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Aug 22, 2023

Bridging coherence optics and classical mechanics: A generic light polarization-entanglement complementary relation

Posted by in category: particle physics

While optics and mechanics are two distinct branches of physics, they are connected. It is well known that the geometrical/ray treatment of light has direct analogies to mechanical descriptions of particle motion. However, connections between coherence wave optics and classical mechanics are rarely reported. Here we report links of the two through a systematic quantitative analysis of polarization and entanglement, two optical coherence properties under the wave description of light pioneered by Huygens and Fresnel. A generic complementary identity relation is obtained for arbitrary light fields. More surprisingly, through the barycentric coordinate system, optical polarization, entanglement, and their identity relation are shown to be quantitatively associated with the mechanical concepts of center of mass and moment of inertia via the Huygens-Steiner theorem for rigid body rotation.

Aug 21, 2023

PS gene-editing shown to restore neural connections lost in brain disorder

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

A new study from the University of Minnesota is the first to demonstrate the ability for gene therapy to repair neural connections for those with the rare genetic brain disorder known as Hurler syndrome. The findings suggest the use of gene therapies—an entirely new standard for treatment—for those with brain disorders like Hurler syndrome, which have a devastating impact on those affected.

Aug 21, 2023

Memory’s Future Focus: It’s Not Just What, but Why We Remember

Posted by in categories: futurism, neuroscience

Summary: Our ability to process sentences relies on the dynamic nature of working memory, where information is stored and integrated with our future intentions.

New research reveals that visual memories adapt according to our future use of that information. These findings challenge conventional theories arguing that our working memory’s neural codes remain unchanged over time.

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Aug 21, 2023

Interferometric imaging of amplitude and phase of spatial biphoton states

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Photonic qudits are emerging as an essential resource for environment-resilient quantum key distribution, quantum simulation and quantum imaging and metrology1. The availability of unbounded photonic degrees of freedom, such as time-bins, temporal modes, orbital angular momentum (OAM) and radial number1, allows for encoding large amounts of information in fewer photons than would be required by qubit-based protocols (for example, when using only polarization). At the same time, the large dimensionality of these states, such as those emerging from the generation of photon pairs, poses an intriguing challenge for what concerns their measurement. The number of projective measurements necessary for a full-state tomography scales quadratically with the dimensionality of the Hilbert space under consideration2. This issue can be tackled with adaptive tomographic approaches3,4,5 or compressive techniques6,7, which are, however, constrained by a priori hypotheses on the quantum state under study. Moreover, quantum state tomography via projective measurement becomes challenging when the dimension of the quantum state is not a power of a prime number8. Here we try to tackle the tomographic challenge, in the specific contest of spatially correlated biphoton states, looking for an interferometric approach inspired by digital holography9,10,11, familiar in classical optics. We show that the coincidence imaging of the superposition of two biphoton states, one unknown and one used as a reference state, allows retrieving the spatial distribution of phase and amplitude of the unknown biphoton wavefunction. Coincidence imaging can be achieved with modern electron-multiplying charged coupled device cameras12,13, single photon avalanche diode arrays14,15,16 or time-stamping cameras17,18. These technologies are commonly exploited in quantum imaging, such as ghost imaging experiments19 or quantum super-resolution20,21, as well as for fundamental applications, including characterizing two-photon correlations13,22, imaging of high-dimensional Hong–Ou–Mandel interference23,24,25, and visualization of the violation of Bell inequalities26. Holography techniques have been recently proposed in the context of quantum imaging27,28,29; demonstrating the phase-shifting digital holography in a coincidence imaging regime using polarization entanglement27, and exploiting induced coherence, that is, the reconstruction of phase objects through digital holography of undetected photons28.

In this work, we focus on the specific problem of reconstructing the quantum state (in the transverse coordinate basis) of two photons emerging from degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). These states are characterized by strong correlations in the transverse position (considered on the plane where the two-photon generation happens), which can be observed in other kinds of photon sources such as cold atoms30. In these sources, the two-photon wavefunction strongly depends on the shape of the pump laser used to induce the down-conversion process31. The most commonly used approach in the literature to reconstruct the biphoton state emitted by a nonlinear crystal is based on projective techniques32,33,34. This method has drawbacks concerning measurement times (as it needs successive measurements on non-orthogonal bases) and the signal loss due to diffraction. We proposed an imaging-based procedure capable of overcoming both of the issues mentioned above, while giving the full-state reconstruction of the unknown state. The core idea lies in assuming the SPDC state induced by a plane wave as known, and in superimposing this state with the unknown biphoton state. Unless the superposition is achieved directly on the crystal plane, a full analysis of the four-dimensional distribution of coincidences is necessary to retrieve the interference between the two wavefunctions. This information can be visualized by observing coincidence images, defined as marginals of the coincidence distribution obtained integrating over the coordinates of one of the two photons. In fact, obtaining coincidence images after post-selecting specific spatial correlations allows retrieval of the phase information, likewise in cases in which the state does not exhibit sharp spatial correlations. We demonstrate this technique for pump beams in different spatial modes, including Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) and Hermite–Gaussian (HG) modes. We investigate several physical effects from the reconstructed states, such as OAM conservation, the generation of high-dimensional Bell states, parity conservation and radial correlations. Remarkably, we show how, from a simple measurement, one can retrieve information about two-photon states in arbitrary spatial mode bases without the efficiency and alignment issues that affect previously implemented projective characterization techniques. Depending on the source brightness and the required number of detection events, the measurement time can be of the order of tens of seconds, whereas the previously implemented projective techniques required several hours and were limited to the exploration of a small subspace of spatial modes. As a latter example, we give a proof of principle demonstration of the use of this technique for quantum imaging applications.

Aug 21, 2023

Physicists use a 350-year-old theorem to reveal new properties of light waves

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics, space

Since the 17th century, when Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens first debated the nature of light, scientists have been puzzling over whether light is best viewed as a wave or a particle—or perhaps, at the quantum level, even both at once. Now, researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology have revealed a new connection between the two perspectives, using a 350-year-old mechanical theorem—ordinarily used to describe the movement of large, physical objects like pendulums and planets—to explain some of the most complex behaviors of light waves.

The work, led by Xiaofeng Qian, assistant professor of physics at Stevens and reported in the August 17 online issue of Physical Review Research, also proves for the first time that a light wave’s degree of non-quantum entanglement exists in a direct and complementary relationship with its degree of polarization. As one rises, the other falls, enabling the level of entanglement to be inferred directly from the level of polarization, and vice versa. This means that hard-to-measure such as amplitudes, phases and correlations—perhaps even these of quantum wave systems—can be deduced from something a lot easier to measure: .

“We’ve known for over a century that light sometimes behaves like a wave, and sometimes like a particle, but reconciling those two frameworks has proven extremely difficult,” said Qian “Our work doesn’t solve that problem—but it does show that there are profound connections between wave and particle concepts not just at the , but at the level of classical light-waves and point-mass systems.”

Aug 21, 2023

Physicists employ synthetic complex frequency waves to overcome optical loss in superlenses

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology

A collaborative research team led by Interim Head of Physics Professor Shuang Zhang from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), along with National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Imperial College London and University of California, Berkeley, has proposed a new synthetic complex frequency wave (CFW) approach to address optical loss in superimaging demonstration. The research findings were recently published in the journal Science.

Imaging plays an important role in many fields, including biology, medicine and material science. Optical microscopes use light to obtain imaging of miniscule objects. However, conventional microscopes can only resolve feature sizes in the order of the optical wavelength at best, known as the .

To overcome the diffraction limit, Sir John Pendry from Imperial College London introduced the concept of superlenses, which can be constructed from negative index media or noble metals like silver. Subsequently, Professor Xiang Zhang, the current President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU, along with his then team at the University of California, Berkeley, experimentally demonstrated superimaging using both a silver thin film and a silver/dielectric multilayer stack.

Aug 21, 2023

A new X-ray telescope set to launch this weekend could unveil the structure of spacetime

Posted by in category: space

Meet XRISM, the telescope collaboration between JAXA and NASA that could reveal the universe’s secrets.

Aug 21, 2023

A stable and replicable neural signature of lifespan adversity in the adult brain

Posted by in category: neuroscience

In a birth cohort, Holz et al. found widespread structural brain changes at the age of 25 years as a function of adversity. This pattern was replicated at the age of 33 years and in another cohort. Individual-level volume reductions on top of this pattern predicted anxiety.

Aug 21, 2023

Can We Do Great Things By Thinking Smaller? This Is How Quantum Computing Is Set To Change The World

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

This content was paid for by HSBC. The newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content.

Aug 21, 2023


Posted by in category: futurism

A distant far post human Eon.

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