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Aug 3, 2016

‘Second skin’ protects soldiers from biological and chemical agents

Posted by in categories: biological, military

Amazing and can serve many areas.

(DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) In work that aims to protect soldiers from biological and chemical threats, a team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists has created a material that is highly breathable yet protective from biological agents.

This material is the first key component of futuristic smart uniforms that also will respond to and protect from environmental chemical hazards. The research appears in the July 27 edition of the journal, Advanced Materials.

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Aug 3, 2016

The ESA Will Study the Wind

Posted by in categories: internet, space

Hmmmm; ok.

Finally, lasers will figure out what the deal with wind is.

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Aug 3, 2016

A Once-Closed Russian Military Town In The Arctic Opens To The World

Posted by in category: military

Anyone want to visit Roslyakovo in Russia’s artic region?

For generations, Roslyakovo was a secret city with restricted access, even for Russians. The shipbuilding center was a place to work on military technology, and also a perfect place to hide things.

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Aug 3, 2016

Russian web hosting service a favorite among cybercriminals

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

A Russian web hosting service is providing an avenue for cybercriminals to set up sites for selling stolen passwords, credit cards, and other pilfered personal information, a cybersecurity firm said.

The web hosting company has become popular among online thieves because it’s easy to use and asks few questions from users, said Rick Holland, vice president of strategy at the cybersecurity firm Digital Shadows, on Tuesday at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas.

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Aug 3, 2016

The QuadRKT is half-quadcopter, half-missile, and built for speed

Posted by in categories: drones, engineering

Half quad-copter and 1/2 missile.

The design of small UAVs usually falls into one of two categories: the cruciform quadcopter (with extra arms added as necessary) and the fixed-wing glider (such as early iterations of Google’s delivery drones). However, there’s still room for innovation in this market, as demonstrated by the QuadRKT: a quadcopter drone with a rocket-shaped fuselage that can hovers vertically, but also switch to a horizontal orientation when it needs to go really fast.

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Aug 3, 2016

A.D. 2035: Rich people will be thousands of times smarter than poor people

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, Ray Kurzweil

When not all men and women are created equal.

If futurist, inventor, and Google executive Ray Kurzweil is right about the future, we’ll all be augmenting our brains with extra capacity in the cloud at some point in the future.

Which sounds exciting, even if a little frightening.

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Aug 3, 2016

Programmable ions set the stage for general-purpose quantum computers

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, particle physics, quantum physics

Quantum computers promise speedy solutions to some difficult problems, but building large-scale, general-purpose quantum devices is a problem fraught with technical challenges.

To date, many research groups have created small but functional computers. By combining a handful of atoms, electrons or superconducting junctions, researchers now regularly demonstrate quantum effects and run simple —small programs dedicated to solving particular problems.

But these laboratory devices are often hard-wired to run one program or limited to fixed patterns of interactions between the quantum constituents. Making a quantum computer that can run arbitrary algorithms requires the right kind of physical system and a suite of programming tools. Atomic , confined by fields from nearby electrodes, are among the most promising platforms for meeting these needs.

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Aug 3, 2016

Quantum Computing Just Grew Way the Hell Up

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

Additional insights on the latest reprogrammable QC.

Researchers implement a key piece of Shor’s algorithm in a programmable quantum computer.

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Aug 3, 2016

China to launch unbreakable quantum spy satellite

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, space

Exciting news today about the new smaller reprogrammable QC discovery; however, in China.

Scientists in China are set to launch the world’s first ‘quantum satellite,’ which could one day make for an ultra-secure global communications network.

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Aug 3, 2016

A Description Of ‘Hollow Earth’ According To Ancient Tibetan Buddhism

Posted by in category: evolution

Hollow-Earth (According To Ancient Tibetan Buddhism)

A very unique perspective on Earth and its evolution.

Shambhala is round but depicted as an eight-petalled lotus blossom, which is a symbol of the heart Chakra (represented in the picture above).

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