

Archive for the ‘particle physics’ category: Page 485

Feb 25, 2017

Group introduces six new particles to standard model to solve five enduring problems

Posted by in category: particle physics

(—A quartet of researchers has boldly proposed the addition of six new particles to the standard model to explain five enduring problems. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, Guillermo Ballesteros with Université Paris Saclay, Javier Redondo with Universidad de Zaragoza, Andreas Ringwald with Max-Planck-Institut für Physik and Carlos Tamarit with Durham University describe the six particles they would like to add and why.

The standard theory is, of course, a model that has been developed over the past half-century by physicists to describe how the universe works, and includes such things as the electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions, and also describes what are believed to be the particles that play a role in it all. To date, the theory lists 17 and has stood up against rigorous testing, but it still does not include explanations for what are considered to be some fundamental things.

The researchers are quick to point out that they are not proposing any new physics. Instead, they have assembled what they believe are the most promising theories regarding several problems with the and their possible solutions, and have put them together as an outline of sorts for research moving forward.

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Feb 25, 2017

If You Can’t Find Dark Matter, Look First for a Dark Force

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

While cosmologists may be fascinated by what dark matter does, particle physicists are fascinated by what dark matter is. For us, dark matter should be—naturally—a particle, albeit one that is still lurking hidden in our data. For the last few decades, we’ve had a tantalizing guess as to what this particle might be—namely, the lightest of a new class of supersymmetric particles. Supersymmetry is an extension to the Standard Model of particles and forces that nicely addresses lingering questions about the stability of the mass of the Higgs boson, the unification of the forces, and the particle nature of dark matter. In fact, supersymmetry predicts a vast number of new particles—one for each particle we already know about. Yet while one of those new particles could constitute dark matter, to many of us that would be just a happy byproduct.

But after analyzing data from the first (2010–2012) and second (2015–2018) runs of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), we haven’t found supersymmetric particles yet—indeed, no new particles at all, beyond the Higgs boson. So, while we continue to hunt for supersymmetry, we’re also taking a fresh look at what our cosmology colleagues can tell us about dark matter. It is the strongest experimental evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model, after all.

In fact, some might say that a principal goal of the LHC and future colliders will be to create and study dark matter. For that to happen, there must be a means for the visible universe and the dark universe to communicate with each other. In other words, the constituents of the particles that we collide must be capable of interacting with the putative dark-matter particles via fundamental forces. A force requires a force carrier, or boson. The electromagnetic force is carried by the photon, the weak nuclear force by so-called vector bosons, and so on. Interactions between dark matter and normal matter should be no different: They could happen by exchanging dark bosons.

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Feb 23, 2017

Creating integrated circuits just atoms thick

Posted by in categories: electronics, particle physics

A new technique using liquid metals to create integrated circuits that are just atoms thick could lead to the next big advance for electronics.

The process opens the way for the production of large wafers around 1.5 nanometres in depth (a sheet of paper, by comparison, is 100,000nm thick).

Other techniques have proven unreliable in terms of quality, difficult to scale up and function only at very high temperatures — 550 degrees or more.

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Feb 23, 2017

Plan to attract world’s best talent to ‘science center’ in Zhangjiang

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics, science

As I shared yesterday with others, the world of tech is about to be flipped on its’ head & even spun around several times. So what is the impact? It means that the companies “big tech” & Silicon Valley will need to change & evolve faster than ever or they could see countries with no old tech products & old tech brand will be given an easier playing field to adapt, quick-to-market due to no legacy noise, & refreshing as the new image brand v. an older stigma-brand tied to the good old days of Moore’s Law. So, I see many new versions of SVs outside the US emerging.

Shanghai’s Pudong will build a Tsung-Dao Lee Research Center in the Zhangjiang area, along with a batch of new world-class scientific institutes in a bid to develop the area into a “national science center.”

The research center is named after the Shanghai-born scientist who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1957 and will focus on particle physics and astrophysics as well as quantum science and technology, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission said.

“The new center aims to enhance China’s influence on the fields of fundamental physics,” a commission official told reporters yesterday.

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Feb 23, 2017

Single atom feels the quantum heat

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Be discrete —

Single atom feels the quantum heat

Gold climbs a thermal staircase, platinum climbs a thermal hill.

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Feb 23, 2017

Carbon dioxide converts into fuel using ultraviolet light

Posted by in categories: chemistry, particle physics

Harvesting energy from carbon emissions.

Washington: Scientists have developed tiny nano particles that turned carbon dioxide into fuel using light.

Researchers said that carbon dioxide converts into methane, a key building block for many types of fuels, by using only ultraviolet light as an energy source.

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Feb 23, 2017

A Potential Dark Matter Signature Has Been Seen in The Andromeda Galaxy

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

NASA’s Fermi Telescope has looked at the gamma-ray emission of M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, and discovered the largest fraction of this powerful radiation comes from the core of the galaxy, very much like in our own Milky Way. The international team of researchers has considered this signature as potential indirect evidence of dark matter.

Some theoretical models predict gamma-ray emissions when dark matter particles interact with each other. Dark matter doesn’t like interacting at all, it doesn’t form clumps or clouds, so these gamma-ray signals might only happen in dense regions, like at the core of galaxies.

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Feb 21, 2017

Quantum Entanglement is Just as Einstein Predicted

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

I never doubt the theory.

We owe a lot to Einstein, and this week physicists have confirmed another of his theories by unraveling and proving that quantum entanglement does in fact exist. Under the standard quantum theory, nothing has a definitive state until it’s measured, and when two particles interact they become entangled. Being entangled means no longer do the particles have their probabilities but one that includes both particles together. Even though two photons become entangled, they can still travel light years apart from each other, but they will always remain linked.

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Feb 21, 2017

A.I. Machines Are Learning Quantum Physics And Solving Complex Problems On Their Own

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics, robotics/AI, supercomputing

In the past, traditional methods to understand the behavior of quantum interacting systems have worked well, but there are still many unsolved problems. To solve them, Giuseppe Carleo of ETH Zurich, Switzerland, used machine learning to form a variational approach to the quantum many-body problem.

Before digging deeper, let me tell you a little about the many-body problem. It deals with the difficulty of analyzing “multiple nontrivial relationships encoded in the exponential complexity of the many-body wave function.” In simpler language, it’s the study of interactions between many quantum particles.

If we take a look at our current computing power, modeling a wave function will need lot more powerful supercomputers. But, according to Carleo, the neural networks are pretty good at generalizing. Hence, they need only limited information to infer something. So, fiddling with this idea, Carleo and Matthias Troyer created a simple neural network to reconstruct such multi-body wave function.

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Feb 16, 2017

Revolutionary New Technique Visualizes Biomolecules Without Crystallization

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Quantum interpolation makes viewing Biomolecules at room temp. possible without freezing. This technique will enable more powerful sensors than we have ever had before.

In the latest issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from MIT and Singapore University of Technology and Design are describing a new technique that may finally give life scientists a detailed view into many of the biomolecules they work with. These days, X-ray diffraction is typically used to see the structure of a molecule. But this requires crystallization, a process not all molecules, including many proteins, are unwilling to undergo.

The technology uses tiny diamond crystals that have a nitrogen atom in place of a single carbon atom. These so-called “nitrogen vacancy centers” make the crystals react to minute fluctuations of magnetic and electric fields surrounding them. They’re so sensitive that the spins of individual atoms of a nearby molecule affect them enough to be detected by an external device.

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