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Nov 28, 2016

NASA’s EMDrive And The Quantum Theory Of Pilot Waves

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics, space travel

There has been a lot of digital ink spilled over the recent paper on the reactionless thrust device known as the EMDrive. While it’s clear that a working EM Drive would violate well established scientific theories, what isn’t clear is how such a violation might be resolved. Some have argued that the thrust could be an effect of Unruh radiation, but the authors of the new paper argue instead for a variation on quantum theory known as the pilot wave model.

One of the central features of quantum theory is its counter-intuitive behavior often called particle-wave duality. Depending on the situation, quantum objects can have characteristics of a wave or characteristics of a particle. This is due to the inherent limitations on what we can know about quanta. In the usual Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, an object is defined by its wavefunction. The wavefunction describes the probability of finding a particle in a particular location. The object is in an indefinite, probabilistic state described by the wavefunction until it is observed. When it is observed, the wavefunction collapses, and the object becomes a definite particle with a definite location.

While the Copenhagen interpretation is not the best way to visualize quantum objects it captures the basic idea that quanta are local, but can be in an indefinite state. This differs from the classical objects (such as Newtonian theory) where things are both local and definite. We can know, for example, where a baseball is and what it is doing at any given time.

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Nov 28, 2016

Is the universe really a HOLOGRAM? Shock theory hailed as ‘clear evidence’

Posted by in categories: holograms, space

THE universe that we see and know is simply a holographic illusion like a symbol on a credit card, an astonishing theory suggests.

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Nov 28, 2016

Time travel may be possible, say scientists

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, time travel

Time travel could be possible, says a group of physicists who’ve come up with a new interpretation of our universe, says the Sun U.K.

Professor Howard Wiseman and Dr. Michael Hall from Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, and Dr. Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, say there are many universes, including identical ones to ours, that “influence one another through quantum mechanics.” The theory is called the “Many-Worlds Interpretation.”

What this means is that travelling through time within our universe is conceivable, says the Sun.

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Nov 28, 2016

An introduction to the Microsoft Bot Framework

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

By Gary Pretty, Technical Strategist, Mando Group

It seems like bots are everywhere these days, with more and more popping up every day. From bots that help us tag people on Facebook to simple Twitter bots that respond to our tweets.

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Nov 28, 2016

This Device From DARPA Makes Water-Cleaning Chlorine From Salt And A Car Battery

Posted by in category: transportation

Now retrofitted for civilian use, the Community Chlorine Maker makes enough chlorine to treat water for a whole village. We just need to get it to them.

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Nov 28, 2016

A Material From Shapeshifting Planes Could Heal Human Flesh

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, space

What generates voltage when you warm it up, push on it, or blow on it?

Get your mind out of the gutter. The correct answer is polyvinylidene fluoride, a material NASA researchers have refined for use in morphing aircraft that shapeshift in response to their environment. But wait! There’s more: It can also kickstart the human body’s healing process.

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Nov 28, 2016

MIT’s sensor network tracks your power-hungry appliances

Posted by in categories: electronics, energy

A Marinha dos Estados Unidos fez uma parceria com cientistas do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) para criar uma rede de sensores barato, portátil que monitora o consumo de energia de cada um dos seus dispositivos domésticos.

O sistema consiste de cinco sensores de tamanho selo-postais colocados acima ou perto de linhas elétricas que entram na casa, que podem identificar cada luminária ou aparelho com base em seu uso de energia. Ele canaliza os dados para um aplicativo em tempo real, permitindo que as pessoas possa ver quando sua geladeira consome para um ciclo de degelo, por exemplo.

“Já existem maneiras de monitorar o uso de energia doméstico, mas elas envolvem a contratação de um eletricista licenciado ou cortando linhas de energia ou tubos caro para anexar, equipamento especializado,” professor de engenharia do MIT e chefe do projeto Stephen Leeb disse em um comunicado de imprensa. “Com o nosso sistema, é possível instalar sensores sem contato usando laços zip ou mesmo velcro, e usar o processamento de sinal para medir o consumo de energia. Também poderia servir como uma maneira de dizer quando o equipamento precisa de manutenção ou substituição.”

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Nov 28, 2016

Autonomous Vehicles: Imagining the Day-to-Day of the Future

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

What might life be like once autonomous vehicles populate the roads? With the help of colleague Timothy Bonds, RAND’s Nidhi Kalra described what may occur when autonomous vehicles “democratize transportation.” Read our recap from #PoliticsAside:

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Nov 28, 2016

Researchers may have uncovered an algorithm that explains intelligence

Posted by in categories: information science, mathematics, neuroscience, robotics/AI

What if a simple algorithm were all it took to program tomorrow’s artificial intelligence to think like humans?

According to a paper published in the journal Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, it may be that easy — or difficult. Are you a glass-half-full or half-empty kind of person?

Researchers behind the theory presented experimental evidence for the Theory of Connectivity — the theory that all of the brains processes are interconnected (massive oversimplification alert) — “that a simple mathematical logic underlies brain computation.” Simply put, an algorithm could map how the brain processes information. The painfully-long research paper describes groups of similar neurons forming multiple attachments meant to handle basic ideas or information. These groupings form what researchers call “functional connectivity motifs” (FCM), which are responsible for every possible combination of ideas.

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Nov 28, 2016

Scientists have demonstrated a unique phase of matter

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

In experiments with magnetic atoms conducted at extremely low temperatures, scientists have demonstrated a unique phase of matter: the atoms form a new type of quantum liquid or quantum droplet state. These so called quantum droplets may preserve their form in absence of external confinement because of quantum effects. The joint team of experimental physicists from Innsbruck and theoretical physicists from Hannover report on their findings in the journal Physical Review X.$$!ad_code_content_spilt_video_ad!$$” Our Quantum droplets are in the gas phase but they still drop like a rock,” explains experimental physicist Francesca Ferlaino when talking about the fascinating experiment. In the laboratory, her team observed how macrodroplets formed in a quantum gas.

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