

Archive for the ‘wearables’ category

Oct 1, 2024

First healthcare device powered by body heat made possible with liquid-based metals

Posted by in categories: energy, wearables

In the age of technology everywhere, we are all too familiar with the inconvenience of a dead battery. But for those relying on a wearable healthcare device to monitor glucose, reduce tremors, or even track heart function, taking time to recharge can pose a big risk.

For the first time, researchers in Carnegie Mellon University have shown that a healthcare device can be powered using body heat alone. By combining a pulse oximetry sensor with a flexible, stretchable, wearable thermoelectric energy generator composed of liquid metal, semiconductors, and 3D printed rubber, the team has introduced a promising way to address battery life concerns.

Sep 27, 2024

Laser-induced graphene sensors made affordable with stencil masking

Posted by in categories: health, wearables

Researchers at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa have unveiled a new technique that could make the manufacture of wearable health sensors more accessible and affordable.

Sep 14, 2024

Wearable brain imaging device shines a light on how babies respond in real-world situations

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, wearables

The wearable…

A new technology that uses light waves to measure activity in babies’ brains has provided the most complete picture to date of functions like hearing, vision and cognitive processing outside a conventional brain scanner, in a new study led by researchers at UCL and Birkbeck.

Sep 13, 2024

Stretchable, wearable device lights up an LED using only the warmth of your skin

Posted by in categories: energy, wearables

One of the drawbacks of fitness trackers and other wearable devices is that their batteries eventually run out of juice. But what if in the future, wearable technology could use body heat to power itself?

UW researchers have developed a flexible, durable electronic prototype that can harvest energy from body heat and turn it into electricity that can be used to power small electronics, such as batteries, sensors or LEDs. This device is also resilient — it still functions even after being pierced several times and then stretched 2,000 times.

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Sep 9, 2024

Metamaterial e-skin brings advanced multisensory capabilities to robotics and wearables

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, wearables

This metamaterial-based e-skin integrates multiple sensory inputs, including pre-contact detection and self-powered operation, advancing wearable and robotic technologies.

Sep 9, 2024

Exploring The Journey Of Digital Transformation In Manufacturing

Posted by in categories: information science, internet, robotics/AI, wearables

But what if you’re a manufacturer without the budget, bandwidth or time to invest in advanced digital transformation right now? You can still take practical steps to move forward. Start with fundamental data collection and analytic tools to lay the groundwork. Leveraging visibility solutions like barcode scanning, wearables or other basic Internet of Things (IoT) devices can help monitor machines and provide insights and improvements.

Quality is the final piece of the equation. Once you’re further down the path to transformation, implement visibility solutions and augment and upskill workers with technology to optimize quality. To drive quality even further, add advanced automation solutions. You don’t have to boil the ocean on your digital transformation journey—take it one step at a time from wherever you’re starting.

Most manufacturers (87%) in Zebra’s study agree it’s a challenge to pilot new technologies or move beyond the pilot phase, yet they plan to advance digital maturity by 2029. With the right technology tools and solutions in place to advance visibility, augment workers and optimize quality, they will get there.

Sep 8, 2024

Finger wrap uses sweat to provide health monitoring at your fingertips

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, engineering, health, wearables

A sweat-powered wearable has the potential to make continuous, personalized health monitoring as effortless as wearing a Band-Aid. Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed an electronic finger wrap that monitors vital chemical levels—such as glucose, vitamins, and even drugs—present in the same fingertip sweat from which it derives its energy.

The advance was published Sept. 3 in Nature Electronics by the research group of Joseph Wang, a professor in the Aiiso Yufeng Li Family Department of Chemical and Nano Engineering at UC San Diego.

The device, which wraps snugly around the finger, draws power from an unlikely source—the fingertip’s . Fingertips, despite their , are among the body’s most prolific sweat producers, each packed with over a thousand . These glands can produce 100 to 1,000 times more sweat than most other areas of the body, even during rest.

Sep 6, 2024

Graphene-based wearable strain sensor can detect and broadcast silently mouthed words

Posted by in categories: computing, wearables

A wearable ‘smart’ choker for speech recognition has the potential to redefine the field of silent speech interface (SSI), say researchers—thanks to embedded ultrasensitive textile strain sensor technology.

Where is hindered, such as in locations with lots of background noise or where an individual has an existing speech impairment, SSI systems are a cutting-edge solution, enabling verbal communication without vocalization. As such, it is a type of electronic lip-reading using human-computer interaction.

In new research, led by the University of Cambridge, an overlying structured graphene layer is applied to an integrated textile strain sensor for robust performance, even in noisy environments.

Aug 26, 2024

Patch-Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Safe and Effective

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, wearables

A novel, water-resistant patch-wearable cardioverter-defibrillator (P-WCD) is safe and effective for patients at risk for sudden cardiac arrest, according to a study published in the Aug. 6 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

John Hummel, M.D., from The Ohio State University in Columbus, and colleagues assessed the safety and clinical effectiveness of a novel P-WCD. The analysis included 290 patients at risk for sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation who were not candidates for or refused an implantable defibrillator.

The researchers found that the clinically significant cutaneous adverse device effect rate was 2.30 percent, with no severe adverse effects. There were no device-related deaths or serious adverse events reported. The inappropriate shock rate was 0.36 per 100 patient-months. Nine patients received 11 shocks, of which nine shocks were adjudicated to be appropriate. Eight of nine appropriate shocks were successful with a single shock. Median wear time compliance was 23.5 hours per day.

Aug 23, 2024

Flexible nanogenerator with enhanced power density could one day rival the power of solar panels

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, solar power, sustainability, wearables

Your early morning run could soon help harvest enough electricity to power your wearable devices, thanks to a new nanotechnology developed at the University of Surrey.

Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) has developed highly energy-efficient, flexible nanogenerators, which demonstrate a 140-fold increase in when compared to conventional nanogenerators. ATI researchers believe that this development could pave the way for nano-devices that are as efficient as today’s solar cells.

The findings are published in the journal Nano Energy.

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