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Sep 28, 2017

HUMANITY ALERT: Sperm count plunges 59% due to mass chemical feminization of men

Posted by in category: health

(Natural News) A rigorous new study conducted at the The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and published in the science journal Human Reproduction Update finds that human sperm production has declined 59.3% from 1973 to 2011, trending toward a collapse of human population.

Via Science Daily:

…The researchers found …a 59.3 percent decline in total sperm count, among men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand who were not selected based on their fertility status. These findings strongly suggest a significant decline in male reproductive health that has serious implications beyond fertility and reproduction, given recent evidence linking poor semen quality with higher risk of hospitalization and death.

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Sep 28, 2017

6 Reasons Why Robots Would be Better Rulers Than Politicians

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transhumanism

Some of my work in this new funny story on AI and politics:…s-6924685/ #transhumanism

A quarter of people in the UK believe robots would be better than human politicians.

Well, I’m here to persuade the other three-quarters that having a robot in Parliament would be better than having Nigel Farage or Boris Johnson.

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Sep 28, 2017

New technology in China turns desert into land rich with crops

Posted by in categories: food, law

Drawing a roadmap to combat the spread of deserts worldwide. It’s the mission of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in the Inner Mongolian city of Erdos. The host country, China, was praised for a law it passed in 2002 — the world’s first integrated law dedicated to combating desert expansion. With this goal in mind, China has carried out several projects that have been successful, including at one desert in northern China. CGTN’s Frances Kuo reports.

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Sep 28, 2017

Open Consultation of the WHO on Research Priorities for Healthy Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, policy

Very recently, the World Health Organization, which is essentially the United Nations’ agency for coordinating international health-related efforts, has launched The Global Online Consultation on Research Priority Setting for Healthy Aging. A corresponding survey is available on the WHO website and can be filled until September 30. As WHO is the main source of policy recommendations for the UN member states, its position can significantly influence the allocation of state funding to different areas of scientific research.

This is why we at LEAF urge you to step in and fill out the WHO survey; our community needs to demand more focused efforts to understand the basic mechanisms of aging, to develop innovative therapies to address these mechanisms, and to remove the barriers delaying the implementation of rejuvenation technologies into clinical practice.

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Sep 28, 2017

How Our Damaged DNA Kills Us

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Summary: Without DNA repair, the damage in our genome builds up, which in turn causes disease and aging. Repairing DNA damage is one of the holy grails of anti-aging medicine. As a review earlier this month shows, scientists have made headway in understanding our DNA repair mechanisms. While researchers haven’t found a way to repair DNA damage, they have found potential ways to mitigate some of its effects.

For those us wanting to live in good health to the age of 120, the damaged DNA in our bodies is keeping us from reaching our goal.

Research has shown that our DNA repair mechanisms decline as we get older. Unless we are lucky to be among the tiny percentage of centenarians who are blessed with superb DNA repair mechanisms, the odds are that unrepaired DNA damage will strike us down with chronic diseases before we reach our goal.

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Sep 28, 2017

Pluto’s Gargantuan Glacial “Skyscrapers” Reveal Their Secrets

Posted by in categories: climatology, space

The jagged geological ridges, found at the highest elevations located close to Pluto’s equator, soar hundreds of feet into the sky and are as high as some of the tallest skyscrapers on Earth.

According to an article in the latest issue of planetary science journal, Icarus, the colossal “ice-scrapers” observed on Pluto’s surface are vestiges from the last Ice Age that occurred on the dwarf planet millions of years ago.

Scientists believe that the “ice blades” are the result of solid methane evaporation that formed the towers of ice on the mountain peaks along Chile’s Chajnantor plain.

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Sep 28, 2017

Review of Juvenescence: Investing in the Age of Longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, life extension

Only two years ago, when I launched my advocacy website Rejuvenaction, I didn’t think I would read a book like Juvenescence so soon; yet, the topic of rejuvenation biotechnologies has already become mainstream enough to lead investors of the calibre of Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi to devote a whole book to it.

As Juvenescence is a book aimed at potential new investors in rejuvenation biotechnologies, I expected it to be an extremely technical and detailed account of things I don’t understand, such as finance, markets, and funds. To my delight, this was not the case. Rather, the details Juvenescence dives into are primarily those of the emerging field of rejuvenation science (alas, still something whose details I don’t fully understand).

The book explains the paradigm shift that is currently taking place and changing the way science sees aging—no longer as an inevitable fact of life but rather as a disease to be eradicated like any other—and goes through a biology 101 crash course for the benefit of readers who might be not too well versed in the science of life.

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Sep 28, 2017

Deus ex machina: former Google engineer is developing an AI god

Posted by in categories: law, robotics/AI, transhumanism, transportation

Interesting story in The Guardian today. Quotes from multiple transhumanists, including myself:

Intranet service? Check. Autonomous motorcycle? Check. Driverless car technology? Check. Obviously the next logical project for a successful Silicon Valley engineer is to set up an AI-worshipping religious organization.

Anthony Levandowski, who is at the center of a legal battle between Uber and Google’s Waymo, has established a nonprofit religious corporation called Way of the Future, according to state filings first uncovered by Wired’s Backchannel. Way of the Future’s startling mission: “To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.”

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Sep 28, 2017

Intel Unveils Neuromorphic, Self-Learning Chip Codenamed Loihi

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Intel has unveiled a new, specialized compute core designed for AI, deep learning, and neural networks. Meet Loihi.

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Sep 28, 2017

Researchers Have Developed Microchips That Behave Like Brain Cells

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

The human brain is used as a comparison for how computer’s function. But, honestly, computers are nothing like human brains. Not yet, at least.

That could change as researchers have developed computing technology that uses light to mimic the functionality of a nerve’s synapse, opening the way for hardware that combines the speed of modern processors with the efficiency of brainpower.

Brains and computers are both systems that can model, manipulate, and store information. From there, they don’t tend to have all that much in common.

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