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Jul 3, 2024

New theory reveals fracture mechanism in soft materials

Posted by in category: materials

A new theory has finally deciphered the physical mechanisms of fracture in soft materials. This discovery could soon lead to new, defect-free materials that are more resistant and durable as well as environmentally friendly. The article “Elastic instability behind brittle fracture” was recently published by Physical Review Letters.

“We have revealed that fracture propagates from the free surface of the material, starting from an elastic instability that breaks the symmetry of the object. Then, the drastically extends with an intricate network of cracks spreading like a turbulence phenomenon similar to what we observe in fluids, like during vortex formation,” explains Pasquale Ciarletta from the MOX Laboratory, Department of Mathematics at Politecnico di Milano.

This discovery stimulates significant applications in various technological sectors. For instance, in the production of micro and nano devices, where materials need to be extremely resistant and defect-free.

Jul 3, 2024

Researchers uncover key mechanisms in chromosome structure development

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Researchers at Rice University are making strides in understanding how chromosome structures change throughout the cell’s life cycle. Their study on motorized processes that actively influence the organization of chromosomes appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

“This research provides a deeper understanding of how motorized processes shape chromosome structures and influence cellular functions,” said Peter Wolynes, study co-author and the D.R. Bullard-Welch Foundation Professor of Science. Wolynes is also a professor of chemistry, biosciences, physics and astronomy and the co-director of the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP).

The research introduces two types of motorized chain models: swimming motors and grappling motors. These motors play distinct roles in manipulating chromosome structure.

Jul 3, 2024

Researchers discover photo-induced charge-transfer complex between amine and imide

Posted by in categories: chemistry, energy

A research team led by Prof. Zhang Guoqing from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has discovered a highly reactive photo-induced charge-transfer complex (PCTC) between amine and imide. Their findings are published in the journal Chem.

Charge transfer between molecules, a critical process in both natural and synthetic systems, plays a fundamental role in photosynthesis, respiration, and various organic synthesis and energy conversion applications.

Despite extensive research, creating stable, light-responsive charge-transfer complexes in artificial systems remains challenging. The discovery of PCTCs addresses this challenge, offering new insights into complex photochemical processes.

Jul 3, 2024

Physicists explore how fluctuations shape transport networks

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Understanding how transport networks, such as river systems, form and evolve is crucial to optimizing their stability and resilience. It turns out that networks are not all alike. Tree-like structures are adequate for transport, while networks containing loops are more damage-resistant. What conditions favor the formation of loops?

Researchers from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw and the University of Arkansas sought to answer this question. The findings, published in Physical Review Letters, show that networks tend to form stable structures when flow fluctuations are appropriately tuned. This finding will allow us to understand the structure of dynamic transport networks better.

Transport networks, like or river systems, are essential for many natural and human-made systems. Understanding how these networks form and grow is crucial for optimizing their stability and resilience.

Jul 3, 2024

‘Acceleration beats’ shine bright light on a novel universal modulation regime in a semiconductor-based laser

Posted by in categories: electronics, quantum physics

Researchers at the Paul-Drude-Institute for Solid State Electronics (PDI) have observed a novel modulation regime characterized by the emergence of previously unseen “acceleration beats” in a modulated semiconductor-based laser.

As they detail in a paper published today in Nature Communications, the key—and somewhat counterintuitive—feature of this novel regime is the ability to coherently manipulate using modulation periods longer than the coherence time, provided that the modulation amplitude is large enough.

Harmonic modulation of light sources, such as lasers, is the cornerstone of many modern and emergent telecommunications technologies. In this regard, two regimes of modulation are well-known: the adiabatic regime and the non-adiabatic regime.

Jul 3, 2024

New possibilities for reservoir computing with topological magnetic and ferroelectric systems

Posted by in categories: internet, physics, robotics/AI

Speech recognition, weather forecasts, smart home applications: Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are enhancing our everyday lives. Systems based on reservoir computing are a very promising new field.

The research group led by Prof Dr. Karin Everschor-Sitte at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), is conducting research in this area. They are primarily investigating new possibilities for , for example using .

Now, together with specialists from the field of ferroelectric materials, the team has shown that these systems are also suitable for processing complex data faster and more efficiently. Their results have been published in Nature Reviews Physics.

Jul 3, 2024

High-precision infrared imaging technology reveals the magnetic domain structure of non-collinear antiferromagnets

Posted by in categories: particle physics, transportation

Non-collinear antiferromagnetic materials, which have a net magnetic moment of nearly zero, yet exhibit significant anomalous transverse transport properties, are considered candidate materials for the next generation of spintronic devices.

The magnetic domain structure of these materials is crucial for information storage. However, magnetic domain imaging for non-collinear antiferromagnetic materials such as Mn3Sn and Mn3Ge has always been a significant challenge in this field of research.

Prof. Dazhi Hou’s team from the University of Science and Technology of China, in with Prof. Yanfeng Guo’s team from ShanghaiTech University, has successfully achieved magnetic domain imaging of Mn3Sn and Mn3Ge using the anomalous Ettingshausen effect and lock-in thermography (LIT) technique. They verified the superiority of this innovative method in simultaneously resolving the magnetic domain structure in both in-plane and out-of-plane directions.

Jul 3, 2024

Scientists crack new method for high-capacity, secure quantum communication

Posted by in categories: computing, internet, particle physics, quantum physics

Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in creating a new method for transmitting quantum information using particles of light called qudits. These qudits promise a future quantum internet that is both secure and powerful. The study is published in the journal eLight.

Traditionally, is encoded on qubits, which can exist in a state of 0, 1, or both at the same time (superposition). This quality makes them ideal for complex calculations but limits the amount of data they can carry in communication. Conversely, qudits can encode information in higher dimensions, transmitting more data in a single go.

The new technique harnesses two properties of light—spatial mode and polarization—to create four-dimensional qudits. These qudits are built on a special chip that allows for precise manipulation. This manipulation translates to faster data transfer rates and increased resistance to errors compared to conventional methods.

Jul 3, 2024

New AI program helps identify elusive space plasmoids

Posted by in categories: physics, robotics/AI, satellites

In an ongoing game of cosmic hide and seek, scientists have a new tool that may give them an edge. Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a computer program incorporating machine learning that could help identify blobs of plasma in outer space known as plasmoids. In a novel twist, the program has been trained using simulated data.

The program will sift through reams of data gathered by spacecraft in the magnetosphere, the region of strongly affected by Earth’s magnetic field, and flag telltale signs of the elusive blobs. Using this technique, scientists hope to learn more about the processes governing , a process that occurs in the magnetosphere and throughout the universe that can damage communications satellites and the electrical grid.

Scientists believe that machine learning could improve plasmoid-finding capability, aid the basic understanding of magnetic reconnection and allow researchers to better prepare for the aftermath of reconnection-caused disturbances.

Jul 3, 2024

Neutrons on classically inexplicable paths: Quantum theory prevails in Leggett-Garg inequality test

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Is nature really as strange as quantum theory says—or are there simpler explanations? Neutron measurements at TU Wien prove that it doesn’t work without the strange properties of quantum theory.

Can a particle be in two different places at the same time? In quantum physics, it can: Quantum theory allows objects to be in different states at the same time—or more precisely: in a , combining different observable states. But is this really the case? Perhaps the particle is actually in a very specific state, at a very specific location, but we just don’t know it?

The question of whether the behavior of quantum objects could perhaps be described by a simple, more classical theory has been discussed for decades. In 1985, a way of measuring this was proposed: the so-called “Leggett-Garg inequality.” Any theory that describes our world without the strange superposition states of must obey this inequality.

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