

Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1139

Nov 19, 2014

BitCoin, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain Technology — FACTOM

Posted by in categories: automation, big data, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, complex systems, computing, disruptive technology, economics, education, encryption, engineering, environmental, ethics, finance, futurism, geopolitics, hacking, information science, law, materials, open access, policy, science, security, software, supercomputing, transparency

Quoted: “The Factom team suggested that its proposal could be leveraged to execute some of the crypto 2.0 functionalities that are beginning to take shape on the market today. These include creating trustless audit chains, property title chains, record keeping for sensitive personal, medical and corporate materials, and public accountability mechanisms.

During the AMA, the Factom president was asked how the technology could be leveraged to shape the average person’s daily life.”

Kirby responded:

“Factom creates permanent records that can’t be changed later. In a Factom world, there’s no more robo-signing scandals. In a Factom world, there are no more missing voting records. In a Factom world, you know where every dollar of government money was spent. Basically, the whole world is made up of record keeping and, as a consumer, you’re at the mercy of the fragmented systems that run these records.”

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Nov 19, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 20, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 20, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: The Cognitive Usefulness of the Internet of Things

ZDNet: Internet of things: Poised to be a security headache? Nearly 95 percent of enterprises are at least concerned about the security of the Internet of things. Here’s a look at a potential security model.

CNNMoney: FAA can regulate drones

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Nov 18, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 19, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 19, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

a Amazon and Lifeboat

FINANCIAL TIMES: Object 2014-28E – Space junk or Russian satellite killer? It is a tale that could have come from the cold war. A mysterious object launched by the Russian military is being tracked by western space agencies, stoking fears over the revival of a defunct Kremlin project to destroy .…

ZDNET: Data science: ‘Machines do analytics. Humans do analysis’

TIME: New York Is Transforming Its Old Payphones into Wi-Fi Hotspots

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Nov 17, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 18, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 18, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

a Amazon and Lifeboat

The Economist: Genetically modified crops. The biggest study so far finds that GM crops have large, widespread benefits The biggest study so far finds that GM crops have large, widespread benefits

The Economist: What next for retail banks?

Bank of Canada: Money in a Digital World

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Nov 17, 2014

A New Economic Layer — BitCoin, Cryptorcurrency, and Blockchain Technology

Posted by in categories: big data, bitcoin, business, complex systems, computing, disruptive technology, economics, electronics, encryption, engineering, ethics, finance, futurism, geopolitics, hacking, human trajectories, information science, innovation, internet, law, materials, media & arts, military, open access, open source, policy, privacy, science, scientific freedom, security, software, supercomputing

Preamble: Bitcoin 1.0 is currency — the deployment of cryptocurrencies in applications related to cash such as currency transfer, remittance, and digital payment systems. Bitcoin 2.0 is contracts — the whole slate of economic, market, and financial applications using the blockchain that are more extensive than simple cash transactions like stocks, bonds, futures, loans, mortgages, titles, smart property, and smart contracts

Bitcoin 3.0 is blockchain applications beyond currency, finance, and markets, particularly in the areas of government, health, science, literacy, culture, and art.

Read the article here »

Nov 16, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 17, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 17, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

a Amazon and Lifeboat

Huffington Post UK: The Technological Revolution Is All Well and Good — But We Must Ensure That the Digital Skills Gap Is Bridged

Alberta Express: The next farm technology revolution. Rob Saik says big data will soon be a fact of life on farms, and producers will have to find ways to deal with it all

WALL STREET JOURNAL: How Is Our Digital Revolution Doing?

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Nov 15, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 16, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 16, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

a Amazon and Lifeboat

REUTERS: Western leaders confront Putin at G20 with threat of more sanctions. Western leaders warned Vladimir Putin at a G20 summit on Saturday that he risked more economic sanctions if he failed to end Russian backing for separatist rebels in Ukraine. Russia denied any involvement in an escalation of the separatist war in eastern Ukraine, where more than 4,000 people have been killed since April, but faced strong rebukes from leaders including U.S. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. “I guess I’ll shake your hand but I have only one thing to say to you: you need to get out of Ukraine,” Harper told Putin at the summit in Brisbane, Australia, according to his spokesman Jason MacDonald.

FORBES: IBM Signs $325 Million Supercomputing Deal With Dept. Of Energy

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Nov 14, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 15, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 15, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

a Amazon and Lifeboat

NBC NEWS: Australia Accuses Russia of Trying to Reclaim ‘Lost Glories’

CBC: Vladimir Putin stations Russian warships off Australia’s coast ahead of G20 Diplomatic drama has been simmering since a Malaysia Airlines plane was shot down over an area of Ukraine

THE ECONOMIST: A renewed Russian military build-up could be a prelude to more fighting. EVEN as Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, was heading to the G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia, tensions in Ukraine were escalating.

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Nov 13, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 14, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 14, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

BBC: Oil price falls below $80 a barrel

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: An artificial retina based on semiconductor nanorods and carbon nanotubes. An international team of researchers has combined semiconductor nanorods and carbon nanotubes to create a wireless, light-sensitive, flexible film that could potentially act in the place of a damaged retina.

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Twisted-light waves transmitted in air over a 3-kilometer path. Could significantly increase data rates for non-fiber communications and improve encryption of quantum communications

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Nov 13, 2014

FM-2030: What is the Future of Democracy? Part 2

Posted by in categories: futurism, lifeboat, philosophy, science

The audio in this archive file was compiled from a 1984 meeting of futurists, transhumanists, and progressives. The main topic of the meeting was the most appropriate ways to engage or advance these philosophies within government. For example, one significant point of discussion centered around whether running for office was an effective way to drive change.

In the course of the discussion, the primary viewpoint FM-2030 espoused was that some aspects of government — especially the concept of leadership — would become obsolete or be replaced by other aspects of society (see Part 1). However, he also expressed what he believed the core of a ‘true’ democracy might look like. This archive file is assembled from excerpts of that section of the discussion.