

Archive for the ‘alien life’ category: Page 113

Apr 8, 2018

Celebrate the Voyager Golden Record with David Pescovitz: London (April 17) and New York City (April 12)

Posted by in category: alien life

This week and next, I’ll be visiting the Sonos stores in New York City (4÷12) and London (4÷17) for a free listening party celebrating the Voyager Golden Record, the iconic message for extraterrestrials launched into space 40 years ago. I’ll do a short multimedia presentation about this inspiring artifact and we’ll play the first ever vinyl release of the Voyager Golden Record that I co-produced with my friends Tim Daly and Lawrence Azerrad. Admission is free. No tickets remain for the New York City event but depending on the number of “no shows,” there may be availability at the door. And if you’re in London, please do RSVP right here! I hope to see you!

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Apr 2, 2018

China’s Space Station Wasn’t the End. Three More Satellites Expected to Crash to Earth This Week

Posted by in categories: alien life, habitats, satellites

Tiangong 1, China’s fallen space station, is now in pieces somewhere on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, but it’s hardly the last spacecraft that will plunge to earth. In fact, by the end of the week, three more are expected to re-enter the atmosphere.

Two pieces of space junk from Kazakhstan and one from India are headed home, part of the surprisingly regular amount of cosmic debris that falls to earth each year. The first could occur as early as tomorrow evening, according to

PSLV R/B, an Indian spacecraft that was launched Nov. 4, 2013, is expected to reenter the atmosphere at approximately 6:30 p.m. ET Tuesday. That will be followed Wednesday at 7:30 p, m, ET by FLOCK 2E-3, a Kazakh spacecraft that has been orbiting earth since Nov. 19, 1998. Finally, Friday morning at approximately 10:24 a.m. ET, FLOCK 2E’-6, another Kazakh orbital will fall to earth.

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Mar 27, 2018

The ‘alien megastructure’ is acting weird again

Posted by in category: alien life

Tabby’s Star has dimmed by 5% – the lowest dip seen since it was first observed in 2013.


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Mar 23, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Evolution of the New SuperHuman — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: alien life, bioengineering, business, cosmology, DNA, genetics, health, life extension, transhumanism

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Mar 14, 2018

Stephen Hawking’s TV show is now free to watch online

Posted by in categories: alien life, robotics/AI

Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places, a three-part TV series that made its debut in January, has been made available to watch online for free in honor of Hawking’s life, according to tech and science video streaming site CuriosityStream. The renowned astrophysicist passed away today in Cambridge, England. He was 76.

The final episode, which had still not been released, was also published today for free.

In the show, Hawking takes trips in a digital spaceship called the S.S. Hawking to the sun and planets in our solar system and beyond. In the first episode, Hawking ponders how AI can impact a civilization over time, not on Earth, but on an alien planet where its inhabitants appear to have left or gone extinct.

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Mar 5, 2018

This Strange Species That Lives Off Nuclear Energy Is Like Alien Life on Earth

Posted by in categories: alien life, nuclear energy

When you’re trying to figure out what alien life might look like, it makes sense to be looking in the most extreme environments Earth has available.

One such place where life has been found to thrive is three kilometres (1.86 miles) beneath the ground, the home of one of the strangest lifeforms we know: the bacterium Desulforudis audaxviator.

It lives in complete dark, in groundwater up to 60 degrees Celsius (140 Fahrenheit) — an environment devoid of sunlight, oxygen or organic compounds.

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Mar 3, 2018

A Nearby Planet Thought to Host Life Was Just Blasted With Radiation

Posted by in category: alien life

Since its discovery in 2016, the exoplanet Proxima b has been one of our most promising candidates for extraterrestrial life. Recent news that a powerful solar flare blasted the planet with radiation in March 2017 may have dashed those hopes of habitability.

In 2016, when scientists confirmed the discovery of Proxima b, a potentially habitable, Earth-sized planet orbiting the star Proxima Centauri, it was cause for astrobiological celebration. Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to our solar system — just 4.24 light-years away — so, in the search for extraterrestrial life, we’d found a promising candidate in our cosmic backyard.

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Mar 2, 2018

Can Earth be hacked by aliens? Scientists say messages from space could destroy life as we know it

Posted by in categories: alien life, military, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

The researchers also suggested that aliens could “gift” us with an artificial intelligence (AI) system that may trick humans into developing self-replicating nanobots and eventually deploy them to wreak havoc on our planet. The researchers argue that it would be cheaper for aliens to “send a malicious message to eradicate humans compared to sending battleships”.

In one scenario, the researchers argued that a message from aliens could be a panic-inducing statement like “We will make your sun go supernova tomorrow”. According to the researchers, if such a threatening message is received in just one location, it may be possible to contain and even destroy it. “If it is received repeatedly, perhaps even by amateurs, containment is impossible,” the researchers wrote in a paper available online on arXiv.

In another scenario, the scientists argue that humans could be tricked into begetting their own demise by aliens offering the “gift” of knowledge. For instance, aliens could transmit a message that reads: “We are friends. The galactic library is attached. It is in the form of an artificial intelligence (AI) which quickly learns your language and will answer your questions. You may execute the code following these instructions…”

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Feb 23, 2018

A Little Robotic Submarine Could Ply Alien Seas

Posted by in categories: alien life, robotics/AI

NASA is designing a robot submarine to explore the ultrachilly, hydrocarbon-filled seas on Saturn’s moon Titan — the only body in the solar system, apart from Earth, with liquid on its surface. Researchers have been testing the probe with a bucket-sized mock alien ocean in a lab.

The seas of Titan are very different from their counterparts on Earth: instead of seawater, Titan’s seas consist mainly of a frigid mixture of methane and ethane, at a temperature of around minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 184 degrees Celsius). That’s what NASA’s Cassini spacecraft and its Huygens probe, which landed on Titan in 2005, found.

The plan is to send the autonomous submarine into the largest sea on Titan. called Kraken Mare, from the name of a Scandinavian sea-monster and the Latin word for “sea,” the extraterrestrial sea covers 155,000 square miles (400,000 square kilometers) of the moon’s surface. (The second-largest sea on Titan, about a quarter the size of Kraken, is Ligeia Mare, named after one of the monstrous sirens of Greek mythology.) [See Photos of Titan’s Oceans].

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Feb 16, 2018

Scientists find nearly 100 new ‘exoplanets’ in hunt for life in space

Posted by in categories: alien life, innovation

Scientists have discovered nearly 100 new ‘exoplanets’ in the search for Earth-like planets that could support life.

It’s a major breakthrough that reveals new planets that range in size from smaller than Earth to celestial bodies even bigger than Jupiter.

The findings were made by a team of international colleagues from the University of Denmark, NASA, the University of Tokyo and others.

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