

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 988

Apr 24, 2022

Sound Waves Eliminate Liver Cancer In Rats, Offering Hope For Future Non-Invasive Therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

High-amplitude ultrasound pulses have been used to partially destroy liver tumors in rats, triggering the rodents’ immune systems to clear the remaining cancerous cells and prevent the disease from spreading or returning. Presenting their findings in the journal Cancers, the researchers behind this breakthrough say their technique could lead to effective, non-invasive treatments for some of the most intractable cancers in human patients.

Liver cancer certainly falls into that category, and is associated with a five-year survival rate of just 18 percent in the US. Though many treatment options are available, liver tumors have a tendency to metastasize or recur after these interventions.

In their study, the authors explain that conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and thermal ablation are effective at destroying tumors, yet also trigger a somewhat unpredictable immune reaction which can be anti-tumor or pro-tumor. Furthermore, they note that the size, location, and stage of a tumor can sometimes make it impossible to target the entire tissue mass with existing treatments.

Apr 24, 2022

Elon Musk said his Neuralink brain chip could help treat morbid obesity. Scientists say it’s a long shot — but not an impossibility

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, Elon Musk, neuroscience

Elon Musk believes his Neuralink brain chip could help treat morbid obesity. Experts say the billionaire’s dream isn’t as far-fetched as it may seem.

“I don’t think it is any more implausible than other claims for the potential of neurotechnology,” Professor Andrew Jackson, an expert in neural interfaces at Newcastle University, told Insider.

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Apr 24, 2022

Researchers have discovered a de-ageing technique that made skin cells 30 years younger

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

This is not the first successful research on de-ageing cells. Earlier, Shinya Yamanaka, a Nobel prize-winning stem cell researcher, genetically reprogrammed the mouse skin cells and turned them into induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs, back in 2006. These cells type had the potential to form any cell type in the body. Yamanaka’s method took 50 days and completely reprograms cells to the biological age of an embryo. Gill’s method only took 13 days.

In a statement, Gill said, “Our results represent a big step forward in our understanding of cell reprogramming. We have proved that cells can be rejuvenated without losing their function and that rejuvenation looks to restore some function to old cells.”

Apr 24, 2022

How Much Oxalate Is Too Much? n=1 Analysis

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

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Papers referenced in the video:
Dietary oxalate to calcium ratio and incident cardiovascular events: a 10-year follow-up among an Asian population.

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Apr 24, 2022

Evidence suggests cancer is not as purely genetic as once thought

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

New evidence shows that cancer is not as heritable or purely genetic as once thought, and taking a multi-omics approach may lead to a better understanding of how to prevent and treat it.

Apr 23, 2022

Cannabis And Pancreatic Cancer: Botanical Drug Kills 100% Of Cancer Cells, Research On The Cell Model Reveals

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Cannabotech (CNTC.TA), which is involved in the development of a botanical drug based on an extract of the Cyathus striatus fungus and a cannabinoid extract from the cannabis plant, reports that in experiments conducted on a cell model, the fungus extract eliminated 100% of pancreatic cancer cells relatively selectively and without damaging normal cells.

What Happened

The fungus has been the subject of research to test its anti-cancer efficacy in prof. Fuad Fares’ laboratory at the University of Haifa for about eight years. It was selected as the preferred candidate for the development of a drug for pancreatic and colon cancer after showing better anti-cancer results than a variety of other fungi tested. A few months ago, Cannabotech received global and exclusive rights of use for patents created in Fares’ research and began leading an accelerated process of developing a botanical drug as defined by the FDA.

Apr 23, 2022

This exquisitely sensitive machine can hear a single bacterium die

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, materials

Apr 23, 2022

Morgan Levine is interviewed by Rhonda Patrick on Longevity. My picks on it

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension

This is a 10-minute version with my picks on an hour-and-a-half interview on the longevity science made by Rhonda Patrick to Morgan Levine.

The link to the entire interview, which took place on April 12, 2022, is in the description of the video.

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Apr 23, 2022

Sonia Arrison — Author, Analyst, Investor, Entrepreneur — Positively Impacting Human Longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, life extension, singularity

Making positive impacts on human longevity — sonia arrison, author, analyst, investor, entrepreneur.

Sonia Arrison ( is a best-selling author, analyst, entrepreneur, and investor.

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Apr 23, 2022

Future Of Aging & Cellular Reprogramming | Eleanor Sheekey Ep 4

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension, media & arts

She gives a great analogy of slowing aging versus reversing aging, and I did not realize Yamanaka Factors were not so perfect in current use.

In this video Eleanor talks about the her view on Longevity Escape Velocity and reprogramming with Yamanaka factors and some of the issues around this technology.

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