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Earlier this month, Airtable announced it’s now worth $11 billion after its latest funding round. The company’s “code-for-everyone-else approach allows professionals who aren’t fluent in coding languages such as Java or Python, and don’t have their desk buried deep within the stack, to play a part in rethinking and remaking the consumer and client digital experience,” reports Riley de León of CNBC. “The low-code movement has attracted an even higher level of attention as a result of the pandemic, during which organizations from hospitals to government entities and corporations have had to develop online offerings at a faster pace than ever expected and for new use cases.”

This movement is part of an increasing democratization of programming — borne of extreme necessity. At a time when digital transformation is everywhere, “relying on IT departments and professional programmers is unsustainable,” an O’Reilly report states. “We need to enable people who aren’t programmers to develop the software they need. We need to enable people to solve their own computational problems.”

Tesla has introduced the new AMD Ryzen chip and 12v Li-ion battery in 2022 Model 3 Model Y vehicles.

Earlier this month, we reported on a bunch of new features and changes coming to the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y that leaked through a test program in Europe.

Amongst many things, the leak revealed that new Model 3 and Model Y vehicles coming to Europe, which are made in China, would come with the new AMD Ryzen chip that is powering the media computer in the new Model S and Model X and the Model Y Performance made in China. Also, the lead-acid 12v battery will change to a Li-ion battery system.

Circa 2020

What do you get when you place a thin film of perovskite material used in solar cells on top of a magnetic substrate? More efficient hard drive technology. EPFL physicist László Forró and his team pave the way for the future of data storage.

“The key was to get the technology to work at room temperature,” explains László Forró, EPFL physicist. “We had already known that it was possible to rewrite magnetic spin using light, but you’d have to cool the apparatus to—180 degrees Kelvin.”

Forró, along with his colleagues Bálint Náfrádi and Endre Horváth, succeeded at tuning one ferromagnet at room temperature with , a proof of concept that establishes the foundations of a new generation of hard drives that will be physically smaller, faster, and cheaper, requiring less energy compared to today’s commercial hard drives. The results are published in PNAS.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro Charging

The Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro, which will be released on December 28, is the first smartphone equipped with the Surge P1. It supports wired 120W charging, 50W wireless charging, and 10W wireless reverse charging. Xiaomi said that the 120W charging technology of the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro has two modes: low-temperature mode, “the temperature is only 37 degrees Celsius, and the body temperature is comfortable”; the fast mode.

How does our biology give rise to the experience of consciousness?
Anil’s new book “Being You” is available now:
Watch the Q&A:

Anil Seth argues, using innovative combinations of theory and experiment, that our brains are prediction machines inventing our world and correcting our mistakes by the microsecond. Anil’s new perspective on consciousness has shed light on the nature of the self, free will, the intimate relationship between being alive and being aware — and the possibility of conscious machines.

Anil Seth is Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex, where he is also Co-Director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science. He is also a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellow, Co-Director of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Program on Brain, Mind, and Consciousness, and Co-Director of the Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarship Programme: From Sensation and Perception to Awareness.

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Undoubtedly the fear of death, encoded in our DNA to improve our chances of survival, is one of the least pleasant characteristics we are forced to live with. The idea that our life must have an end and then there is nothingness is not at all attractive, so it is not surprising that in the course of his history man has imagined countless ways to circumvent death.
Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of surviving forever or for an indefinite period of time, without facing death or overcoming death itself.

Immortality can be intended in two main meanings, physical and spiritual. Physical immortality is generally conceived as the endless existence of the mind from a physical source, such as a brain or a computer. Spiritual immortality is generally conceived as the endless existence of an individual after physical death.

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“Some of our visual content is under an Attribution-ShareAlike license. ( in its different versions such as 1.0, 2.0, 30, and 4.0 – permitting commercial sharing with attribution given in each picture accordingly in the video.”

Meta surely won’t have a free run.

Chinese search engine giant Baidu has launched its own version of the metaverse, called Xi Rang, South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported. A video released by the media outlet shows users experiencing the metaverse through virtual reality (VR) headsets and handheld controllers.

Following Facebook’s rebranding to Meta, the word Metaverse has quickly become a commonly used term. Last month, Microsoft had declared how it planned to integrate the metaverse into its existing products. As with all things tech, one would expect U.S. companies to run ahead of the rest of the world, but Baidu is not going to let that happen so easily.

At first glance, Xi Rang looks a bit primitive as compared to legless floating avatars we saw in Horizon World’s preview earlier this month. However, the videos are likely from the public demonstrations held previously and could see more improvements in the final release. Even if that does not happen immediately, Baidu’s version of the metaverse will remain accessible to the larger public as it can be accessed via smartphones and computers, and not just VR headsets alone as in the case of Meta.