

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 519

Apr 29, 2023

Seattle startup gets FDA clearance for new surgical imaging tool

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A Seattle medical tech company’s revolutionary surgical imaging instrument has become the first light-enabled navigation tool for spine surgery to receive Food and Drug Administration clearance.

Why it matters: Officials with Proprio believe the tool, which allows surgeons to essentially “see” the spine being operated on in real time, could dramatically improve clinical outcomes.

Driving the news: This month, the Paradigm device received the FDA 510(k) clearance that’s required for new medical implements before they are taken to market, Proprio said in an emailed announcement.

Apr 29, 2023

Elderly people can improve episodic memory via neurostimulation of the cerebellum, shows study

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

A recent study demonstrated that non-invasive stimulation of the right cerebellum led to improvements in episodic memory performance in healthy elderly individuals, at the end of a 12-day neurostimulation program, and also at the point of a 4-month follow-up.

The steady increase in average life expectancy poses significant challenges to individuals, families, and societies across multiple dimensions. Estimating that by 2050 one in every six individuals will be over the age of 65, the study of aging and its association with , and overall frailty is becoming increasingly important.

Therefore, it has been an important goals of neurosciences research to understand the relationship between the and deficits and to develop interventions to mitigate the in our ability to remember personal past events (episodic memory).

Apr 29, 2023

Bold new therapy delivery method shows initial promise as treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical

Doug Millay, Ph.D., a scientist with the Division of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology at Cincinnati Children’s has dedicated his career to revealing the most fundamental mechanisms of skeletal muscle development. He has been a leader in characterizing how two “fusogens” called Myomaker and Myomerger mediate the entry of stem cells into mature muscle cells to build the tissue that humans depend upon for movement, breathing, and survival.

Now, some of the basic discoveries made by Millay and colleagues are translating into a potential treatment for people living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Their latest research, published April 12, 2023, in the journal Cell, reveals that in mice, modified viruses, engineered with Myomaker and Myomerger, result in specific fusion with . These viruses can therefore be used as a vector to deliver a vital gene needed for that is mutated in people with DMD.

A key unknown prior to this work was whether proteins like Myomaker and Myomerger, which mainly function on cells, could even work on viruses. First author Sajedah Hindi, Ph.D., also with the Division of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology at Cincinnati Children’s and a leading member of the research team, took on the challenge to test this idea.

Apr 29, 2023

ChatGPT outperforms human doctors in medical advice

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, robotics/AI

The opportunities for improving healthcare with AI are massive,” said Professor Ayers. “AI-augmented care is the future of medicine.

Israeli company Steakholder Foods has announced that it successfully 3D printed the first ready-to-cook cultivated grouper fish product.

Apr 29, 2023

Scientists Built a Machine From Lego That Can Grow Human Skin

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Sourcing human tissue samples for biological investigations isn’t always easy. While they are ethically obtained through organ donation or from tissue that’s removed during surgical procedures, scientists are finding them increasingly difficult to get hold of.

And it’s not just because there’s a limited supply of human tissue samples. There’s also restricted availability of the specific size and type of tissue samples needed for the many projects taking place at any given time.

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Apr 29, 2023

Relating enhancer genetic variation across mammals to complex phenotypes using machine learning

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, robotics/AI

Protein-coding sequence differences have failed to fully explain the evolution of multiple mammalian phenotypes. This suggests that these phenotypes have evolved at least in part through changes in gene expression, meaning that their differences across species may be caused by differences in genome sequence at enhancer regions that control gene expression in specific tissues and cell types. Yet the enhancers involved in phenotype evolution are largely unknown. Sequence conservation–based approaches for identifying such enhancers are limited because enhancer activity can be conserved even when the individual nucleotides within the sequence are poorly conserved. This is due to an overwhelming number of cases where nucleotides turn over at a high rate, but a similar combination of transcription factor binding sites and other sequence features can be maintained across millions of years of evolution, allowing the function of the enhancer to be conserved in a particular cell type or tissue. Experimentally measuring the function of orthologous enhancers across dozens of species is currently infeasible, but new machine learning methods make it possible to make reliable sequence-based predictions of enhancer function across species in specific tissues and cell types.

Apr 29, 2023

Newly discovered electrical activity within cells could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, neuroscience

The human body relies heavily on electrical charges. Lightning-like pulses of energy fly through the brain and nerves and most biological processes depend on electrical ions traveling across the membranes of each cell in our body.

These are possible, in part, because of an imbalance in electrical charges that exists on either side of a cellular membrane. Until recently, researchers believed the membrane was an essential component to creating this imbalance. But that thought was turned on its head when researchers at Stanford University discovered that similar imbalanced electrical charges can exist between microdroplets of water and air.

Now, researchers at Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around another type of cellular structure called biological condensates. Like oil droplets floating in water, these structures exist because of differences in density. They form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane.

Apr 28, 2023

Scientists design new bio-inspired molecules to promote bone regeneration

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

People’s ability to regenerate bones declines with age and is further decreased by diseases such as osteoporosis. To help the aging population, researchers are looking for new therapies that improve bone regeneration.

Now, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) and the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden along with a group from Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials (MBC) developed novel bio-inspired molecules that enhance in mice. The results were published in the journal Biomaterials.

As people age, their ability to regenerate bones decreases. Fractures take longer to heal and diseases like osteoporosis only add to it. This represents a serious health challenge to the and an increasing socioeconomic burden for the society. To help combat this issue, researchers are looking for new therapeutic approaches that can improve bone regeneration.

Apr 28, 2023

Huge cache of mammal genomes offers fresh insights on human evolution

Posted by in categories: asteroid/comet impacts, biotech/medical, evolution, existential risks, genetics

Using Zoonomia’s data, researchers have also constructed a phylogenetic tree that estimates when each mammalian species diverged from its ancestors5. This analysis lends support to the hypothesis that mammals had already started evolutionarily diverging before Earth was struck by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago — but that they diverged much more rapidly afterwards.

Only the beginning

The Zoonomia Project is just one of dozens of efforts to sequence animal genomes. Another large effort is the Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP), which aims to generate genomes for roughly all 71,000 living vertebrate species, which include mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. Although the two projects are independent of one another, many researchers are a part of both, says Haussler, who is a trustee of the VGP.

Apr 28, 2023

Gene-edited cells move science closer to repairing damaged hearts

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, science

New research offers a path toward transplants that can fix damage from a heart attack without causing life-threatening arrhythmias.

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