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Jul 14, 2024
Google and Microsoft consume more power than some countries
Posted by Chima Wisdom in categories: energy, sustainability
In 2023, Google and Microsoft each consumed 24 TWh of electricity, surpassing the consumption of over 100 nations, including places like Iceland, Ghana, and Tunisia, according to an analysis by Michael Thomas. While massive energy usage means a substantial environmental impact for these tech giants, it should be noted that Google and Microsoft also generate more money than many countries. Furthermore, companies like Intel, Google, and Microsoft lead renewable energy adoption within the industry.
Detailed analysis reveals that Google’s and Microsoft’s electricity consumption — 24 TWh in 2023 — equals the power consumption of Azerbaijan (a nation of 10.14 million) and is higher than that of several other countries. For instance, Iceland, Ghana, the Dominican Republic, and Tunisia each consumed 19 TWh, while Jordan consumed 20 TWh. Of course, some countries consume more power than Google and Microsoft. For example, Slovakia, a country with 5.4 million inhabitants, consumes 26 TWh.
Jul 14, 2024
Houston swelters in punishing heat as 800,000 without power after Beryl
Posted by Quinn Sena in category: energy
Residents suffer sleepless nights without air-conditioning as energy company blames fallen trees for outages.
Jul 14, 2024
Highly efficient and stable solar cells can now be mass produced like printing newspapers
Posted by Genevieve Klien in categories: solar power, sustainability
Scientists at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) have developed highly efficient, printable and stable perovskite solar cells to achieve carbon neutrality and promote sustainable development.
The new type of perovskite solar cells can be mass-produced at a speed comparable to newspaper printing, with a daily output of up to 1,000 solar panels. Owing to their flexible, semi-transparent characteristics, they can also be made into light-absorbing glass windows, realizing the concept of “urban solar farms” in cities with many high-rise buildings.
The research is led by the Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor of Materials Science at CityUHK, Professor Alex Jen Kwan-yue, and the results were published in Nature Energy.
Jul 14, 2024
Space Exploration: A Thriving Industry With Tangible Earthly Rewards
Posted by Genevieve Klien in categories: economics, education, health, law, space travel
Furthermore, the synergy between educational programs, cultural influences and the tangible benefits derived from space exploration not only enriches our present-day society but also ensures a legacy of continuous innovation and exploration. This ongoing engagement with space inspires future generations to look beyond our planetary boundaries and consider what might be possible in the broader cosmos.
Space exploration presents significant challenges, including costs, astronaut health risks and technological hurdles for interstellar travel. Ethical and legal considerations regarding space colonization, resource utilization and celestial environmental impact require careful consideration and international cooperation.
While Silicon Valley visionaries envision a future among the stars, other voices remind us of our responsibilities to Earth. These are not mutually exclusive goals. By leveraging advancements and opportunities from space exploration, we can better protect and enhance life on Earth. Through economic benefits, scientific advancement and social inspiration, space exploration remains a crucial endeavor for humanity, not as an escape from our problems, but as a way to expand our horizons and solve them on our home planet.
Jul 14, 2024
The Perseid Meteor Shower Begins Today: When To See It At Its Best
Posted by Genevieve Klien in category: futurism
Tonight sees the beginning of the year’s popular annual meteor shower that brings the most prolific displays—the Perseids. This year, it will peak in moonless skies.
Jul 14, 2024
Green Gold: Turning E-Waste Into a Treasure Trove of Rare Earth Metals
Posted by Genevieve Klien in category: sustainability
Scientists are developing a process inspired by nature that efficiently recovers europium from old fluorescent lamps. The approach could lead to the long-awaited recycling of rare earth metals.
Jul 14, 2024
Startups are building balloons to hoist tourists 100,000 feet into the stratosphere
Posted by Genevieve Klien in category: habitats
A single trip would last about 6 hours and ticket prices range from $50,000 to around $184,000 per seat.
Jul 14, 2024
Scientists demonstrate chemical reservoir computation using the formose reaction
Posted by Genevieve Klien in categories: chemistry, computing
Researchers from the Institute for Molecules and Materials at Radboud University, Netherlands, have demonstrated that a complex self-organizing chemical reaction network can perform various computational tasks, such as nonlinear classification and complex dynamics prediction.