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Feb 1, 2019

New U.S. Experiments Aim To Create Gene-Edited Human Embryos

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, health

CRISPR And Human Embryo Experiments Underway In The U.S. : Shots — Health News Despite outrage over gene editing in China that affected the birth of twins, research is underway in the U.S. to assess the safety and effectiveness of CRISPR tools to edit genes in human embryos.

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Feb 1, 2019

In new Starship details, Musk reveals a more practical approach

Posted by in categories: business, space travel

For example, Musk said, “Initially making one 200 metric ton thrust engine common across ship & booster to reach the Moon as fast as possible. Next versions will split to vacuum-optimized (380+ sec Isp) & sea-level thrust optimized (~250 ton).”

This comment is notable for a couple of reasons. First of all, the company appears to have decided to streamline the Raptor engine to a single design that will power both the rocket at liftoff, and the spaceship in the upper atmosphere and outer space. It will take less time to develop, test, and qualify a single engine. It will also cost less money.

Additionally, Musk notes that the goal is “to reach the Moon as fast as possible.” The company still appears to be focused on lunar orbital flights, such as the #dearMoon project for Japanese businessman Yusaku Maezawa, as the first missions for Starship.

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Feb 1, 2019

When Is the Surgeon Too Old to Operate?

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A handful of hospitals have instituted mandatory screening procedures for medical professionals over 70. Many have been unenthusiastic about the idea.

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Feb 1, 2019

Watch a Super-Fast 3D Printer Scientists Call the “Replicator”

Posted by in category: 3D printing

It prints using light.

3D printers work by laboriously printing objects layer by layer. For larger objects, that process can take hours or even days.

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Feb 1, 2019

Astronomers Accidentally Discover a Hidden Galaxy Right Next Door

Posted by in category: space

While inspecting a known globular cluster, a team of astronomers began to notice that some of its stars didn’t seem to belong. Investigating further, they realized the anomalous stars were part of a nearby galaxy—one previously unknown to us.

Science works in mysterious ways.

One moment you’re investigating a globular cluster, and the next you’re unexpectedly writing a research paper about something else entirely, namely the discovery of previously unknown dwarf spheroidal galaxy. But that’s how it goes sometimes, and the authors of the new study, published this week in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, couldn’t be happier.

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Feb 1, 2019

Exploring the dark side of the genome

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, supercomputing

Dr. Rico explained: “When we compare human genomes from different people, we see that they are way more different than we initially expected when the Human Genome Project was declared to be ”completed” in 2003. One of the main contributions to these differences are the so called Copy Number Variable (CNV) regions. CNV regions are in different copy number depending on each individual, and their variability can be greater in some human populations than others. The number of copies of CNV regions can contribute to both normal phenotypic variability in the populations and susceptibility to certain diseases.

Research has shown a direct relationship between mutations in introns and variability in human populations.

One of the greatest challenges of genomics is to reveal what role the ”dark side” of the human genome plays: those regions where it has not yet been possible to find specific functions. The role that introns play within that immense part of the genome is especially mysterious. The introns, which represent almost half the size of the human genome, are constitutive parts of genes that alternate with regions that code for proteins, called exons.

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Feb 1, 2019

This tech is making brain surgery safer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

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Feb 1, 2019

Rejuvenation Roundup January 2019

Posted by in category: life extension

Brought to you by Nicola Bagalà, the Rejuvenation Roundup is our monthly digest, which takes a look at the big news stories involving the industry and helps keep you informed of current developments in the aging research field.

Welcome to the first Rejuvenation Roundup of the new year! There is quite a bit of news to go through and upcoming events to look forward to, so get comfortable and let’s get started.


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Feb 1, 2019

Google invented the AI version of a Hallmark card

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Gmail’s Smart Replies automate messages, but that’s not a new idea.

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Feb 1, 2019

Celebrate the women behind the periodic table

Posted by in category: chemistry

#HiddenFigures #Friday Here we spotlight some of the women who revolutionized our understanding of the elements. Marie Curie is the most celebrated, for her double Nobel-prizewinning research on radioactivity and for discovering polonium and radium. Stories of other women’s roles are scarce. So, too, is an appreciation of the skills required, including tenacity and diligence in performing experiments, sifting through data and reassessing theories.

Brigitte Van Tiggelen and Annette Lykknes spotlight female researchers who discovered elements and their properties.

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