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Apr 1, 2023

The CryoPrize (The Organ Cryopreservation Prize)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, life extension

PLEASE CLICK ON LINK TO DONATE: 3 Minute video detailing our efforts to make organ transplants safer, less costly and more available to those in need by offering a prize, beginning at $50,000, to the first person or group to successfully freeze, and restore to full function, one of several mammalian organs.

Apr 1, 2023

The Pursuit Of Better Camouflage Could Lead To An Invisibility Cloak

Posted by in categories: engineering, quantum physics

The invisibility cloak that Harry Potter wears in J. K. Rowling’s books is woven from the hair of a magical creature. But in the real world, the magic of invisibility is not dependent on fantasy, but rather on science and engineering.

Then there is quantum stealth technology that uses colouration patterns to hide objects in plain sight.

There are even camouflage technologies that make something as large as a tank appear to be local foliage, absorbing the characteristics of the organic and inorganic materials found on a battlefield.

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Apr 1, 2023

What If Humanity Was a Type 3.5 Civilization? | Unveiled

Posted by in categories: alien life, innovation

We’re half way there! Join us… and find out more!


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Apr 1, 2023

THE FIRST 2 YEARS ON MARS (Prequel) Timelapse

Posted by in categories: education, Elon Musk, habitats, mathematics, physics, robotics/AI, space travel, sustainability

10 SpaceX Starships are carrying 120 robots to Mars. They are the first to colonize the Red Planet. Building robot habitats to protect themselves, and then landing pads, structures, and the life support systems for the humans who will soon arrive.

This Mars colonization mini documentary also covers they type of robots that will be building on Mars, the solar fields, how Elon Musk and Tesla could have a battery bank station at the Mars colony, and how the Martian colony expands during the 2 years when the robots are building. Known as the Robotic Age of Mars.

Continue reading “THE FIRST 2 YEARS ON MARS (Prequel) Timelapse” »

Apr 1, 2023

The Conscious Robot: Benefits and Risks

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The good, the bad, and the really awful.

Apr 1, 2023

Computer made of DNA works out prime factors of 6 and 15

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

Simple calculations, such as factoring low numbers, can be made by mixing together differently shaped strands of DNA

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

Apr 1, 2023

SpaceX aborts launch with initial satellites for Space Development Agency

Posted by in categories: internet, satellites

It is interesting to watch SpaceX continue to massively expand, with the goal of going from 61 launches last year to 100 launches this year.

SpaceX’s old record for a month was 7 launches, but in March they completed 8 launches, and almost did 9 but their latest launch had technical difficulties, and the closest they got to launch during the past two days was an abort with 2 seconds to go. They will try a 3rd time to launch this rocket tomorrow.

Continue reading “SpaceX aborts launch with initial satellites for Space Development Agency” »

Apr 1, 2023

Is Our Universe a Hologram? Physicists Debate Famous Idea on Its 25th Anniversary

Posted by in categories: cosmology, holograms, particle physics, quantum physics

face_with_colon_three year 2022.

AdS/CFT Proves Its Usefulness

One of the first uses of AdS/CFT had to do with understanding black holes. Theoreticians had long been grappling with a paradox thrown up by these enigmatic cosmic objects. In the 1970s Stephen Hawking showed that black holes emit thermal radiation, in the form of particles, because of quantum mechanical effects near the event horizon. In the absence of infalling matter, this “Hawking” radiation would cause a black hole to eventually evaporate. This idea posed a problem. What happens to the information contained in the matter that formed the black hole? Is the information lost forever? Such a loss would go against the laws of quantum mechanics, which say that information cannot be destroyed.

Continue reading “Is Our Universe a Hologram? Physicists Debate Famous Idea on Its 25th Anniversary” »

Apr 1, 2023

Great Mysteries of Physics 4: does objective reality exist?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics, quantum physics

That means that these two people will say that the state of reality is different – they’d have different facts about where the particle is.

There are may other oddities about quantum mechanics, too. Particles can be entangled in a way that enables them to somehow share information instantaneously even if they’re light years apart, for example. This challenges another common intution: that objects need a physical mediator to interact.

Physicists have therefore long debated how to interpret quantum mechanics. Is it a true and objective description of reality? If so, what happens to all the possible outcomes that we don’t measure? The many worlds interpretation argues they do happen – but in parallel universes.

Mar 31, 2023

Multiverse or Cyclic Universe? Alan Guth vs Roger Penrose

Posted by in categories: cosmology, entertainment

Do we live in a multiverses or a cyclic universe? Most cosmologists today accept the universe underwent a very rapid period of expansion called inflation. But inflation seems to lead to an infinite multiverse. Not everyone is happy with this multiverse ; and some cosmologists have sought alternatives to inflation. These alternative schemes are often cyclic. The chief proponent of one such cyclic model is 2020 Nobel Prize Winner Sir Roger Penrose. In this video the father of inflation Alan Guth and Sir Roger discuss the pros and cons of the inflationary multiverse versus Sir Roger’s Conformal Cyclic Universe.
We highly recommend watching our film on eternal inflation with Alan Guth and colleagues.

and our film on CCC with Roger Penrose and colleagues.
and other films in our Before the Big Bang Series which features Stephen Hawking, Alex Vilenkin and others.