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“We need a name for this new belief,” mused Julian Huxley in 1957. “Perhaps transhumanism will serve: man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.”
The twentieth century saw a progression of thinkers begin to grapple with technology’s power to radically transform humanity. Julian and his brother Aldous, author of Brave New World, became two of the most influential thinkers on the subject. On one side, Aldous warned against the dangers of technology by depicting technogenic oppression in his dystopian novel. On the other, Julian preached technological transcendence, coining the term that would come to represent an intellectual movement spanning the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Still in its infancy, transhumanism is not yet entirely coherent as a theory. But there are several distinct beliefs that adherents tend to share. Most transhumanists support the use of technology to radically increase a healthy lifespan and to boost biologically-based capacities such as memory and analytical skills. But they often disagree on how exactly to accomplish these aims.
Nov 5, 2017
It is the last few hours of the MouseAge project on
Posted by Steve Hill in category: life extension and if we can reach $17300 another $2000 will be donated from the fund match. We would like to thank all the amazing people who have donated, including:
Stella Wang, David Munger, Crystal Falls, Maxime Handfield Lapointe, Michael Reed, Melle Hsing and José Ruíz you are all heroes!
Nov 5, 2017
Vision: The world’s most ambitious project: an entire new land, purpose-built for a new way of living
Posted by Klaus Baldauf in category: futurism
Nov 5, 2017
House science chair to retire from Congress
Posted by Derick Lee in categories: government, science
The controversial chairperson of the science committee in the U.S. House of Representatives announced today that he will not seek re-election to Congress next fall. The pending departure of Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX) could give the U.S. scientific community a chance to recalibrate a rocky 5-year relationship with a key congressional committee.
Representative Lamar Smith’s tenure marked by bitter clashes with science community.
Nov 5, 2017
DeepMind “Never Found the Limit” of AlphaGo Zero’s Intelligence
Posted by Klaus Baldauf in category: robotics/AI
DeepMind’s latest AI achievement, AlphaGo Zero, never reached its full potential. It has the capability of beating every opponent in Go.
Nov 4, 2017
‘Chemical surgery’ can correct genetic mutations behind many diseases – study
Posted by Aleksandar Vukovic in categories: biotech/medical, genetics
“Scientists are hopeful that the approach could offer new ways to understand – and even one day tackle – certain human genetic diseases by correcting mutations in a patient’s body.”
Fresh DNA base editing breakthrough brings hope of potential treatment for huge number of diseases that arise as a result of a single genetic ‘misspelling’.
Nov 4, 2017
Sophia… AI Robot actually given citizenship in Saudi Arabia
Posted by Magaly Santiago in category: robotics/AI
Nov 4, 2017
Intermittent fasting may be center of increasing lifespan
Posted by Alexander Rodionov in categories: biotech/medical, health
Manipulating mitochondrial networks inside cells may increase lifespan and promote health, according to a new study.
View all posts in Science & Health.
Nov 4, 2017
Cyborgs Among Us
Posted by Zoltan Istvan in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, evolution, transhumanism
This film “Cyborgs Among Us” that has a segment on my #transhumanism work (as well as many others in our community) has its #Dutch premier on Nov 10 in a major international science film festival. Go see it if you can!
Imagine having a sixth sense! These are the first cyborgs that transcend the boundaries of human possibility and spark the debate about the technological evolution of mankind. Cyborgs Among Us offers insight into how technology can become part of us and the social and ethical implications associated with it.