

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 636

Jul 5, 2018

Implanting diamonds with flaws offers key technology for quantum communications

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

Diamonds are prized for their purity, but their flaws might hold the key to a new type of highly secure communications.

Princeton University researchers are using to help create a communication network that relies on a property of subatomic particles known as their quantum state. Researchers believe such quantum information networks would be extremely secure and could also allow new quantum computers to work together to complete problems that are currently unsolvable. But scientists currently designing these networks face several challenges, including how to preserve fragile quantum information over long distances.

Now, researchers have arrived at a possible solution using synthetic diamonds.

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Jul 3, 2018

Meta-analysis finds sustained benefits of neurofeedback for kids with ADHD

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

Fascinating findings: “1. Neurofeedback yields significant reductions in parent ratings of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. 2. These reductions persist for up to 2–12 months after neurofeedback ends. 3. Although medication has a larger initial effect, symptom reductions resulting from neurofeedback and medication may be comparable over a more extended time period.”

In neurofeedback treatment for ADHD, individuals learn to alter their typical pattern of brainwave activity, i.e., EEG activity, to one that is consistent with a focused and attentive state.

This is done by collecting EEG data from individuals as they focus on stimuli presented on a computer screen. Their ability to control the stimuli, e.g., keeping the smile on a smiley face keeping a video playing, depends on their maintaining an EEG state that reflects focused attention.

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Jul 2, 2018

How quantum computers will change everything without you noticing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Everyone keeps saying quantum computers are going to change everything, but how come we’re still buying regular ones? Chances are, the quantum revolution will happen behind the scenes.

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Jul 1, 2018

A Free Education for All the World’s People Will Save our Species

Posted by in categories: computing, education, ethics, finance, internet

In terms of moral, social, and philosophical uprightness, isn’t it striking to have the technology to provide a free education to all the world’s people (i.e. the Internet and cheap computers) and not do it? Isn’t it classist and backward to have the ability to teach the world yet still deny millions of people that opportunity due to location and finances? Isn’t that immoral? Isn’t it patently unjust? Should it not be a universal human goal to enable everyone to learn whatever they want, as much as they want, whenever they want, entirely for free if our technology permits it? These questions become particularly deep if we consider teaching, learning, and education to be sacred enterprises.

When we as a global community confront the truly difficult question of considering what is really worth devoting our limited time and resources to in an era marked by global catastrophe, I always find my mind returning to what the Internet hasn’t really been used for yet — and what was rumored from its inception that it should ultimately provide — an utterly and entirely free education for all the world’s people.

In regard to such a concept, Bill Gates said in 2010:

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Jul 1, 2018

Google sister company and drug giant chip in another $1 billion to cure age-related diseases

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension

Google sister company Calico and drug giant AbbVie are chipping in another $1 billion to cure diseases associated with aging, the companies said Tuesday.

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Jun 30, 2018

Time Split to the Nanosecond Is Precisely What Wall Street Wants

Posted by in categories: computing, finance

Driven by the needs of the financial industry, researchers are working on ways to manage vast computer systems down to 100 billionths of a second.

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Jun 28, 2018

Dark Matter ‘Test’ Will Either Prove Its Existence or Modify Gravity

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology

For something that supposedly takes up 80 percent of the total mass of the universe, we don’t know a whole lot about dark matter. Sometimes the lightless stuff reveals hints about its shape; other times it completely thwarts any evidence supporting its existence. Since we can’t observe it first-hand, we rely on indirect means to suss out information about it, like watching the interactions between other forms of matter. Now, scientists have developed a new “test” to make those investigations more definitive, leading us closer to answering the question: Is dark matter even real? And if it’s not, then is everything we know about gravity wrong?

In a study, published Monday in Physical Review Letters, a team of scientists from the University of Bonn that also includes Hubble Fellow Marcel S. Pawlowski, Ph.D. of the University of California, Irvine, introduce a computer model that can simulate how certain small galaxies should move if dark matter exists. Though dark matter does not absorb or emit light, it still interacts with visible matter through gravity, so it’s expected to make the stars around galaxies move in specific ways.

Pawlowski explains to Inverse in an email that within the little galaxies in question — satellite “dwarf” galaxies, crowding around the edges of big galaxies like the Milky Way — the acceleration of stars speeding around the galaxy’s center is described by a term called the radial acceleration relation, or RAR. “With the new study, we simulate such dwarf galaxies under the assumption of the ‘standard’ dark matter model, [to] determine what kind of behavior would be expected for the dwarfs,” he says. “We find that the simulated dwarf galaxies largely continue the RAR to lower accelerations.” Now that they know how those dwarf galaxies are supposed to move if dark matter exists, they can compare the simulations to real-life data on the movement of those galaxies.

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Jun 28, 2018

Ubiquitous Computing (The Future of Computing)

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, neuroscience

Recommended Books ➤

📖 Life 3.0 —
📖 The Master Algorithm —
📖 Superintelligence —

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Jun 27, 2018

3D printed homes and pods of Martian rock, is this what life will look like on Mars?

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, computing, Elon Musk, habitats, holograms, space, virtual reality

ELON MUSK wants to plump humans on Mars by 2024 and the first batch of settlers could live in 3D-printed home pods that pack hologram computers.

You’ll be able to tour the Red Planet habitat in virtual reality and view a scale model of the sci-fi living space at the Goodwood Festival of Speed next month.

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Jun 26, 2018

China to crack down on fraud in scandal-hit scientific research amid ZTE wrangle

Posted by in category: computing

China has issued the first national guidelines to enforce academic integrity in scientific research and vowed to punish academics and institutes for misconduct such as plagiarism and fabrication of data.

Researchers and institutes involved in misconduct including plagiarism, fabrication of data and research conclusions, ghostwriting and peer review manipulation will face severe punishments, Xinhua reported.

Scandals involving plagiarism and fabrication of research findings have become more prevalent in recent years. Springer Nature last year retracted 107 papers published in Tumor Biology between 2012 and 2017 after an investigation found the authors had supplied the journal’s editors with made-up contact information for third-party reviewers.

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