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Sep 24, 2017
Tesla wants to build ‘mega supercharging’ stops that sell food and coffee
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: food
Tesla wants to make your 30-minute stop at the Supercharger a bit more enjoyable by locating them near restaurants and coffee shops.
Sep 24, 2017
This scuba gear recharges as easily as your phone
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: mobile phones
Sep 24, 2017
Touching helps build the sexual brain
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: neuroscience
Hormones or sexual experience? Which of these is crucial for the onset of puberty? It seems that when rats are touched on their genitals, their brain changes and puberty accelerates. In a new study publishing September 21 in the open access journal PLOS Biology researchers at the Bernstein Center, and Humboldt University, Berlin, led by Constanze Lenschow and Michael Brecht, report that sexual touch might have a bigger influence on puberty than previously thought.
It has been known for some time that social cues can either accelerate or delay puberty in mammals, but it hasn’t been clear which signals are crucial, nor how they affect the body and brain, and in particular the possible reorganization of the brain.
The researchers first observed that the neural representation of the genitals in the cerebral cortex expands during puberty. To begin with, the study confirms what was expected; that sexual hormones accelerate puberty and the growth of the so-called ‘genital cortex’. However, what’s new is that they find that sexual touch also contributes substantially to the acceleration of puberty.
Sep 24, 2017
The Real Reason Why Aluminum Foil Has 2 Different Sides
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: food
You might not lie awake at night wondering whether you should be baking atop the shiny side or the dull side of aluminum foil, but just in case you are, we’re here to let you know that there is indeed an answer to this eternal mystery.
According to Reynold’s Kitchen, the difference in appearance between the two sides of aluminum foil is simply a result of manufacturing and serves no real purpose. Meaning, whether you are cooking your food with the shiny side up or the dull side up, you’re doing it right.
Sep 24, 2017
You can adjust these tires to match the weather using an iPhone app
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: mobile phones
Sep 24, 2017
Engineers Have Found a Way to 3D Print Super Strong Aluminum
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: 3D printing
Engineers found a new way to 3D print high-strength metal alloys, which previously cracked and left imperfections during the printing process.
Sep 24, 2017
Walking DNA nanorobot could deliver a drug to a precise location in your body
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI
Caltech scientists have developed a “cargo sorting” DNA nanorobot programmed to autonomously “walk” around a surface, pick up certain molecules, and drop them off in designated locations.
The research is described in a paper in the Friday, September 15, 2017 issue of Science.
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Sep 24, 2017
In China, Robot Dentists Are Implanting 3D Printed Teeth
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, robotics/AI
Open wide, because the robots have eyes on your dental work. South China Morning Post reports that a robo-dentist has autonomously implanted two new, 3D-printed teeth into a woman’s mouth.
The procedure, which appears to have made use of a robot arm from Universal Robotics, was developed by a team from the Fourth Military Medical University and Beihang University. The hardware first orients itself with the patient’s head, and is then programmed with the procedure it needs to undertake. It does a dry run to check that it’s got everything right, before the patient is given an anesthetic and the robot gets drilling. The team says that the robot works to tolerances of less than 0.3 millimeters, and can detect and compensate for movements of the person’s head.
Don’t fancy the idea? Well, bear in mind that it’s hoped the robot will be able to make up for a shortfall in the number of practicing dentists in China, which often leads to unqualified practitioners performing questionable procedures.
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Sep 24, 2017
In Five Years, Your Smartphone Could Be Reading Your Mind
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in categories: mobile phones, neuroscience
New technology enables thought to be translated into audible words with surprising accuracy by reading user’s brainwaves. The developers say they might be able to get the device to work with smartphones via an app in just five years.
A new system developed by a team of researchers from Japan’s Toyohashi University of Technology can read people’s minds using brainwaves.