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Dec 21, 2017

I Don’t Identify as Human

Posted by in category: transhumanism

My close friends and loved ones know that I prefer they/them pronouns but they also understand that I don’t identify as anything. Ultimately in this temporality and dimension…I was assigned male at birth, human at birth, child at birth BUT 2017 in a post-gender society on the brink era of transhumanism…where freedom of gender identity and expression exists…I don’t think it’s that radical to not identify with a gender or even human.

The reality is that not everyone identifies as human or wants anything to do with humanism…and that’s okay. For me this is what the non-binary movement is all about. Respecting pronouns, language, and the individual.

Human is all a concept invented by who?

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Dec 21, 2017

A robot can print this house in as little as 8 hours — By Leanna Garfield | World Economic Forum | Business Insider

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, architecture, sustainability

“Building a house by hand can be both time-consuming and expensive. Some homebuilders have chosen to automate part of the construction instead.”

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Dec 20, 2017

This humanoid robot works out (and sweats) like we do (or should)

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

There are plenty of humanoid-looking robots out there, but very few actually have bodies that are particularly analogous to our own when it comes to moving and interacting with the environment. Japanese researchers are working to remedy that with a robot designed specifically to mimic not just human movements but the way humans actually accomplish those movements. Oh, and it sweats.

Kengoro is a new-ish robot (an earlier version made the rounds last year) that emphasizes flexibility and true humanoid structure rather than putting power or efficiency above all else.

As the researchers explain in their paper, published today in Science Robotics:

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Dec 20, 2017

This Robot Works Out

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

(Via Rahkendra Ice / AAAS)

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Dec 20, 2017

This company believes they can evolve the human race

Posted by in category: electronics

Find out about it here:

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Dec 20, 2017

Outlook 2018: The five most important federal contracts cases — By Daniel Seiden | Bloomberg

Posted by in category: government

“The top five government contracts disputes that could be be decided this upcoming year concern:”

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Dec 20, 2017

Recycled Rocket Ready to Fly from Vandenberg Air Force Base — By Janene Scully | Noozhawk

Posted by in category: space

“SpaceX booster previously used for second Iridium Next mission will carry another 10 craft for the fourth flight”

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Dec 20, 2017

North Korea Is Trying to Fit Its Missiles With Anthrax

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, existential risks

Pyongyang is conducting tests to see if anthrax germs can survive at temperatures of 7,000 degrees or more.

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Dec 20, 2017

Can we reverse the ageing process?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Good stuff from Aubrey. One person is a deathist, another is a maybe, the other is pro-life extension.

Turning back the clock and undoing the ravages of time. Something we’ve probably all wondered about — but could it become reality? Or are we all just wishing our lives away?
We may soon be able to stop or even undo the ageing process. By purging the body of so-called ‘retired cells’, scientists say we could look younger, live longer, and defeat disease. Is this science’s answer to the fabled fountain of youth?
At the Roundtable was Aubrey de Grey, Biomedical gerontologist and Chief Science Officer at Sens Research Foundation; Lara Marks, a visiting Research Associate at University College London and Historian of Medicine at King’s College London; Professor Ilaria Bellantuono, Stem cell biologist and Professor in musculoskeletal ageing at the University of Sheffield and journalist Salman Shaheen.
Roundtable is a discussion programme with an edge. Broadcast out of London and presented by David Foster, it’s about bringing people to the table, listening to every opinion, and analysing every point of view. From fierce debate to reflective thinking, Roundtable discussions offer a different perspective on the issues that matter to you. Watch it every weekday at 15:30 GMT on TRT World.

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Dec 20, 2017

Metal printing offers low-cost way to make flexible, stretchable electronics

Posted by in categories: electronics, engineering

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new technique for directly printing metal circuits, creating flexible, stretchable electronics. The technique can use multiple metals and substrates and is compatible with existing manufacturing systems that employ direct printing technologies.

“Flexible electronics hold promise for use in many fields, but there are significant manufacturing costs involved — which poses a challenge in making them practical for commercial use,” says Jingyan Dong, corresponding author of a paper on the work and an associate professor in NC State’s Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering.

“Our approach should reduce cost and offer an efficient means of producing with high resolution, making them viable for integrating into commercial devices,” Dong says.

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