

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 1173

Aug 25, 2021

Genes for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alzheimer’s Risk Overlap: Study

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

ABOVE: MAPT, one of the genes linked to both heavy drinking and neurodegenerative diseases, codes for the protein tau (blue in this illustration) inside a neuron. NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING/ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH

Some genetic risk factors for alcohol use disorder overlap with those for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, scientists reported in Nature Communications on August 20. The study, which relied on a combination of genetic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic data, also offers insight into the molecular commonalities among these disorders, and their connections to immune disfunction.

“By meshing findings from genome wide association studies… ith gene expression in brain and other tissues, this new study has prioritized genes likely to harbor regulatory variants influencing risk of Alcohol Use Disorder,” writes David Goldman, a neurogenetics researcher at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), in an email to The Scientist. “Several of these genes are also associated with neurodegenerative disorders—an intriguing connection because of alcohol’s ability to prematurely age the brain.”

Aug 25, 2021

Revolution in biomedicine using emerging of picomaterials: A breakthrough on the future of medical diagnosis and therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, quantum physics

Pico technology is hypothetical future level of technology which will revolutionized the scientist world. This technology is combination of pico and meter with scale of trillionths of a meter (10−12). This atomic and subatomic range particles reveals extraordinary properties and pave the way for tremendous applications [1].

The way lengths and angles attach together is the main determine of the materials properties. Alterable or reversible bonds distortions at pico-meter scale which changes the electronic conformation causes multiple properties for materials.

On the other hand, pico-scale particles changes the material properties by converting energy state of electrons within an atom. Physical and chemical properties of systems such as melting point, fluorescence, electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, and chemical reactivity changes basically at pico-scale due to quantum effects of materials [2]. Moreover, surface energy of atoms increases by alternation of electron distribution and therefore, enhances protein and molecules adsorption on to materials. This privileges will resulting in tracing proteins, DNA and molecules and labeling them for various purpose.

Aug 25, 2021

AI Makes Strangely Accurate Predictions From Blurry Medical Scans, Alarming Researchers

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science, robotics/AI

New research has found that artificial intelligence (AI) analyzing medical scans can identify the race of patients with an astonishing degree of accuracy, while their human counterparts cannot. With the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approving more algorithms for medical use, the researchers are concerned that AI could end up perpetuating racial biases. They are especially concerned that they could not figure out precisely how the machine-learning models were able to identify race, even from heavily corrupted and low-resolution images.

In the study, published on pre-print service Arxiv, an international team of doctors investigated how deep learning models can detect race from medical images. Using private and public chest scans and self-reported data on race and ethnicity, they first assessed how accurate the algorithms were, before investigating the mechanism.

“We hypothesized that if the model was able to identify a patient’s race, this would suggest the models had implicitly learned to recognize racial information despite not being directly trained for that task,” the team wrote in their research.

Aug 25, 2021

Discovery that TRPV4 gene regulates cartilage growth might yield future therapies for joint repair

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical

New information from a study reported in Stem Cells might result in more effective treatments for osteoarthritis and other cartilage diseases, as well as hereditary disorders affecting cartilage development. Their findings might also point to a new way to accelerate stem cell differentiation for bioengineering cartilage, the researchers say.

Aug 24, 2021

Dust-sized supercapacitor packs the same voltage as a AAA battery

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology

The scientists behind the new device were working within the realm of nano-supercapacitors (nBSC), which are conventional capacitors but scaled down to the sub-millimeter scale. Developing these types of devices is tricky enough, but the researchers sought to make one that could work safely in the human body to power tiny sensors and implants, which requires swapping out problematic materials and corrosive electrolytes for ones that are biocompatible.

These devices are known as biosupercapacitors and the smallest ones developed to date is larger than 3 mm3, but the scientists have made a huge leap forward in terms of how tiny biosupercapacitors can be. The construction starts with a stack of polymeric layers that are sandwiched together with a light-sensitive photo-resist material that acts as the current collector, a separator membrane, and electrodes made from an electrically conductive biocompatible polymer called PEDOT: PSS.

Aug 24, 2021

Mojo Vision crams its contact lens with AR display, processor and wireless tech

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical

Do you want to wear screens on your eyes?

Aug 24, 2021

Dr. Neta Lavon, Ph.D. — CTO and Vice President of R&D — Aleph Farms — Meat For Earth (And Space)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, futurism

Novel Cultivated Meats For Earth (And Space!) — Dr. Neta Lavon Ph.D., CTO / VP of R&D, Aleph Farms.

Dr. Neta Lavon is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Vice President of R&D at Aleph Farms (, a cultivated meat company that is shaping the future of food by growing high-quality, slaughter-free beef steaks directly from cow cells, preserving natural resources, and avoiding the use of antibiotics.

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Aug 24, 2021

The ‘Joker’ Virus Has Returned to Android: It Can Empty Your Bank Accounts Without You Noticing It and It Is Hidden in These Apps in the Google Play Store

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cybercrime/malcode, mobile phones

The ‘Joker’ virus hides in several apps on the Google Play Store and the user does not realize it until their bank accounts are emptied. See how this malware operates and what are the dangerous applications.

In September 2,020 the ’Joker’ virus was found in 24 Android applications that registered more than 500 thousand downloads before being removed. It is estimated that that time it affected more than 30 countries including the United States, Brazil and Spain. Through unauthorized subscriptions, hackers could steal up to $7 (about 140 Mexican pesos) per subscription weekly, a figure that has most likely increased in recent months.

How does the Joker virus work in Android apps?

Continue reading “The ‘Joker’ Virus Has Returned to Android: It Can Empty Your Bank Accounts Without You Noticing It and It Is Hidden in These Apps in the Google Play Store” »

Aug 24, 2021

Prozac Changes Fat Composition of the Brain

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, neuroscience

Lipids are abundant in the brain, where they are found not just in the cell membranes of neurons, whose properties they modulate, but also in the so-called myelin sheaths insulating axons — the brain’s ‘wiring.’ The brain is therefore a surprisingly ‘fat’ organ — in fact, it is nearly 60% fat, the study’s first author, Anna Tkachev from Skoltech, said.

Summary: Prozac reduced polyunsaturated fatty acid lipid concentrations in the brains of juvenile macaque monkeys.

Source: Skoltech

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Aug 24, 2021

CRISPR pinpoints new leukemia target and a ‘pocket’ that could make it druggable

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

A team at Penn’s medical school discovered that an epigenetic regulatory protein called ZMYND8 governs the expression of genes that are critical for the growth and survival of AML cells. Inhibiting ZMYND8 in mouse models shrank tumors. The researchers also found a biomarker that they believe could predict which patients are likely to respond to ZMYND8 inhibition, they reported in the journal Molecular Cell.

AML is one of the hardest leukemias to treat, with a five-year survival rate of about 27% in adults. The Penn team had been searching for precision medicine approaches that could improve the prognosis for adults with AML, and they turned to CRISPR for help.

ZMYND8 is known as a “histone reader” in cancer that can recognize epigenetic changes and influence gene expression involved in metastasis.