

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2280

Jan 22, 2016

Future humanoid robots may end up using University of Texas creation to self-heal

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Self healing robots — definite big step forward in the broader robotics industry.

Future humanoid robots may end up using University of Texas creation to self-heal.

As cool as the Lost in Space robot was at the time the show aired in the ’60s, nowadays we think of robots as being a little more high-tech. Or even human-like. Think “Data,” the android from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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Jan 22, 2016

Here come the robots, welcome to the next industrial revolution

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, business, economics, internet, mobile phones, robotics/AI

Go Hubo

The so-called ‘fourth industrial revolution’ will bring ever faster cycles of innovation, posing huge challenges to companies, workers, governments and societies alike Implantable mobile phones. 3D-printed organs for transplant. Clothes and reading-glasses connected to the Internet.

Such things may be science fiction today but they will be scientific fact by 2025 as the world enters an era of advanced robotics, artificial intelligence and gene editing, according to executives surveyed by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

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Jan 21, 2016

Rise of Medical Robots: You May Now Consult A Robot Doctor Via A Mobile App

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, mobile phones, robotics/AI

Isn’t medical technology a beautiful thing — your own personal doctor and on your terms.

The new trend on healthcare technology is found to let you see your robot doctor in just a few taps in your mobile phones.

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Jan 21, 2016

Why you should be scared of robots

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, computing, finance, habitats, health, robotics/AI, security, singularity

Another article highlighting the fears around Singularity. There are so many great things that will come from Singularity such as Cancer is wiped out, improved healthcare across the board and cheaper, etc. And, there are also downsides as Gates, Musk, etc. have warned folks especially around AI.

So, what are our options and obligations around Singularity? In reality, you will not be able to stop this evolution from happening. However, each person has a right to decide how much singularity is right for their own private use. As a business or a company, there are many things to consider such as Total Cost of Ownership v. ROI, tax codes or how government will view “humanoids” v. non-humanoids as it relates to CapEx and Taxes, etc. And, the company or business needs to ensure that there are appropriate safegaurds in place in order to protect their data, etc… Also, government has an obligation to the people in general in safegaurding our rights, security, and safety.

Another, question that will continue to be raised and will increase overtime is government and business obligations to the financial welfare of the people. And, this one will become more and more complex and interesting overtime. If AI was to truly displace millions of workers; how will the countries help feed, clothe, and house millions displaced people beyond what they have done in their own country’s past? Will the countries government place a special tax structure on companies and businesses to help fund the displaced workers and their families? Or, will it be a joint partnership with business and government? It does make one wonder.

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Jan 21, 2016

Multimillion dollar humanoid robot doesn’t make for a good cleaner

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

This article does trigger some good questions for companies & households to consider as we roll forward into robotic mania. One, is the cost to replace or the cost to update/ upgrade your new “humanoid robot/s.” How do we look at CapEx when is comes to a “humanoid robot” v. a non-humanoid machine; and what will congress & government’s/ IRS viewpoint be around a “humanoid”; will there be special new rules in how we depreciate and do tax breaks on “humanoids” v. non humanoid AI machines?

Bottom line is, with a humanoid bot we’re stepping into a realm of companionship, relationships, etc. like any one would have with a person in their household, company, etc. And, the way government, etc. will view those situations and relationships may get interesting for all of us. We still have lots and lots of questions to figure out around this area; however, we do still have some time.

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Jan 21, 2016

FINANCIAL PANIC: China’s stock markets hit again as fears grow for GLOBAL CRASH

Posted by in categories: finance, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Investments in gene editing, AI, robotics, Quantum; everything is looking rosy. What could potentially go wrong or slow us down?

STOCK markets in China and Asia have taken another hammering, hitting traders in Britain and across the globe with yet more waves of panic.

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Jan 21, 2016

Why Elon Musk’s Luddite Award is making Seattle researchers say ‘I told you so’

Posted by in categories: business, Elon Musk, robotics/AI

Although some journalists, etc. love writing these stories; I do believe that we must realize that folks like Gates, Musk, etc. have access to a lot of leaders in industry and government. So my advice for what it’s worth to you the reader is: We all must step back & look at the bigger picture; especially when you have folks involved who have access to people, conversations, and things that many of us will never have access to. We do owe this to ourselves, our people, our company, to our customers as well when we look at our own corporate & business future state.

Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking will share this year’s Luddite Award – an annual tribute to the worst anti-technology idea of the year – for stirring what the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation called “fear and hysteria in 2015 by raising alarms that artificial intelligence could spell doom for humanity.”

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Jan 21, 2016

Gatebox Hologram Communication Robot: Siri 3D

Posted by in categories: habitats, media & arts, robotics/AI

Have you ever wondered what is going to replace the likes of Siri, Cortana, and Alexa? You may be looking at their next logical stage – this holographic digital home assistant.

gatebox_holographic_assistant_1zoom in

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Jan 21, 2016

Realistic artificial intelligence can make games – or break them

Posted by in categories: entertainment, robotics/AI, virtual reality

Interesting; especially how AI is leveraged for enhancing games which does make perfect sense from a pattern recognition and improvement standpoint.

As Central Florida’s video game community enters the virtual reality era, specialists and artists who can create fantasy worlds will be in higher demand here.

Video games often try to transport players to a virtual world, whether it’s a land of wooden zombies or a virtual representation of the Amway Center.

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Jan 21, 2016

Now a robot can serve coffee to your hotel room

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The perfect cup of coffee each morning.

Created by Californian company Savioke, Relay has made 11,000 guest deliveries at five hotel brands. Its cargo? Starbucks coffee.

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