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Feb 23, 2023

ChatGPT launches boom in AI-written e-books on Amazon

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 21 (Reuters) — Until recently, Brett Schickler never imagined he could be a published author, though he had dreamed about it. But after learning about the ChatGPT artificial intelligence program, Schickler figured an opportunity had landed in his lap.

“The idea of writing a book finally seemed possible,” said Schickler, a salesman in Rochester, New York. “I thought ‘I can do this.’”

Using the AI software, which can generate blocks of text from simple prompts, Schickler created a 30-page illustrated children’s e-book in a matter of hours, offering it for sale in January through Inc’s (AMZN.O) self-publishing unit.

Feb 23, 2023

Robots playing Soccer! Robocup at ICC Sydney…the future is near!

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

RoboCup is an annual international robotics competition proposed and founded in 1996 by a group of university professors. The aim of such a competition consists of promoting robotics and AI research, by offering a publicly appealing, but #formidable challenge.

In 2016, the world’s competition was held in Leipzig, Germany. RoboCup 2017 was held in Nagoya, Japan.
#Humanoid League.

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Feb 23, 2023

BloopAI/bloop: bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust

Posted by in category: futurism

Bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust. — GitHub — BloopAI/bloop: bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust.

Feb 23, 2023

Generative AI Is Coming for the Lawyers

Posted by in categories: law, robotics/AI

Large law firms are using a tool made by OpenAI to research and write legal documents. What could go wrong?

Feb 23, 2023

Microsoft is already undoing some of the limits it placed on Bing AI

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Bing AI testers can also pick a preferred tone: Precise or Creative.

Feb 23, 2023

Lack of evidence for increased transcriptional noise in aged tissues

Posted by in category: biological

An increase in transcriptional noise generally assumed to characterize aged cells and tissues is shown to derive instead from technical and biological issues that underlie single-cell RNA sequencing experiments.

Feb 23, 2023

The Insane Evolution of: Hibernation

Posted by in category: evolution

Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription:

Watch Becoming Human, exclusive on Nebula:

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Feb 23, 2023

Martin Ciupa — Bing, ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, robotics/AI

Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered Bing search engine is sending “unhinged” messages to users, telling lies, sulking, gaslighting, questioning why it exists, and more. Martin Ciupa discusses ChatGPT, large language models, and artificial intelligence research.

Martin Ciupa is a subject matter expert on artificial intelligence, communications and information technology. Martin is the CEO of Remoscope Inc, an AI-based Telehealth startup, and an advisor & consultant to Mindmaze, a Unicorn Neurotech company focuses on applying advanced neuroscience to everyday life.

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Feb 22, 2023

Webcast: Robotic Piece Picking With Machine Vision

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

In this Robotics 24/7 Roundtable, viewers can learn about the latest advances and applications for robotic piece picking in multiple industries.

Feb 22, 2023

Insects weigh as much as people and farm animals combined

Posted by in category: food

More than a million species of arthropods –cold-blooded creepy-crawlies including all insects — crawl and buzz around us outdoors and indoors, aboveground and underground, in our plumbing systems, in our food and on our bodies.

Like them or not, they do essential tasks like pollinating our crops, aerating farmland and sustaining an enormous diversity of predators from warblers to wolverines.

Yet despite arthropods’ crucial importance to the environment and humanity, and amid concerns that some of these populations are dwindling, scientists did not know how many are really out there and how much they weigh collectively.