pedro de Magalhães, Paul A. Spiegel, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking.
Learn more!
Read issue #201 of Lifeboat News!
Mark Sackler joins our blog team with the post Podcast Special Edition: X Prize Future of Longevity Impact Roadmap.
Aline Decadi, Dependability and Safety Engineer at the European Space Agency, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Sandra Kaufmann, author of The Kaufmann Protocol: Why We Age and How to Stop It, joins our Life Extension Board.
Eugene Levin, Founder of Electrodynamic Technologies, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Fran Sorin joins our Sustainability Board. Fran is passionate about exponential technologies and the enormous positive impact they can have on humankind. Through Peter Diamandis’ A360 group, Fran has developed her Massive Transformative Purpose: To ensure that all of humanity gain access to nutritious, real food for pennies a day.
Joe McKinney, CEO of Startup Societies Foundation, joins our Social Factors Board.
Nicholas Agar, author of How to be Human in the Digital Economy, joins our Futurists Board.
Nikolay Zak, who spoke at the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference, joins our Life Extension Board. Read Editorial: Did Jeanne Calment live to 122 years old, or did her daughter pull a fraud for the ages?
Chris Mattenberger, CTO at HydroStar, joins our Sustainability Board.
The AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) 2019 Annual Convention & Exhibition (ACE) will be held in San Antonio, Texas on May 19–22.
Our Bruce Cutright will be speaking about Energy and Minerals Drive Commercial Space Exploration on May 20th. Learn more!
Our Janet Ivey is now President of Explore Mars, the world’s most influential nonprofit committed to advancing the cause of human exploration of Mars. Learn more!
Florence Nsiah joins our blog team with the post Undersea Robot To Rescue The Great Barrier Reef.
Read the free paper Human Brain/Cloud Interface by our Amara D. Angelica, Frank J. Boehm, Robert A. Freitas Jr., Steven A. Garan, Tad Hogg, Nuno R. B. Martins, Yuriy Svidinenko, and Melanie Swan.
This paper describes how neuralnanorobotics may enable a B/CI with controlled connectivity between neural activity and external data storage and processing, via the direct monitoring of the brain’s ~86 × 109 neurons and ~2 × 1014 synapses.
Our Barbara Marx Hubbard, beloved author and visionary, has passed away. She worked to the end of her life to “Safeguard Humanity”. Read a quote from her!
Buckminster Fuller said, “There is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Marx Hubbard — who helped introduce the concept of futurism to society — is the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced.”
The International Society for the Study of Information Summit (IS4SI 2019) will be held June 2–6 at Berkeley, California.
Our Paul Saffo will be speaking. Our Mark Burgin will be running a miniconference on Theoretical Information Studies (TIS) at this event. Our Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic will also be running a miniconference on Morphological & Unconventional Computing at this event. Our Raffaela Giovagnoli will be running a miniconference on Habits and Rituals at this event as well.
This summit will discuss the theoretical, practical, and ethical challenges posed by the growth of information technology. The theme of the 2019 Summit will focus on what AI is, isn’t, could be, and shouldn’t be, as well as to consider how it is related to mental processes produced by brains and to the different concepts of information.
Read issue #200 of Lifeboat News!
Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe joins our Geology/Geophysics Board.
Francisca is a geoscientist specializing in palynology and sedimentology, with the former including studies of pollen and other palynomorphs within sediments and sedimentary rocks as a proxy for biostratigraphic, palaeoecological, and palaeoclimatic reconstructions. She also integrates palynofacies with organic geochemistry.
Jim Sevey, Director of Scientific Field Development at Titan Spine, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Vittorio Calabrese, coauthor of Nitric oxide in the central nervous system: Neuroprotection versus neurotoxicity, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Anand Rao, Global Artificial Intelligence Lead at PwC, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Brian M. Delaney joins our Life Extension Board. Brian is the President of the Age Reversa Network, President of the Society for Age Reversal, and for more than 23 years, the President and the Founder of Calorie Restriction Society International.
Stala Kioupi, Medical Officer at the Cyprus Ministry of Health, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
J. A. Hitchcock, author of Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering Web Spammers, Stalkers, and Con Artists, joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board.
Wayne W. Alward, Jr., Founder of Alnilam Space, joins our Space Settlement Board.
EUROPT 2019 will be held June 28–29 in Glasgow, United Kingdom. This workshop is the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies).
Our Edmondo Minisci and Massimiliano Vasile will be speaking. Learn more!
ISDC 2019 – International Space Development Conference will be held June 6–9 in Arlington, Virginia.
This conference brings together leading managers, engineers, scientists, educators, and business people from the civilian, military, commercial, entrepreneurial, and grassroots advocacy space sectors to work toward a common goal of developing a space-faring civilization.
Our Martine Rothblatt and John Strickland Jr. will be speaking. Previous featured speakers included our Buzz Aldrin and Alan Stern. Learn more!
Nor-shipping 2019 will be held June 4–7 in Oslo, Norway.
Nor-Shipping is the platform for sustainable ocean development, helping leading maritime players plot profitable courses into the future. Nor-Shipping is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and is an official partner for the Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business.
Our Silje Bareksten is Head of Sustainability and Technology at Nor-Shipping. Learn more!
The 25th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations — ICNF 2019 will be held June 18–21 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Since the development of the theory of Brownian motion, the science of fluctuation has been one of the most important parts of physics. The investigation of noise and fluctuation is indispensable for the understanding of the physical processes in various microscopic and macroscopic systems.
Learn more!
The International Forum on Women’s Brain and Mental Health will be held June 8–9 in Zurich, Switzerland.
This event’s main goal is to bring together experts and representatives from a wide range of scientific disciplines and various fields of practice contributing to the study and improvement of mental and brain health. Our Nicoletta Iacobacci and Antonella Chadha Santuccione will be speaking. Learn more!
The International Society for the Study of Information Summit will be held June 2–6 at Berkeley, California.
Our Paul Saffo will be speaking. This summit will discuss the theoretical, practical, and ethical challenges posed by the growth of information technology. The theme of the 2019 Summit will focus on what AI is, isn’t, could be, and shouldn’t be, as well as to consider how it is related to mental processes produced by brains and to the different concepts of information. Learn more!
The 48th Age Conference will be held May 30–June 2 at San Francisco, California.
Our Judy Campisi, Pete Estep, Vera Gorbunova, Matt Kaeberlein, Morgan Levine, Yousin Suh, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking. Learn more!
Our former Vice President Jerry Searcy has been cryopreserved after suddenly dying in his sleep. We hope to see him again in the future!
Alan Light joins our blog team with the post The Moon Has ‘Moving Water’, but Don’t Break Out Your Swimsuit.
All Lifeboat members get 15% off ink & toner cartridges from Inkojet. Learn about more discounts! Contact us if you have any questions.
Read issue #199 of Lifeboat News!
The 10th IAASS International Space Safety Conference will be held in El Segundo, California on May 15–17.
Our Dallas Bienhoff, Michael Kezirian, Joseph Pelton, and Tommaso Sgobba will be speaking/participating. Learn more!
The XXIIth GMPCA conference will take place in Montreal, Canada from May 9th to 12th.
The GMPCA conference is an international conference dedicated to the archaeological sciences or archaeometry. Archaeometry is the study of archaeological materials and contexts using different methods from chemistry and physics — the use of hard sciences to understand past humanity. Learn more!
Global Earth Repair Conference will be held in Port Townsend, Washington, USA on May 3–5.
The Global Earth Repair Conference will bring people together to talk about earth repair (ecosystem restoration) at local, regional, state, national, and international levels. Learn more!
Daniel Schmachtenberger, Cofounder of the Neurohacker Collective, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Esther Baldwin joins our Robotics/AI Board. Esther is the Artificial Intelligence Strategist for Enterprise and Government at Intel Corporation.
Hieu T. Nguyen joins our Nanotechnology Board. Hieu invented a scanner capable of detecting defects in semiconductor materials tens of thousands of times faster than existing methods. His invention will help to produce more robust mobile phones, solar cells, sensors, and other optical devices as it can spot defects very early in the fabrication process.
Jan Gruber, coauthor of The mitochondrial free radical theory of ageing—where do we stand?, joins our Life Extension Board.
Jim Volp, Member of the Board of Directors of Space in Africa, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Michael Fenn, Director of Healthcare and Life Sciences at Harvard Innovation Labs, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Suzanne Holt Ballard, Scientific Director at Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments (PULSE), joins our Sustainability Board.
Thi Hien Nguyen joins our Space Settlement Board. Hien is Executive Director at SpaceconneX.
Timothy F. Scott, who has developed a technique that is also capable of rendering a 3D object with just a single flash of light rather than layer by layer, joins our Engineering Board.
Alvaro Mata, Director of the Institute of Bioengineering, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Andrei Gudkov, Chief Scientific Officer of Cleveland Biolabs, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read issue #198 of Lifeboat News!
CAPS 2019 will be held in Washington, D.C. on April 15–17. This conference is the 3rd International Conference on Complexity and Policy Studies.
This is a cross-disciplinary conference that brings together researchers, practitioners, and funders to explore the application of insights from the study of complex systems to public policy with a special emphasis on social good. Learn more!
The 1st Mediterranean Congress of Anti-aging Medicine will be held in Larnaca, Cyprus on April 13–14.
Our Marios Kyriazis is Conference Chair. Our José Cordeiro, João Pedro de Magalhães, Ilia Stambler, and Nektarios Tavernarakis will be speaking. Learn more!
The 3rd Annual Congress on Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology will be held in Barcelona, Spain on April 11–12. Our Jonathan Lyons will be giving a talk at this conference on current and future uses of nanotechnology. Learn more!
The Biofeedback Federation of Europe Annual Meeting will be held in Cardiff, Wales on April 8–13. This is the 20th annual meeting! Learn more.
The 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving AITP 2019 will be held April 7–12 in Obergurgl, Austria.
Our Ben Goertzel, Sean Holden, and Ramana Kumar will be speaking. Learn more!
The Global Congress & Expo on Advancements of Laser, Optics, and Photonics will be held March 25–27 in Valenica, Spain. Our Aurel Ymeti is on its Scientific Committee and is a Keynote Speaker for this conference. Learn more!
Imagine Convergence will be held at Orcas Island, Washington on March 21–24. This event is also available via livestream.
The shift of the ages is unfolding on planet Earth. Change is happening at such a rapid pace it’s hard to make sense of it all. Decisions made today are determining the very survival of future generations. The Imagine Convergence is gathering changemakers, intellectuals, innovators and cultural creatives to explore cross-disciplinary solutions to these global complexities. Learn more!
BICT 2019 — 11th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies will be held March 13–14 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. This conference provides a unique venue for researchers and practitioners in diverse disciplines to seek the understanding of key principles, processes, and mechanisms in biological systems and leverage those understandings in design, engineering, and technological applications.
Our Bud Mishra is the General Chair for this event. Learn more!
Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2019 will be held March 14–15 in Paris, France. Expand your perception of tomorrow through a program packed with visionary keynotes and expert panels, and join the conversation with interactive sessions and immersive workshops to build your vision of the future with the deeptech community. Learn more!
Attend the discussion of the book Dead Precedents: How Hip-hop Defines the Future at SXSW in Austin, Texas on March 13. This book uses the concerns and conceits of cyberpunk literature to thoughtfully remap hip-hop’s spread from around the way to around the world. Learn more!
Thierry Marianne joins our blog team with the post Three instruments as concrete alternatives to social networks taking advantage of our privacy.
Heather Blevins joins our blog team with the post NASA — National Aeronautics and Space Administration is targeting June 12 as the launch date for Orion’s Ascent Abort-2 test, a critical milestone for human missions to the Moon!
Hardik A. Gohel joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board. Hardik runs the Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) project at the United States Department of Defense (DOD).
Marco Curreli, Executive Director and Founder of Omni Nano, joins our Nanotechnology Board.
N. Sadat Shami, Director of Talent Development, Engagement, and Social Analytics (TALES) at IBM, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Yahel Ben-David, Executive Director of De Novo Group, joins our Social Factors Board.
Thomas J. Frey, Executive Director and Senior Futurist at the DaVinci Institute, joins our Futurists Board.
Bong J. Walsh, Founder of Better Brains for Life, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Yuri Deigin, CEO of Youthereum Genetics, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Artemis Westenberg, President of Explore Mars, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Amavi Bada, Ambassador for Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA), joins our Sustainability Board.
Frank Underdown, CEO of the Keweenaw Nanoscience Center (KNC), joins our Nanotechnology Board.
Aloysius F. Hepp, winner of the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Andrés Ochoa Cruz, Founder of the SyntechBio Network, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Ours Ondine joins our blog team with the post Selfies to Self-Diagnosis: Algorithm ‘Amps Up’ Smartphones to Diagnose Disease.
Lifeboat Foundation is now a Partner of Arch Mission Foundation whose mission is to preserve and disseminate humanity’s most important information across time and space, for the benefit of future generations. Other partners include the Internet Archive, The Long Now Foundation, and Microsoft.
The Alliance for Space Development (ASD) is holding the annual March Storm Washington DC Blitz March 10–14, 2019. Sunday March 10 will be an all-day training event, followed by up to four days of Congressional visits. Blitzers are asked to commit to a minimum of 1 day of Congressional visits, but those days can be picked from among March 11—14.
Learn more!
Johannes Tammekänd joins our Robotics/AI Board. He is CEO of Sidekik, which creates an AI version of yourself that gives your personal data a voice and outsources your daily decision making.
Changhan David Lee joins our Biotech/Medical Board. David’s laboratory studies how cancers manipulate mitochondrial-encoded genes to overcome normal cell regulation and how these genes can be targeted for cancer therapy and diagnosis.
Volkmar Weissig, President of the World Mitochondria Society, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Read On the Future: Prospects for Humanity by our Martin Rees.
Dmitry V. Bulavin joins our Life Extension Board. Dmitry has established the role of p38MAPK in negative regulation of tumorigenesis and the key role of phosphatase Wip1 as a potent human oncogene. Read p38MAPK builds a hyaluronan cancer niche to drive lung tumorigenesis.
Paul Scott Anderson, author of Venus Beckons: Why NASA Should Return and How New Tech Will Help, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Read Assembling Life: How Can Life Begin on Earth and Other Habitable Planets? by our David W. Deamer.
Brittinay Lenhart joins our Space Settlement Board. She is Senior Project Manager for Mission Support and Test Services.
Quinn Sena joins our blog team with the post Can nanotechnology rewire an injured spinal cord?
Nichola Conlon, CEO of Nuchido, joins our Life Extension Board.
Brad Bulent Yasar, cofounder of the Blockchain Investors Consortium (BIC), joins our New Money Systems Board.
Read Exponential Ethics by our Nicoletta Iacobacci.
Read issue #197 of Lifeboat News!
The Space Exploration Education Conference 2019 will be held February 6–9 at Houston, Texas. Learn more!
IBM Think 2019 will be held February 12–15 in San Francisco, California. This is IBM’s flagship conference where over 30,000 C-level executives, IT managers, architects, and practitioners gather to make the world of business work smarter.
Learn more!
The Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program is being held January 14–February 15 at the Mawson Lakes Campus, University of South Australia Adelaide, Australia. Our Alan Hale is teaching for Small Bodies in the Solar System on January 31 and Stockport Observatory on February 9.
Our Kattesh V. Katti was awarded with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who.
Paul Battista joins our blog team with the post Can nanotechnology rewire an injured spinal cord?
David Houlding joins our blog team with the post Blockchain: 6 Key Ethical Considerations.
Adam Ford joins our blog team with the post The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine.
Caycee Dee Neely joins our blog team with the post NASA’s Technosignatures Report is Out. Every Way to Find Evidence of an Intelligent Civilization.
Morgan E. Levine, coauthor of An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan, joins our Life Extension Board.
Laura Forczyk, Executive Director of the Georgia Space Alliance, joins our Space Settlement Board.
James Hanusa, Cofounder of Digital Raign. joins our Media & Arts Board.
David Warmflash, who is authoring Moon: An Illustrated History: From Ancient Myths to the Colonies of Tomorrow, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Mark Koops, Regional Vice President at Oracle Communications Consulting, joins our Business Board.
David Mathison, CEO of the CDO Club, joins our Information Sciences Board.
David Houlding, Principal Healthcare Lead of the Microsoft Azure Industry Experiences Team, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
The Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award is annually bestowed upon a respected scientist or public figure who has warned of a future fraught with dangers and encouraged measures to prevent them.
The 2018 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Jeff Bezos in recognition of his warnings about existential risks and his work on space exploration which will eventually improve the survival chances of humanity by having humanity being based in more than one location.
Learn more!
James Christian Smith joins our blog team with the post Engineers create an inhalable form of messenger RNA.
Brian Koberlein, creator of One Universe at a Time, joins our Cosmology Board.
Mike Gleaves, CTO of Arralis, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Manuel Serrano joins our Life Extension Board. Manuel is Cellular Plasticity and Disease group leader at the ICREA Aging and Metabolism unit.
Soodeh Farokhi, CTO of C2RO Cloud Robotics, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Antonella Chadha Santuccione, CEO of the Women’s Brain Project, joins our Neuroscience Board.
William Grassie, founding executive director of the Metanexus Institute, joins our Philosophy Board.
Pete Bonasso joins our Robotics/AI Board. Read This HAL 9000-Inspired AI Simulation Kept Its Virtual Astronauts Alive.
Regina R. Monaco, Chief Scientific Officer at Brain Backups, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Nadja Bester, Marketing and Communications Specialist at Neco Finance, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Piero Messina, Senior Officer at European Space Agency HQ, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Mitochondria: From Basic Biology to Mechanisms of Disease Conference will be held February 27–March 2 in Nassau, Bahamas.
Our Matt Kaeberlein and Yousin Suh will be speaking. Learn more!
Our Richard Stallman will be speaking at New Delhi, India on January 5; Kozhikode, India on January 11–12; Thiruvananthapuram, India on January 15–16; Bengaluru, India on January 18; Toronto, Canada on February 7, and Bozeman, Montana on February 11. All these talks are gratis. Learn more!
Read issue #196 of Lifeboat News!
Samson Williams joins our blog team with the post Virtual Currencies Are As Old As Favors.
Ultima Thule – January 1, 2019 – We would like to congratulate our Alan Stern for his accomplishment of New Horizons traveling 4 billion miles from Earth in the farthest flyby ever. Alan is Principal Investigator of NASA’s New Horizons probe which rang in the new year by swinging by Ultima Thule — “beyond the known world” — an object in the Kuiper asteroid belt.
The spacecraft passed within 2,200 miles of the large asteroid at 12:33 a.m. EST Tuesday, not long after the ball dropped in New York Times Square. The close encounter marks the farthest spacecraft flyby in history.
“We set a record! Never before has a spacecraft explored something so far away,” Alan said. “I mean, think of it. We’re a billion miles further than Pluto, and now we’re going to keep going into the Kuiper Belt.”
Learn more!
Samson Williams, CEO of Axes and Eggs, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Jim Caffey joins our Space Settlement Board. Jim currently serves NASA as an Ambassador to the Jet Propulsion Lab doing public outreach. He has worked on NASA-funded research and missions for more than 20 years in Astronomy and Space Science fields.
Abed Peerally, author of In Search of Consciousness and the Theory of Everything: Towards the Final Answers to the Mystery of Existence, joins our Cosmology Board.
Kimothy L. Smith, Founder of Biodefense News, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Sam Bocetta joins our blog team with the post The Rise of Hacking and Phishing in 2018 — Where Are We Headed?
Longevity Therapeutics 2019 is being held January 29–31 in San Francisco. This conference will focus on enhancing & accelerating aging research & the development of therapies targeting age-related diseases.
Our Judith Campisi, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Peter Fedichev, Kristen Fortney, Morgan E. Levine, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking. Learn more!
Our Richard Stallman will be speaking at Thiruvananthapuram, India on January 15 and 16; Bengaluru, India on January 18; and Toronto, Canada on February 7. All these talks are gratis. Learn more!
Space Mission Activation Process: Are you a maker, innovator, explorer? Do you want to be part of the new space program? Propose a space mission and join in creating an international movement.
Dr. Life, author of the New York Times bestseller The Life Plan, joins our Life Extension Board.
Amy Sterling Casil joins our Futurists Board. She is an award-winning science fiction, fantasy, and nonfiction writer and artist.
Anthony Kimery joins our Counterterrorism Board. Tony is Chief Investigator for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.
Alvaro Alonso Ruiz, Business Development Manager at Telespazio VEGA, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Kevin Grazier joins our Space Settlement Board. Kevin is a scientist in the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center whose role is to characterize meteoroid streams in order to assess the impact hazard to the International Space Station as well as other robotic and crewed missions.
Vincent Clot, Business and Open Innovation Director at Thales Alenia Space, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Morgan Wright joins our Transparency and Privacy Board. His landmark testimony before Congress on changed how the government collected personally identifiable information.
Miguel Aznar, Director of Education at the Foresight Institute, joins our Nanotechnology Board.
Ethan Siegel, author of Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive, joins our Cosmology Board.
Jen Blank joins our Space Settlement Board. She is a member of the Mars Curiosity rover science team among her many roles.
Kelly Robson, author of A Human Stain, joins our Futurists Board. This story won the Nebula Award for Best Novelette.
Yalda Mousavinia, Cofounder of the Space Cooperative, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Hamid Anbari, CEO and Cofounder of IKAP Robotics, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Liss C. Werner joins our Complex Systems Board. Liss is director of and Assistant Professor of Architecture and Cybernetics at Technical University Berlin, where she founded the CyPhyLab.
Richard Darienzo joins our blog team with the post MIT Interactive Robotics Laboratory.
Michael S. Swetnam, coauthor of Al-Qa’ida: Ten Years After 9/11 and Beyond, joins our Counterterrorism Board.
William Buppert, author of ZeroGov: Limited Government, Unicorns and Other Mythological Creatures, joins our Social Factors Board.
Lisa Fabiny, Vice President and Director of Operations at SENS Research Foundation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Rebecca D. Costa, author of The Watchman’s Rattle, joins our Policy Board.
David W. Hamon joins our Diplomacy Board. For almost two years, he was part of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, where he aided in organizing support functions of 29 UN peacekeeping and political missions worldwide.
Cristina Ibarra joins our Ethics Board. Cristina is the Head of International Cooperation at the National Commission of Human Rights in Mexico and the Vice President and Executive Chairwoman at The World Academy of Medical Sciences and its Human Rights Studies Division in Netherlands.
Michael Toron joins our Counterterrorism Board. Among his many roles, Mike is Counterterrorism Advisor for the NYPD.
Future Cities & Societies: Governance, Law, Blockchain will be held December 13–14 in San Francisco, California.
Our Tom W. Bell and Zoltan Istvan will be speaking. Learn more!
Read issue #195 of Lifeboat News!
The Acquchat NYC Blockchain & Media Fireside Chat Livestream Broadcast will be held December 11 in New York City.
Our Tatiana Moroz will be speaking. Learn more!
LaBITconf Santiago De Chile 2018 will be held December 5–8 in Santiago, Chile. This is the most influential cybercurrency conference in Latin America.
Our Rodolfo Andragnes, Luke Dashjr, Juan Llanos, and Edan Yago will be speaking. Learn more!
Blockland Solutions Conference: Real-World Problem Solving will be held December 1–4 in Cleveland, Ohio.
This is one of the first blockchain education conferences to provide experiential learning through hands-on coding and real-world problem solving with a focus on solutions for business and government applications.
Our Mark Stephen Meadows and Tatiana Moroz will be speaking. Learn more!
The XIII International Congress in Medical Aesthetics, Nutrition and Anti-aging and 6th Symposium in Regenerative Medicine is being held November 29–December 1 in Cancun, Mexico. Note that the 6th Symposium in Regenerative Medicine will be held on December 1.
Our Joel I. Osorio is speaking. Learn more!
NeurIPS | 2018, the Thirty-Second Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, is being held December 2–8 in Montréal, Canada.
NeurIPS is a multi-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. Learn more!
The New Economy Online Conference will be held December 3–6 online. This free conference will give you 4 days of top content from some of the world’s best speakers on blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Our Bobby Lee will be speaking. Learn more!
The Future of AI and Trust Workshop will be held December 4th in Arlington, Virginia, USA. Eight free slots are available.
This workshop is being organized by our Masseh Tahiry. Learn more!
Read Technology and National Security: The United States at a Critical Crossroads.
The Bangkok Blockchain Conference will be held December 6th in Bangkok, Thailand.
Thailand has emerged as one of the most interesting development hubs for cryptocurrencies and blockchain in Southeast Asia in 2018. While the world has yet to decide the category for cryptocurrencies and digital assets, the Thai government has welcomed cryptocurrency projects and exchanges.
Our Jen Buakaew will be speaking. Learn more!
Intelligent Automation Week Austin 2018 will be held December 3–6 in Austin, Texas.
AI World 2018 will be held December 3–5 in Boston, Massachusetts.
AI World Conference and Expo is focused on the state of the practice of artificial intelligence in the enterprise. The 3-day conference and exposition is designed for business and technology executives who want to learn about innovative implementations of AI in the enterprise through case studies and peer networking.
Our Margrit Betke, James Kuffner, John Mattison, and Alex Zhavoronkov will be speaking. Learn more!
SOURCE Austin will be held December 3–6 in Austin, Texas. SOURCE is one part CISO conference, one part Hacker conference, and one part Career and Personal Development event.
Our Richard Thieme will be speaking. Learn more!
Robotex International will be held November 30–December 2 in Tallinn, Estonia. This conference is a must-attend event for everyone who wants to stay up to date with the latest tech trends and meet world level executives and investors who are already transforming the future.
Our Henrique Jorge and Ayesha Khanna will be speaking. Learn more!
The Startup Grind Global Conference will be held February 12–13 in Silicon Valley, California.
This conference includes 6 stages of highly educational content provided by a roster of world-class speakers, thousands of entrepreneurs and innovators looking to build relationships, hours of impactful networking, and partner opportunities. Learn more!
The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference will be held November 26–28 in Nairobi, Kenya. Learn more!
The International Conference of Translational Medicine will be held January 11–13, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The specific goals of this conference are to bring together a diverse group of scientists studying various molecular, cellular and genetic aspects of Translational medicine. This conference is intended to provide a format for the exchange of ideas and information, to discuss the latest research findings and technical advances, and to facilitate the intellectual unification of research on cancer therapy, stem cell therapy, and regenerative medicine and related disease states in diverse systems.
Our Joel I. Osorio will be speaking. Learn more!
NewSpace Europe will be held November 27–28 in Luxembourg City. This conference is the only annual space conference in Europe to focus solely on the NewSpace industry and the economic opportunity of space.
Our Alvaro Alonso Ruiz, Vincent Clot, Jim Keravala, Alison Lowndes, Piero Messina, Peter Platzer, and Pete Worden will be speaking. Learn more!
Spacecom 2018 will be held November 27–28 in Houston, Texas.
SpaceCom 2018 is the only civilian conference and exposition where NASA, aerospace, and industry come together to connect. It’s where professionals from the aerospace and commercial sectors convene for two days to gain insights during forward-looking conference sessions, see firsthand, cutting-edge technology in an interactive exhibit hall, and participate in NASA presentations and an Entrepreneur Summit that promises to transform markets. Learn more!
Our People-Centered Digital Future will be held December 10, 2018 in San Jose, California.
This event recognizes that by March 2019, 50% of the world will be connected to the Internet. This inflection point marks an important moment for examining the “unfinished work” of the Internet and discussing the community norms, human rights and social contracts required in this exponential digital era. The event also aligns with the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations. Our Eric Rasmussen will be speaking. Learn more!
The AAAI-19: Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence will be held January 17–February 1, 2019 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Our Peter Stone, Julian Togelius, Lyle Ungar, and Michael Witbrock will be speaking/participating. Learn more!
Connectivity is the Revolution!: 3rd Annual Thought Leadership Forum will be held December 4 in Washington, D.C.
This Geeks Without Frontiers’ Thought Leadership Forum will focus on technological innovations, delivering digital access to underserved communities, emerging global challenges, and financially sustainable broadband business plans. Learn more!
The Canadian FinTech & AI Awards 2018 will be held November 26 in Toronto, Canada.
The Canadian FinTech & AI Awards are Canada’s largest and most prestigious FinTech event with over 3,000 attendees from the banking, legal, finance, tech, startup and blockchain community. Learn more!
Graham Pawelec, editor of Basic Biology and Clinical Impact of Immunosenescence, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Mikhail S. Shchepinov joins our Life Extension Board. Misha is Cofounder at Retrotope. Retrotope is changing aging as we know it, so that people do not have to suffer the savages of many degenerative diseases. They are a pharmaceutical company startup that is leading the advance of a revolutionary new unified theory of cellular degeneration that can result in dramatically new approaches to therapy.
Julie K. Andersen joins our Life Extension Board. Her lab concentrates on understanding the underlying age-related processes that drive neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s.
Read issue #194 of Lifeboat News!
Undoing Aging 2019 will be held March 28-30 in Berlin, Germany. Our Judith Campisi, Aubrey de Grey, and Michael Greve will be speaking/participating.
Undoing Aging 2019 is not only open to the scientific community but also welcomes all interested members of the broader rejuvenation movement. The conference will feature a student poster session showing the work of innovative undergraduate and graduate students in the field of damage repair. Learn more!
Indrapramit Das, author of The Devourers, joins our Futurists Board. This book was the winner of the 2017 Lambda Literary Award.
Alexia Idoura, Senior Program Manager at Kudelski Security, joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board.
Paul Di Filippo, author of Cosmocopia, joins our Futurists Board. He has been a finalist for the Hugo Awards, Nebula Awards, BSFA (British Science Fiction Association Award), Philip K. Dick, Wired Magazine, and World Fantasy awards.
Tal M. Klein joins our Futurists Board. Tal is author of The Punch Escrow, which won the Inkshares Geek & Sundry Hard Sci-Fi contest and was optioned by Lionsgate prior to its release.
Stephen Gantz, President of Grainster, joins our Sustainability Board.
Amy Webb, founder of The Future Today Institute, joins our Futurists Board.
Alan Yong joins our New Money Systems Board. Alan is the Founder and CEO of DNotes, a blockchain-powered digital currency and peer-to-peer payment system.
Silje Bareksten, Future Council Member at the World Economic Forum, joins our Economics Board.
Rachel Payne joins our Social Factors Board. She is a serial tech entrepreneur, philanthropist, board director, technology executive, and social change visionary.
Rob Van Den Hoven Van Genderen, author of Privacy and Data Protection in the Age of Pervasive Technologies in AI and Robotics, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Nady Golestaneh joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Nady’s lab is investigating how aging mechanisms affect the cells and induce diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Using patient-specific induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, she is studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms that induce AMD and is developing ways to stop this disease from occurring.
Anne Skare Nielsen, Chief Futurist at Future Navigator, joins our Futurists Board.
Jordana Esther Muwanguzi, Bioinformatician at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Aidan J.S. Menuge joins our Futurists Board. His Dido’s Lament won the short fiction contest for the XPRIZE Seat 14C Writing Competition, chosen from over 1,400 entries.
Victoria Generao joins our blog team with the post Microsoft’s Underwater Data Center Is Actually Working, Says CEO.
Read A Very Human Future: Enriching Humanity in a Digitized World. This book acknowledges the powerful technological shifts reshaping our world and addresses five key themes that are occupying the minds of individuals, politicians, business leaders, and civil society organizations across the globe.
Best-selling author C.J. Cherryh joins our Futurists Board. Read her Hugo Award-winning novels Downbelow Station and Cyteen.
Eneasz Brodski, author of Red Legacy, joins our Futurists Board.
Sylvain Neuvel, author of Sleeping Giants, joins our Futurists Board. This novel has been optioned by Sony Pictures for development into a film and was sold for translation into twenty languages.
Gwyneth Jones, author of Divine Endurance, in which she created the term gynoid, joins our Futurists Board.
David Walton, author of the award-winning novel Terminal Mind, joins our Futurists Board.
Doug Drexler joins our Futurists Board. He is a visual effects artist, designer, sculptor, illustrator, scenic artist, graphic designer, and a makeup artist who has collaborated with such talents as Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, James Caan, Meryl Streep, and Warren Beatty.
Peter Cawdron, author of Anomaly, joins our Futurists Board.
Franklin Horton, author of the bestselling series The Borrowed World, joins our Futurists Board.
Diane Francis, the first female to become editor of a national daily newspaper in Canada, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Al Chalabi, coauthor of Juvenescence: Investing in the Age of Longevity, joins our Life Extension Board.
New York Times #1 bestselling author Scott Sigler joins our Futurists Board. Read his EarthCore!
Dina Ellis Rochkind joins our New Money Systems Board. Dina has held senior positions on the Senate Banking Committee, House Financial Services Committee, and U.S. Treasury Department during two decades in federal public policy roles.
Isaac Arthur, creator and producer of Science & Futurism with Isaac Arthur, joins our Futurists Board.
Matthew Mather, the best-selling author of CyberStorm, joins our Futurists Board.
Sotira Trifourki, CEO of Artemis Space Technologies, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Rio Mohan Dluzak, a member of the board of the Institute of Neuro Innovation, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Fern Evitt, Strategy Director at Smartmesh, joins our Futurists Board.
Read issue #193 of Lifeboat News!
Read The High Frontier: An Easier Way, now available in paperback form.
Vahe Poghosyan, coauthor of Epileptic MEG Spikes Detection Using Amplitude Thresholding and Dynamic Time Warping, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Xavier Rosseel joins our blog team with the post Molecular switches are not just ‘on’ or ‘off’.
Jennifer McCartney, author of the bestselling novel Afloat, joins our Futurists Board.
Cathy Miller joins our blog team with the post David Sinclair — Can NMN Reverse Aging?
Daniel Wallace, author of Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions, joins our Futurists Board. This novel was made into a motion picture by Tim Burton.
Shilpi Gupta, Senior Product Manager at Amazon Robotics, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
John Barnes joins our Futurists Board. He authored The Return and Encounter with Tiber with our Buzz Aldrin.
Joseph Cohen, CEO and Chief Biohacker at SelfHacked, SelfDecode, and Lab Test Analyzer, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Lisa Wood, founder of Cognitive World, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Meir Moalem, CEO of Sky and Space Global, joins our Space Settlement Board. SAS is the first company to plan, build, and operate a telecommunication commercial network over nano-satellites.
Robert Silverberg joins our Futurists Board. He is a multiple winner of both the Hugo and Nebula Awards, a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame, and a Grand Master of SF. He has attended every Hugo Awards ceremony since the inaugural event in 1953.
Taylor Anderson, author of the Destroyermen book series, joins our Futurists Board.
Mike Ruban joins our blog team with the post DARPA Wants Brain Interfaces for Able-Bodied Warfighters.
TJ Wass joins our blog team with the post Labor Day 2040: What Happens When Robots Do All the Work?
Alex Vikoulov joins our blog team with the post It’s the year 2038—here’s how we’ll eat 20 years in the future.
Read The Affordable Immortal: Maybe You Can Beat Death and Taxes.
David J. Kelley joins our blog team with the post Feasibility Study and Practical Applications Using Independent Core Observer Model AGI Systems for Behavioral Modification in Recalcitrant Populations.
Chiara Chiesa joins our blog team with the post The world in the 2030s, 2040s and 2050s.
Read issue #192 of Lifeboat News!
Lilia Lens-Pechakova joins our blog team with the post Older adults who get physical can lower their heart disease risk.
Marcia Wiegand joins our blog team with the post Turbine creates energy from oncoming traffic.
Pat Maechler joins our blog team with the post Why Alien Life Would be our Doom — The Great Filter.
Bill Retherford joins our blog team with the post Mars 2020 Spacecraft ‘Coming Together’; Probe To Seek Signs Of Ancient Alien Life.
Alex Deadpool joins our blog team with the post Are We Alone?
David Weber, author of the Honor Harrington science fiction series, joins our Futurists Board.
Tobias S. Buckell, author of Halo: The Cole Protocol, joins our Futurists Board.
Sean McMullen, author of Souls in the Great Machine, joins our Futurists Board.
Gregory Carrico, author of Children of the Plague, joins our Futurists Board.
Martin Shoemaker, author of Racing to Mars, joins our Futurists Board.
Craig DeLancey, author of Passionate Engines: What Emotions Reveal about the Mind and Artificial Intelligence, joins our Philosophy Board.
Woodrow Barfield, author of Cyber-Humans: Our Future with Machines, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Rich Larson, author of The Violet Wars trilogy, joins our Futurists Board.
Michael Dodd joins our blog team with the post Aubrey De Grey Discusses Indefinite Longevity.
Stefan Sorgner, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Posthuman Studies, joins our Futurists Board.
Read The High Frontier: An Easier Way.
Renata Markova, Business Operation Manager at Topaz Investment Advisors, joins our Finance Board.
Amelia Kallman, publisher of the monthly independent innovation newsletter The Big Reveal, joins our Futurists Board.
Eleonora Cogo, winner of the Singularity University’s Italy Global Impact Challenge, joins our Sustainability Board.
Technical Process Promoter Daniel Levi Gomez joins our Futurists Board.
The National Upcycled Computing Collective takes donations of enterprise servers, storage devices, networking infrastructure, corporate workstations, electronic test and measurement equipment, and graphics cards and uses them for scientific processing such as with BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing). They take donations of dollars in addition to donations of equipment. You can also volunteer and make a difference in your local area.
Marco Monfils joins our blog team with the post AI beats doctors in diagnosis competition.
Michael Greve, Founder of the Forever Healthy Foundation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Alida Draudt, coauthor of What the Foresight: Your personal futures explored. Defy the expected and define the preferred, joins our Futurists Board.
Alexandre Maurer, Vice President and Spokesperson of the French Transhumanist Association, joins our Futurists Board.
Ramón Risco Delgado, Founder of SafePreservation, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Blackbox is a group of PhDs, executives, and technologists formerly from Google, Apple, Intel, and other companies building the future of work. The cornerstone of their model is the unification of labor and capital to build a better system of work for all. Read more about their approach at
Blue Frontiers, the company building the world’s first sustainable floating islands in French Polynesia, in collaboration with the Startup Societies Foundation, is holding a competition to encourage the creation of Special Economic Zones in different parts of the world that are interested in economic growth.
The winner will be awarded with $100,000 USD plus the possibility to become a partner in building a seastead in their home country. Nine additional proposals will win an all-expenses paid trip to the fully-operational floating pavilion in the Netherlands, built by Blue21, the architects of Blue Frontiers Floating Island Project.
Learn more!
Alexandria Black joins our blog team with the post 2018 Drive to Stay Alive organized.
TransVision Madrid 2018 will be held October 19–21 in Madrid, Spain. Our Didier Coeurnelle, José Luis Cordeiro, Felipe Debasa, Rodolfo Goya, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Ben Goertzel, Charlie Kam, Jim Mellon, David Pearce, Anders Sandberg, Natasha Vita-More, and Ibon Zugasti will be speaking/participating.
This conference will cover concepts such as longevity extension, artificial intelligence, human enhancement, and other technologies and future trends. Learn more!
31st Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Conference: Mobilizing Neurons to Rehabilitate will be held August 13–14, 2018 in Dubai, UAE. Our Howard Federoff and George Perry will be speaking. We are partners of this conference. Learn more!
Henrique Jorge, CEO of ETER9, joins our Robotics/AI Board. ETER9 is a social network that relies on artificial intelligence to create a virtual self that will publish, comment, and interact with you intelligently.
Howard Federoff, coauthor of Plasma Phospholipids Identify Antecedent Memory Impairment in Older Adults, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Adam Daniel Buttons, Founder of Ultimate Human Potential, joins our Business Board.
Enter the Longevity Film Competition and join us in the crusade of eliminating age-related disease. You can not only potentially help save lots of lives, but you can win the first prize of $10,000! Second prize is a trip to meet our Dr. Aubrey de Grey.
Learn more!
Maria Entraigues Abramson joins our blog team with the post Longevity Film Competition.
Ratnesh Dwivedi joins our blog team with the post Will US Make it to Mars as President Trump Signs New Directive for NASA and Mission Gets Ready.
Read issue #191 of Lifeboat News!
The Lifeboat Foundation has now partnered with the U.S. Blockchain Association. Through education, advocacy, installing cryptocurrency-enabled ATMs and point-of-sale terminals, as well as working closely with policymakers, regulatory agencies and the industry, the U.S. Blockchain Association hopes to take blockchain technology to the next level.
Bobby Brooke, CEO of Vitality Biopharma, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Steven A. Garan, Director of Bioinformatics at the Center for Research & Education on Aging (CREA), joins our Life Extension Board.
Vadim Gladyshev joins our Life Extension Board. He is trying to uncover the molecular basis for natural changes in longevity by identifying adaptations in long-lived mammals and examining longevity-associated processes across all mammals.
William Barry, Founding Director of NDNU’s STEAM VR/AR Immersive Learning Support Lab, joins our Education Board.
Ratnesh Dwivedi, author of US Intelligence and Cost of War, joins our Diplomacy Board.
Jean Weidmann, RAADcity Coordinator for RAADfest, joins our Life Extension Board.
Matt Chorey, Account Manager at Hilti North America, joins our Futurists Board.
Steven Umbrello, Managing Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, joins our Ethics Board.
John M. “Johnny” Adams, Executive Director of the Bourhenne Medical Research Foundation, joins our Life Extension Board.
Sarah Porter, CEO of InspiredMinds!, a global tech strategy group across 72 countries, joins our Business Board.
Ending Age-Related Diseases: Investment Prospects & Advances in Research will be held in New York City on July 12. Our Bobby Brooke, Keith Comito, Antonei Csoka, Aubrey de Grey, and Vadim Gladyshev will be speaking.
Learn more!
IFA (International Foresight Academy) Futures Consultant Ulla Gordillo joins our Futurists Board.
Brian M. Wilcox, Program Manager at Microsoft, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Alexander Shynkarenko, Bioinformatician at the Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
David Scott, Strategic Advisory Executive for The Centech Group, joins our Diplomacy Board.
Kaila Colbin, New Zealand Ambassador for Singularity University, joins our Futurists Board.
Sebastian Aguiar, coauthor of RNAi mechanisms in Huntington’s disease therapy: siRNA versus shRNA, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Morten Scheibye-Knudsen joins our Life Extension Board. He is focused on exploring the physiological consequences of DNA damage and what we can do to intervene in genotoxic insults.
Our Ille C. Gebeshuber was named Austrian of the Year (Research) and won the Look!Business Award (the largest business award for women in Austria).
Ankur Bargotra joins our blog team with the post What Is Cognitive Computing (How AI Will Think).
Juliian C’estMoi joins our blog team with the post Study proposes a new way to reverse the aging process.
Takayuki Sugano joins our blog team with the post MIT fed an AI data from Reddit, and now it thinks of nothing but murder.
Adriano Autino joins our blog team with the post Elon Musk responds to Boeing’s claim it will beat SpaceX to Mars: ‘Do it’.
René von Schomberg, who helped develop the current concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), joins our Ethics Board.
Dmitry Kaminskiy, Managing Partner at Deep Knowledge Ventures, joins our Business Board.
Adam Alonzi, Producer of Genius: The Series, joins our Media & Arts Board.
David Naor joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Read One drug could treat Alzheimer’s, MS, Crohn’s, and more.
Susan Oh, governing member of Blockchain For Impact at UN General Assembly, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Loïc Bardon, Cofounder of Paris Singularity, joins our Futurists Board.
Lorena Zapata, CEO of Infinity Media Marketing, joins our Media & Arts Board.
NASA-trained commercial astronaut Christopher Altman joins our Space Settlement Board.
Carol Rosin, Founder of Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, joins our Ethics Board.
Sofiane Delloue, founder of New Life, joins our Business Board.
Tamsin Woolley-Barker, author of Teeming: How Superorganisms Work Together to Build Infinite Wealth on a Finite Planet, joins our Business Board.
Narenda Har joins our blog team with the post Pig brains kept alive without a body.
Read issue #190 of Lifeboat News!
Jonathan Nolan, co-creator of Westworld, says an interesting quote for our quotes page!
Sam Spencer, founder of Etiam Engineering, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Matt Kaeberlein, President of the American Aging Association, joins our Life Extension Board.
Michael Borkin, Cofounder of Sabre Sciences, joins our Life Extension Board.
Marco Ruggiero, coauthor of Your Third Brain: The Revolutionary New Discovery to Achieve Optimum Health, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
John Licato, coauthor of Real Robots that Pass Human Tests of Self-Consciousness, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Garrett Katz, author of A Cognitive Robotic Imitation Learning System Based On Cause-Effect Reasoning, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Byoung-Tak Zhang, coauthor of Dual-memory neural networks for modeling cognitive activities of humans via wearable sensors, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Brad Thompson, CEO at Wyvern Pharmaceuticals, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Bill Andrews, President & CEO at Sierra Sciences, joins our Life Extension Board.
AGI-18 will be held August 22–25 in Prague, Czech Republic. This conference gathers an international group of leading academic and industry researchers involved in scientific and engineering work aimed directly toward the goal of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Our Joscha Bach, Antonio Chella, Haris Dindo, Stan Franklin, Ben Goertzel, Bill Hibbard, Marcus Hutter, Matthew Iklé, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Alexey Potapov, Rafal Rzepka, Ricardo Sanz, Leslie Smith, Bas Steunebrink, Claes Strannegård, Julian Togelius, Viktoras Veitas, Pei Wang, and Roman Yampolskiy will be speaking/participating.
Learn more!
RAADfest 2018 will be held September 20–23 in San Diego, California. This is the largest event in the world where practical and cutting-edge methods to reverse aging are presented for all interest levels, from beginner to expert.
Our José Cordeiro, Greg Fahy, Bill Faloon, Aubrey de Grey, Terry Grossman, David Kekich, Randal Koene, Ray Kurzweil, Jim Mellon, Liz Parrish, Neal Van De Ree, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking.
Learn more!
Chris Parbey Jnr joins our blog team with the post How ‘Valleytronics’ Could Help Keep Moore’s Law Alive.
Read issue #189 of Lifeboat News!
The SENS Foundation is having a Donor Appreciation Event on May 8th 4 pm to 7 pm at the San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center. This free event will include Aubrey, Mike, and the entire SENS Foundation team.
Share a pint and tasty appetizers, network with the community, and get the inside scoop on the latest advancements at SRF and in the rejuvenation biotechnology industry.
Learn more!
Want to listen to the latest updates from the Lifeboat Foundation on your Amazon Alexa-enabled device? Just add the “Lifeboat Foundation — Safeguarding Humanity” skill to your flash briefing through the Alexa app. You’ll get updates from both the Latest News and Blog sections of our website. Hear something interesting? Check the Alexa app for a card containing a link.
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Search for “Lifeboat Foundation”, then click on the “Lifeboat Foundation — Safeguarding Humanity” skill. Click Enable Skill to add it to your flash briefing.
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The Lifeboat Foundation now has the Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations.
Narendra Malewar joins our blog team with the post Finding lost siblings of the Sun.
Read issue #188 of Lifeboat News!
Teachers in Space, Inc. (TIS), the leading provider of affordable flight experiment opportunities for classrooms, will use a grant from the Lifeboat Foundation to fly three new classroom experiments on the Perlan II stratospheric glider in May.
Learn more!
Manuel Canovas Lechuga joins our blog team with the post Ageing-related receptors resolved.
Danko Nikolic joins our blog team with the post Robots Go Mental.
Mean Raven joins our blog team with the post New DIY 3D Bioprinter to Create Living Human Organs.
Marcos Than Esponda joins our blog team with the post I Want to Preserve My Brain So My Mind Can Be Uploaded to a Computer in the Future.
Sidney Clouston joins our blog team with the post Lockheed wins nearly $250 million NASA contract to build supersonic plane.
Alvaro Fernandez joins our blog team with the post Research trend: Combining brain stimulation with cognitive training to enhance attention and memory.
Read issue #187 of Lifeboat News!
Håkon Skaarud Karlsen joins our blog team with the post If you’re alive in 30 years, chances are good you may also be alive in 1000 years.
Bill Kemp joins our blog team with the post Scientists build army of metal-organic nanoflowers to treat cancer.
Michael Lance joins our blog team with the post Astronomers find the ‘impossible’: a galaxy without dark matter.
Alberto Lao joins our blog team with the post Tiangong-1: How to follow the space lab’s decaying orbit and reentry.
Steve Nichols joins our blog team with the post Artificial Brains Shed Light on the Workings of Our Own.
Jacob Anderson joins our blog team with the post Chemotherapy-free ‘cancer vaccine’ moves from mice to human trials at Stanford.
Peter Morgan joins our blog team with the post Longevity industry systematized for first time.
Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor Victoria Generao joins our Religion/Spirituality Board.
Tímea Polgár, Founder of Envision Biotechnology, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Mei Marker, Principal of AI & Data Sciences, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Marina Nadeeva, author of Blockchain Impact in Fine Art Market, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Sidney Clouston, CEO of Clouston Energy Research, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Pamela Schied, Principal of ForeSight Communications Group, joins our Futurists Board.
Chrissie Lightfoot, CEO of Robot Lawyer LISA, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Read issue #186 of Lifeboat News!
The Lifeboat Foundation mourns Stephen Hawking’s death.
Stephen Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death. He has come to be thought of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein. With similar interests — discovering the deepest workings of the universe — he has been able to communicate arcane matters not just to other physicists but to the general public.
As the Lifeboat Foundation 2008 Guardian Award Winner, Stephen Hawking showed that by using critical-thinking skills, we can learn about global catastrophic risks and use this knowledge to save the human race from extinction. Read Hawking quotes!
Liselotte Lyngsø, Managing Partner of Future Navigator, joins our Futurists Board.
Dana Larocca, CEO of Mandala Biosciences, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Mahsa Kiani, Cofounder of MyData, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Ai Oikawa, Cofounder of Afingen, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Karen Marquez, President of Robbie AI, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Elsa Sotiriadis, Chief Futurist at RebelBio, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Katherine Fritsch, Director of Marketing at The Hive, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Nicholi Avery joins our blog team with the post Enzymes and Cognitive Decline.
Pamela Gupta, President of OutSecure, joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board.
Sara Jennings, Producer at NASA Frontier Development Lab, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Laura Montgomery, Proprietor of Ground Based Space Matters, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Rahul Rastogi, Senior Developer at Standard Chartered Bank, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Read Dance With The Desert, Emotional Exile: Journeys, Letters from the Dragon’s Lair, and The Insider’s Guide to Autism and Aspergers.
Stephen Geary, CEO at Sothic Bioscience, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Khaki Rodway, Cofounder of NewSpace NYC, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Blockchain Consultant Joshua Massey joins our New Money Systems Board.
Trisha Navidzadeh, Principal of Space Marketing Group, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Andra Keay, Managing Director of Silicon Valley Robotics, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
F. Marek Modzelewski, General Manager at Treeline Interactive, joins our Business Board.
Oliver Isaacs joins our New Money Systems Board. Oliver is Marketing Advisor for Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and ICOs.
Jenny (Morawska-Ahearn) Morawska, Director of Research Australia, joins our Business Board.
Stephanie Dainow, Client Success Manager at Singularity University, joins our Education Board.
New Venture Consultant Katherine B. Lewis joins our Business Board.
Ksenia Konchakovskaya, Founder of Planet Home, joins our Sustainability Board.
Priscila Chaves Martínez, Cofounder and Director of Innova10x, joins our Futurists Board.
Qingsong (Dora) Ke, Asia-Pacific Associate Director of IE Business School, joins our Business Board.
Laurel Kornfeld joins our Space Settlement Board. She is Staff Writer at SpaceFlight Insider and Correspondent at The Space Reporter.
Anitha Vadavatha, Founder of Misu Labs, joins our Futurists Board.
ICO Advisor Bonnie Normile joins our New Money Systems Board.
Edward Futurem joins our blog team with In startup, George Church bets cryptocurrency will boost DNA sequencing.
Magnus Frolov joins our blog team with Farms Of The Future Will Use No Soil And 95% Less Water.
About 12 years ago we created a general mailing list/forum on Yahoo for our board members to directly interact with each other, no matter which particular board they were on.
Unfortunately Yahoo is having significant technical problems these days so we have created a new mailing list/forum on Google at
Click on to participate in some engaging discussions!
Priszcilla Várnagy, CEO of Be-novative, joins our Education Board.
Raya Bidshahri, CEO of Awecademy, joins our Education Board.
Danielle Fong, Chief Scientist at LightSail Energy, joins our Sustainability Board.
MaRi Eagar, Chair of Digital Futures, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Sarah Konchitchki, Founder of Organic Concrete, joins our Sustainability Board.
Malcolm Ocean, Founder of Complice, joins our Human Trajectories Board.
Kimberly Forsythe, Founder of AKuaponics3D and Namaste Coin, joins our New Money Systems and Sustainability Board.
Angie Carrillo Reluz, Founder and CEO at Nextbiotics, joins our Business Board.
Read State of the Future version 19.1.
Read issue #185 of Lifeboat News!
The 2017 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Joseph N. Pelton in recognition of his lifelong dedication to advance the science of space safety and cosmic hazards prevention for the greater good of humankind.
Learn more!
Dave Davies, Ambassador and Advisor at Iron & Earth, joins our Sustainability Board.
Melissa Mahler, General Counsel at The Mahler Group, joins our Futurists Board.
Anna Gutkina, author of Defusing the Cancer Bomb: How Cancer Saved My Life, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Johan Nygren joins our blog team with On the Origin of the Asteroid Belts and the Dwarf Planets: Towards a New Horizon in Astronomy.
Palak Madan, Research Analyst at Blackbox AI, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Margaretta Colangelo, President of U1 Technologies, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Katsiaryna Archangorodskaja joins our Futurists Board. Katerina is President of HawkMatrix and Executive Advisor at Apphera.
Kristen Fortney, CEO at BioAge Labs, joins our Life Extension Board.
Ira Munn joins our Sustainability Board. Ira is developing 3D-printed electric vehicle kits using recycled PET plastic,
Age and Longevity in the 21st Century: Science, Policy, and Ethics will be held in New York City April 13–15. Our Didier Coeurnelle, Aubrey de Grey, and Ana Lita will be speaking/participating.
The deadline for abstract submission and registration has been extended to March 1. Learn more!
Traci Parker joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Traci is Director, Clinical Performance Management at UnitedHealth Group/OptumHealth.
Linda S. Leaney, CFO at Globcoin, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Zach Aysan, author of Terrorists Could Use Teslas to Kill Us, joins our Cybercrime/Malcode Board.
Anna Vital, Founder of Adioma, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Blockchain entrepreneur Sophia Ha Ho joins our New Money Systems Board.
Read issue #184 of Lifeboat News!
Jen Buakaew, CEO of the CloutNetwork, joins our New Money Systems Board.
The winner of our Dream Project contest is Teachers in Space, Inc. We will be funding classroom experiments that will fly aboard the Perlan II stratospheric glider which just set the world altitude record. The glider is currently in Minden, Nevada which happens to also be the location of our headquarters!
Learn more!
Lifeboat Foundation is pleased to release the 4th and newest edition of our book The Human Race to the Future. Learn more at Lifeboat News!
As a special promotion our book, packed with over 300 pages of information, will be priced through December at just $1.23 (1-2-3) for the e-book version. We also need more reviews on Amazon and can provide a paperback or e-book to review at no charge if you request one by emailing with the subject “Lifeboat Foundation free ebook” or subject “Lifeboat Foundation paperbook”.
Genevieve O’Hagan is our new Social Media Expert. Welcome aboard Genevieve!
Read Space Traffic Control.
The Lifeboat Foundation is looking to hire an HQ Supervisor. This individual will be trained by our president in Reno, Nevada USA and will be in charge of everything from financial paperwork to keeping our HQ (headquarters) clean. The two main qualities that are being looked for are: 1) follow through 2) and a strong interest in “Safeguarding Humanity”.
Learn more!
Get your $5,000 dream project funded by the Lifeboat Foundation. Deadline for submissions is the end of the year.
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Foresight’s Vision Weekend is coming up on December 2–3 in San Francisco. Get a 50% discount on your ticket using the code “Lifeboat”.
The Vision Weekend is a gathering dedicated to taking stock of the most compelling ideas of today, turn them into coherent visions for a better future, and get to work on them.
Learn more!
Carla Parsons joins our blog team with the post Modified protein promotes hair growth and fights ageing in mice.
Read Preparing for a World that Doesn’t Exist — Yet: Framing a Second Enlightenment to Create Communities of the Future.
Watch Why Existential Risks Matter & Decentralized Mitigation Strategies — Allison Duettmann @BIL 2017.
Lifeboat Foundation is now a Partner of the Conrad Challenge. The Conrad Challenge brings together a dynamic community of innovators and entrepreneurs driving a collaborative movement to develop extraordinary and viable solutions to benefit our world in one of five areas: Aerospace & Aviation, Cyber-Technology & Security, Energy & Environment, Health & Nutrition, and Smoke-Free World.
Read issue #183 of Lifeboat News!
Andrea Liu, COO at Genaro Network, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Genaro Network is the first Turing Complete Public Chain with Decentralized Storage Network, providing Blockchain developers a one-stop solution to deploy smart contracts and store data simultaneously.
Janet Ivey, President at Janet’s Planet, joins our Education Board. Janet is committed to enriching the lives of children through education and programming. She has received 12 Regional Emmys and 5 Gracie Allen awards for her work.
Nicoletta Iacobacci, Ethics HyperLeader at Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, joins our Ethics Board.
Ana Lita, Executive Director at Global Bioethics Initiative, joins our Ethics Board.
David Fogel, coauthor of How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics, joins our Complex Systems Board.
Risk Strategist Masseh Tahiry joins our Space Settlement Board.
Jessica Prendergast, with Future Impacts Consulting, joins our Futurists Board.
Bridgette Engeler, Principal at Incognito Sum, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Joe Brewer, Culture Designer in Residence at The Evolution Institute, joins our Sustainablity Board.
Pablo Kohan, CEO of 3Global Green, joins our Sustainablity Board.
Caterina Falleni, Interaction Designer at Samsung Research America and Cofounder of Design for X, joins our Futurists Board.
Archaeologist Julie Morin-Rivat joins our Futurists Board. Julie is also a science fiction writer under the name Roznarho.
Alethia Berenice Montero Baena, winner of the 2016 World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) President’s Outstanding Young Woman Futurist Award, joins our Futurists Board.
Lissette Olivares, cofounder of Sin Kabeza Productions, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Nancy Conrad, Chairman of the Conrad Foundation, joins our Education Board. U.S. News & World Report named Nancy one of 100 Top Women Leaders in STEM and inducted her into the 100 Top Women Leaders in STEM Hall of Fame.
Lyn Ulbricht joins our Transparency and Privacy Board. Lyn is CEO of the Ross Ulbricht Defense Effort and is a well-known advocate for constitutional protections, individual freedom, and privacy.
Robin Smith, CEO of NextPhase Foundation, joins our Futurists Board.
Angie Bukley joins our Education Board. Angie is the Senior Strategist and Chief Systems Engineer in the Strategic Assessment & Studies Division, Civil Systems Group at The Aerospace Corporation.
The 34th Space Symposium will be held April 16–19 in Colorado Springs, Colorado USA. The Space Symposium is the premier global, commercial, civil, military, and emergent space conference. Our Dylan Taylor and Rick Tumlinson will be speaking.
Learn more!
Michael Greve joins our blog team with the post Dr. Eric Lagasse to speak at Undoing Aging 2018.
Dmitrii Chekh joins our blog team with the post Circadian Rhythm.
Dylan Taylor, the first private citizen to manufacture an item in space, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Jaz Athenia Chua joins our Futurists Board. Jaz is Head of Strategy and Operations, Marketing, APJ at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
Arthur R. Woods joins our Media & Arts Board. He created the Cosmic Dancer project (1993) and Ars Ad Astra: The 1st Art Exhibition in Earth Orbit (1995) — both were realized on the Mir space station.
The 2018 Undoing Aging Conference will be held March 15–17 in Berlin. This conference is focused on the cellular and molecular repair of age-related damage as the basis of therapies to bring aging under full medical control. It is a joint effort of the SENS Research Foundation and the Forever Healthy Foundation.
Our Aubrey de Grey, Vera Gorbunova, and Jean Hébert will be speaking. Learn more!
Irene Schneider, CEO of ISE – Ihrenes Space Enterprises, joins our Space Settlement Board. With a superb team of experts, ISE is the first commercial scientific consulting firm to specialize in offering comprehensive space radiation protection, space radiation mission planning, and dosimetry projections for human commercial space missions.
Geci Karuri-Sebina, Director of the Southern African Node of the Millennium Project, joins our Futurists Board.
Jennifer Gidley joins our blog team with the post Contrasting Human Futures: Technotopian or Human-Centred?
The Lifeboat Foundation mourns the passing of American science fiction writer, essayist, and journalist Jerry Pournelle who worked to the end to “Safeguard Humanity”.
Read How Nasa’s Voyager spacecraft changed the face of UK science which features our Garry Hunt.
Anderson Tan joins our blog team with the post Intel Jumps Into Brain-Like Computing With New Self-Learning Chip.
Helena Knyazeva, coauthor of The Foundations of Synergetics, joins our Complex Systems Board.
Nadezhda Gaponenko, author of Russian Nanotechnology 2020, joins our Futurists Board.
Foresight expert Kelly Kornet joins our Finance Board.
Louise McCarthy, Director of Global Digital Transformation at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), joins our Finance Board.
2017 Foresight Vision Weekend will be held December 2–3 at the Gray Area & The Laundry, San Francisco. Topics covered include AI safety, blockchains, longevity, and x-risks.
Learn more!
Our Allison Duettmann is hosting a salon on Existential Hope on October 12 at The Embassy Network, San Francisco.
Learn more!
Florina Gobel, Community Manager at C-SATS, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Carla M. Parsons, Founder of Radical Science, joins our Education Board.
Ian Hale joins our blog team with the post New gene editor used to fix disease in embryos: study.
Read issue #182 of Lifeboat News!
Jennifer M. Gidley, author of Postformal Education: A Philosophy for Complex Futures, joins our Psychology Board as our Inaugural Psychology Advisory Board Member. She was also recently President (2009–2017) of the World Futures Studies Federation.
Josie Wales, author of You Can Now Literally Turn Your Spare Change Into a Bitcoin Investment, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Sky Marsen, author of Becoming More Than Human: Technology and the Post-Human Condition, joins our Futurists Board.
Dori Liszkai, Advisory Council Member – Blockchain at GLG (Gerson Lehrman Group), joins our New Money Systems Board.
Ashley Brooke Taylor, Cofounder at Future Culture, joins our New Money Systems Board. Future Culture is a nonprofit partnership honing a unique perspective on the integration of blockchain and community.
Rhonda Stevenson, President of Tau Zero Foundation, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Azam Shaghaghi, Strategy Analyst at BMO Financial Group, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Janet Faulkner, Program Manager at the University of Houston, joins our Futurists Board.
Marsia Bealby, Coeditor of Current Research in Egyptology 2012: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium, joins our Futurists Board.
Pam Keefe, Co-Organizer of RAADfest Bangkok, joins our Life Extension Board.
Immaculate Dadiso Motsi-Omoijiade, author of Bitcoin Lending and the Multiplier Effect, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Patrick Tucker joins our blog team with the post Can the US Military Re-Invent the Microchip for the AI Era?
Watch NanoMind: AI-Powered Nano Design.
Watch Effective Altruism: How to Evaluate Hard-To-Measure Approaches.
Christiana Vasiadou, Compliance Officer and Head of Monitoring Unit at Depaho, joins our Finance Board.
Dana Klisanin, CEO of Evolutionary Guidance Media, joins our Futurists Board.
Anca Ioviță, author of The Aging Gap Between Species, joins our Life Extension Board.
Kristina Bliadze, Business Development Manager at CoinsBank, joins our New Money Systems Board.
Brady Chambers joins our blog team with the post Researchers Discover Key to Brain Aging.
Allison Duettmann, coauthor of Cyber, Nano, and AGI Risks: Decentralized Approaches to Reducing Risks, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Read the paperback version of The Telomerase Revolution: The Enzyme That Holds the Key to Human Aging and Will Lead to Longer, Healthier Lives which was authored by our Michael Fossel.
Mark Post, coauthor of Autonomous Micro-Rovers for Future Planetary Exploration and Terrestrial Sensing, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Amberley Levine joins our blog team with the post Elon Musk’s Neuralink Gets $27 Million to Merge Humans and Machines.
The Berkeley Stanford China Forum will be held Oct 7–8 and will be focused on tech innovation and entrepreneurship. Confirmed speakers include Michael Seibel (CEO of Y Combinator), Patrick Lee (Co-Founder of Rotten Tomatoes), and Xue Ding (Co-Founder and COO of Ofo).
Learn more!
Angel Investor Anderson Tan joins our Space Settlement Board.
Shuonan Chen, CEO of Shinect, joins our Business Board.
Finalists for the 100 Year Starship 2016–17 Canopus Award include our Buzz Aldrin, James Blodgett, and Allen Steele in multiple categories. Winners will be announced at the 100YSS Nexus in Los Angeles, September 14–17.
Paul Gonçalves joins our blog team with the post Changes in the Nucleolus are a Possible Aging Biomarker.
Watch Cryonics: Fantasy or a Bridge to the Future?
Read The Business of Anti-Aging Science.
Read issue #181 of Lifeboat News!
Tara Hambley, a member of the ProLon UK team, joins our Life Extension Board.
Dirk Lehmann joins our Space Settlement Board. He is Sales Manager Launchers Vega & New Markets at RUAG Space.
Michael Klentze joins our Life Extension Board. As a worldwide recognized researcher in the field of clinical use of polymorphisms, he lectures worldwide and gives seminars on preventive medicine, endocrinology, and metabolic disorders.
The BSAAM’s 14th Annual Anti Ageing Conference London 2017 will be held October 12–14 in London. Our Aubrey de Grey, Marios Kyriazis, Karl J. Neeser, Giovanni Scapagnini, Maria Somers, and Miguel Toribio-Mateas will be participating.
Anthony L. Haynor, author of Social Practice: Philosophy and Method (Kendall/Hunt, 2003), joins our Philosophy Board.
Martin Dinov, Cofounder of Hack the Senses, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Hack the Senses is a public engagement project supported by a Wellcome Trust People Award. They bring together thinkers and makers, researchers and hackers, artists and tinkerers to imagine and explore how technology can expand the scope of human sensory experiences. They prototype new sensory augmentation devices and invite everyone to ponder their meaning.
Scott Hatton, main organizer for the annual Reinventing Space conference on behalf of the British Interplanetary Society, joins our Space Settlement Board.
David S. Germroth, President of PACE Global Solutions, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Christopher Welch, Director Masters Programs at the International Space University, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Edmondo Minisci, Director of the Intelligent Computational Engineering Laboratory (ICE-Lab), joins our Complex Systems Board.
The 15th Reinventing Space Conference will be held October 24–26, 2017 at the Strathclyde University Technology & Innovation Centre in Glasgow, Scotland.
The focus of this conference will be on the novel applications that are becoming commercially viable as space technology improves. These include space tugs, space tourism, satellite refuelling, debris removal, debris exploitation, manufacturing in orbit, real-time video from space, and space mining.
Our Stuart Eves and Massimiliano Vasile will be speaking.
Learn more!
The 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017) will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA from November 27 to December 1, 2017. This conference promotes all aspects of computational intelligence theory, algorithm design, applications, and related emerging techniques.
Learn more!
Read issue #180 of Lifeboat News!
Dany Kitishian, Executive Committee of the UC San Diego Entrepreneur Challenge, joins our Business Board.
Müslüm Yildiz joins our blog team with the post A Son Turned His Dying Father Into An Artificial Intelligence.
Learn about AgeMeter: Physiological Biomarkers to Determine Functional Age.
Mary Jain joins our blog team with the post Researchers shut down AI that invented its own language.
John Gallagher joins our blog team with the post US nuclear arsenal controlled by 1970s computers with 8in floppy disks.
Read issue #179 of Lifeboat News!
Andreas M. Hein joins our blog team with the post Our recent space art discovery: “Expanding to New Horizons” by Alexandra Hodgson.
The Lifeboat Foundation thanks Google and Microsoft for their combined donation of $500 in computing time.
The first thing we have done with this donation is generate the Zcash vanity address of t1LifeboatfkjDqAWdW4nCaSj2NaJSr1X3E.
Our Zcash holdings are already worth six figures and we expect to be able to fund a lot of important research once our endowment fund gets a bit larger.
The parents of Charlie Gard don't want their baby to die. They raised the funds to save him but the UK government won't allow the treatment.
Lifeboat Foundation always supports those who wish to try the latest medical treatments (or any other cutting-edge tech).
Learn what you can do to save Charlie Gard’s life!
The Association of Professional Futurists is having its North American Gathering in beautiful Seattle Washington, July 27–29. They will be discussing “The Future of Global Health”.
Learn more!
Hugo Award-winning Peter Watts joins our Futurists Board. Read his Blindsight!
Kimberly Wiefling, Founding Member of Silicon Valley Alliances (SVA), joins our Space Settlement Board.
Justina Robson, author of the Quantum Gravity series, joins our Futurists Board. Read her Transformers: The Covenant of Primus.
Nisi Shawl, author of Everfair, joins our Futurists Board.
Kathleen Ann Goonan joins our Futurists Board. Cyberpunk SF writer William Gibson described her debut novel Queen City Jazz as “An unforgettable vision of America transfigured by a new and utterly apocalyptic technology.”
Blake Crouch joins our Futurists Board. Blake’s international-bestselling Wayward Pines trilogy was adapted into a television series for FOX, executive produced by M. Night Shyamalan, and was Summer 2015’s #1 show.
Mike Resnick joins our Futurists Board. Mike is the all-time leading award winner, living or dead, for short fiction. He has won 5 Hugos (from a record 37 nominations), a Nebula, and other major awards in the USA, France, Japan, Spain, Catalonia, Croatia, and Poland.
Read issue #178 of Lifeboat News!
Jim Mellon, Co-Chairman and Founder of Mann Bioinvest, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Ken MacLeod, author of The Corporation Wars: Dissidence, joins our Futurists Board.
Astrid Bear joins our Futurists Board. Daughter of SF grand master Poul Anderson, Astrid Anderson Bear was raised in the science fiction realm. Along with being a master costumer and fiber artist, she has been heavily involved in the science fiction community, from serving on the board for the Clarion West writer’s workshop, to serving on the advisory board for Seattle’s Science Fiction Museum & Hall of Fame, to her involvement with the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA).
The Lifeboat Foundation is now accepting Ethereum. Send your Ethereum donations to 0xbadc0de027c5c1aa8917db7c93aec6c4281f6eca. Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality, which facilitates online contractual agreements.
Save 10% off the NewSpace 2017 conference with the discount code LIFEBOAT.
Dave Holt joins our blog team with the post Are We Building Artificial Brains And Uploading Minds To The Cloud Right Now?.
Adam Glickman, Cofounder of Beyond Light, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Yugal Agrawal joins our blog team with the post Simulations Show Superfluid Helium Behaves Like a Black Hole.
Read issue #177 of Lifeboat News!
Brian Hanley, author of Security in a Goldfish Bowl: the NSABBs Exacerbation of the Bioterrorism Threat, joins our Biotech/Medical Board and our Counterterrorism Board.
Ahmed A. Elborno joins our Biotech/Medical Board. Ahmed is director of Advanced Chicago Pain and Spine Physician Centers / Midwest Academy of Pain and Spine.
The Lifeboat Foundation is now accepting Zcash. Send your Zcash donations to t1Lifebt3wZP7xH8zEZaA75d7CBNKvNUQXF. Zcash can enable privacy preserving transaction data using zero-knowledge proofs.
Siva Somasundaram, coauthor of Mitochondrial damage: a possible mechanism of the “topical” phase of NSAID induced injury to the rat intestine, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Dante S. Lauretta, coeditor of Protoplanetary Dust: Astrophysical and Cosmochemical Perspectives, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Dante is Principal Investigator of OSIRIS-REx. The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) is a NASA asteroid study and sample return mission. The launch occurred on September 8, 2016. Its mission is to study asteroid 101955 Bennu, a carbonaceous asteroid, and return a sample to Earth in 2023 for detailed analysis. The material returned is expected to enable scientists to learn more about the formation and evolution of the Solar System, its initial stages of planet formation, and the source of organic compounds that led to the formation of life on Earth. If successful, OSIRIS-REx will be the first US spacecraft to return samples from an asteroid.
Dean Rickles, author of A Brief History of String Theory: From Dual Models to M-Theory, joins our Physics Board.
Read The Body Builders: Inside the Science of the Engineered Human. Weaving together vivid storytelling and groundbreaking science, The Body Builders explores the current revolution in human augmentation, which is helping us to triumph over the limitations and constraints we have long accepted as an inevitable part of being human.
Adam Piore joins our Futurists Board. Adam is author of The Body Builders: Inside the Science of the Engineered Human which is a narrative science book built around personal stories, about how advances in the field of bioengineering are unlocking untapped human resilience and potential.
Lifeboat Foundation mourns the passing of our Jacque Fresco, age 101, who worked to the end to “Safeguard Humanity”.
Elena Milova, Board Member of the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF), joins our Life Extension Board.
Thanks to advisory board member Steve Hill, our LifePreserver program has been considerably improved.
Read issue #176 of Lifeboat News!
Yurii Rashkovskii joins our blog team with the post $5,000 for your dream project.
Learn about the Lifespan Heroes campaign!
Read Identification of Potential Terrorists and Adversary Planning.
Thomas Herdin, coauthor of Culture and Technology: A Mutual-Shaping Approach, joins our Futurists Board.
Joseph Anoop George joins our blog team with the post Artificial intelligence enters the nutraceutical industry.
The 2017 Conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association will be held April 8 in Provo, Utah.
Read Microbes and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Read The New Gold Rush: The Riches of Space Beckon!
Our Grantee TriboTEX raised over $140K on Kickstarter on preorder of anisotropic nanomaterial for self-forming coatings. Lifeboat Foundation provided funds and information support for the company.
Learn more!
Read issue #175 of Lifeboat News!
Alexander Rodionov joins our blog team with the post Eternal Youth Is the Next Big Bet for Singapore Venture Capitalist.
M. Mark Karindas, President of the World Academy of Medical Sciences, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Brett Gallie II joins our blog team with the post Bigelow Aerospace offers plan for an expandable space station orbiting the moon by 2020.
Germen Roding joins our blog team with the post Want more crop variety? Researchers propose using CRISPR to accelerate plant domestication.
Nancie Hunter joins our blog team with the post Growing tissue grafts on humanoid robots: A future strategy in regenerative medicine?
Vjekoslav Radišić joins our blog team with the post Apis Cor 3D Prints a Fully Livable House.
Jimmé Peters joins our blog team with the post Perspectives on AI by Calisa Cole.
Learn about Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st Century.
Saúl Morales Rodriguéz joins our blog team with the post NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab created these super-strong grippers.
Read issue #174 of Lifeboat News!
Kevin Huang joins our blog team with the post Cancer cells hijack healthy cells to help them spread to other organs.
Marcin Miłkowski, author of Explaining the Computational Mind, joins our Robotics/AI Board.
Joseph E. Brenner, author of Logic in Reality, joins our Philosophy Board.
Mark Burgin, author of Hypernumbers and Extrafunctions: Extending the Classical Calculus, joins our Information Sciences Board.
José María Díaz Nafría, author of What is Information? A multidimensional concern, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Hector Zenil, Editor of the Complex Systems journal, joins our Complex Systems Board.
Gerald Midgley, author of Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice, joins our Philosophy Board.
Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas, coauthor of An active star topology for improving fault confinement in CAN networks, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Kazé A. Onguene, CEO of Braincities Lab, joins our Information Sciences Board.
Raffaela Giovagnoli, Co-Editor of Computing Nature: Turing Centenary Perspective, joins our Philosophy Board.
Jared Bielby, Editor-in-Chief of The Freelance Netizen™. joins our Philosophy Board.
Mark Carrigan, author of Social Media for Academics, joins our Media & Arts Board.
Jens Allwood, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Intercultural Communication, joins our Neuroscience Board.
Listen to Ocean Pasture Russ George Podcast #2: Solving Impossible Problems: Finding an artificial manure solution.
Win a $100,000 prize for developing a visionary strategy that addresses humanity’s most pressing problems. Learn more!
Learn about TriboTEX: More HP, Better MPG, and Less Wear in Car Engines. This is nanotech that has been funded by DoE, NASA, and NSF and is an important step to improve energy efficiency giving us a greener economy.
IS4SI 2017: Digitalisation for a Sustainable Society: Embodied, Embedded, Networked, Empowered through Information, Computation & Cognition! will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden on June 12–16, 2017.
Our Piotr Boltuć, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Olle Häggström, and Jordi Vallverdú will be speaking.
Alireza Mokri joins our blog team with the post Ford just invested $1 billion in a secretive AI startup founded by former Google and Uber execs.
The Alliance for Space Development (ASD), the National Space Society (NSS), and the Space Frontier Foundation (SFF) are sponsoring the annual March Storm Washington DC Blitz March 12–16, 2017. Sunday March 12 will be an all-day training event, followed by up to four days of Congressional visits. Blitzers are asked to commit to a minimum of 2 days of Congressional visits, but those days can be picked from among March 13–16.
Learn more at
Read How Small of a Free-Space Settlement Can People Be Happy Living In?
Jimmé Peters, Founder of 24/7 Consulting, joins our Business Board.
Read A New Map for Relationships: Creating True Love at Home and Peace on the Planet.
Read Preservation of Life on the Planet and Beyond, an interview of Eric Klien.
Bill Gates says, “It’s very hard to rate the probability of bioterrorism but the potential damage is very huge,” and has his quote added to our Quotes page.
Jeremy Wainscott, Director of Communications at the Alliance for Space Development, joins our Space Settlement Board.
Read issue #173 of Lifeboat News!
Rodolfo Goya, coauthor of Effects of Growth Hormone and Thyroxine on Thymulin Secretion in Aging Rats joins our Life Extension Board.
Read African Futures 2060 by our Yul Anderson.
The symposium Smart Sensor Systems for Self-Care is being held on Wednesday January 18 in London. Our Graham Holt and Jeremy Ramsden will be speaking.
Noel García Medel, Scientific Managing Director at Innovative Health Group, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.
Felipe R. Debasa Navalpotro, Secretary General at the Center for European Studies, joins our Futurists Board.
Read Preparing for a World that Doesn’t Exist — Yet: Framing a Second Enlightenment to Create Communities of the Future.
Elena Milova joins our blog team with the post Anti-aging therapies targeting senescent cells: Facts and fiction.
Recent studies strongly suggest that space tourism could be a killer app. Please help us understand the potential space tourism market by taking this short survey.
Lifeboat Foundation and LEAF (Life Extension Advocacy Foundation) join forces.
LEAF’s mission is to promote the advancement of biomedical technologies which will increase healthy human lifespan. By sponsoring and democratizing research efforts through crowdfunding and engaging the public in thoughtful dialog, they aim to accelerate the achievement of this important humanitarian goal for all mankind.
Learn more!
Read A History of Life-Extensionism in the Twentieth Century for free online!
The International Longevity & Cryopreservation Summit will be held May 27–28 in Madrid, Spain.
Our Didier Coeurnelle, José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, João Pedro de Magalhães, Maria Entraigues-Abramson, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking.
Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Cambridge, joins our Economics board. Partha was awarded a Doctorate (Honoris Causa) by Wageningen University, 2000; Catholic University of Louvain, 2007; Faculte Université Saint-Louis, 2009; University of Bologna, 2010; Tilburg University, 2012; and Harvard University, 2013.
William Sutherland, Miriam Rothschild Professor of Conservation Biology at the University of Cambridge, joins our Sustainability board. Read his Ecological Census Techniques: A Handbook.
Mark Larkento joins our blog team with the post Evolution Chart Bacteria to humans in only 3.5 Billion years.
Derick Lee joins our blog team with the post 6 Nobel Laureates: Stop the Nuclear Insanity.
Nicola Bagalà joins our blog team with the post Why live longer when the future looks so grim?
There are 5 days left in our End of the Year Fundraiser. Get your donations doubled!
Read issue #172 of Lifeboat News!
The 2016 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Julian Assange in recognition of his quest to create an open world where the truth is told. He has worked to expose government lies, abuses, corruption, and surveillance. He is the second whistleblower to receive the Guardian Award which the Lifeboat Foundation has been awarding since 2002.
Why does Lifeboat Foundation think that government abuses and lies should be uncovered? Because powerful technologies that will soon be available could lead to a 1984-type society that would not only be unpleasant but could give the government the power to do terrible things that become existential threats. Secret surveillance can easily become excessive surveillance. Lies could cover up deadly weapons programs whether they are biotech, nanotech, or AI-based.
Learn more!
Neal VanDeRee, Officiator at The Church of Perpetual Life, joins our Life Extension board.
Read Proof that Moore’s Law has been replaced by a Virtual Moore’s Law that is Accelerating and Bringing the Singularity With It.
RAADfest 2017, the largest ever gathering of radical life extension enthusiasts, will be held August 9–13, 2017 in San Diego, California.
Our José Luis Cordeiro, Aubrey de Grey, Greg Fahy, William Faloon, Ben Goertzel, Terry Grossman, Zoltan Istvan, David Kekich, Liz Parrish, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking.
John S. Lewis, Chief Scientist at Deep Space Industries, joins our Space Settlement board.
Adam Kennedy, Marketing Manager at Armor Down, joins our Futurists board.
Larry Klaes, author of Our Spaceflight Heritage: Project Orion, a nuclear bomb and rocket — all in one, joins our Space Settlement board.
Ivan Zone, CEO of Suchflex, joins our Information Sciences board.
Pierre Coupet, CEO of the Virtual Organization Management Institute, joins our Education board.
J. Bradley Hall, CEO of ICON Capital Reserve, joins our New Money Systems board.