

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 1214

Jul 23, 2021

DeepMind creates ‘transformative’ map of human proteins drawn

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

DeepMind is using its AI prowess to accelerate scientific work.

AI research lab DeepMind has created the most comprehensive map of human proteins to date using artificial intelligence. The company, a subsidiary of Google-parent Alphabet, is releasing the data for free, with some scientists comparing the potential impact of the work to that of the Human Genome Project, an international effort to map every human gene.

Proteins are long, complex molecules that perform numerous tasks in the body, from building tissue to fighting disease. Their purpose is dictated by their structure, which folds like origami into complex and irregular shapes. Understanding how a protein folds helps explain its function, which in turn helps scientists with a range of tasks — from pursuing fundamental research on how the body works, to designing new medicines and treatments.

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Jul 23, 2021

Dr Spring Behrouz, PhD — Mitophagy, CNS Disorders, And Aging — CEO, Vincere Bio / NeuroInitiative

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension, neuroscience

Mitochondrial Quality Control (Mitophagy), CNS Disorders, and Aging — Dr. Spring Behrouz, Ph.D., CEO, Vincere Biosciences Inc. / CEO, Neuroinitiative LLC.

Dr. Bahareh (Spring) Behrouz, PhD, is the CEO of Vincere Biosciences Inc (, a biotech company focused on developing novel, small molecule therapeutics targeting mitochondrial pathways and the improvement of mitochondrial quality.

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Jul 23, 2021

Scientists Made a Biohybrid Nose Using Cells From Mosquitoes

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, cyborgs, health, transhumanism

💠 Japanese researchers have created a “nose” mosquito that can detect odors from tiny droplets of liquid droplets. The research could lead to the creation of Smell-O-Vision for machines and a means of diagnosing early cancer, they say. Japanese researchers have created a “nose” that can detect different odors at the same time. The team used two bubbles, each filled with oil, broken horizontally, to create a squinted figure-eight. They hope to use it to develop an artificial nose in the future.

Researchers have developed a “bionic nose” that can detect odor molecules. The team hopes to use the device as an inexpensive way to diagnose the early stages of illness. Eventually, the team wants to use their bionic nose for cancer and other health issues. They hope to make the device available to the public soon.

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Jul 23, 2021

The potential role of ‘junk DNA’ sequence in aging, cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

An aging/longevity/junk dna link.


The human body is essentially made up of trillions of living cells. It ages as its cells age, which happens when those cells eventually stop replicating and dividing. Scientists have long known that genes influence how cells age and how long humans live, but how that works exactly remains unclear. Findings from a new study led by researchers at Washington State University have solved a small piece of that puzzle, bringing scientists one step closer to solving the mystery of aging.

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Jul 23, 2021

Permanent Artificial Hearts Are Closer Than You Think

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business

For decades, scientists have been trying to build a long-lasting replacement for the human heart. Now, an Australian inventor believes he’s cracked one of the hardest problems in medicine.

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Jul 23, 2021

Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, genetics

In March 2017, Read and his Penn State colleague David Kennedy published a paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B in which they outlined several strategies that vaccine developers could use to ensure that future vaccines don’t get punked by evolutionary forces. One overarching recommendation is that vaccines should induce immune responses against multiple targets. A number of successful, seemingly evolution-proof vaccines already work this way: After people get inoculated with a tetanus shot, for example, their blood contains 100 types of unique antibodies, all of which fight the bacteria in different ways. In such a situation, it becomes much harder for a pathogen to accumulate all the changes needed to survive. It also helps if vaccines target all the known subpopulations of a particular pathogen, not just the most common or dangerous ones. Richard Malley and other researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital are, for instance, trying to develop a universal pneumococcal vaccine that is not serotype-specific.

Vaccines should also bar pathogens from replicating and transmitting inside inoculated hosts. One of the reasons that vaccine resistance is less of a problem than antibiotic resistance, Read and Kennedy posit, is that antibiotics tend to be given after an infection has already taken hold — when the pathogen population inside the host is already large and genetically diverse and might include mutants that can resist the drug’s effects. Most vaccines, on the other hand, are administered before infection and limit replication, which minimizes evolutionary opportunities.

But the most crucial need right now is for vaccine scientists to recognize the relevance of evolutionary biology to their field. Last month, when more than 1000 vaccine scientists gathered in Washington, D.C., at the World Vaccine Congress, the issue of vaccine-induced evolution was not the focus of any scientific sessions. Part of the problem, Read says, is that researchers are afraid: They’re nervous to talk about and call attention to potential evolutionary effects because they fear that doing so might fuel more fear and distrust of vaccines by the public — even though the goal is, of course, to ensure long-term vaccine success. Still, he and Kennedy feel researchers are starting to recognize the need to include evolution in the conversation. “I think the scientific community is becoming increasingly aware that vaccine resistance is a real risk,” Kennedy said.

Jul 23, 2021

The Science of Aliens, Part 4: What Color Would Their Blood Be?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, science

The Science of Aliens, Part IV: Would they have blood (implying a circulatory system) and if so, what color would it be?

Not every animal bleeds red, even on Earth.

Jul 23, 2021

Preclinical study finds success in reversing age-related memory loss

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

“What is exciting about this is that although our study was only in mice, the same mechanism should operate in humans – the molecules and structures in the human brain are the same as those in rodents,” says Fawcett. “This suggests that it may be possible to prevent humans from developing memory loss in old age.”

An intriguing new study from researchers in the United Kingdom is proposing an innovative method to treat age-related memory loss. The preclinical research shows memory decline in aging mice can be reversed by manipulating the composition of structures in the brain known as perineuronal nets.

Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are structures in the brain that envelop certain subsets of neurons, helping stabilize synaptic activity. They essentially put the brakes on the neuroplasticity seen in the first few years of life.

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Jul 23, 2021

Gain-of-Function: Should supercharging viruses be banned? | DW News

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, futurism

Gain-of-function experiments aim to increase the transmissibility and virulence of existing viruses, making them deadlier for humans. The stated purpose is to better understand pathogens and to develop vaccines for possible future pandemics. Critics say this type of research is extremely dangerous and should be banned or regulated. They claim it has not prevented any pandemics to date, and that the COVID-19 outbreak might be the result of an accidental release from a lab that was conducting gain-of-function research.


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Jul 23, 2021

DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of the Human Proteome – “The Most Significant Contribution AI Has Made to Advancing Scientific Knowledge to Date”

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

DeepMind and EMBL release the most complete database of predicted 3D structures of human proteins.

Partners use AlphaFold, the AI system recognized last year as a solution to the protein structure prediction problem, to release more than 350000 protein structure predictions including the entire human proteome to the scientific community.

DeepMind today announced its partnership with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences, to make the most complete and accurate database yet of predicted protein structure models for the human proteome. This will cover all ~20000 proteins expressed by the human genome, and the data will be freely and openly available to the scientific community. The database and artificial intelligence system provide structural biologists with powerful new tools for examining a protein’s three-dimensional structure, and offer a treasure trove of data that could unlock future advances and herald a new era for AI-enabled biology.