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Jan 7, 2019

Industry Predictions: AI, Machine Learning, Analytics & Data Science Main Developments in 2018 and Key Trends for 2019

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, science

This is a collection of data science, machine learning, analytics, and AI predictions for next year from a number of top industry organizations. See what the insiders feel is on the horizon for 2019!

Data Science Salon Austin, Feb 21-22 - Register Now

Data Science Salon Austin, Feb 21–22 — Register Now

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Jan 7, 2019

Elon Musk: First Commercial Crew Test Will Be “Especially Dangerous”

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

It will be a critical flight for SpaceX and NASA.

But SpaceX is hard at work to prevent any disaster from happening.

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Jan 7, 2019

India scientists dismiss Einstein theories

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government

Scientists in India have hit out at speakers at a major conference for making irrational claims, including that ancient Hindus invented stem cell research.

Some academics at the annual Indian Science Congress dismissed the findings of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

Hindu mythology and religion-based theories have increasingly become part of the Indian Science Congress agenda.

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Jan 7, 2019

Human Pilot Study Results for Senolytics Published

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

The results from a human pilot study that focused on treating idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with senescent cell-clearing drugs has been published. The drugs target aged and damaged cells, which are thought to be a reason we age and get sick, and remove them from the body.

Senescent cells and aging

As we age, increasing numbers of our cells become dysfunctional, entering into a state known as senescence. Senescent cells no longer divide or support the tissues and organs of which they are part; instead, they secrete a range of harmful inflammatory chemical signals, which are collectively known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

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Jan 7, 2019

We Just Flew Past a Kuiper Belt Object. Here’s Why We Should Do It Again

Posted by in category: space

A proposed ‘interstellar probe’ could tell us more about dwarf planets and rocky rubble beyond Neptune’s orbit.

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Jan 7, 2019

Genetic testing is the future of healthcare, but many experts say companies like 23andMe are doing more harm than good

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, health

  • Genetic testing will be a cornerstone of healthcare in 2019, experts say.
  • There are two ways to do the testing: getting a costly but complete genetic workup through a doctor or opting for a cheaper at-home test like those sold by 23andMe.
  • Clinicians and advocates criticize the at-home approach, which they say prioritizes convenience over privacy and long-term health.
  • But entrepreneurs counter that the at-home approach lets more people access information.
  • Which method will win out, and at what cost?

As millions of Americans sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, the biomedical researcher James Hazel sent out a stark warning about the genetic-testing kits that he surmised would be a hot topic of conversation.

Most of them are neither safe nor private.

Jan 7, 2019

Microgravity Appears to Permanently Mutate Bacteria to Make Them Faster Breeders

Posted by in category: space

Certain types of bacteria can mutate to reproduce more quickly when exposed to microgravity, and that’s not great news for our space tourist dreams, seeing as we humans are teeming with bacteria.

It’s not clear why these bacteria have responded so positively to microgravity, but researchers are now figuring out ways to protect astronauts out in space, as well as mitigating the damage should a space-modified colony ever find its way back to Earth.

Researchers from the University of Houston monitored Escherichia coli cells through 1,000 generations of growth in simulated microgravity conditions, finding that it spread significantly faster than a control sample of unaltered bacteria.

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Jan 7, 2019

Powerful X-ray beams unlock secrets of nanoscale crystal formation

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, particle physics

High-energy X-ray beams and a clever experimental setup allowed researchers to watch a high-pressure, high-temperature chemical reaction to determine for the first time what controls formation of two different nanoscale crystalline structures in the metal cobalt. The technique allowed continuous study of cobalt nanoparticles as they grew from clusters including tens of atoms to crystals as large as five nanometers.

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Jan 7, 2019

The iconic periodic table could have looked very different

Posted by in category: chemistry

But the periodic table didn’t actually start with Mendeleev. Many had tinkered with arranging the elements. Decades before, chemist John Dalton tried to create a table as well as some rather interesting symbols for the elements (they didn’t catch on). And just a few years before Mendeleev sat down with his deck of homemade cards, John Newlands also created a table sorting the elements by their properties.

Mendeleev’s genius was in what he left out of his table. He recognised that certain elements were missing, yet to be discovered. So where Dalton, Newlands and others had laid out what was known, Mendeleev left space for the unknown. Even more amazingly, he accurately predicted the properties of the missing elements.

Dimitry Mendeleev’s table

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Jan 7, 2019

250 More Hospitals Just Joined in on a Plan to Make Their Own Drugs And The Effort Could Upend The Generic Pharma Business

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, health

  • A group of hospitals have built a nonprofit generic drugmaker called Civica Rx.
  • On Monday, another 12 health systems joined the organization.
  • The hope is to make generic drugs that are in shortage or have artificially high prices based on what hospitals need.

Hospitals have a creative plan to tackle the high price and frequent shortages of generic drugs.

The nonprofit company, dubbed Civica Rx, was first announced in early 2018, and has gained a lot of attention from other hospitals around the US who are interested in being a part of the venture.

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