Sep 5, 2015
Bill Gates Predicted Today’s Technologies in 1999
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: futurism
The Microsoft founder’s forecasts have proved eerily prescient–and a few of them could still turn out to be great startup ideas.
The Microsoft founder’s forecasts have proved eerily prescient–and a few of them could still turn out to be great startup ideas.
In 2025, in accordance with Moore’s Law, we’ll see an acceleration in the rate of change as we move closer to a world of true abundance. Here are eight areas where we’ll see extraordinary transformation in the next decade:
Britain’s battleship of the future: torpedoes that travel at almost 350 mph, an electromagnetic rail gun, drones made on board and a holographic control room.
Philip E. Tetlock presents findings from the Good Judgment Project:
In 1984, Tetlock began holding “forecasting tournaments” in which selected candidates were asked questions about the course of events. Accuracy rates have exceeded IARPA’s expectations.
To arrive at the edge of the world’s knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves.
Over half a century after the dawn of the space age, getting to space remains an epic challenge. Twice this year, the first stage of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket met a fiery end on the Atlantic Ocean—both attempts to recover and reuse rockets to reduce launch costs. A third rocket never made orbit, exploding on ascent.
Lets go for 7 billion likes on this one.
This video is dedicated to Shia LaBeouf, for reminding us all that if we want to do something, we should JUST DO IT.
The only thing that this article made me want to delete was the article itself. Considering how absurdly cheap data storage (and cloud based storage) systems are nowadays, there’s no reason NOT to save all that information and entertainment. If you don’t believe me, just ask the NSA! THEY seem to think it’s a good idea…
err.. wink
You may not be a physical hoarder, but are you a digital hoarder?
Imagine having a tattoo in your body that you can control from your own smartphone. Change up your tattoo art, show important messages, or just erase your tattoo altogether for that important job interview. Well, the future has arrived… thanks to groundbreaking subdermal E Ink technology, we have been able to develop the world’s first E Ink tattoo.
Electronic Ink is an incredible technology. Prior to E Ink’s development, a dynamic image display required a constant current of electricity, inevitably tying the longevity of the display to the power source. Like any other implantable wearable technology, adding a display to our body has been limited by the requirement on battery power. E Ink changed this by providing a medium that consumes energy only when the content of the display changes, not requiring a current to maintain the image on its display. The result is that we can create a screen on our skin that displays information with very little energy usage.