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Sep 10, 2016

New Era of Flight: “Green” NASA Research Could Potentially Save Airlines Billions

Posted by in categories: computing, economics, transportation

NASA researchers reveal how today’s airlines can save over $250 billion by incorporating their green related technologies.

Green-related technologies developed by NASA could be the key to airlines saving over $250 billion dollars. “If these technologies start finding their way into the airline fleet, our computer models show the economic impact could amount to $255 billion in operational savings between 2025 and 2050,” said Jaiwon Shin, NASA’s associate administrator for aeronautics research, in a recent press release.

For the past six years, NASA’s aeronautics researchers have been working on the Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) project, which sees airlines cutting fuel use in half, pollution by a quarter, and putting noise down to just an eighth of today’s current levels.

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Sep 10, 2016

Cuddle Mattress

Posted by in category: futurism

A mattress that makes it easier to cuddle.

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Sep 10, 2016

New Evidence Proving That Walt Disney Was Frozen After Death Cryonics Myth

Posted by in categories: cryonics, education, life extension

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This is a video on new proof on walt disney frozen body. We are currently looking for the walt disney frozen body pictures. But we belive that walt disney cryogenically frozen and we are trying to get to the truth of it! And we know he was walt disney frozen! WE are working on a cryonics documentary that should have enough proof! Its the cryonics death in the deep freeze which lots of celebs and people of power are doing now adays! Mr disney walt cryogenic! We know the truth! We will find you! The disney cryogenic myth is no myth at all we will prove it one day! Its only a matter of time! Who else belives in the walt disney cryogenics myth? Its about time we start adding the clues togather to find the answer that we were lied too! Its the same ol walt disney cryogenics myth that they keep joking about saying its not real! Why do you think they made the movie frozen? To cover up the disney cryogenically frozen name when you google it?This disney cryogenics is proof right here! Theres no disney cryogenics debunked at all evidence!

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Sep 10, 2016

Machine-Learning Algorithm Generates Videos From Stills

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

MIT has used machine learning to create video from still images, and the results are pretty impressive. As you can see from the above image, there’s a lot of natural form to the movement in the videos.

The system “learns” types of videos (beach, baby, golf swing…) and, starting from still images, replicates the movements that are most commonly seen in those videos. So the beach video looks like it has crashing waves, for instance.

But like other machine-generated images, these have limitations. The first is size: what you see above is the extent to which the program can render its video. Length is also an issue: only about a second of video gets produced.

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Sep 10, 2016

A $40 dongle lets you use wired headphones and charge your iPhone 7

Posted by in categories: climatology, media & arts, mobile phones

After Apple got rid of the headphone jack on its new iPhones yesterday you were probably thinking: How am I supposed to charge my phone and use wired headphones? Fear not dear reader, accessory maker Belkin has a solution. With its $40 Lightning Audio + Charge RockStar adapter (actual product name), the company provides a way for you to replenish that iPhone 7 or 7 Plus battery while still keeping the music going.

What’s more, Belkin’s new dongle supports 48 kHz 24-bit audio output and if you’re still planning to use 3.5mm headphones, it works with the Lightning adapter that comes with the new iPhones. Remote control and voice cues from Apple’s headphones are also still in play. If you need to pick one up so that you can listen while you recharge, you’ll be able to do so October 10th. Now when you head out of the house you’ll need to remember this dongle, the adapter, your headphones and a charging cable. Or you could just go with one of many wireless options if you desire less clutter.

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Sep 10, 2016

IBM Patents Technology That Can Add Night Vision To Your Glasses

Posted by in categories: biological, genetics

IBM wants to give people night vision capabilities, and they are doing it using Google Glass. This patent “tricks” the eyes with red light in order to increase visibility when in a low light environment.

Upon entering a dark room, human eyes obviously take time to adjust in order to see clearly. That’s because there are two types of photoreceptors in our eyes — the rods and the cones. Rods are responsible for letting humans see in the dark; however, it takes around 30 minutes for our rods to fully adjust to the darkness.

Night vision is a very complicated biological process, but it seems that we may be able to tweak and enhance it, and we can do so without using genetic manipulation or any other equally invasive and transformative method. In fact, all we may need is glasses.

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Sep 10, 2016

Physicists discover ‘smoke rings’ made of laser light

Posted by in categories: energy, physics

Most basic physics textbooks describe laser light in fairly simple terms: a beam travels directly from one point to another and, unless it strikes a mirror or other reflective surface, will continue traveling along an arrow-straight path, gradually expanding in size due to the wave nature of light. But these basic rules go out the window with high-intensity laser light.

Powerful laser beams, given the right conditions, will act as their own lenses and “self-focus” into a tighter, even more intense beam. University of Maryland physicists have discovered that these self-focused laser pulses also generate violent swirls of optical energy that strongly resemble smoke rings. In these donut-shaped light structures, known as “spatiotemporal optical vortices,” the light energy flows through the inside of the ring and then loops back around the outside.

The vortices travel along with the laser pulse at the speed of light and control the energy flow around it. The newly discovered optical structures are described in the September 9, 2016 issue of the journal Physical Review X.

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Sep 10, 2016

Why Artificial Intelligence Needs Some Sort of Moral Code

Posted by in categories: computing, ethics, robotics/AI, space

Whether you believe the buzz about artificial intelligence is merely hype or that the technology represents the future, something undeniable is happening. Researchers are more easily solving decades-long problems like teaching computers to recognize images and understanding speech at a rapid space, and companies like Google goog and Facebook fb are pouring millions of dollars into their own related projects.

What could possibly go wrong?

For one thing, advances in artificial intelligence could eventually lead to unforeseen consequences. University of California at Berkeley professor Stuart Russell is concerned that powerful computers powered by artificial intelligence, or AI, could unintentionally create problems that humans cannot predict.

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Sep 10, 2016

Physicists have discovered what makes neural networks so extraordinarily powerful

Posted by in categories: physics, robotics/AI

Nobody understands why deep neural networks are so good at solving complex problems. Now physicists say the secret is buried in the laws of physics.

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Sep 10, 2016

Is Evolution Over? Synthetic Biology Anticipates Nature’s Next Steps

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biological, evolution, genetics, sustainability

Synthetic biology is essentially an application of engineering principles to the fundamental molecular components of biology. Key to the process is the ability to design genetic circuits that reprogram organisms to do things like produce biofuels or excrete the precursors for pharmaceuticals, though whether this is commercially viable is another question.

MIT’s Jim Collins, one of the founders of synthetic biology, recently explained it to me as putting the engineering into genetic engineering.

“Genetic engineering is introducing a gene from species A to species B,” he said. “That’s the equivalent of replacing a red light bulb with a green light bulb. Synthetic biology is focused on designing the underlying circuitry expressing that red or green light bulb.”

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