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Brachistochrone is a Greek word which translates to the shortest time, and it refers to one of the questions posed by one of the Bernoulli’s brothers; Johann Bernoulli. If you want to move from point A to B in the quickest time possible what is the shortest time you can take. Most people will assume that the straight line will be the shortest and will take the least time which isn’t true.

Listen to the solution to this problem by Steven Strogatz here.

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Did Carl Sagan really warn about a time in the future when manufacturing jobs would slip away, when the average person would have virtually no control over their political lives, and when we would all cling to superstitions? Yes, Sagan did predict just that. The screenshot you may have seen floating around social media is real. And plenty of people are worried that Carl was talking about our era.

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One Overall Winning Submission Receives: Story turned into visualization | Invitation to present story at Mad Scientist Conference in Washington DC |

Most Expenses covered for travel


Papers chosen by panel will be published in: Army Press, Small Wars Journal

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