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Oct 14, 2016

Scientists propose space nation named ‘Asgardia’ and cosmic shield to protect Earth from asteroids

Posted by in categories: government, law, space

A space nation, independent of countries on Earth, could be founded after a team of engineers, scientists and legal experts put forward proposals for an extra-terrestrial state.

The project, which is led by Russian scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, Chairman of UNESCOs Science of Space committee, aims to create an area in space which is beyond the control of individual nations.

Under current space law, government’s must authorise and supervise space programmes run from their own countries even if they are commercial.

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Oct 14, 2016

Rare group of children are IMMUNE to AIDS, scientists reveal

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A rare group of children is immune to AIDS, scientists believe.

The 170 boys and girls in South Africa are known as ‘non-progressors’.

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Oct 14, 2016

A new treatment appears to have erased HIV from a patient’s blood

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

The first of 50 patients to complete a trial for a new HIV treatment in the UK is showing no signs of the virus in his blood.

The initial signs are very promising, but it’s too soon to say it’s a cure just yet: the HIV may return, doctors warn, and the presence of anti-HIV drugs in the man’s body mean it’s difficult to tell whether traces of the virus are actually gone for good.

That said, the team behind the trial – run by five British universities and the UK’s National Health Service – says we could be on the brink of defeating HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) for real.

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Oct 14, 2016

Engineering a Better Body and the End of Disease

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, engineering, health, mobile phones, neuroscience, policy

There are two kinds of people in Washington, DC, says entrepreneur Dean Kamen. There are the policy experts, whom he calls cynics. And there are the scientists, whom he deems optimists.

Kamen, speaking at the White House Frontiers Conference at the University of Pittsburgh, places himself in the latter camp. Unlike policy wonks and politicians who see diseases like Alzheimer’s or ALS as unstoppable scourges, Kamen points out that previously terrifying diseases were all toppled by medical innovation. The plague, polio, smallpox — all were civilization-threatening epidemics until experimental scientists discovered new ways to combat them.

If that sounds like the kind of disruption that the tech industry has unleashed across the rest of the world, that’s no accident. Kamen, the founder of DEKA, a medical R&D company, says that the same trends that have empowered our computers and phones and communication networks will soon power a revolution in health care. He says that medical innovation follows a predictable cycle. First we feel powerless before a disease. Then we seek ways of treating it. Then we attempt to cure it.

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Oct 14, 2016

Before the Big Bang there was another universe and a new one will emerge after ours collapses

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

In their study, published on the pre-print server, Maha Salah, Fayçal Hammad, Mir Faizal and Ahmed Farag Ali have been able to look at the state of the universe before its beginning, creating a model of pre-Big Bang cosmology.

The cosmology of the universe can be modelled using the Einstein’s general theory of relativity. It predicts that the universe is expanding and the galaxies are all moving away from us. Also the further a galaxy is away, the faster it is moving away from us. This is used to predict the universe started with a Big Bang – if you reverse this expansion to go back in time, eventually we come to the point where the universe began.

At the point of Big Bang the laws of Einstein’s general theory of relativity seem to break down and it is not possible to use them to understand how the Big Bang occurred. So, how did the Big Bang happen and can we describe physics before the Big Bang? Can we describe physics before the creation of the universe? According to the team’s model, yes, we can.

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Oct 14, 2016

Maserati Is Unveiling A “Very Different” Kind of Electric Vehicle

Posted by in categories: energy, transportation

In Brief:

  • Fedeli says that their electric Maserati could be released before 2020, maybe even 2019.
  • The EV is expected to be a sleek, low-volume coupe, with a target market differing from the four-door Tesla Fighter

Cruising in a Maserati screams luxury, comfort, elegance. Now Maserati will be associated with energy-efficiency, too.

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Oct 14, 2016

Australian engineer takes out inaugural global prize for quantum computing

Posted by in categories: business, computing, engineering, quantum physics

Leading Australian engineer and physicist, Professor Andrea Morello, was today named inaugural recipient of the Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing by the prestigious American Physical Society, the world’s leading organisation of physicists.

Morello, a professor in UNSW’s School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications and head of the Quantum Spin Control group at the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, was awarded the prize “for remarkable achievements in the experimental development of spin qubits in silicon”.

The prize, endowed by the International Business Machines Corp, is named for two of the founding fathers of modern information science, both classical and quantum.

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Oct 14, 2016

Yes, Robots Really Are Going To Take Your Job And End The American Dream

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, robotics/AI

The American Dream is ending, and its automated software and hardware technology that’s ending it.

Now that machines can diagnose cancer, trade stocks, and write symphonies, they’re not just going to make humans more efficient as they have in the past—they are replacing them entirely and wrecking the economy along the way.

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Oct 14, 2016

Brain Implant Allows Paralyzed Man to Feel Objects With a Prosthetic Limb

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, robotics/AI

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC have developed a system that’s enabling a man with quadriplegia to experience the sensation of touch through a robotic arm that he controls with his brain.

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Oct 14, 2016

This Monkey is Controlling a Wheelchair With its Mind

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Researchers have developed a wireless brain interface that allows monkeys to control the movements of a robotic wheelchair using their thoughts alone. The breakthrough suggests that similar interfaces could allow severely paralyzed individuals to navigate all sorts of robotic devices with their minds.

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