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Jan 4, 2018

Top Five Deadly Vitamins

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A look back at the most popular health articles of 2017. Here is the report: “Top Five Deadly Vitamins”

Summary: High-dose vitamin and mineral supplements were once promoted as ways to prevent heart disease, aging, and cancer. To the contrary, recent research has shown that excessive vitamin and mineral consumption sometimes shortens life. Using evidence from scores of clinical trials we generate a list of five vitamin and mineral supplements that have been shown to be harmful to an otherwise healthy person when consumed in excess. [Note: This article was extensively updated on Nov 2, 2017]. This article first appeared on Follow us on Google+ | Facebook | Reddit. Author: Brady Hartman.

Recent research shows that some vitamin or mineral supplements are hazardous to your health.

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Jan 4, 2018

10 Health Benefits Of Coffee

Posted by in categories: food, health

A look back at the most popular health articles of 2017. Here is the report: “10 Health Benefits Of Coffee”

10 health benefits of coffee – based on new research published in July 2017. The health benefits of coffee vary depending on how you prepare it: unfiltered or decaffeinated or regular.

Coffee is a widely popular drink. While it has received a bad rap in the past, it is very healthy.

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Jan 4, 2018

8 Answers To Top Vitamin Questions

Posted by in category: health

A look back at the most popular health articles of 2017. Here is the report: “8 Answers To Top Vitamin Questions”

Answers top 8 questions about vitamins, multivitamins & supplements. PLUS: free online calculator provides tailored vitamin recommendations.

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Jan 4, 2018

9 Things Everybody Ought To Know About Fish Oils

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, neuroscience

A look back at the most popular health articles of 2017. Here is the report: “9 Things Everybody Ought To Know About Fish Oils”

In brief: Do fish oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids significantly improve heart health, brain health and a host of other conditions? Here’s what the science says.

Fish oil is the third most widely used supplement in the U.S. According to a study published in 2015 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly one in twelve Americans used fish oils in 2012.

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Jan 4, 2018

AHA Says Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Not For Everybody

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

A look back at the most popular health articles of 2017. Here is the report: “AHA Says Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Not For Everybody”

The AHA says that omega-3 fish oil supplements do not prevent heart disease or stroke in generally healthy people.

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Jan 4, 2018

Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin Supplements

Posted by in categories: economics, health

A look back at the most popular health articles of 2017. Here is the report: “Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin Supplements”

Are multivitamins necessary? This article answers the question with the latest research.

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Jan 4, 2018

David Sinclair on Sirtuins

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Revisiting the most popular life extension science videos of 2017. Here is the video: “Genes Rule Over Our Aging Bodies — Dr. David Sinclair on Sirtuins”

Summary: (Video) Dr. David Sinclair is the leading expert on sirtuins, the repairmen of our bodies. Watch Dr. David Sinclair explain how sirtuin genes control cellular repair and how drugs and supplements that affect the sirtuins can slow the aging process. [Author: Brady Hartman. This article first appeared on Follow us on Reddit | Google+ | Facebook. ] Scroll down for video

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Jan 4, 2018

(Video) View the Future of Medicine with Nanorobots, Weaponized Killer T-cells, Lab-grown Organs, and Gene Editing

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, health

A look back at the most popular health and medical science videos of 2017. Here is the video: “View the Future of Medicine with Nanorobots, Weaponized Killer T-cells, Lab-grown Organs, and Gene Editing”

A glimpse at the future in a new film clip from CATS with medical nanorobots, weaponized killer T-cells, synthetic organs, and gene editing.

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Jan 4, 2018

(Video) Can These Revolutionary Technologies Beat Aging in Our Lifetimes?

Posted by in category: life extension

Revisiting the most popular life extension science videos of 2017. Here is: “”(Video) Can These Revolutionary Technologies Beat Aging in Our Lifetimes?”

Summary: A new video by Kurzsegat and our friends at shows several technologies in development that could dramatically slow down aging in the next few years. [This article first appeared on Follow us on Reddit | Google+ | Facebook. Author: Brady Hartman]

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Jan 4, 2018

Alcohol Damages DNA and Increases Cancer Risk

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Researchers have demonstrated how alcohol damages stem cell DNA in a new study, helping to explain why drinking can increase cancer risk[1′. The study was published in the journal Nature on January 3.

There have been multiple cell culture studies looking at how alcohol promotes cancer, but this study used mice to show how alcohol can cause permanent damage to DNA.

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